05-19-2019, 12:09 AM
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future
Custom Game Soundtrack
41 Tracks | 2:34:41 | MP3 | 203 MB

01. Title Theme
02. Prologue [Cinematic]
03. Aquamarine Bay [Original Version]
04. Perils of the Coral Reef
05. Dolphin Race
06. The Great White*
07. Four Ways of Mystery*
08. Up and Down - Geyser
09. Lakes and Waterfall
10. Passage from Genesis
11. Pathways from Nowhere
12. Roaring Forces - Eel Chase
13. Roaring Forces - Metamorphosis
14. Atlantis Lost
15. Descent of the Foe [Cinematic]
16. Vortex of Time [Cinematic]
17. Shrine of Controversy
18. Monorail Ride [Cinematic]
19. Mine Cart Transport [Cinematic]
20. Process That Never Ends*
21. Obscure Ways to Terminus*
22. Sleeping Forces of Doom*
23. Twisted Realities [Cinematic]
24. Anguish of Dearth
25. Entrapment*
26. Caverns of Hope
27. Hanging Water Generator [Cinematic]
28. Hanging Waters
29. Ice and Fire*
30. Fortress Implosion #1 [Cinematic]
31. Abyss of Inferno*
32. Mutaclone
33. Fortress Implosion #2 [Cinematic]
34. Invasion [Cinematic]
35. Transfiguration*
36. The Final Gift [Cinematic]
37. Epilogue [Cinematic]
38. Credits
39. Aquamarine Bay [Game Version]*
40. Obscure Ways to Terminus [Unused Alternate]*
41. The Tick [Unused]

SWIM HERE (https://mega.nz/#!wyIVhAYA!QX6gr48Q1ru2qfbLB3cJGE-eGPk-6AmgE3mLAA38rHM)

So this is a project I compiled a little while back after falling in love with Tim Follin's gorgeous music. Unfortunately, there was never an official release and although the game's music files have been successfully ripped, both the Dreamcast and PS2 editions of the game utilized 22kHz ADPCM, capping frequencies at 11kHz, which is far from CD quality.

Fortunately, I was able to find several better quality sources online, mostly from now-defunct fan websites (fortunately we have Wayback Machine to thank for archiving them). The primary source for this custom OST is the "Dark Sea" version of Tim Follin's uncut tracks for the game at 44.1kHz, 192kbps MP3. Not ideal, but obviously better-sounding than the actual game files. The second major source were Attila Heger's cinematic tracks provided to "Caverns of Hope." These are the BGM to the game's cinematics WITHOUT DIALOGUE, also sampled at 44.1kHz, 192kbps MP3. Lastly, tracks above listed with an asterisk* were taken from the Dreamcast ADPCM files (these seemed slightly clearer than the PS2 files to my ears) and converted to FLAC for editing before downconverting to MP3 V2 quality; these are upsampled to 44.1kHz for playback compatibility and MP3 quality loss is minimal due to the low-fidelity original ADPCM files. For more information about these sources, visit SF94's Sandwich (https://sf94.reimuhakurei.net/?page=dotfmusic).

This isn't as good as a CD release, but it's as good as it's going to get unless by some miracle a 20-years-late soundtrack is released or the composers decide to reshare their files in FLAC. Link is above.

05-20-2019, 04:37 PM
This is amazing!

Thank so very much for this!

A real shame the game never had an official soundtrack release.

Paper One
05-23-2019, 04:11 PM
I agree!
Absolutely amazing soundtrack, overall!
Thanks for putting it all together like this!

05-29-2019, 04:05 PM
Great share, thanks a lot for this~~

05-31-2019, 07:47 PM
always loved this soundtrack, along with Spencer Nilsen's ones for the Sega CD. really fitting serene, aquatic ambient
some of the best in gaming history

06-05-2019, 10:23 PM
Amazing work! I've long enjoyed this soundtrack but the sources were always very uneven, as you said; this really brings everything a lot closer together in quality. Much appreciated.