02-14-2002, 10:40 AM
Well, all of you maybe has already know that in FFXI, we can play as a team.

So, list your own team---->send a PM to your friend in this forum for making a team, or add your friend's name(In the school or maybe something else)on it. If you want to play it alone, it doesn't matter. ;)

My team is:

~Guan Yu
~Masamune DX

is there anyone who like to join us?ifn't list your own team:) .And be prepare for BATTLE in FFXI.

02-14-2002, 01:51 PM
alright who are the challengers..... :notgood:

02-14-2002, 02:55 PM
Well, i've found four ppl(All is women from my school) for my team:

this is it:"the name in FFXI"





one more to go;) .I'll fight you honey in FFXI, soooo be well prepared.;)

02-14-2002, 05:55 PM
Well, I guess I'm joining your team Laburnski! :D We will be da best. Hehe. Good luck to everyone who plays.

zidane tribal
02-14-2002, 06:05 PM
uhhhh too bad im the best ill give you guys the advantage............. ill be alone!!!!!

02-14-2002, 09:29 PM
woohoo joeshie on our team!

02-14-2002, 11:21 PM
Well:D , i've two more ppl for the team

~Guan Yu
~Masamune DX

I think the other player still has something to do in FFX.

I see some ppl want to play it alone.

02-15-2002, 12:40 AM
hey are we going to create a meeting place here and then all of us meet at a certain time? And we still need a name! lol

02-15-2002, 12:42 AM
iv already got an all-star ff team we accept all challenges
ahh yes wouldnt it be better if we could use origonal ff characters like kuja and sephiroth

02-15-2002, 04:43 AM
Originally posted by ACraftyOne
ahh yes wouldnt it be better if we could use origonal ff characters like kuja and sephiroth

Well if we do that then I call dibbs on Squall! :D

02-15-2002, 01:24 PM
Do mind the chatting, If you want to join someone his/her teams you can always send a Pm asking the person. We (I) don't want to see this thread turn into some 'join my team or it will be war' thread or so.
Others questions like, which names to pick and such .. that's all right to post ofcourse :)
Just mind the chitchat a bit and it will be fine :)

edit: Laburnski pm'd me something about Team names and such. It's ok to discuss that in here as well, suggest team names or agree or disagree and give your reason or something. Don't let it go overboard and react with comments like: cool, ha! good name, ok etc. (you should know this by now :p)
hope that helps ^_^

02-15-2002, 01:35 PM
Plz forgive the ppl, sir:( .

So, just post your team's member by someone that you can really trust.

P.S:if ya want to join some team, JUST SEND PM! to someone.And after you GOT ALL PPL you want it, THEN!! you can post it.

it'll make me down if the thread will be closed:notgood:

edit:Now, we can think our's team name.I hope everybody follow the instruction from Tekno.

02-16-2002, 12:23 AM
I'm ready, just let me know what I've got to do.

02-16-2002, 07:40 AM
Guys, i think we have all members now:

~Masamune DX
~Guan Yu
~Moomba chick
~My self

Now, for the team name's.How about....BRIGANDINE

The reason:In Brigandine(Game in PS), there is six king,right? and because our team has six ppl...........ya know ;).how about it, guys?

guan yu
02-17-2002, 11:24 AM
yea guys how about the name the wonderers lol come on just listen :P

wonderers as in ppl like ronins but wonderers sounds great unless u got a better idea :P

(i hope this is ok with tekno cause we can talk about name right :P)

also r we able to talk about web master cause for ff11 in order to make a great clan a web page is needed! so whos a web master :P in the wonderers lol

02-17-2002, 05:48 PM
If you guys are making a clan, then I would like to join. But of course, despite if it's a clan or just a 6 person team you're going to have this problem of ending up on the same server unless you find out the server names before hand. I heard somewhere(Forgot where) that the server names are going to be based off of past bosses, so there's quite a few possibilitys.

And if you need a web master, I've had a bit of experience, though I'm not that good. So I could be a temporary webmaster until you find someone that knows HTML better.

If I could join and/or help you out with my good, but limited knowlege of HTML you can IM me(s/n: FrogBoyI), ICQ me (ICQ#: 33754522), or PM me on these boards.

Tekno: Hope you don't mind this post, added in the question of joining along with all the other things I said. didn't think it would hurt any thing if I asked if I could join with what I wanted to say.

