lord braska
06-17-2005, 01:21 PM
i never play this game because i never have ps1. so could anybody tells me about this game, where this happen, the character aname, and are they like yuna , i means that they journeys has anything to do with evil women

Corrupt Melfice
06-17-2005, 01:28 PM
FINAL FANTASY 8: a story of a reluctant hero Squall Lionheart, who is dragged into a battle that he never wanted any part of. He's a member of Balamb garden, and took a field exam to become a SeeD. throught game you fine stories of love, rivalries, time travel soceresses etc.

Balamb Garden: a sort of School for millitary training

Seed: The offical name for their school military

i know i aint explained that much, but someone else will be able 2 do it better

lord braska
06-17-2005, 01:39 PM
so who is the villains.and why did this leon wanted to take part in the battle. is he lost something very preicious.and is he the only playable character

Tidus 66
06-17-2005, 01:40 PM
FF VIII, starts in a middle of a war, Between Galbadia and Dollet, there is a mercenary organization SeeD that have they're HQ called Garden in Trabia, Galbadia and Trabia, One of the cadets is Squall lionheart, lone wolf, anti-social, wields the Gunblade, him, Zell who is a character a blonde fighting style character, and Seifer ( Your rival), being leadered by Quistis ( character and an instructor) to become SeeD you are sent in a mission to help Dollet resist the Galbadian attack, there you meet Selphie who is a character and also a SeeD cadet, after being victourios, Seifer is punished by his actions, and you are condecorated, Then in the "graduation party", You meet Rinoa, who at start loves Seifer, but she starts to like Squall, she is outgoing, and very talkative just like Rikku, the opossite of Squall, the next day Squall, Zell, and Selphie are sent in a mission to help Rinoa to get Timber( country subjugated by Galbadia) independence, After an useless atempt, Seifer and Quistis attack the dictator of Galbadia, who was anouncing they're "secret weapon" a Sorceress( witches feared by all people), Seifer is converted to the sorceress, leaving the group in a bad situation, after escaping from Timber they go to Galbadia Garden were they receive orders to assassinate the sorceress using they're best sniper Irvine who joins the group, after the failure of the asssination, the events go on, including duels with sorceress, fights with Seifer and his comrades, and Squall and Rinoa relation, ohh i forgot to tell, in some parts of the game you fall into a dream state, where you get control of a different Party that is the past of a guy called Laguna, the two storys progress until in Disk 3 the events colide, and the two parties meet, the person who is responsable for dream state is in fact a childhood friend of Squall Named Ellone, hope this clears your mind, the game is totally different from FF-X

lord braska
06-17-2005, 01:45 PM
i want to know more about it. so could you explain about the character . please. i never play this game before, so if you tell me much maybe i have an interest to buy this game and buy ps1 aswell

Tidus 66
06-17-2005, 01:56 PM
Squall is a very complexed guy, when he was young he was in an orphanage where he adored a girl that he called Sis ( In fact Ellone), in Disk 2, you find out that the Whole party minus Rinoa were at the orphanage and they were friends, but the use of GF's ( Aeons) took parts of they're memories, so just Irvine ( he didn't use GF's until he joined the party) remembered and when he explained everyone seemed to remember, Squall doesn't want to get friends because he's afraid of loosing them, he avoids leadership roles, but he is always dragged to situations, Laguna loved a woman called JULIA, but when he was sent to war Julia married a Coronel, and then gave birth a child called Rinoa, Rinoa hates the galbadian empire, so she often fights with her parent, wanna know more PM me

lord braska
06-17-2005, 02:00 PM
so what is the full name of this GFand who is the one that can summon this thing .could you please tell me more about the game and i think i understand about this leon so i want to no about someone else and why this rinoa hates the empire and who is ellone.

Tidus 66
06-17-2005, 02:10 PM
GF stands for Guardian Forces, evryone can use as many as they want, But, the GF can only be "assigned" to help one character, like if Squall has Ifrit, nobody else can use Ifrit, the GF's, aren't like Aeons, you choose Gf option select the GF and then a blue gauge appears, when the gauge reache Zero, the Gf appearsand does his attack, like an overdrive and then he goes away, you can summon them as much as you can, they have theyre own HP, Rinoa hates the empire, because Galbadia uses war, and tries to conquer all world, the only contry that can rivalize is Esthar, but that country is unreachable, and there aren't any info about wath happened to them, Ellone was born in a village called Winhill, her parents ddied killed by "fiends" a Woman called Raine took care of her, When Laguna goes to Winhill he takes care of Ellone, but due to her magic potential she is kidnapped, Laguna leaves Raine that was pregnaant of his kid alone, and sets of on a journey o find Ellone, he finally meets her at Esthar, Sorceress Adel was trying to have her has her disciple, due to her capability to take people to the past, after beating Adel, Laguna saves Ellone, then he finds that Raine died, and Ellone is sent to an orphanage, were he meets Zell, Squall ( That is Laguna's son but he doesn't know), Quistis and Seifer, Selphie and Irvine

lord braska
06-17-2005, 02:24 PM
how many kind of this gf. can yuo please tell me more about the character, galbadia is a country right, so how they uses war( i really don't understand this part) . and laguna is leonfather , so why did he didn't realize it.

