06-15-2019, 08:48 PM
Hi, I'd like complete, untampered/edited gamerip scores for both of these games please if anyone has all the files? MP3 will be cool as it doesn't have to be FLAC but either will do.

Thanks and I really appreciate the effort that goes into making all of this possible as there are so many great songs that never make the official OSTs.


06-16-2019, 12:01 PM
untampered/edited gamerip scores
Did you mean to say "untampered & unedited gamerips"? I got it as you want to find initial or raw rips like the ones posted here (Thread 119745) or there (Thread 184321), am I wrong? It's just that you mentioning codecs confused me a bit since I don't see a reason to re-encode original unedited audio files (I mean modern highly interactive stuff when there're loops, variations & numerous beginnings/endings for the same loops) to MP3, FLAC or anything else.

Anyway if you want untampered rips from games there's a big site dedicated to them but you'll have to install a plugin named VGMstream to be able to listen to those without transcoding the tracks.


06-16-2019, 12:26 PM
Did you mean to say "untampered & unedited gamerips"? I got it as you want to find initial or raw rips like the ones posted here (Thread 119745) or there (Thread 184321), am I wrong? It's just that you mentioning codecs confused me a bit since I don't see a reason to re-encode original unedited audio files (I mean modern highly interactive stuff when there're loops, variations & numerous beginnings/endings for the same loops) to MP3, FLAC or anything else.

Anyway if you want untampered rips from games there's a big site dedicated to them but you'll have to install a plugin named VGMstream to be able to listen to those without transcoding the tracks.


Hi, yes I meant untampered and untedited just as they are. In Deus Ex there are often 3 "variations" of a song, the ambient, the panic and the success version. I found a rip on here but it was edited to fade out at the end of the tracks instead of the raw files which I'd prefer, hence the request. Format wise I'm cool, as long as I can play/edit it myself.


06-16-2019, 02:53 PM
Well, this should be your best bet (http://pc.joshw.info/d/Deus%20Ex%20-%20Human%20Revolution%20-%20Director's%20Cut%20(2013-10-22)(Eidos%20Montreal)(Square%20Enix)[PC].7z) then: it features untouched initial FSB & ADX files + numerous VOs for videos as a bonus.

If anything you're specifically looking for isn't there you can also look it up here (http://psf3.joshw.info/d/Deus%20Ex%20-%20Human%20Revolution%20-%20Director%27s%20Cut%20%282013-10-22%29%28Eidos%20Montreal%29%28Square%20Enix%29%5BP S3%5D.7z): this 2nd rip isn't quite as good since MP3s were extracted out of given FSBs but at least there's no other tampering/editing (this link is actually a mirror of Alpha23's gamerip).

As for Mankind divided sadly I've not encountered such raw/original quality rip yet. As a consolation of a sort I can tell you there's an unedited gamerip of DE The fall (PC ver.), maybe you'd like to get it too?

Best wishes!

06-16-2019, 03:06 PM
Well, this should be your best bet (http://pc.joshw.info/d/Deus%20Ex%20-%20Human%20Revolution%20-%20Director's%20Cut%20(2013-10-22)(Eidos%20Montreal)(Square%20Enix)[PC].7z) then: it features untouched initial FSB & ADX files + numerous VOs for videos as a bonus.

If anything you're specifically looking for isn't there you can also look it up here (http://psf3.joshw.info/d/Deus%20Ex%20-%20Human%20Revolution%20-%20Director%27s%20Cut%20%282013-10-22%29%28Eidos%20Montreal%29%28Square%20Enix%29%5BP S3%5D.7z): this 2nd rip isn't quite as good since MP3s were extracted out of given FSBs but at least there's no other tampering/editing (this link is actually a mirror of Alpha23's gamerip).

As for Mankind divided sadly I've not encountered such raw/original quality rip yet. As a consolation of a sort I can tell you there's an unedited gamerip of DE The fall (PC ver.), maybe you'd like to get it too?

Best wishes!

Great thanks, when you say it contains the FSB & ADX files I take it you mean the audio hasn't been ripped to MP3? I query as I'm on a Mac and not that tech inclined plus all of the extraction apps are Windows based? I just require the audio files without any editing applied to them.

06-17-2019, 08:31 AM
Those tracks were neither ripped nor re-encoded to MP3, actually original FSBs are way more worthy since they might contain looping info (which is lost altogether if someone extracts contents of *.FSB with FSBext.exe or simply re-encodes them using converter tools of his audio player).

Anyway all you need is VGMstream plugin, there're Winamp & Foobar2000 versions but possibly more.

So long!

EDIT: Be sure to check this out (https://kode54.net/cog/), it appears to be a standalone alternative for any macOS users. It looks like there's actually a version of VGMstream plugin ported to OSX but no one guarantees it's gonna work.

06-17-2019, 12:56 PM
Those tracks were neither ripped nor re-encoded to MP3, actually original FSBs are way more worthy since they might contain looping info (which is lost altogether if someone extracts contents of *.FSB with FSBext.exe or simply re-encodes them using converter tools of his audio player).

Anyway all you need is VGMstream plugin, there're Winamp & Foobar2000 versions but possibly more.

So long!

EDIT: Be sure to check this out (https://kode54.net/cog/), it appears to be a standalone alternative for any macOS users. It looks like there's actually a version of VGMstream plugin ported to OSX but no one guarantees it's gonna work.

Exceptionally helpful, thank you very much and have a wonderful adventure!

06-17-2019, 01:47 PM
You're welcome!