02-14-2002, 02:00 PM
I know this might seem a bit sad but the other day I was playing FF8 and I turned the volume pretty loud (I like to play my games loud, makes them more interesting, try it sometime), and I was at that part on disc 2 when they were all remembering about being in the orphanage. Then Irvine mentioned that their matron's name was Edea Kramer. That's when that 'Fithos Lusec Wecos Venosec' music popped up. It gave me such a fright. Went straight down my spine.

I was just wondering if anything like that happened to you guys.

02-14-2002, 02:34 PM
im afraid not, i like to watch DBZ loud but nothing really happens becuse everything on DBZ kicks ass. but sometimes ill do what u do, i really only do it when im home allone and theres no one to bitch at me about the volume.


02-14-2002, 04:21 PM
I usually keep the volume low because my parents hate the repetitive music, but... hmm. I'm replaying it now, so I'll keep this question in mind, but off the top of my head the scariest thing I can think of is that scene where Seifer throws Rinoa at Adel. Adel was just plain creepy (actually, I think she and Kefka would make a really cute couple...) and poor Rinoa looked so frightened, and of course the battle with Adel/Rinoa was creepy looking, although I liked the concept of having to fight one while keeping the other alive. Really makes you think before you make your move. (But of course, it was really difficult, so I had to start it over a few times, which meant I had to watch that Adel scene a few times... :uh?: ) And maybe I'm just weird, but did anyone else think there was supposed to be some kind of Christian symbolism in that battle? I thought how Rinoa was sort of hanging on Adel cross-style was sort of symbolic of how Rinoa (and Edea, heck even Adel although I don't think you know about Ultimecia at that point in the game) was really innocent but suffering because of evil.

And the "Rinoa in Space" scene freaked me out slightly. Maybe I've got an overactive imagination, but I swear in one of the movie sequences where they close up on her face she really looks like she's dying, like her face has a sort of blue-ish tinge to it and her eyes have dark circles under them, like she's really suffering from the cold and lack of oxygen. I know they close up a few times, but it's only in one of them that she really looks like this, the others had her looking more normal. And the part where Squall has to catch her in space was kind of weird because they play this slow, peaceful music. I mean, here's Rinoa dying, Squall out in space risking his life to save her, knowing even if he does catch her chances are they won't be able to get back to the escape pod (they didn't know about Ragnarok at this point, right? I had the impression that Squall's plan was more "I'll try to get us to safety and if I can't then at least we'll die together" than "I'll definitely be able to save both of us.") and the music is all calm and peaceful. Creepy.

02-14-2002, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by ssj10Goku
im afraid not, i like to watch DBZ loud but nothing really happens becuse everything on DBZ kicks ass. but sometimes ill do what u do, i really only do it when im home allone and theres no one to bitch at me about the volume.


About FF8... no, nothing really scared me... the bad storyline maybe:D

02-14-2002, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Reno


About FF8... no, nothing really scared me... the bad storyline maybe:D

HEY dont dis FF8 :mad:

....anywayz, the part what Fujin said, when seifer throws Rinoa into Adel...sooooo freaky.
and also when ever the creepy Edea music comes on *shive runs down spine* brrrrr :(


02-14-2002, 08:30 PM
I listen to the game fairly loud, but I was never frightened by the game. I'm usually never paying enough attantion while playing RPG's and miss the little details.

02-14-2002, 10:26 PM
I did that in the beggining and my Volume button was lodged in the TV, i couldnt stop it, it was full blast and was playing the beggining music when you start a new game.

02-14-2002, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Jade
...Then Irvine mentioned that their matron's name was Edea Kramer. That's when that 'Fithos Lusec Wecos Venosec' music popped up. It gave me such a fright. Went straight down my spine...

That music FULLY freaks me out. This might make me sound like a sissy, but when I hear that music, I mute my TV. I just dont like. Its freaky and gives me a bad vibe

02-14-2002, 10:56 PM
I'm going to sound like an idiot saying this, but are "Fithos Lusec Wecos Venosec" and "Liberi Fatali" the same song? I can't download midis or mp3s of either because my IP is being unbelievably slow. IIRC, Liberi Fatali plays during the opening FMV (where Squall and Seifer fight) and at certain points in the game (IIRC Adel's scene is one of them) there's a song that sounds like Liberi Fatali being played in slow motion. (but maybe I just thought that because they're both in foreign languages).

