06-14-2005, 02:49 AM

" careful of...." he said as his body went limp and his hand fell from her's "Tacun?" Tears swelled in her eyes, "T..Tacun!?" she yelled again. The rain dripped slowly on her umbrella. Her eye's were deep, she had no emotion on her face. The car in front of her drove slowly. Ever so often she would look at the car and then back down at the wet pavement. "Cho....Cho?" A man called out to her "Cho, I" she turned to him "Gido....please not right now I don't feel like talking right now.." She looked at the car again. It slowly stopped and so did Cho. She looked at the driver as he got out of the car and opened the back. Two other men from the crowd behind her helped to get the coffin from the back of the car. Her eye's widened as the coffin was carried over to a grave that was dug. A tombstone was right above the grave. It read "Here lies Tacun Hikomora, beloved friend".

Cho's alarm went off, Tacun had been dead for a month now. She got out of bed and looked out the window at the crowded streets and at smoke clouds above the city. She lives in a city that barely see's the sun. It had smoke clouds that were to thick to see through. She could barely remember what it felt like to have the sun shine on her face. She stepped out of the apartment. It seemed like it was going to rain but it always did. She walked along the sidewalk. "THIEF! THIEF!" a women yelled, the man bumped into Cho. She dropped her stuff into a puddle of water. She looked at the man as he fled the scene of the crime, then back down at her stuff in the puddle a little plushie pink dog sat in the puddle it's body half wet and half dry. She picked it up and and put it in her coat pocket then continued to walk to work.

Drawings of little strange animals were scattered all over her desk. Every couple of seconds she would click her mouse looking through more animal drawings. "Hey Cho you have any thoughts for our next money maker?" A man said standing behind her looking at all the pictures. "Oh, Mister Kimegawa, not yet, i'm sorry." Then she went back to looking at the drawings on her computer. "Well, Cho you better start thinking and quickly." "We need something new" he said, as he walked out of her cubeacule. She then looked down at a note that Kimegawa sat on her desk while she wasn't paying attention. It read "Cho you must hurry and think of some new ideas Nookie is still selling but we need more. I'm sorry but if you don't we might just have to fire you...." She looked blankly at the note then tore it up.

Cho walked along the sidewalk to her apartment. It always seemed different at night. She heard something behind her and turned to see what made the noise. Nothing was there. She continued to walk to her apartment then, there was another nosie behind her. She began to walk faster. She heard the nosie again this time it was closer. She began to run as fast as she could. Her heart was racing. She was afraid. She could see the corner of the sidewalk beyond that was her apartment. She began to run faster. Then she tripped, tears rushed to her eyes as she fell to the ground. She thought no please no! She hit the ground. Drawings and her pink plushie dog scattered. She looked behind her nothing was there no more noise. She began to pick up the papers. Her little dog had fallen under a car. She reached under trying to grab it. She ripped her sleeve and cut her arm. She wimpered a little. She got the little plushie from under the car and put it in her coat pocket. Then the nosie was back. She froze in an instant. This time the noise was right behind her. She turned her head slowly. There right infront of her face was a white baseball bat with a blood stain on it. A figure stood there. She could not see his face just his grim smile. He raised the bat and swung it at her. It hit her on the shoulder. She got up and began to run again. She made it to her apartment and quickly opened the door. Got in, shut it, and locked it. She was safe from her attacker. She sat down tears still in her eyes. She began to dose off .

"Chooo oh Cho wake up" Cho opened her eyes to see who was calling her name. To her suprise it was her pink plushie dog. It's big eyes looked at her "Cho why did you not listen to Tacun's warning?" Cho's eyes widened "Your just a stuffed animal you can't talk" she said. As the little dog played with the air tripped and pouncing. "Cho what do you mean, you made me" Cho got up and looked out the window. There outside of her window was a wall. She could not see out "What are you?" Cho asked the little dog "I'm your creation. You don't know that?" I must be going crazy Cho thought as she walked over to the little dog and poked it in the belly. It let out a little laugh "Cho we shouldn't be playing" it said, as it, itself was playing with the air still "Cho do you know how Tacun died?" Cho looked at the little dog and began to think "Well, no not really but the docters said it was just that his heart gave out." The little dog then stopped playing with the air. "Cho didn't you ever stop to think someone may have murdered him?" Cho's eyes went deep with thought "No not really" she said as she sat back down "Then you should start looking into it. All those years you walked home you never got attacked. You being attacked and Tacun's death so close aren't just ironic" Then the dog fell over but didn't get back up and Cho woke up.

06-14-2005, 06:51 AM
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Thread 23367