Tidus 66
06-17-2005, 02:37 PM
There is Quezacotl, a Thunderbird he casts lightning damage, Ifrit, Shiva, Siren a mermaid she uses non-elemental damage and casts silence, Diablos, a devil, uses a kind of hyper powered Demi, Brother, two minautaur uses earth damage, Carbuncle , kind of a little animal with a ruby on her head casts reflect on your party members, Leviathan, a water serpent castes water damage, Pandemona, a man/bird that casts wind damage, cerebrus, a three headed dog casts triple and doble on your party, Alexander, a robot giant castes holy damage, Cactuaur, uses 1000 needles, but if he is at a high level he uses a different amount of damage, Bahamut, uses non elemental damage, Tonberry, uses chef's knife, and Eden that is the only with break damage limit, then there are GF's that appear sometimes, Odin does zantetsuken ( zabnmato), Gilgamesh, after third disc he apperas in place of Odin, has the same attack, but he has other as well, Phoenix, fire damage and mega phoenix on your party, have to use phoenix pinion, Chicobo, use a gysal green, fire damage, Galbadia wants to conquer the other countrys, Dollet, Balamb, Esthar, and Centra, so it is in war with those country's, When Raine died Squall was sent to an orphanage still as a baby, so he doessn't know his parents, Laguna only talks to Squall in the end of the game

lord braska
06-17-2005, 02:42 PM
so who is this seifer, eden, adel and ultimacia. and did this game has an overdrive too. and i have check a website and they said domething about a card.so what its function

06-17-2005, 02:56 PM
I dont mean to be rude but you could just play the game and find all this out for yourself.

06-17-2005, 02:59 PM
Seifer = Squall's Rival, also weilds a gunblade (Sword/Gun hybrid)
Eden = The final GF (Guardian Force) It's attack (Eternal Breath) is unstoppable.
Adel = A sorceress, who terrorised the Centra (Extinct race that launched her into orbit around the planet)
Ultimecia = The Final boss, and the Ultimate in terror

From now on, mark threads like this with a spoiler tag

Tidus 66
06-17-2005, 06:52 PM
Seifer is an cadet as Squall, he was in the orphanage, when he is subjugated by the sorceress he became her's knight, a kind of bodyguard, Eden, is a kind of spaceship, Adel is the sorceress that ruled Esthar until she was sent to space by Laguna, Ultimecia is the sorceress of the future who wants to rule the world, by joining past future and present, cards are a mini-game like sphere break, you can use the cards to acquire items, some needed to weapon upgrades, the overdrives are called limit break, Squall is like Tidus blitz ace, and it's called renzokuken, the finishing blow is diferent from wepaon to weapon it could be Rough divide a spiral cut move, fated circle, causes damage to all enemies, blasting zone that also causes damage to all, and lionheart who gives an 2� renzokuken but more powerful, Zell is duel, wich allows you to use fighting skills, that come available after reading some magazines, Rinoa uses his dog techinques, learned with a special pet magazine, and in after the space station, she has the power to cast magic more powerfully, Irvine fires the bu.llets in stock in a space of 30 seconds, and Selphie uses a kind of slots, when you can cast very powerful magic, some only available with the limit break, Quistis has the same limit break as Kimahri, she learns fiends abilytis thru items

Corrupt Melfice
06-17-2005, 06:56 PM
FF8 cant really be explained.. buy a PS2 or PS3 n play it

lord braska
06-17-2005, 07:01 PM
but you say that gf is a thing that support the character, so why did the EDEN is a bad guy. so where can you collect the magazine and whats it function than upgrading power or whatever. so you mean that each weapon has its own limit break power. tell me more about this ultimacia and why did this seifer become a evil . you saysthat he was cadet like leon so could you tell me more.

