Terra Fire
06-10-2005, 05:39 PM
Well i'm sure some people have this view "why can't the main charcters of recent final fantasies have their name spoken instead of being refered to him or her?" (maily like FFX/-2) Well don't ya think Square could do like a vote on their site, a vote for a name for a future FF so they can programme the game to have the charcters name spoken?

I mean their choice of names may not be good, but if people could send in their names and then Square could choose 15-30 names they like best and people could have a vote on them? Howz bout that, not a bad idea eh?

please post your comments

06-12-2005, 10:36 AM
The reason why is because people would like to enter their own name rather than having a default name, even if it is selected by the public. Besides it would probably be a japanese name if you think about it. Although reprogramming is done to make it a PAL version for Europe and Australia, it would probably take too long

Tidus 66
06-12-2005, 10:42 AM
People think they can be more into the game if the main characters are them, and if you noticed since ff has spoken languages games, they just allow you to choose your name, in ff like 8 and 9, they just put your personalized name in the characters quotes instead of Squall or Zidane

06-12-2005, 03:21 PM
I have no comments for this... all I could say is... Square puts it the way they want to put it.

Terra Fire
06-12-2005, 09:27 PM
People think they can be more into the game if the main characters are them, and if you noticed since ff has spoken languages games, they just allow you to choose your name, in ff like 8 and 9, they just put your personalized name in the characters quotes instead of Squall or Zidane

I know that but I mean i reckon it'd be kinda cool if they tried it out, at least for one FF. And they only did that for like FF 8/9 or previous ones for that matter. Mainly (i think) because they didn't have the speaking technology in the previous games. And yeh they gave you the chpice for ten but still i hop they make one FF where the game is programmed in with a name in which the other characters can refer to.

06-13-2005, 05:16 AM
The other one is when they finally release a voice recognition headset for your PS2, so you don't have to use a controller for battle commands on FF, it will listen to your pronunciation of the name, and then implement that into the game

06-13-2005, 03:10 PM
And you seriously think that will happen in our lifetime?

06-14-2005, 08:43 PM
Yeah it probably will be here in our life time,

Nintedo will probably try to improve there version, xbox will because they have already brought out a microphone. It wont be long until sony jumps on to the ship.

I used to put my name on to the main characters but it wouldnt make a difference.

What is going on with Final Fantasy thinking about moving the main series to x-box. Hopefully they keep it were it is.

Tidus 66
06-14-2005, 08:48 PM
Yeah i'm not going to buy an x-box, i just don't like x-box

Chaos And Fist
06-17-2005, 12:31 AM
They could have a sound-based naming system. It would mean alot of extra symbols, but it could be done.

06-17-2005, 04:44 PM
I don't really understand why you guys can't just stick to the original names on the characters. That's what I do.

Dark Mage626
06-18-2005, 02:04 AM
Yeah I agree with Dark Auron, it's better to keep the default I reckon.

06-18-2005, 12:08 PM
i used to change the names but i kept calling them by the original names so i stopped changing the names

lord braska
06-18-2005, 01:10 PM
don't no what to say, why don't you talk personally to the manager about it, i can't do it, but if i still in japan, you want to talk with whom, just go to the website and get the invitation.very easy

Terra Fire
06-20-2005, 04:50 PM
I don't really understand why you guys can't just stick to the original names on the characters. That's what I do.

Well I like the idea where you type in the name and it makes the sound out of it sure it'd take a really long time but I'd prefer that. and seriously i don't really care about the anems i'd just like it if the main charcters name was spoken for once! it's annoying in FFX/X-2 where they just refer to Tidus as him or he. Even when he's right infront of them!

Chaos And Fist : They could have a sound-based naming system. It would mean alot of extra symbols, but it could be done.

Thats the idea i like

Tidus 66
06-20-2005, 04:52 PM
I use default name's like it more that way :)

06-21-2005, 11:54 PM
I think they should just stick to formalities and defaults in spoken dialogue. It's much easier that way, and I highly doubt a standard character name is going to be absolutely detrimental to game performance.
Personalized names on Tidus's account in Final Fantasy X lead to something horribly redundant and annoying in X-2... "I want to see HIM." "Is that HIM, Yunie?" etc etc etc.

