05-25-2019, 11:57 AM
Hello everyone!

I think all of us true Wild Arms and nostalgic RPG fans were distraught when this smartphone game was announced and I still can't forgive whoever made a stupid choice like that, just like when Capcom decided to go the smartphone way with Breath of Fire 6, which flopped of course. They should have listened to their real fans instead of just wanting to make a cash grab smartphone game. I hope we will get a new real installment in both of those series sometime, something that honors the true fans, for console and with a physical release of course!

But until then, we can at least enjoy the music from the smartphone games. So that leads me to my request. Does anyone have the soundtrack from Wild Arms: Million Memories - I saw a few tracks that seem to be the same as in some of the older games but I want to have the soundtrack from Million Memories even so. Fingers crossed someone has it :)

Thank you my friends!

Leon Scott Kennedy
05-25-2019, 12:09 PM
Found this link:

Password's part of the archive's name.

05-25-2019, 12:09 PM
sonix has it, but of course the MEGA link is "still uploading". Other crapservices work but they are slow as molasses...

05-25-2019, 12:13 PM
Wow such quick responses :) Thanks guys! I actually found it online on another random site and decided to share it here:!tdVV0QBT!II8yz0P5I6PXsYrBgtmRYVY5bSqYNTY7PynbOrsTFwI

The instrumental opening song gives me great chills of nostalgia ;) Let's hope Media.Vision makes a new Wild Arms sometime!