06-18-2005, 03:44 AM
Well my bf is letting me borrow Final Fantasy VIII.. ive played X and im going thru X-2 right now.. gerrr its harder fer me :-( .. im quite the brain dead type at times.. well i was just wondering if sumone could help me out with figuring the game out so i know what im doing. i watched my bf play the end of VII today and the fight with sephiroth was awsome.. hes KICK ARSE.. ^.^ well in hopes sumone can help me .. plz uhh comment back on this thread [i just joined up here im a newbie :-( ]

Hee hee Advent Children is out in Sept. 13!! SO CLOSE to my bday... Cant wait! (the trailors ive seen are.. SEXY O:] )

Dark Mage626
06-18-2005, 03:58 AM
:erm: Erm trailers...Ummm don't rush through the game too much. Stop to train once and a while. Especially before you go to Balamb and you have to fight two certain people. Because once your in balamb at a certain time you can't leave if you save. I don't wanna tell you who turns to the darkside so I won't use there names. lol the darkside!!!
Watch out for cerain GF's you can draw from bosses too. Explore the world too, there are extra places there for thee heck of it.

06-18-2005, 04:57 AM
Just for the future --- please don't include piolls completely unrelated to the thread topic. Also, consider choosing another font color --- that one is barely readable against the default background color.

06-18-2005, 10:02 AM
Just enjoy the game make sure you get the summons and try and do all the side quests most of all jut enjoy the game as that was its original purpose.

06-18-2005, 11:30 PM
Make sure that you draw spells everytime, or whenever you can. Especially the strong spells!

Also, hello and welcome to the forums, since you're new here. :)

Desert Wolf
06-23-2005, 12:13 AM
Just draw lots of spells and junction them.You should try to get newer weapons whenever you can as well.Good luck.

06-23-2005, 01:37 AM
-- edit ---

draw a lot of magic, all the time. especially when new magic appears (usually the ones you have never draw appear like this: "???") Also, train your characters, and when you have new stronger magic, learn to junction them correctly.

Get the other GF's early (like odin, and tonberry and brothers)... it helps to have them as soon as you possibly can get them (disc 2)

matt damon
06-23-2005, 02:24 AM
The poll is for ff7 and the topic is ff7... yet its in ff8 forum?

well for ff7, try to get the optional characters yuffie and vincent early on. That helps. Equip your materia evenly, dont put to much magic on one character cause that can seriously weaken them. Update your weapons often, and make sure to battle often. it helps.
um, the poll is FF7, but the topic is FF8.

06-23-2005, 03:21 AM

i thought she borrowed ff7. my mistake -_-

The Ricky
06-23-2005, 04:51 AM
Don't play the game unless you want brainless difficulty.

11 squall
07-14-2005, 07:00 AM
I have a system for the start of the game, it'll really get your game going well and make it a bit(alot) easier. Its not a cheet or any thing, and infact will boost your skills. Its far to long for me to right it now but if you want it just PM me and ill send it to you. To PM me just left click on my name and click 'send a private message to 11 Squall'.

Tidus 66
07-14-2005, 11:11 AM
Get used to card games, start to train til level 12, if you want to get used to the batle system fight a T-Rexaur, but have lots of potion, it's going to be a hard battle, draw some scans, and elemental magic, hmmm go to Balamb to win your cards with Zell's mom, teach quezacotl card and card mod, get used to junctioning

07-15-2005, 02:27 AM
11 squall --- please don't post messages with offers of help just soliciting someone to PM you. Especially when you're reviving a thread that's over three weeks since the last activity and the original poster probably isn't still reading. I'm gonna close this since we already have another sort of general "I'm starting out, please help" type thread posted close to the top.