07-05-2005, 05:21 PM
Soon names won't be personalized, because that complicates more the story. I don't like what happened in FFX. Yeah, it's not a determinating factor, but it makes the story more real. Examples:
He looks a lot like chapu but no mater how he looks, he is not chappu
He looks a lot like chapu but no mater how he looks, TIDUS is not chappu
Ahh the son of Jecht
Ahh Tidus, The son of jecht (that makes seymour look like he even hates more tidus and even makes reference to his dad)

Or add new thing to the game
Wakka: What's you name buddy?
Tidus: Tidus... from... Zanarkand

07-20-2005, 02:33 AM
I hope they don't do the same thing in FFXII like they they did in FFX.

07-20-2005, 02:38 AM
I hope they don't do the same thing in FFXII like they they did in FFX.

Way to be specific. Maybe you didn't notice, but FFX was not as simplistic a game as Pong, thus a bit more explanation would be needed if you're trying to make a point, rather than blathering incoherently.

Atom Narmor
07-20-2005, 06:35 AM
Prak! Your just a punk..

Even they think so

07-20-2005, 06:58 AM
Atom, no one likes you. You're a pompous hypocritical cretin with absolutely no redeeming values at all. I may have a sharp tongue, but I know when it's appropriate to use it. You seem hell-bent on attacking me for no reason wherever you read my posts.

Don't get me wrong though. I don't mind it because I laugh at you for being such a fool.

07-20-2005, 11:51 AM
Haha, go Prak :-P

07-20-2005, 02:28 PM
ive always liked pausing a forum for a good, well deserved tongue lashing in the direction of the derserving, kudos

07-20-2005, 06:39 PM
Way to be specific. Maybe you didn't notice, but FFX was not as simplistic a game as Pong, thus a bit more explanation would be needed if you're trying to make a point, rather than blathering incoherently.
What I meant was that they should speak the main characters name instead of referring to them as "HIM"

Atom Narmor
07-20-2005, 08:37 PM
Fuck both of you Dark Auron and bitch made Prak. And yes Prak you do have a sharp tongue and everytime you post it seems negative tword other members. You're full of trash compacted garbage and I would beat your judgemental ass in person. I don't like you and if nobody in this shrine digs me then so be it. I'd rather be loved by God and hated by the many.

07-20-2005, 09:41 PM
using ones religion to scape goat a reason as to why they themselves are not "full of trash compacted garbage" is sadly a pathetic distasteful, "garbage like" attitude that makes many of us sick. prak started nothing with you on the thread and perferably we as the ppl would enjoy it if you kept yourself and your trash lovin religion to yourself

07-20-2005, 11:08 PM
And yes Prak you do have a sharp tongue and everytime you post it seems negative tword other members.

Usually just you, as a matter of fact.

You're full of trash compacted garbage and I would beat your judgemental ass in person.

Don't make me laugh. You know absolutely nothing about me--nor will you ever, I imagine--but I guarantee you'd have your hands full if you ever did try to take me on. And don't think for a moment that I wouldn't send you to an eternity of licking Satan's red-hot asshole if I thought you were really any kind of threat.

I don't like you

Oh boo hoo. I'm drowning in my tears of sorrow.

*more silly martyr drivel*

I never get tired of that shit.

Atom Narmor
07-20-2005, 11:26 PM

Idiots. You only defend a familiar here. He's on his high horse after all this time here thinking he can call people ranters and uneducated idiots and such without repercussions. Prak is worse than anyone here i've encountered for the simple fact that he thoroughly insults people in their own threads with sharp judgement at all times. Why do you think his avatar has a pointed finger??

Prak being bathed in destructive energies from Atom....

Tidus 66
07-20-2005, 11:28 PM
Altough Prak is right most of the time, if not all the time

Atom Narmor
07-20-2005, 11:29 PM
thus a bit more explanation would be needed if you're trying to make a point, rather than blathering incoherently.

In your opinion Tidus. He's still the supreme judge frickin Wapner...

Tidus 66
07-20-2005, 11:30 PM
Anyway he may seem rude at some times but in fact when he states something he does always do it the right way not giving false statements

Atom Narmor
07-20-2005, 11:34 PM
i've still never heard him say anything positive like "peace guys" or "sorry for the insult, but I don't agree" or "let's forget the argument Atom, peace is the best thing."
Of course not, he's full of his own opinion and is stagnantly uncompromising. In anycase, I don't care for his attitude and I myself give respect to those who show it don't I Tidus??

