05-04-2019, 01:45 PM
This was my 2011 project to create the fullest soundtrack possible to the 1979 Extended (AKA Cannes) cut of the 1978 George A Romero film Dawn Of The Dead. It covers all but one of the library cues used in the film, and some parts of the Goblin score (where used). It has 71 tracks and runs for 111 minutes 21 seconds. There is also a bonus track not featured in this cut of the film. It's been sitting on my hard drive for years, only having been shared with a handful of people who asked about it, so I thought I'd finally share it publicly.



As many may know, Dawn Of The Dead was scored (for the most part) with pre-existing library music. The official licensing rights for library music in general can be tricky at the best of times, and if the movie in question takes library tracks from different copyright holders & labels, overlaying them jumbling & intercutting them together, it makes the situation much tricker and pretty much ensures no one could ever release a 'true' score as you would hear it on screen, leaving a selection of untampered but recognisable tracks really the only option. As I understand it, a company can only release a whole library cue, it can't be edited down, nor can it be edited/mixed in with other cues. It has to play in full & un-tampered or they can't get the rights. This is why up to now, the official scores have been a bit 'wanting'

Back when I started, I took the Dawn Of The Dead R1 Anchor Bay 'Ultimate Edition' four disc DVD box set, and copied the audio track from each of the three films to my hard drive. I then used Reaper (an audio multi sequencing program) to edit every single piece of music used, into it's own individual sample file. Then I gave each track it's own listing in an index text file. Approaching the project from this angle meant that nothing could be missed, if I still had unidentified tracks left at the end, then I knew hadn't identified everything, and I had a sample of exactly what it was.

