04-29-2019, 12:19 AM
One of my favorite game soundtracks is probably the entirety of World of Warcraft's. I really wished I had it to listen to, and when I discovered that Doublehex had organized them, I was happy. However, there was a major issue: most of his rips are mostly gone due to being uploaded to peejeshare. I've since decided to make my own rip. What I've done is taken most of the files and merged them. I've also sorted them based on how you might encounter the tracks in game (except for vanilla - it's partially alphabetical). As for how I named the files, I really liked how ilikesmecookies on Youtube used the brackets, so I've borrowed that concept. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this! I've spent way too many hours renaming files, figuring out what order they should go in, and polishing everything. If something needs fixing, don't be afraid to mention it.

Download (https://mega.nz/#!K4NUUQDQ!oiK19rb2gGE8dCwFY0M6wkrfH1FpiYgkZnkn9DF2rvg)

01. A Call to Arms
02. Legends of Azeroth
03. The Shaping of the World
04. Echoes of the Past
05. Song of Elune
06. Seasons of War
07. Legacy
08. Zul'Gurub Voodoo
09. Ahn'Qiraj Intro
10. Gul'dan's Entrance
11. Darkmoon Faire
12. Fire Festival [Alliance]
13. Fire Festival [Horde]
14. Stormwind
15. Ironforge
16. Tinkertown
17. Darnassus
18. Orgrimmar
19. Undercity
20. Thunder Bluff
21. Tavern [Alliance]
22. Tavern [Human]
23. Tavern [Dwarf]
24. Temple of the Moon
25. Tavern [Horde]
26. Tavern [Undead Dance]
27. Tavern [Orc]
28. Tavern [Undead]
29. Tavern [Tauren]
30. Tavern [Pirate]
31. Battle
32. PvP
33. The Barrens [Day]
34. The Barrens [Night]
35. Cursed Land
36. Desert [Day]
37. Desert [Night]
38. Enchanted Forest
39. Evil Forest [Day]
40. Evil Forest [Night]
41. Forest [Day]
42. Forest [Night]
43. Jungle [Day]
44. Jungle [Night]
45. Mountain [Day]
46. Mountain [Night]
47. Plains [Day]
48. Plains [Night]
49. Volcanic [Day]
50. Volcanic [Night]
51. Angelic
52. Gloomy
53. Haunted
54. Magic
55. Mystery
56. Sacred
57. Soggy Place
58. Spooky
59. Swamp
60. Ghost
61. Gnomeregan
62. Ahn'Qiraj [Exterior]
63. Ahn'Qiraj [Interior]
64. Ahn'Qiraj [Triangle Room]
65. Ahn'Qiraj [King Room]
66. Naxxramas [Hub]
67. Naxxramas [Walking]
68. Naxxramas [Abomination Wing]
69. Naxxramas [Spider Wing]
70. Naxxramas [Plague Wing]
71. Naxxramas [Frostwyrm]
72. Naxxramas [Kel'Thuzad]

Download (https://mega.nz/#!fw8C1AaL!RVU9tB7JcOR24-gwYiUW1lzEgMQ5uNt7dzby3vE3FYI)