Tidus 66
07-20-2005, 11:35 PM
Yes you do, yes he sometimes is kindah rude! But only when he thinks someone is jackassing, nevertheless good point there

Atom Narmor
07-20-2005, 11:39 PM
Anyway, sorry for muddling up your thread Terra Fire. I was just fumed at the fact he would insult someone in their own thread(he's done it in mine). And now in retro spect I see that he doesn't mean it in thoroughness. We don't agree on things Prak, but it's still respect here.

07-21-2005, 12:05 AM
Atom, I've said this many times before, but I'll repeat it for the benefit of new members.

A thread does not belong to the person who starts it. They don't pay for the bandwidth that hosts it, so even though they start it, they cannot claim any control over it. Technically, they all belong to Sarah.

By the way, what you got so worked up over wasn't even an insult. It was a sarcastic implication that the previous poster said something that was completely useless and utterly pointless, but contained nothing truly insulting.

As for my uncompromising nature, that comes from the fact that I guarantee my correctness in almost all instances before posting. I'm largely the same way offline because I either just don't discuss things I know nothing about or make an effort to learn all there is to know about it before opening my mouth.

Atom Narmor
07-21-2005, 12:44 AM
I either just don't discuss things I know nothing about or make an effort to learn all there is to know about it before opening my mouth.

Sometimes no matter what you say Prak, you'll be eaten alive...

07-21-2005, 03:01 AM
Sometimes no matter what you say Prak, you'll be eaten alive...

As much as we may wish to defend ourselves in our statements
There is no escaping the fact that these people maintain these fourums...so what is said by them goes.....Any time i have slipped up (even if i tried defending my statement) i have to agree that i was caught out ....

as for prak asking you to elaborate further on your post demon man,
well it is a forum...and alot of forums actually make you post more than just a one sentence question.

quote replies and some one liners do annoy me i will have to admit

D~A meets PRAK

Originally Posted by Marvelite
okay, the guy anoys me, plain and simple. i know full well that he invented windows and everyting, but the X box cancels it out. i fucking HATE the x box. PS2 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! DEATH TO GATES (Well, not really, but i can't stand the man)

Originally Posted by Dark athosian:
yup total screwball

Originally Posted by Prak:
Dark~Athosian, do you even bother to read the threads you post in?

Originally Posted by Dark athosian:
Uh yes check the gay one.

Originally Posted by Prak:
I have. I still see nothing that indicates you read beyond the first post of a thread. If you had bothered reading this thread, you probably wouldn't have made your first post in it because you'd know that the guy you're agreeing with got flamed for saying such a stupid thing.

My first contact with another member here!!! LMAO

07-21-2005, 05:34 PM
When did this thread turn from discussing the future of FF to discussing whether Prak is an asshole or not?

Atom Narmor
07-22-2005, 01:49 AM
I actualy laugh at Prak's posts. A lot of times he's funny as hell but when your the subject of his post and being called a "blithering idiot" it can touch a nerve even if you're actualy being one at the time. Anyway, the man has logic and is good at appearing out of nowhere to show you that there's food on your teeth, so I guess we should all brush um...

07-22-2005, 09:28 AM
I suggest you guys keep your discussions about stuff not relavant to the topic in a PM, unless all involved would like temp bans <3

07-23-2005, 09:26 AM
OK, now moving beyond the unseemingly undesirable demoraling controversy over the opinion to be correct but with sharply twisted humorus tongue of another and deciding the right of such a dilema, i believe that realisticly it would save SE loads of time by simply not changing the standard format of not saying the main characters name, because with such a demand of the name being spoken but that name being of your choice, would in a sense ruin the dramatic effect because the is no such program to adjust the mouth movement and reaction to the different name. Yes, they could put a generalized program to pronounce the name, but the name would never correctly fit into the time slot of which it is spoken unless you are very lucky to have perfected the placement each syllable and fit each vowel with the movement of the mouth. Current, there is no program that can generally adjust the movement of the mouth during the game to adjust to the name. Maybe with time.