President Rufus
06-25-2005, 12:13 AM
Many people throw these two characters away as soon as they get them but i found a good use for them I USE both of the in my party:

Cait Sith:the fortune teller also Reeve, Shinra's Head of Urban Development, created it to spy of Cloud and the group.

Yuffie:the cunning thief that is out to save Wutai from tourism

These 2 people provide a great amount of luck for me but also jinxes me sometimes,but rarely.

For enstaince Cait Sith saved me from Jenova Life (forgot the water ring :whatever: ) and once from the thing that looks like the Materia Keeper in the northern crater the first time(used Magic breath once and killed Yuffie and cloud)by using slots and getting the mogs thus making his stuffed mog
grow larger and via *doubleing :confused: :confused: :confused: * his Hp and MP saving me from death!

Yuffie for another matter is quick thus aiding in attacking very quickly
Her 2-2 or 3-2 limit break is very helpful on defeating high hp bosses for enstince if u deal 500 per strike and u used 2-2 limit break this attaks for 10 time delivering 5000 damage if you only have one boss to battle it is another story for 1 and over

But they have both been very handy and yuffie makes a good healer anyway.
Cait Sith has 6 or 7 attacks for his slots to see the go and yuffie's r there to
he has only used his joker once on me b 4 but he is very useful

06-25-2005, 10:16 PM
The joker attack, no matter how unlikely you are to get it, makes cait siths limit too risky to rely on imo. Ive never really used him much in my party at all, only when forced to.

I agree with you on Yuffie though. Shes fast and pretty strong and her 3-2 limit break hits 15 times, making it a weaker version of omnislash pretty much. The last time i played i used her as my magic caster/summoner/healer, but her attacks still did about 2000 dmg for every hit in that limit. I just wish that all creation was a cumulative attack, because as it is, it sucks ass against bosses.

Most people dont like her because of the whole stealing all of your materia thing at wutai but shes a great fighter.

06-25-2005, 10:38 PM
I never used cait sith seeing as too many other character are better than him in any way, as for yuffie i had her with destuct materia and loads of counters etc so in the final battle she was extremely useful,

06-25-2005, 10:43 PM
i only used cait sith n yuffie on one game...but i will use yuffie again because her limits are rather said above

dyne trance
06-25-2005, 11:03 PM
Yuffie is actually useful. I like her - she's funny and good in battle.

cait sith on the other hand... Square is still wondering where they went wrong >>

President Rufus
06-28-2005, 05:18 AM
I find them both very useful I use cait sith a mime and yuffie as a magiuc person and cloud as a attacker

06-28-2005, 05:22 AM
Both of them were useful, in my opinion.

06-28-2005, 05:37 AM
I used cait sith as my summoner and he was great. I don't see why people hate him so much

06-28-2005, 07:20 AM
i only use yuffie because of her conformer weapon and used her counter attack strategy to beat emerald weapon

but i never use cait sith

06-28-2005, 01:06 PM
i used yuffie alot in battle because her limits were brilliant and i havnt used cait sith though because i just find the sight of him annoying..

Hex Omega
06-28-2005, 01:06 PM
Yuffie is a good fighter.As already stated, her Limit breaks are top-notch and she can fight in the back-row.Cait Sith I have never used much.

06-28-2005, 07:15 PM
I don't use cait sith much because every time i use his limit break i'm unlucky enough to get the one that kills everyone and i keep getting a game over (Safer Sephiroth 4hours of gameplay damn that was annoying) I think Yuffies alright though coz she's actually really strong on her own, i figured that one out from trying to do the tower in Wutai at level 14 =)

06-28-2005, 08:31 PM
i only used Caith Sith because of his limit SLOTS, and Yuffie bcos she also had some good limits to.

Hex Omega
06-28-2005, 08:33 PM
Never been a fan of Cait Sith's limit breaks.Far too unpredictible.

06-28-2005, 09:14 PM
thats my point exactly because i ended up with the one that gives you a game over about 5 times in a row =)

07-01-2005, 02:50 AM
I'm just kind of prejudiced against Yuffie because of the Materia thing, so I refuse to use her. I know it's unfair of me to be so judgmental, but that's how I am in video games.

Cait Sith is good, because he has a lot of HP and you can load him down with materia (something I really like to do).

07-01-2005, 10:14 AM
but you need yuffie to get leviathan and i found that summon quite useful =)

07-02-2005, 09:50 PM
I never really used that summon.