06-23-2019, 11:58 PM
This is from the Steam Supporters DLC, and oddly is available in just ogg format. Superior to MP3, but we yearn for lossless.

Mega Link (https://mega.co.nz/#!CWAAjQQa!AAAAAAAAAADjkgJV5gXEFwAAAAAAAAAA45ICVeY FxBc) 620 MB

The soundtrack has no track numbers or any metadata for that matter, so I used the file names as a basis for track names then just numbered them according to the alphabetical order.

The game was 25% off yesterday, but has reverted to it's habituable price today. Perhaps it will beon sale again tomorrow or whenever the Steam Winter sale commences. Buy it when it's next on sale; it's made by Russians, it must be good. Russians have the correct bleak, pessismistic mindset for making 'endzeit' games.