Tidus 66
06-17-2005, 07:11 PM
... The gf's aren't in temples, some you get, other's you fight with, and others, you steal from enemy's using the Draw command, Eden you get by stealing Ultima Weapon, the magazines can be bought or you can find in the floor, there is Pet magazines, in wich are the techniques for Rinoa's dog to learn, there is a fighters magazines, were Zell's most powerful techniques are, there is weapon's monthly, in wich you see the latest models of weapon's, in X you bought weapon's, in VIII you remodel your's with items, there is a magazine called Occult Fan, in wich you can read tips to the location of GF Doomtrain, sorry i forgot him, he is a train and his attack is the same as a malboro's Bad breath and it also deals damage, Seifer had a dream, he wanted to be a sorceress knight, the sorceress manipulated him, and he decided that SeeD's were bad and the sorceress was good, so he finally acomplished his dream being a sorceress knight, he's only friends are two thugs, a girl ( Fujin) and a guy ( Raijin)

lord braska
06-17-2005, 07:18 PM
what, steal a gf, so thats mean gf is not really like the aeons. i get it, who is NORG. and why did they call the galbadia are a bad guy, and i still wanna no why ultimacia wanted so badly to take over the world and how many playable character.

i think i ask the same questions, it because i don't really understand what you are talking about. maybe you could replay it but make it short. please

Tidus 66
06-17-2005, 07:29 PM
6 playable character, Squall, Irvine, Zell, Rinoa, Selphie, Quistis, Laguna, Kiros, Ward, GF's are like spirits, not faiths, but they exist to help or to destroy, they can either be used for good, or for evil, Brothers, Odin, Ifrit, Cactuaur and Tonberry, Diablos, Cerebrus, Bahamut are acquired by fighting them, Quezacotl and Shiva are given to you, Carbuncle, Siren, Eden, Leviathan, Pandemona, Alexander are stealed from enemy's, Phoenix and Chicobo appear when you use items, Doomtrain is by collecting some items, Galbadia wants to rule the world, and SeeD are hired to save Timber, but when the sorceress appears the objective is to kill her, and she becomes leader of Galbadia, resume...to kill the sorceress SeeD have to beat Galbadia, Ultimecia is hated, and she wants to take over the world because she wants to be like every villan in the book...Rule the world

lord braska
06-17-2005, 08:40 PM
so how did they no that the sorcerer are a bad guy. well, can you tell me another important thing in this game, anything, that maybe i should know before buying this game. just anything

Tidus 66
06-17-2005, 08:46 PM
Because the sorceress killed the president of Galbadia live for a crowd, one thing you should know if you want a game that has inumerous sidequests, and is much more longer than FFX, if you want a great story of love, hate, and war, this is your game

06-17-2005, 11:04 PM
The HELL!? Just play the fucking game! Don't rely on others in explaining the game for you. Seriously, just buy it, if you're really a fan of Final Fantasy.

lord braska
06-17-2005, 11:11 PM
first, i did not talk with you, second, you just mocking me. thats not really good. and i try not to be mad, since you just coming onto my thread and say bad words. so, would you mine to get out since i ask question and is tidus 66 the one who will answer it , not you. so , move it.

06-17-2005, 11:50 PM
Buy the game. Won't you like to find out the answers yourself? Seriously.

Also, you can't just tell people to get out of the thread. All people here can say what they want, as long as it's on topic. It's not like you own the forums.

lord braska
06-17-2005, 11:56 PM
again, you do it again, see thats why i hate about you, just giving order. well i no that women like to do that but this is not your forums either, so neither you nor me cannot comand each other so just don't be to bossy. okay.

06-18-2005, 12:01 AM
again, you do it again, see thats why i hate about you, just giving order. well i no that women like to do that but this is not your forums either, so neither you nor me cannot comand each other so just don't be to bossy. okay.
I'm not ordering you to buy the game. I'm advising you to buy the game. Seriously, any person in here should be able to understand what I meant.

lord braska
06-18-2005, 12:03 AM
okay enough with this. or we will be banned. which you are the one that start this fight

06-18-2005, 12:07 AM
okay enough with this. or we will be banned. which you are the one that start this fight
Actually, it was you. Why? You replied to my first post in this thread as if I was flaming you or ordering you when I was really advising you to buy the game. :(

Okay, enough with this. I'm just saying.

lord braska
06-18-2005, 12:10 AM
i was the one who start this, now thats makes me really angry. oh, right now you ask me stop, on the critical moment, i just hope you happy, since in any second you will be banned for sure.

06-18-2005, 12:17 AM
i was the one who start this, now thats makes me really angry. oh, right now you ask me stop, on the critical moment, i just hope you happy, since in any second you will be banned for sure.
So now you're pissed off? Just because I told you what your fault is? Honestly, I don't think the forums ban people who just reply what they've got to say about the topic. I think they ban people who starts arguments like this, which is you.

Just accept your mistake.

lord braska
06-18-2005, 12:19 AM
now , i tried to fight with women. so would you just please shut up and send something else. i never have fight since i come here and today i will have to fight and it all started because of you.

06-18-2005, 12:25 AM
Sorry, I don't fight with people like you.

Just so you know, my advice for you for the last time; Buy the game, and find the answer to your questions yourself.

06-18-2005, 04:56 AM
You both oughta've taken it to PM. So long, thread.