001. The Burning Legion
002. Eversong Woods [Sunstrider] [Day]
003. Eversong Woods [Sunstrider] [Night]
004. Eversong Woods [Scenic Intro] [Night]
005. Eversong Woods [Building] [Day]
006. Eversong Woods [Building] [Night]
007. Eversong Woods [Scorched] [Day]
008. Eversong Woods [Scorched] [Night]
009. Eversong Woods [Ruins] [Day]
010. Eversong Woods [Ruins] [Night]
011. Silvermoon City
012. Ghostlands [Eversong]
013. Ghostlands [Scenic]
014. Ghostlands [Forest] [Day]
015. Ghostlands [Forest] [Night]
016. Ghostlands [Shalandis Isle]
017. Azuremyst Isle [Draenei]
018. Azuremyst Isle [Owlkin]
019. Azuremyst Isle [Naga]
020. The Exodar
021. Bloodmyst Isle [Satyr]
022. Bloodmyst Isle [Naga]
023. Outland [Scenic]
024. Outland [Action]
025. Outland [Alliance Base]
026. Outland [Draenei Base]
027. Outland [Horde Base]
028. Outland [Blood Elf Base]
029. Outland [Historic]
030. Outland [Orc]
031. Outland [Crystal]
032. Outland [Shaman]
033. Outland [Cenarion]
034. Outland [Illidan's Army]
035. Outland [Fel Orc]
036. Outland [Arakkoa]
037. Outland [Ogre]
038. Outland [Burning Legion]
039. Outland [Demon]
040. Outland [Corrupt]
041. Hellfire Peninsula [Stair of Destiny]
042. Hellfire Peninsula [Walk]
043. Hellfire Peninsula [Path of Glory]
044. Hellfire Peninsula [Wistful]
045. Hellfire Peninsula [Armory]
046. Hellfire Peninsula [Ogre]
047. Hellfire Citadel [Ramparts]
048. Hellfire Citadel [Citadel]
049. Zangarmarsh
050. Coilfang Reservoir
051. Terokkar Forest [Walk]
052. Terokkar Forest [Bone Wastes]
053. Shattrath City
054. Auchindoun
055. Nagrand [Day]
056. Nagrand [Night]
057. Nagrand [Oshu'gun]
058. Blade's Edge Mountains [Walk]
059. Blade's Edge Mountains [Ogre]
060. Blade's Edge Mountains [Dry Forest]
061. Netherstorm [Walk]
062. Netherstorm [Mushroom]
063. Netherstorm [Nether Plant]
064. Shadowmoon Valley
065. Caverns of Time
066. Old Hillsbrad Foothills [Brazen's Flight]
067. Old Hillsbrad Foothills [Walk]
068. Durnholde Keep [Exterior]
069. Durnholde Keep [Interior]
070. Durnholde Keep [Cellar]
071. Durnholde Keep [Thrall's Escape]
072. Escape From Durnholde [Intro]
073. Tarren Mill
074. The Black Morass [Walk]
075. The Black Morass [Portal]
076. Karazhan [Stables]
077. Karazhan [Foyer]
078. Karazhan [Walk]
079. Karazhan [Opera]
080. Karazhan [Backstage]
081. Karazhan [Library]
082. Karazhan [Tower]
083. Karazhan [Prince Malchezar]
084. Tempest Keep [Ambience]
085. Tempest Keep [Battle]
086. Tempest Keep [Stinger]
087. Battle for Mount Hyjal
088. Black Temple [Prelude]
089. Black Temple [Arrival]
090. Black Temple [Karabor]
091. Black Temple [Illidari]
092. Black Temple [Sanctuary]
093. Black Temple [Reliquary]
094. Black Temple [Summit]
095. Black Temple [Storm]
096. Brewfest [Dwarves]
097. Brewfest [Goblins]
098. Power of the Horde
099. Zul'Aman [Ambience]
100. Zul'Aman [Battle]
101. Zul'Aman [Victory]
102. Isle of Quel'Danas [Walk]
103. Isle of Quel'Danas [Light]
104. Isle of Quel'Danas [Medium]
105. Isle of Quel'Danas [Dark]
106. Isle of Quel'Danas [Shorel'Aran]
107. Isle of Quel'Danas [Sunwell Bombing Run]
108. Isle of Quel'Danas [Fel Energy]
109. Magister's Terrace [Walk]
110. Magister's Terrace [The Assembly Chamber]
111. Magister's Terrace [Grand Magister's Asylum]
112. Sunwell Plateau [Arrival]
113. Sunwell Plateau [Fly By]
114. Sunwell Plateau [Walk]
115. Sunwell Plateau [The Well]
116. Lament of the Highborne

Download (https://mega.nz/#!n08QjYiL!wC7hiUyd_GUoLHn9QswJxrG1xMlQXeha2DOFK6xfA_8)

