06-11-2005, 08:11 PM

<a href=>Read Yellow</a> is the new Lightning Bolt. Catchy, and yet loud and fast as hell, they really can't be defined as far as I can tell, but their live show is beyond anything I've ever seen before. Seriously, I went and saw them last night (the headliners were some pretty typical hardcore band called Daughters, but my friends and I went for Read Yellow) and I wasn't expecting nearly what happened. By the end of their set, I was on the stage with about ten other people, and most of the band was out in the middle of the audience, and I was dancing like a retard with an unplugged guitar cable.

You can listen to some songs on their web site, including a Smiths cover that I like better than The Smiths. Oh and also their bass player is one of the cutest ladies ever and she signed my shoe. I'm going to go see them again in August.

06-11-2005, 11:18 PM
Well, if they are anything like Lightning Bolt, they should be good.

I'll get some stuff ASAP.

06-12-2005, 02:22 AM
I didn't mean they are really musically similar to Lightning Bolt, though I guess they are just in the sense of being loud and heavy. The "new Lightning Bolt" comment was just a joke about them being my new "this band is amazing live" obsession. =\

Alice Wonderbra
06-12-2005, 04:46 AM
i dont like their sound. it sounds too alternative-esque for me. they also dont sound like they would be that amazing live like lightning bolt do.

06-12-2005, 05:30 AM
Trust me, they are. You can't tell from the sound, it's in the way they interact with the crowd, and how much energy they play with. You just have to let go and dance and headbang and jump around and run into people, it's fucking insane. I only wish I'd seen them with a larger audience, it would have been even better.

06-12-2005, 11:00 PM
I have the Daughters last album - it is crap. 10 songs in 11 minutes is a joke. The guy can't even scream properly the sissy. Raein are miles better. I shall check this Read Yellow however.

06-13-2005, 01:15 AM
You can't record stuff like Daughters. You really can't. They sound horrible recorded. They're pretty fun live, though. No Read Yellow by any means, but that's a given.

06-14-2005, 04:14 AM
Not bad. Coincidentally, that was a cover of the only Smiths song I have ever really listened to! I should probably listen to more of The Smiths.

Also, I am jealous of you going to these awesome shows and having shoes signed by cute ladies. ;_;

06-14-2005, 06:02 AM
You could always do this: Next time you happen to see a random cute lady on the street, walk up to her and ask her to sign your shoe. Carry a marker around just in case.

Alice Wonderbra
06-14-2005, 06:19 AM
omg do it. if a guy were to randomly come up to me and ask me to sign his shoe, id love him.

06-14-2005, 06:30 AM
That's an awesome idea. And I already carry around a marker in my bag - I'm halfway there!

If I ever worked up the guts I would do it. There is this one girl, actually...


06-14-2005, 06:36 AM
Also, I really want to post a picture to show you guys what an adorable lady Michelle is, but she doesn't photograph well. All the pictures on their web site make her look kinda bad. You have to see her in real life.


Alice Wonderbra
06-14-2005, 08:13 AM
i look dumb in photos too. and i want to be an actress. =(

if i ever hear of them coming close, i will see them live. if i get hurt or something ill blame you though!

06-14-2005, 09:13 AM
Hey TK are you a vinyl junkie? If so my mate has a kick ass distro you will lurve...go check it ain't really my thing but he talks me into buying a few items now and then...

Alice Wonderbra
06-14-2005, 09:30 AM
"vinyl junkie" would make a kickass custom title imho

i checked out the site and hated the music.

06-14-2005, 11:45 AM
Hey TK are you a vinyl junkie?

Not really, no. I mostly buy stuff on CD. If I get records, it's usually just because something has been released on a 7" and not on CD. I don't own a single LP, although I listen to some out of my dad's old collection sometimes.

How did this come up from Read Yellow, btw? X_X

if i ever hear of them coming close, i will see them live. if i get hurt or something ill blame you though!

You wouldn't risk getting hurt unless you jumped into all the craziness! IN WHICH CASE YOU'D HAVE ONLY YOURSELF TO BLAME. Getting hurt doesn't matter though. Actually my friend Cullen who I went with dislocated his elbow during the Daughters' set. He just got a drink of water, reset it (or did something that looked like it... he tells me he knows how to do that, so I take his word for it), and jumped right back in. Cullen is a little crazy.

Seriously though, why go see a band whose music you don't like just because I said their live show is amazing? I mean, I'm all for it, but it's a little silly!

Alice Wonderbra
06-14-2005, 11:55 AM
i may like them live. it happens. o^O^o

besides, i like concerts.

06-14-2005, 11:58 AM
Fair enough! I hope you find them enjoyable if you ever do go.

06-17-2005, 04:49 AM
Hey everybody go check out the news on the Read Yellow web site. They're back from tour, and those kids in Philly who "really know how to party"? Yeah, that's me and my pals. JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD ALL KNOW THAT.