Tidus N Auron
02-15-2002, 01:02 AM
Nothing really scared me about FFVIII

02-15-2002, 06:30 AM
the only thing that scared me was Squal's gayness. man he coulda totally had "no-gravity sex" in the ragnorok, but he never. what a loser!! (not really a loser though)


02-15-2002, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by Prophet
the only thing that scared me was Squal's gayness. man he coulda totally had "no-gravity sex" in the ragnorok, but he never. what a loser!! (not really a loser though)


That is by far the DOPEST post I have EVER heard. Much props to Prophet

02-15-2002, 02:20 PM
Scary? The only thing/person that gives me the creeps in the game is Adel. I mean, when she is breaking out of the seal.. she has this funky smile. Eeeks! She looks a lot like a clown there, and... clowns scare me. Other than that, nothing really. Well, when you are going to fight Edea for the second time at the end of disk 2 and she breakes through that glass... and you're not expecting it... yeah that could creep you out. Other than that :eye: this game isn't very scary. But it's a good one :)

- Ulti

02-15-2002, 02:40 PM
FF8 really didn't scare me at all. The only moment were I was somewhat shocked was when I saw Adel (the women on steriods) in battle for the first time, then I actually laughed at her o_O
Also, Edea looks somewhat scary in her first FMV xD

socks are kiff
02-15-2002, 02:44 PM
i never finished the game, so i don't know everything about it, but that music they play at the parade is kinda freaky. it kind of reminds me of something that i think would be playing at a satanic worship ritual or druid sacrifice or something.

02-15-2002, 03:03 PM
I never really got scared at any part of FF8. Tho I was really hoping that Squsll wasn't dead at the end. Kinda scary.

02-16-2002, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by Fujin

I'm going to sound like an idiot saying this, but are "Fithos Lusec Wecos Venosec" and "Liberi Fatali" the same song? I can't download midis or mp3s of either because my IP is being unbelievably slow. IIRC, Liberi Fatali plays during the opening FMV (where Squall and Seifer fight) and at certain points in the game (IIRC Adel's scene is one of them) there's a song that sounds like Liberi Fatali being played in slow motion. (but maybe I just thought that because they're both in foreign languages).

No, no you're only mistaken Fujin. Yes, you're right both songs are similar. But the opening song, 'Liberi Fatali' is a sort of Latin which means 'Fated Children'. Which is reflecting the whole game, this song helped me to understand the true meaning behind FF8. About 'Fithos Lusec Wecos Venosec' this means 'Succession Of Witches'. Which is why this is the theme used for everytime we see Edea or Adel.

I can PM you the whole meaning of the song if you want.

02-17-2002, 01:02 AM
Think I get it now. (I finally got to download mp3s of both of them.) And yeah, I've read about what they mean. (Fithos whatever is an anagram for "Succession of Witches" and "Liberi Fatali"... I forget. I remember thinking it meant something along the lines of "Fatal liberty" but it turned out to be a false cognate.)

Divine Strike
02-17-2002, 06:34 AM
I never got scared while playing ff8 the only game that got me startled was the first resident evil (damn dogs jumpin through the windows)

02-17-2002, 06:40 AM
scariest part? hmmmmm im not not a wuss but.. in the tomb of the kings i thought about what happened to that kid? i had nightmares the music was creepy aaahhhh i was scared. oh yea edea kinda creeped me out too.

02-17-2002, 06:53 AM
ive never been scared playing ff8 or any other game for that matter. but i get startled sometimes. like what divine strike said about the dogs in resident evil, also thoses damn crows bustin through the windows. that startled alot of people i know.

02-18-2002, 12:52 PM
A part in FF8 which scare me most is fighting Ultima Weapon, my heart beats fast, the first thought was "Damned, he's too tough, mom, help me" because my party was pretty weak at that time and 2 of 3 members were knocked down, but luckily, Squall peformed Lion Heart......

02-18-2002, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by ILL WILL

That is by far the DOPEST post I have EVER heard. Much props to Prophet

Illness. glad i got some agreements out there. keep in touch.


02-20-2002, 01:22 AM
I think it was pretty freaky when Rinoa's floating through space and...wait, wrong part, at the end when Squall is having his little flashy thing, they show a picture of Squall with a hole in his head where his face was, that's pretty freaky, I guess. How about in Resident Evil the journal of that guys that's like "I don't feel too well today" and the next day is like "Scot came today, his face was ugly so killed him, itchy tasty" That was pretty freaky, and my friend and I have this running gag where we'll kind of space out and scratch our arm and say "Itchy, tasty...brraaains...hey, Dave, let me see your ARM for a second, I have to taste test, I mean, I have to see it..." yeah, weird

02-20-2002, 02:02 AM
Ya FFVIII didn't scare me, and that 'Fithos Lusec Wecos Venosec' is like my favorite song.

But I have to agree that "Resident Evil" gives me the creeps, that and "Silent Hill". I turn up the volume really loud when I play, and for those two games I'll turn off the music so I can just hear the footsteps and the zombies and stuff. It's SO much scarier that way! Also in "Silent Hill" when you're health is low there's this loud thumping heartbeat, like you're gonna' die (isn't it the same in Resident Evil? anyway) the dual-shock controller will vibrate to the beat of a heartbeat. Very creepy. I've had to stop games in the middle, I need to be in a great mood to play.


02-20-2002, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by ZellDincht
at the end when Squall is having his little flashy thing, they show a picture of Squall with a hole in his head where his face was

What? When was that?! I do remember in the weird "flashy thing" they showed the face plate of Rinoa's space suit breaking open. I'm surprised I forgot to mention that first time I posted in this thread, because, not to sound melodramatic but that seriously made me feel sick.