001. Wrath of the Lich King
002. Arthas, My Son
003. Northrend Transport [Day]
004. Northrend Transport [Night]
005. Orc [Intro]
006. Orc [Day]
007. Orc [Night]
008. Iron Dwarf [Day]
009. Iron Dwarf [Night]
010. Iron Dwarf [Dark]
011. Taunka [General]
012. Taunka [Day]
013. Taunka [Night]
014. Troll
015. Howling Fjord [Day]
016. Howling Fjord [Night]
017. Howling Fjord [Distant]
018. Howling Fjord [Kamagua] [Day]
019. Howling Fjord [Kamagua] [Night]
020. Borean Tundra [Day]
021. Borean Tundra [Night]
022. Borean Tundra [Riplash] [Intro]
023. Borean Tundra [Riplash] [Day]
024. Borean Tundra [Riplash] [Night]
025. Borean Tundra [Geyser Field]
026. Borean Tundra [Kaskala] [Day]
027. Borean Tundra [Kaskala] [Night]
028. Borean Tundra [Coldarra]
029. Dragonblight [Intro]
030. Dragonblight [Day]
031. Dragonblight [Night]
032. Dragonblight [Indu'le] [Day]
033. Dragonblight [Indu'le] [Night]
034. Grizzly Hills [Intro]
035. Grizzly Hills [Day]
036. Grizzly Hills [Night]
037. Zul'Drak [Intro]
038. Zul'Drak [Day]
039. Zul'Drak [Night]
040. Zul'Drak [Har'koa]
041. Zul'Drak [Mam'toth]
042. Zul'Drak [Quetz'lun]
043. Zul'Drak [Rhunok]
044. Zul'Drak [Sseratus]
045. Sholazar Basin [Day]
046. Sholazar Basin [Night]
047. Sholazar Basin [Lifeblood Cave]
048. Sholazar Basin [Crystals]
049. Sholazar Basin [Fire]
050. Sholazar Basin [Path of the Life Warden]
051. Sholazar Basin [Maker's Terrace]
052. Crystalsong Forest
053. Dalaran
054. Lake Wintergrasp [General]
055. Lake Wintergrasp [Contested]
056. Storm Peaks [Day]
057. Storm Peaks [Night]
058. Storm Peaks [Dark]
059. Storm Peaks [Temple of Storms]
060. Icecrown [Intro]
061. Icecrown [Day]
062. Icecrown [Night]
063. Acherus - The Ebon Hold [General]
064. Acherus - The Ebon Hold [Assault]
065. Utgarde Keep [General]
066. Utgarde Keep [Quiet]
067. The Nexus [Quiet]
068. The Nexus [Action]
069. The Nexus [Pulse]
070. The Nexus [Hail]
071. Azjol-Nerub [Intro]
072. Azjol-Nerub [Walk]
073. The Violet Hold
074. The Culling of Stratholme [Intro]
075. The Culling of Stratholme [Outdoors]
076. The Culling of Stratholme [Walk]
077. The Culling of Stratholme [Battle]
078. The Culling of Stratholme [Indoors]
079. The Culling of Stratholme [Alley]
080. The Culling of Stratholme [Mal'Ganis]
081. The Culling of Stratholme [End Stinger]
082. Halls of Stone [Intro]
083. Halls of Stone [Walk]
084. Halls of Stone [Battle]
085. Halls of Lightning [Intro]
086. Halls of Lightning [Walk]
087. Halls of Lightning [Battle]
088. Chamber of Aspects [Day]
089. Chamber of Aspects [Night]
090. Chamber of Aspects [General]
091. Obsidian Sanctum
092. Argent Tournament [Herald]
093. Argent Tournament [Day]
094. Argent Tournament [Night]
095. Argent Tournament [Joust]
096. Ulduar [Intro]
097. Ulduar [Walk]
098. Ulduar [Action]
099. Ulduar [Halls] [Walk]
100. Ulduar [Halls] [Past]
101. Ulduar [Four Sigils] [Intro]
102. Ulduar [Four Sigils] [Walk]
103. Ulduar [Four Sigils] [Ghost]
104. Ulduar [Halls of Iron]
105. Ulduar [Tone]
106. Ulduar [Mimiron] [Intro]
107. Ulduar [Mimiron] [Walk]
108. Ulduar [Mimiron] [Ghosts]
109. Ultuar [Titan] [Orchestra Intro]
110. Ulduar [Titan] [Halls]
111. Ulduar [Titan] [Sigils]
112. Ulduar [Titan] [Mech]
113. Ulduar [Titan] [Ghosts]
114. Ulduar [Titan] [Yogg-Saron]
115. Ulduar [Yogg-Saron] [Intro]
116. Ulduar [Yogg-Saron] [Lite]
117. Ulduar [Yogg-Saron] [Woods]
118. Ulduar [Algalon] [Intro]
119. Ulduar [Algalon] [Planetary Hall]
120. Ulduar [Algalon] [Battle]
121. Ulduar [Algalon] [Voices]
122. Argent Coliseum
123. Lady or the Lich
124. Forge of Souls
125. Bronze Jam
126. Pit of Saron
127. Halls of Reflection
128. Icecrown Citadel [Light's Hammer]
129. Icecrown Citadel [Walk]
130. Icecrown Citadel [Gunships]
131. Icecrown Citadel [Let Him Pass]
132. Icecrown Citadel [Ice Fortress]
133. Icecrown Citadel [Stinger]
134. Icecrown Citadel [Crimson Hall]
135. Icecrown Citadel [Sindragosa]
136. Icecrown Citadel [Summit]
137. Icecrown Citadel [Frozen Throne]
138. Icecrown Citadel [Frostmourne]
139. Operation - Gnomeregan
140. Zalazane's Fall
141. Invincible

