05-03-2019, 08:53 PM
So, I shared the Vita rip earlier, but here is the PS4 one. The thing is, I bought the game today from PSN sale, and I LOVE the game - fkuk everyone who say it's bad. But more than the game, I love the music of Xeno. Especially the main theme song "Unforedoomed" by LADY Beat MANIAX. The OST has the full version of the song, but this rip has the ultimate 9:31 long version! I have been listening it non-stop. It's very untypical song for a Japanese RPG, but it hits the nail. I can't believe some say Xeno has "forgettable" music, well, you can't spell UNforgettable w/o forgettable! This game needs so much more EVOL.


05-08-2019, 06:51 AM
Thanks for this.