02-27-2002, 02:05 AM
This is going to sound sad and pathetic...but I'm not above humiliating myself to give others a good laugh, so here goes...

The first time I played thru the Galbadia missile base section, when the party gets locked in and the base explodes, I didn't realize at first that it was part of the game--I thought I had screwed up. I was especially traumatized since I had put Irvy-the-love-of-my-life in that party. Yikes! that was a scary couple of minutes until I checked the menu screen and saw that he was still there.

Now, when I'm in an evil mood I like to put Selphie and Rinoa in that party and watch them blow up...I just wish there was a way to get Squall in that party too...sigh.

02-27-2002, 02:37 AM
Yeah, and if Quistis is in your party she's all like "Did Squall choose me for this because he knew I'd die?" :( IIRC Rinoa says something similar if she's in your party.

02-27-2002, 04:14 AM
Heh heh heh...Yeah. When they say that, I usually laugh evilly and say, "No. I put you there 'cos I knew you'd die!!!! (Yes. I talk back to the game...it's a sickness)

02-27-2002, 04:40 AM
I don't play my music too loud, but that's happen to me twice:

DISC 1---When Rinoa ran away from the Caraway mansion and went to the sorceress...when she's about to give Edea the amulet thingie and then suddenly Rinoa is pushed back by some supernatural force...I've played this game like 7 times but I still get chills when I see that part.
The same thing as the "Filthos Wecos Lusee Vinosec..." during the part when Irvine talks at Trabia. Nearly everytime I saw Matron, I freaked out the first 3 times. I'm pretty weird

02-27-2002, 04:47 AM
Omg, that 'Fithos Lusec Vecos Winosec' or whatever it's called scared the crap outta me especially when they're talkin about the Matron being Edea! The only reason the music scared me though was because it was in slow motion and it sounded like some zombies or something! LoL:D

02-27-2002, 05:06 AM
Originally posted by Quycksylver
Heh heh heh...Yeah. When they say that, I usually laugh evilly and say, "No. I put you there 'cos I knew you'd die!!!! (Yes. I talk back to the game...it's a sickness)

You'd want to kill Quisty?! :( That's horrible! Now, Selphie on the other hand..

I would not be surprised if a lot of people talk to the game. Personally, I don't out loud except for the occasional "RAGE" (which can be strange during the posse fight. The game screamed "RAGE" back at me... :rolleyes: ), and of course when Selphie suggests escaping from the prison by jumping down ten stories I have to say "You first, Selphie! You first!" but I've heard other people talk to games or books. (I can't read if my mom is reading in the same room. She has a tendency to talk to the characters. :uh?: It will be completely quiet and all of a sudden I'll hear my mom saying "No, no, don't do that!!! I'll wonder what the heck I'm doing wrong and then realize she's reading a mystery or something.)

02-27-2002, 09:49 AM
There weren't any parts that scared me. Parts that amazed me, yes, and parts that really i9ntrested me (that sounds sooo dull), but no scary parts. FF7, that's where the scary parts are.

03-01-2002, 12:04 PM
I wasnt scared by any of it. BTW, Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec dosnt actually mean Succession of Witches, it is an anagram of Succession of witches, and the remaining 4 letters spell the word "love"

03-02-2002, 11:05 AM
whenever I play the game, and get to the part just b4 I battle with the bosses especially Adel(who looks like michael jackson), I tend to freak out, and run the hell out, accidentally bumping with my bro, who yells and tell me to act normal for goodness sake.......especially when they play that damn liberi fatali song, I tried to sing with it just to calm my nerves.......oh man, i probably got scared gazillion times...

03-02-2002, 11:35 PM
not really creepy, but scary and definately nerve-wracking was fighting ultima and omega weapon for the first time.

03-03-2002, 07:08 AM
scariest moment fer me in ffVIII was:

in the ending, when they show all of these cutscenes of mostly rinoa, and rinoa seems all discolored. that waz sooo creepy for me cuz it looked like she had no face and that waz just freaky fer me.


03-03-2002, 02:31 PM
The absolute scarest part of the game was Selphie, and I could see through that fake smile she wanted to bump Rinoa off, so she could have Squall all to her self, she's a flirt. I always thought she would take over Rinoa and have Squall to herself by the end of the game,but that didn't happen. Just like Aeris died in FF7 and Tifa took over.

Oh, Prophet. If you think that Squall didn't have "no-gravity sex" I say how have you been looking at the game, it hints that they are going to do it, from the first kiss in space. Squall understands and loves Rinoa more after it so you could guess what happened.

03-03-2002, 06:20 PM
Watch the FFVII spoilers!!!!!! :Whatever:

I seriously doubt there was implied sex between Rinoa and Squall. Now, if you want to see implied sex, watch the end of the second disc (I think) of FFVII, after everyone else has left and Cloud and Tifa are on their own. I've heard a rumor that the Japanese version comes right out and says they slept together, but they had to change it for the American version.