09-13-2019, 02:33 PM
So, this awesome game has finally been released, and the music is great. There will be 3 CD OST later this month, but gamerip would be cool too. I am keeping my eyes open for music files but if someone already got them - you know the drill.

ps: buy DXM instead of you-know-what (cough, ASTR..whatever cough)

I am playing as a lady called Vaanah, and my Arsenal is called Zabriskij, so if you see that combo, it's me, I am a noob yet though, so I won't be online playing yet, but I will!

09-14-2019, 05:30 PM
Bump for this kick ass ost

09-15-2019, 08:05 PM
So, this awesome game has finally been released, and the music is great. There will be 3 CD OST later this month, but gamerip would be cool too. I am keeping my eyes open for music files but if someone already got them - you know the drill.

ps: buy DXM instead of you-know-what (cough, ASTR..whatever cough)

I am playing as a lady called Vaanah, and my Arsenal is called Zabriskij, so if you see that combo, it's me, I am a noob yet though, so I won't be online playing yet, but I will!

(as Barth): Duh, I... HEARD THAT!!!!

(normal voice): Anyways, I have some great news to report--

"Daemon X Machina came out on Switch a couple of days ago, and later this month, fans will be able to purchase a 3-disc soundtrack. It will only be offered in Japan, but Play-Asia has now opened import pre-orders."

Source: Nintendo Everything

09-23-2019, 04:28 AM
The OST was amazing in-game. Can't wait for the official release.