06-23-2005, 12:41 AM
Hey everyone, thanks for taking the time to check out this topic, it�s already greatly appreciated. Now as I mentioned in the title of my post, I (along with a couple of other people) am assembling a development team to start work on a half-Life 2 Modification that is Final Fantasy 7 inspired. Now if you don�t exactly grasp what I�m trying to say, then I�ll lay it out even easier for you� With Half Life 2 people are always releasing game modifications for it� Games such as Counter Strike and Day of Defeat are two of the more popular mod series that have been publicly released for Half Life (and in the case of CS, Half Life 2 as well.) But, what we [myself and my buddies] have decided to do is to give fans something they have wanted for a long time - a Team Death-match styled game that incorporates Final Fantasy 7 characters, locations, weapons, magic, armor - you name it.

For the past couple of years (ever since modding became really popular) you all may have seen Final Fantasy mods in their early development stages. Unfortunately, these �games� never got passed those early stages and still to this day we have yet to see an FF-related mod come out for a pc game such as Half Life or Unreal Tournament. But, what I hope to do is change that terrible cycle and actually release the first ever Final Fantasy 7 mod which we are titling Final Fantasy VII: the Mako Conflict.

Right now the mod is still in it�s design phase and has yet to actually be put all together with actual in-game models, coding, etc. But that�s what I�m here for today. I�m looking for anyone who could help out with this project. Basically, we�re in need of these positions: a webmaster/designer, one Mapper, 3-4 Coders, a Sound Engineer, one 2d Artist, one 3d modeler, and one animator. For the coding specifically, we�re looking for someone who is experienced and believes they can take on the challenging task of actually re-programming some of code found in Half-Life 2. Considering we�re making this mod a TC (total conversion) we�ll be trying out a lot of new �technology� or mainly what all we can get away with in regards to figuring out some new features we can implement into the game to make it stand out above the crowd.

Basically we're all huge ff7 fans and would love to have a third-person style game that revolved around the idea of some sort of team Death-match putting the members of Avalanche (Cloud strife, Barret Wallace, Tifa Lockhart... basically all the good guys) against the members of Shin-Ra (Reno, Tseng, Rufus, Sephiroth *although he's not with Shin-Ra but still*)... We've been wanting to do this for about 3 years now, but knew that hl2 was right around the corner so we decided to wait until it came out - and now that it's out and it's summer time, which means a lot of people have a lot more free time, this is our chance to do this project.

Also, we are all adults (younger adults, but adults nonetheless) so we aren�t just some kids thinking they can make a game - we feel as if we know how things work well enough to where we can get this idea off the ground - and turn our thoughts into actions.

So, If you think you have the knowledge in any of these areas, or know someone who would be interested and has the ability as well, then please contact me at: [email protected] or on AIM: ImTotally1337 or on MSN: [email protected].

Again, thanks for your time. For more information, our website will be surfacing within the next day or two. I have typed out a lengthy information page that tells exactly what our mod is all about. The reason I have no posted it here is because I know no one likes to read long posts, so I decided to shy away from that idea. Heck, even this is extremely long for a forum post - but, well, that�s just the way it goes I suppose. ^_^

06-27-2005, 12:21 AM
is this going to be like Earth's Special Forces.......except FF7 style....sounds cool.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-27-2005, 01:13 AM

Unless you're planning to pay someone for the effort, don't expect any serious replies from people with the skills you are looking for.