06-01-2019, 10:05 PM
These are the Wav files from the Steam Soundtrack DLC, converted to Flac -8 in DbPowerAmp with Metadata added in Mp3Tag. I'm not going to upload the mp3 files since they are encoded in a damaging lossy format. If you want to save on space, convert my lossless to a format of your choice (I recommend Apple's AAC codec ~192kb, Opus 128 kb, or Ogg Aotuv version Presets 5,6 or 7). Foobar and DbPowerAmp are my recommendations for transcoding on Windows platforms while keeping all Metadata intact; XRecode is quite good but sometimes loses some of the metadata fields.

MEGA link (https://mega.co.nz/#!fXZzDIIL!AAAAAAAAAADpJkrCjuv-0QAAAAAAAAAA6SZKwo7r_tE) 330 MB

VGM DB info (https://vgmdb.net/album/86032)

Piracy isn't faceless, climical and characterless. There is a story behind every release, and I enjoy humanising what we do. While today sorting through my Fallout 4 mods directory, I was surprised to discover a 700MB file named "Whispers of a Machine Soundtrack" that was password protected. After several tries I cracked it with cs.rin.ru .Obviously that is where I downloaded it from (an excellent site BTW), but I have no recollection of doing so. I use benzodiazepine sleeping pills on a daily basis. One of their few side effects is inhibition of the formation of long term memories. Between the time I pop the benzo and the time I go to sleep, I have very little recollection. It something like having temporary low level dementia.

06-01-2019, 10:28 PM
Thanks once more, great uploads recently.

07-16-2019, 10:42 AM
A big thanks ! :-)