While doing this I, was also working the project from the opposite end; making various online contacts to try and get copies of all the likely tracks & albums I thought I might need. Many of the cues were tracked down through SoulSeek. Through various sources I created a master list of cues which identified the majority of the tracks used in all three versions of Dawn Of The Dead. This final list puts the number of library cues used across the three films (both identified & unidentified) at about 86 (not including any of the 17 released Goblin tracks), although 11 of those 86 cues still remain unidentified. You can see a full list of all the source cues used below.
Barry Stoller - Night Life (Selling Sounds - De Wolfe Records DWLP3180)
Barry Stoller - Tango Tango (Selling Sounds - De Wolfe Records DWLP3180)
Carlo Rustichelli - I Vado, Vedo e Sparo (I Vado, Vedo e Sparo - Saimel 399731)
Derek Scott - Fugarock (Sounds Unusual - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3304)
Derek Scott - Scarey 1 (Sounds Unusual - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3304)
Derek Scott - Scarey 2 (Sounds Unusual - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3304)
Derek Scott - Zap! (Sounds Unusual - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3304)
Don Harper - Dank Earth Part 1 (New Decade - De Wolfe Records DWLP3141)
Eric Towren - Dramatic Moments No.1 (Power Project - De Wolfe Records DWLP2922)
Eric Towren - Dramatic Moments No.2 (Power Project - De Wolfe Records DWLP2922)
Eric Towren - Dramatic Moments No.3 (Power Project - De Wolfe Records DWLP2922)
Eric Towren - Dramatic Moments No.4 (Power Project - De Wolfe Records DWLP2922)
Eric Towren - Dynamise 65 (Power Project - De Wolfe Records DWLP2922)
Eric Towren - Eruption (Continent Seven - De Wolfe Records DWLP2987)
Eric Towren - Sinestre (Power Project - De Wolfe Records DWLP2922)
Eric Towren - Violence (Power Project - De Wolfe Records DWLP2922)
G. Grant - Indictment (World Power - De Wolfe Records DWLP3268)
Genan & Skylar - You're Breaking My Heart (Authentic Carousel Music Vol 1 - Major Records 1008)
Herbert Chappell - Deserted Vaults (Band 8 - De Wolfe Records DWLP2949)
Herbert Chappell - Ragtime Razzamatazz (Band 8 - De Wolfe Records DWLP2949)
Herbert Chappell - The Gonk (Band 8 - De Wolfe Records DWLP2949)
Jack Trombey - Barrage (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Clammy Hand (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Dark Forest (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Face At The Window (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Flossie (Underlay - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3198)
Jack Trombey - Mask of Death (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Omen (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - On His Own (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Red Sequence (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Spinechiller (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Stealth (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Stringback No.3 (Underlay - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3198)
Jack Trombey - Stringback No.4 (Underlay - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3198)
Jack Trombey - The Long Wait (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Uneasy Feeling (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Jack Trombey - Waiting For The Man (Spinechiller - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3300)
Keith Papworth - Victorian Vintage (Travelling Light - De Wolfe Records DWLP3021)
Paul Lemel - Cosmogony Part 1 (Dramaturgy & Cosmogony - Hudson Music Company HMCLP507)
Paul Lemel - Cosmogony Part 2 (Dramaturgy & Cosmogony - Hudson Music Company HMCLP507)
Paul Lemel - Cosmogony Part 3 (Dramaturgy & Cosmogony - Hudson Music Company HMCLP507)
Paul Lemel - Cosmogony Part 4 (Dramaturgy & Cosmogony - Hudson Music Company HMCLP507)
Paul Lemel - Dramaturgy Part 1 (Dramaturgy & Cosmogony - Hudson Music Company HMCLP507)
Paul Lemel - Dramaturgy Part 2 (Dramaturgy & Cosmogony - Hudson Music Company HMCLP507)
Paul Lemel - Symphonia Dramatica Part 2 (Dramaturgy & Cosmogony - Hudson Music Company HMCLP507)
Paul Merrick - Cantando (Mindbender - Hudson Music Company HMCLP506)
Peter Reno - Cause I'm a Man (Electric Banana - De Wolfe Records DWLP3040)
Pierre Arvay - Caverne de Glace (Empty Horizons - Hudson Music Company HMCSLP509)
Pierre Arvay - Desert De Glace (Empty Horizons - Hudson Music Company HMCSLP509)
Pierre Arvay - Eclipse (Illustrations No. 2 - De Wolfe Records DWLP2823)
Pierre Arvay - El Chaco (Illustrations No. 8 - De Wolfe Records DWLP3168)
Pierre Arvay - Ice Floe (Empty Horizons - Hudson Music Company HMCSLP509)
Pierre Arvay - Kadath (Empty Horizons - Hudson Music Company HMCSLP509)
Pierre Arvay - La Chevelure de Berenice (Illustrations No. 9 - De Wolfe Records DWLP3169)
Pierre Arvay - Snowbirds (Empty Horizons - Hudson Music Company HMCSLP509)
Pierre Arvay - Sonata (Illustrations No. 8 - De Wolfe Records DWLP3168)
Reg Tilsley - Queka (Underlay - De Wolfe Records DWLP3198)
Reg Tilsley - Violent Payoff (Version 2) (Tilsley Orchestral No. 8 Theme And Variation - De Wolfe Records DWLP3174)
Reg Tilsley - Violent Sting #1 (Tilsley Orchestral No. 8 Theme And Variation - De Wolfe Records DWLP3174)
Reg Tilsley - We Are The Champions (Tilsley Orchestral No. 4 - De Wolfe Records DWLP3118)
Roland de Cande - Broody Moody Joody (Chicken Wire and Hen's Nest - Hudson Music Company HMCSLP510)
Roland de Cande - Mechanical High Jinks (Chicken Wire and Hen's Nest - Hudson Music Company HMCSLP510)
Roland de Cande - Neurotic Bird (Chicken Wire and Hen's Nest - Hudson Music Company HMCSLP510)
Roland de Cande - So Fantastico (Chicken Wire and Hen's Nest - Hudson Music Company HMCSLP510)
Roland de Cande - Weird Dream (Chicken Wire and Hen's Nest - Hudson Music Company HMCSLP510)
Simon Haseley - Action Pack (World Power - De Wolfe Records DWLP3268)
Simon Haseley - Bravado (World Power - De Wolfe Records DWLP3268)
Simon Haseley - Proud Action (World Power - De Wolfe Records DWLP3268)
Simon Park - Figment (Sun High - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3366)
Simon Park - Motives 1 (Sun High - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3366)
Simon Park - Slow Repose 2 (Sun High - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3366)
Simon Park - Sun High (Sun High - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3366)
Simon Park - Vocal Point (Sun High - De Wolfe Records DWSLP3366)
Zouk-Soukous-Percussion - Drums - Sound Effects - African Drums, Native Chanting (Africaine Musique)
To officially release all of the 74 source cues in full would run at 199m 24s. My edited score runs at 109m 45s, meaning there would be roughly around 90 minutes of music which HAD to be on the retail CD and paid for by the second, but wasn't actually in the film (probably more like 120 minutes due to the inclusion of various Goblin tracks and repeated cues in those 111 minutes 21 seconds). 'Track 34 - It Got Him...' in the finished score for example is 90 seconds long, and is edited from five separate tracks with a total running time 10m 25s. That means a listener would have to sit though 8m 55s music not used, which would not only render a full release pointless, but vastly expensive too.

