Kuja Strife
02-14-2002, 11:52 AM
Hey all you budding Final Fantsasy gamers,
Are you interested in talking to other gamers from allover the world in a controlled environment then my not check out the Allegiance Chat Network

[URL snipped out by Nymph]

AT this site you can enter the biggest Final Fantasy Chatroom on the Internet at the moment. This has been proven as the biggest chatroom from AOL. So why not reap the rewards of the chat and join us at the site. When you arrive say to a man called Shady, Talon or STrongy that Kuja sent you. OK See ya all latar.


02-14-2002, 12:59 PM
Eh? Why not this place its a great place to chat about FF
with out all the swearing and stuff

02-14-2002, 03:05 PM
I'm sorry, advertising in posts is not allowed.. Closing.