02-17-2002, 11:12 PM
Heaven's Outlaws?

i think it sounds cool for a clan name, dont ask me why

we could be the FF Cartel, lol

02-18-2002, 12:04 AM
I really liked Final Fantasy VIII and X but XI is obviously going to be different because it's online!!! I think it is going to be really fin though. If you love rpg's and are one of those people who has been wishing you could play final fantasy with your friends this is the chance. Making alliances is going to be really fun and I've heard that it would be almost impossible to get anywhere in the game on your own. Each person will be able to customize six characters and an alliance will be made up of three players making an alliance with a total of EIGHTEEN PEOPLE!!!!!! That sounds pretty cool to me. The classes and jobs are rather exciting but I want there to be more of an objective than in oethr online games where you complete quests. I want there to be a way where you can kind of say "Hey, I beat it!!!!!" This would be rather difficult to do but it could happen, right? Squaresoft has been an amazing company and has brought many great things to the final fantasy series. With what I've seen in this game so far, I'm really excited!! The only thing I can think of that disappoints me is that you need to have DSL or another type of high speed internet connection will cost a minimum of $50 a month. You also need to purchase the Broadband Ethernmet adaptor for the PS2 which will cost around $150 but I read that FFXI may come with it so that's a semi-good deal. If they make you get the high speed connection and the Ethernet Adapter they best not charge a montthly fee to play ffXI that's not fair at all but we may get suckered in to paying. Let me know what you think about all of this.

02-18-2002, 01:09 AM
never in that long mindless slur of words did you just say anything of use becaue people read that the world will now get stupider i do not back up ur ideas and may god have mery on your soul.

02-18-2002, 02:10 PM
*ahem* you play as one character, not a 6 character team. The battles are real time so it'd be kind of hard to play as 6 characters at a time. Also, what the hell were you trying to say? Did you have a point to that post I didn't catch?

zidane tribal
02-26-2002, 06:14 PM
i do believe i have a great idea...on sites like ffshrine, you know the bad ones, they are also making clans and cliques...and from my knowledge of ffXl you can battle with more than one party of idea??? we should take on those other site players and win some respect and bragging rights... so how bout it??? oh and before i was only kidding about playing alone, the whole reason to get Xl is to play with other people...i would glady join a team of yours...later...

02-26-2002, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by JayceMJ
*ahem* you play as one character, not a 6 character team. The battles are real time so it'd be kind of hard to play as 6 characters at a time. Also, what the hell were you trying to say? Did you have a point to that post I didn't catch?

alliances can go up to 18 ppl, some are required ot be that big for some bosses, but we'd prefer ours small

03-02-2002, 12:37 PM
Yes, but you're only 1 person of that team, not all 6 of them.

03-03-2002, 01:41 AM
well yah i know that...that would be too confusing....guess i kinda misunderstood ya

03-03-2002, 03:11 PM
I choose Jake and Matt from Kelly Middle School for my team, hopefully they will show up.:)

Magus Shadow
03-06-2002, 01:52 AM
Um..... you people are issuing challenges.... You do realize there's no PKing? As in you can't even fight each other.... hmm....:alien:

03-08-2002, 03:05 AM
Hello all, I plan to travel alone (Or meet up with one of them little short creature thing) in this Online RPG, but if I meet up with any of you, be prepared for a tough battle against this warlord. :p

BTW, so you can all go on quests and stuff? That sounds like fun...maybe I will join up... :D

03-11-2002, 06:02 PM
Well, it seems that the vast majority of the Final Fantasy fans have begun preparing for the inevitable, the FFXI online experience! Most noticable is the formation of the six person team which is being refered to as clans On that note I've decided not to procrastinate and start recruiting for my own clan. I'm looking for serious players who are battle-hardened FF addicts that are willing to put forth the time and energy it takes to be the very best of the best. if anyone is interested in joining please send me an email telling me why you should join and give your characters race and job. thanks.

[email protected]

03-13-2002, 05:12 AM
Well,Because there is no more opinion about the team it is:

The Guild Name:Legio Valeria Victrix(from JayceMJ) :)
Motto:"Love, war & friendship.These words are true"(thanks for your opinion, Jade)

our team(Brigandine clan):
~Moomba chick
~Kotetsu DX
~Guan Yu(If he still join this forum)

And JayceMJ,what is your team (also the clan's name)?

03-14-2002, 01:51 AM
actually magus there is pvp. if you played DAoC you would know the kind of pvp i'm talkin about. i would love to join a guild but i am forming my own. but here are my stats

race: huume
sub:white mage.

i would call a mix of fighter and white mage a paladin or holy knight cause thats what it is:cool:

o and you can have clans larger than 6 people. a PARTY is 6 people. when 3 party's wanna form a group they can. i forgot what it's called tough. but there are guild made towns or player made towns. if you wanna learn more go to

03-15-2002, 12:53 AM
I'm gonna have ta side with Web's thoughts
alone for the beginning
but if we meet ya know....