So, using my cue list, along with copies of the newly identified library tracks themselves, kindly given to me buy the collectors I was working with, I spent around 6 weeks mixing a soundtrack to the Extended cut of the film. The finished soundtrack covers virtually all the library cues used in the film, and some parts of the Goblin score (where used). It has 71 tracks and runs for 111 minutes 21 seconds, including a bonus track from the Argento cut of the film. Four short cues remained unidentified, but for the purposes of the soundtrack, they were 'faked' either by using samples from the original film soundtrack, or from sound effect samples, or by careful audio editing, meaning the final tracks sound as identical as I could make them. The quality does vary somewhat as the sources include retail & bootleg CDs, tapes, records, and the movie DVDs themselves.

Depending on how the tracks played in the film, I either let the cues play in full, edited them, or mixed them. Of the 71 tracks, one track is still missing, 14 have been left unedited and play in full as per the original source cues, 14 have been either edited down, shortened or mixed, but still made from a single source cue, and 42 have been mixed from 2 or more source cues. In certain places a little licence has been taken from the original film audio, in order to smooth over some edits & cue starts or finishes. In the film these maybe overlaid with speech or sound effects, but listened to in isolation sound quite jarring.

Major credit for this project must also go to Boogiejuice69, Chris, John, Allen & Eric. Without their input (and large collection of library LPs) this project would not have been possible. The download is 585mb includes the full edited score in MP3 format with printable artwork, all 75 unedited library cues as MP3s, along with an offline copy of my cues listing website.

PM me for the link

05-04-2019, 02:24 PM
link received, thank you!

05-04-2019, 02:54 PM
PM sent... and rep added! ;)

05-04-2019, 06:16 PM
Link received!!! :) :) :) :) :)

Many thanks SeeNoEvil2!!! ;)

05-04-2019, 07:35 PM
What a great job can not say enough thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

05-05-2019, 12:05 AM
Pm Sent and reputation added for this upload. Epic work my friend.=)

---------- Post added at 09:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 AM ----------

Link received, you are a legend!!!!

05-05-2019, 02:36 AM
Received. Thank you very much.

05-05-2019, 03:35 AM
Pm sent

05-05-2019, 02:10 PM
Thanks for the link - listening to the tracks atm is an absolute pleasure. A million thx for putting all this work my friend. It's simply stunning and I'm in heaven... :)

05-05-2019, 03:26 PM
Link received - thank you very much.



05-05-2019, 06:04 PM
PM Sent.

05-05-2019, 07:21 PM
---------- Post added at 10:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 AM ----------

[/COLOR]PM sent.

05-06-2019, 09:17 AM
Link received and rep added. Thank you very much!

05-06-2019, 09:18 AM
Much appreciated

Douglas Quaid
05-06-2019, 01:42 PM
Link received. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

05-06-2019, 05:09 PM

05-06-2019, 07:20 PM
Thanks for the share.

05-06-2019, 09:42 PM
Link received. Thank you!

05-06-2019, 11:33 PM
Thank you.

05-07-2019, 06:07 AM
Link received, thank you!!

05-09-2019, 07:43 AM
impressive work...
I would like to receive a link for this: PM sent.
Thanks in advance.

05-18-2019, 11:17 PM
WOW I would LOVE the link to this. Thank you!

Billy Bob
05-22-2019, 11:57 AM
Do you have a lossless version available? As you've used a compendium of sources, my concern is that some of these cues might be lossy to lossy (mp3 to mp3), resulting in two generations of digital compression artifacts. As such, it seems all of your hard work should be preserved in the highest quality possible. Storage is cheap these days!

10-03-2019, 05:39 PM
hello, may i please have the link to this one? thank you very much!

Big E
10-07-2019, 05:28 AM
PM sent and thank you.