06-22-2005, 08:33 AM
re: read after this paragraph for the ?

The consideration of possibilities in current games are very, in one easy word, minimal. Hmmmm.....Shall i go right or left? Hard question isnt it? Not really. FF games have not had to much "choice" in them and one of the most popularicly frantic dreams of each player is their favorite idealistic character (unless your desireous needs have already been met) and direct them in a non linear form where ever you want and yet return when your exploring appitite has been filled. If you want burly manliness with severe chronic jackass disease, you have that choice. If you want a twig with long blond soft as silk hair to his or her knees, you've got it. In an essence, the choice to create, almost (i know this is a bad comparison, but they are good at it) like how madden games provide the fully characterization of each detail or KOTOR, everquest, ect ect ect. We all know its not technically the most original feature a game, but wouldnt it be original to have a nearly pixel perfect character of your dreams and to your amazement see them in VMF's flowingly like Tidus?? So why cry?? Just dream.

---Lol, heres the ? Would Open enviorment rpg with character customization dramaticly enfluence gameplay in ff, positive or negatives.

Ill post obvious t/- later