03-15-2002, 02:21 AM
Hmmm I think more importantly then what guilds we create, is the server that we play on... Should there be a designated FFshrine server for us to play on? I feel this would be interesting running into people that we know already and helping eachother out.

03-15-2002, 10:35 PM
great idea roric, we'll just have to wait and see what happens

03-17-2002, 11:48 AM
it would be

and GTF

Moomba chick
03-17-2002, 03:26 PM
hey, am i still summoner, or anything??? Brigidane clan?? that's cool! now all i need is some gf's/ or aeons whatever we're gunna call 'em!

03-17-2002, 04:59 PM
nono we changed the clans name to Legio Valeria Victrix

and i dont think there are going to be specific summoners, but you will be able to summon, im going to pick the elf

03-17-2002, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by Kotetsu DX
nono we changed the clans name to Legio Valeria Victrix

Eh...The name was given by JayceMJ for the guild.It'd unpleasant if we use it as our clan's name >_<

If you dislike our clan's name...then give me another name ^^ Also,with a reason... :)

03-17-2002, 05:54 PM
o so its still brigandine?

there has to be more teams other than this
ff ozone is not working for me

03-19-2002, 01:52 AM
Silly mortals I have my 6 people from my school and are guild name is the turks we could kill any of you.

Its funny this is gonna end up being a newbie war seeing how we are all gonna be new.

03-19-2002, 03:59 AM
only 6? i have brought enough people in my school to play ff11 that i can form 3 alliances. not that our guild won't kick ass either. most of us played mmorpg's so we kno what it takes to actually forma usefull and strong guild.:alien:

03-19-2002, 08:04 AM
team??i guess must play alone in the beggining:confused:
does anyone to take me to part your team:D

03-19-2002, 11:32 PM
I ment I chose my 6 meaning I have more people. Also dont doubt me I too have played other online RPG's I am a Ultima Online 3X Grand Master and I have a few lv 50 guys in PSO ver 2.

Maybee we should become allies instead of fighting we could be quite powerfull.

03-20-2002, 01:03 AM
hey crafty UO is the easiest game to gm in. you want a challenge, play DAoC. Qelonze you can join my team. i have trancekuja and roric. jus pm me with your info, class, job, etc. you kno

03-20-2002, 06:42 AM
lol, okay, so i am histrionic till the end. anyway, if you all have read my post in the characters section, you will know what i plan on being. i have a couple of friends(they will play those characters) and maybe one other. we will most likely be forming our own clan or party or whatever, but all of you people seem so wonderfully kick ass that it would take me too long to decide to help or battle ya. maybe i help if you dont have something i need(lol, crimson rogue the thief ninja)

as for names.. hmm... look for either the Diamond Dragons or Magus's Minions or somethings

03-23-2002, 08:37 AM
I already have mine picked.

My Fiance : Mary

Best friend : Blood ( chris )

My boy John .

03-26-2002, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Kasta
Best friend : Blood ( chris )

wow your lucky, none of my friends would go out of the way to buy the modem, just for the online experience

03-26-2002, 11:04 PM
wow your lucky, none of my friends would go out of the way to buy the modem, just for the online experience

Lol its not like he is going out of his way...he is a final fantasy freak like myself .

03-27-2002, 02:07 AM
You guys do know that there is no PVP is FFXI right it's only human vs monsters kinda sucky but prevents ppl who would kill n00bies.

"Power Is All That Matters Anything Else is An Illusion For The Weak"

03-27-2002, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by Kasta

Lol its not like he is going out of his way...he is a final fantasy freak like myself .

im a ff freak too and so is my friend, but there too lazy to get off their ass and throw in the extra 50 bucks

Nanaki XIII
03-27-2002, 03:49 AM
Heh, I wanted to form be on a team with Guan Yu. I guess Ive been away from my comp too long. Anyways anyone want me on their team. Ill be getting this game immediately.

03-28-2002, 04:28 AM
how many times do i have to tell you that there is pvp in ffXI. its not the usual. its RvR dammit!! the final version is so different then the beta. as a matter o fact square said offically that the beta is only 30% of the final version.

