06-21-2005, 10:58 PM
I am a new comer to the Final Fantasy series. I have Final Fantasy VIII for the pc and I think its great! I know alot of people do not like VIII but. . . anyway. Is there any news or possiblities of the later final fantasys say X or X-2 releasing on the pc platform? I don't have a PS2 anymore, mine died. . . then I bought an XBOX. Anyway I want to play these games, but I don't want to have to purchase another PS2 just to play them. . . If anyone has any news please respond.

06-21-2005, 11:51 PM
Welcome to the forums. :)

I don't think that Square-Enix will release FFX or FFX-2 in PC though. I just don't know. Maybe they will... or maybe not.

06-30-2005, 09:54 AM
hmmm i think they were just reserving those 2 for ps2 (i could be wrong though) =)

06-30-2005, 03:42 PM
While there are ways to play FF on an Xbox, they would require modification to the system and even then you would only be able to play the NES/SNES Final Fantsay games.

Unfortunately, to be able to play most of the mainstream Final Fantasy games out there, you would need a PS2. There are several on the PSOne and several on the PS2. The only "real" Final Fantasy game on the PC is FFXI. The rest (FF7 and FF8 for the PC) were merely hashed up ports that were done pretty poorly.

06-30-2005, 04:58 PM
I know that FFVII is for PC... its a good game, my favourite FF as a matter of fact

I don't think that SquareEnix will release them for PC, though. That was mainly a SquareSoft thing.

07-02-2005, 02:15 PM
there is a way to get final fantasy 1-6 on pc but i don't think it was actually released by squaresoft, but ff7 and ff8 were actually released by squaresoft on pc.
Square Enix probably won't release anything on pc unless they feel it will offer enough, e.g. Online play (for people who don't have X-Box).

07-02-2005, 03:43 PM
Actually, Eidos ported the US version of FF7 and 8... I have no idea about the European versions, if they actually existed.

07-02-2005, 04:04 PM
Eidos did the European/Australian ones as well.

You do know that Squaresoft and Square Enix Co. Ltd. aren't two different companies, right? The board of directors is pretty much the Square board.

Like MogKnight said, the PC versions were done pretty poorly - even Square Enix's own Final Fantasy XI isn't the most brilliantly designed piece of PC software around. The amount of money it would take to port Final Fantasy X to the PC wouldn't reflect the profits gained - people who like PC RPGs are a different breed, the sort (like me!) who prefers the BioWare-esque RPGs.

I'd suggest going to EB and picking up a second-hand PS2, and playing the games on that - with both Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 as platinum games, you should be able to pick up the system and both games for less than the price of two new-release PC games anyway.

fool bird
07-03-2005, 12:39 AM
i hope it all comes out on p-c and i think the amount of money they would meak as aopposed to the money they would have to spend to port it would be higher

07-05-2005, 05:09 PM
Hey, Final Fantasy should come entirely to the pc in three different packs
Final Fantasy: Diamont Dust: I - IV - VII
Final Fantasy: Heaven's Rage: II - V - VIII
Final Fantasy: Hellfire: III - VI - IX
Final Fantasy: Spira: X - X-2
All of this inclues MP3 collections, movies and images son we can make a fan's colection

07-05-2005, 09:45 PM
Actually you can play FF 1-9 on pc, but i don't think i can say how on FFshrine, can i pm him info?? also i think XII will be on pc as theres alot of money in it....and we know how square love money ��

Pixy Polly
09-19-2005, 12:25 AM
There is pc version for FFVII and it's available for XP as well. All you have to do is download the XP patch and install. Sadly, there's no later title other than VII and VIII for PC.
And I prefer playing on console better though.

09-19-2005, 02:16 AM
Please don't reply to threads made 3 months ago.

10-05-2005, 11:34 PM
i heard something about a FF game for PC, like an online version of it, but i dont remember i remember its going to be relased for xbox 360, i dont know about pc

10-06-2005, 01:20 AM
Who knows...maybe SE will release them on PC...but I prefer on the Playstation b/c there's less bugs and screw ups...

10-06-2005, 05:36 AM
Highly doubtful, and I dont think the ports of VII and VIII were bad at all, played fine for me.

10-08-2005, 01:09 PM
The pc versions of VII and VIII were good except for the music, the ps1 versions sounded much better.
While i hope they make more FF's for the PC i highly doubt they will.

10-18-2005, 09:17 AM
I cant see FFX OR X-2 making its way onto the PC. Its just like what Raidenex said. PC gamers are a whole different breed, and FFVII and VIII werent exactly a huge sucess on the pc. They tend to play best as platform RPG's.