08-03-2019, 08:00 AM

SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy Original Soundtrack+

Contrase�a / Password: sonixgvn


Aprovecho para decirles si alguien sabe donde descargar el soundtrack, en el mismo foro hay links pero estan fuera de linea y sin poder descargar, para mi es muy importante conseguir este soundtrack, muchas gracias.

Google translator:
Take this opportunity to tell them if anyone knows where to download the soundtrack, in the same forum there are links but they are offline and can not download, for me it is very important to get this soundtrack, thank you very much.
TVPanic Presents Drama Fan Disc Vol.3 THE KING OF FIGHTERS 2000

Aca pude encontrar donde ponen el link pero el mismo esta fuera de linea, el usuario kirarax dejo de estar activo por lo que mire su perfil, si alguien sabe donde puedo descargar este soundtrack se lo agradecere.

Google translator:
Here I could find where they put the link but it is offline, the user kirarax stopped being active so I looked at his profile, if anyone knows where I can download this soundtrack I will appreciate it.

10-26-2019, 01:11 PM
thanks!!! just missing the theme of skullomania (amusementive crime) and thief arthur (combat exercise~bravery flame)