03-28-2002, 05:43 AM
Man I don't wanna say it but IGN just updated it's info on March the 20th there is no PVP man gimme a link to your source so I can see it. There's a whole 5 page preveiw for FFXI visit

"Power is All That Matters, Everything Else Is An Illusion For The Weak"

03-29-2002, 02:01 AM
bro you believe ign? they were the first people to say that it was gonna be final fantasy unlimited that was gonna be the first square/nintendo deal. that's a lie. in fact its FFT for the GBA. go to cause they always got the info. they already said it has rvr. ign still don't have the final version pics up yet. they are still on the beta version. ign also said that square was making crono chross X which never happened.

03-29-2002, 06:42 AM
Cool I hope more details come out about it so I can read more about it. I think pvp will add more lasting appeal to the game as long as ppl don't pk when your just trying to level cause that'll get old fast.

03-29-2002, 11:27 PM
its not pvp its Realm versus realm. when you start a character it will ask to join one of the three realms. the one for huumes, elvs, and the lil people. sorry i forgot their names. you can't kill anyone in your realm. only people in other realms. to get through other realms you need to go through zones that don't belong to either realm.there's alot more other stuff you can do in those areas

03-31-2002, 06:53 AM
Hello i am CS&Z, Council Memeber of the SoL we r an up coming clan of Mercenaries that plan on fighting for anyone for a reasonable price. We offer protection, gil, a family of fellows memebers who will support u, justness, and a free t-shirt(*not really*)...

Now some clans will try to badmouth our clan, and try impress u with fansy websites, that dont really do anything... The former EoFF army(*SoL*), Is based on logical government systems that will work and activity. We have recuited some of the best FF players out there, and we have eyes and ears everywhere waiting to find the newest intelligence on FFXI and we will be streching into FFXII which may also be online, from what our sources tell us.

So if u think u may have what it takes to be one of the few and the proud head over to *Pm me* and sign up today. The Gil doesnt get any easier than this... unless u want to shovel chocobo sh*t the whole game to get ur new broad sword...

03-31-2002, 09:54 AM
Ok, people do mind the whole off topic thing. This thread is suppose to be about forming team/clans right? Anyway
Pm CloudSquallandZidane :eye: if you're interested in signing up and in his whole Clan deticated site or you could pm me for the site url if you want it, anyway I'm done and happy easter to you all O_o :D

03-31-2002, 02:38 PM
Meh, who needs a team. I am gonna slay down all the monsters by myself! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..........muahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *cough*cough*cough* sorry, I almost choked :D

03-31-2002, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by CloudSquallandZidane
Hello i am CS&Z, Council Memeber of the SoL we r an up coming clan of Mercenaries that plan on fighting for anyone for a reasonable price. We offer protection, gil, a family of fellows memebers who will support u, justness, and a free t-shirt(*not really*)...

Now some clans will try to badmouth our clan, and try impress u with fansy websites, that dont really do anything... The former EoFF army(*SoL*), Is based on logical government systems that will work and activity. We have recuited some of the best FF players out there, and we have eyes and ears everywhere waiting to find the newest intelligence on FFXI and we will be streching into FFXII which may also be online, from what our sources tell us.

So if u think u may have what it takes to be one of the few and the proud head over to *Pm me* and sign up today. The Gil doesnt get any easier than this... unless u want to shovel chocobo sh*t the whole game to get ur new broad sword...

Soldiers of LIGHT are mercenaries? good grief .... i wish you luck, but for being a hypocritically named group, the Obsidian Fangs will STRIKE YOU DOWN!!!

lol, anyone interested, pm me.

-mister christopher

04-01-2002, 12:52 AM
Listen if I catch any of you merceneries hunting me or my fellow turks(which by the way is my clan) I will destroy you and your children and your childrens children.

Pretty scary huh?!!

The Real Yuna
04-02-2002, 04:03 AM
If we are still on the topic of making clans,i got one for ya.
It'll be:

ME :mad:
Kshatriya :mad:
nobody can beat us
we are the best

The Real Yuna
04-02-2002, 04:49 AM
if anyone who doesnt want to die wants to join our clan,just say so, and it shall be done.If not, you shall perish with the rest of the worthless clans.:notgood: :notgood: :notgood:

04-03-2002, 01:48 AM
puny clans? sorry bro but i have a huge clan already. u got 2 members. i have 3 the are on this message board and i have many more in real life. if you wanna join us u can but don't get in our way.

04-03-2002, 11:03 AM
Plz...The Real Yuna...Don't double post >_<
I'm just want to make a clean! :(

04-03-2002, 11:05 PM
Plz yuna i doubt that you could even take on a person nm a clan