Download (https://mega.nz/#!7lFkTKaB!0hi8r0Ri6nvAzWh7FrRND8UCN6KWw94hPpqU0bZXvAg)

001. The Shattering
002. Xaxas
003. Gilneas
004. Goblin
005. Hot Rod Radio
006. Lost Isles Rescue
007. Stormwind
008. Westfall
009. Cold Mountain
010. Dark Ironforge
011. Undead
012. Arathi Highlands
013. Stranglethorn
014. Stranglethorn Vale
015. Surrender the Booty
016. Western Plaguelands
017. Cursed
018. Aftermath
019. The Land Will Weep
020. Burning Steppes
021. Fire
022. Fire Land
023. Marsh
024. Crypt
025. Welcome to Orgrimmar
026. Durotar
027. Azshara
028. The Noble Tauren
029. Welcome to Thunder Bluff
030. Mulgore
031. Mulgore Plains
032. Grimtotem
033. Night Elves
034. Darnassus
035. Shadowglen
036. Ruins of Auberdine
037. Grove of the Ancients
038. Eye of the Vortex
039. Scarred
040. Shadows
041. Mysterious
042. Stonetalon Mountains
043. Barrow Dens
044. Southern Barrens
045. Feralas
046. Tanaris
047. Winterspring
048. Silithus
049. Moonglade
050. Haunted
051. Ghosts
052. Alliance Hero
053. War March
054. Flower Aura
055. Adventure
056. Vashj'ir
057. Vashj'ir Naga
058. Vashj'ir Naga Throne
059. Mount Hyjal
060. Guardians of Hyjal
061. Nordrassil
062. Rift of Aln
063. Deepholm
064. Elemental
065. Treasure
066. Uldum
067. Twilight Highlands
068. Twilight Vale
069. Darkwhisper Gorge
070. Dark Event
071. Twilight's Hammer
072. Words and Music By
073. Cho'Gall
074. Lost City of the Tol'vir
075. Skywall
076. The Coil
077. Mandokir
078. The Cache of Madness
079. The Temple of Bethekk
080. The Devil's Terrace
081. Altar of the Blood God
082. Faerie Dragon
083. Elemental Earth
084. Elemental Water
085. Elemental Air
086. Elemental Bonds
087. Thrall and Aggra
088. Druids of the Flame
089. The Firelands
090. Darkmoon Faire
091. Fangs of the Father
092. Deathwing's Corruption
093. Corrupted Dragonblight
094. Well of Eternity
095. Zin-Azshari
096. Night Walk
097. Twilight's Hammer Intro
098. Thrall the Earth-Warder
099. Dragon Soul
100. Warships
101. Gunships
102. Deathwing's Fall
103. Nightsong

Download (https://mega.nz/#!WwUUQSiK!99L-bGYGsAxN8k_X3CU5I4-l2CDaneuPnVok1cZLhqk)

01. Heart of Pandaria
02. Why Do We Fight
03. The Wandering Isle
04. Temple of the Five Dawns
05. Pandaria
06. Jinyu
07. Hozen
08. Bamboo
09. The River
10. Serpent's Heart
11. Spirits
12. Spirit Cave
13. Spirit Path
14. Monk [Brewmaster]
15. Monk [Windwalker]
16. Monk [Mistweaver]
17. Valley of the Four Winds
18. The Heartland
19. Wood of Staves
20. Darkbrew
21. Krasarang Wilds
22. Song of Liu Lang
23. Kun-Lai Summit
24. Mogu
25. Townlong Steppes
26. Shado-Pan
27. Dread Wastes
28. Mantid
29. Sha
30. Vale of Eternal Blossoms
31. Bottoms Up
32. Toast
33. Shen-zin Su
34. Windspire
35. August Celestials
36. Scarlet Monastery
37. Scholomance
38. Temple of the Jade Serpent
39. Gate of the Setting Sun
40. Siege of Niuzao Temple
41. Battle for Pandaria
42. Balloon Ride
43. Serpent Riders
44. Theramore's Fall
45. For the Alliance
46. Alliance Battle March
47. Garrosh's Theme
48. Jaina's Homeland
49. Sunreavers
50. Ancient Pandaria
51. Thunder Isle
52. Mysterioso
53. Ancient Mogu
54. Gods and Monsters
55. Zandalari
56. Zandalari Prophecy
57. Troll Battle
58. It Is Done
59. Thunder King
60. Troves of the Thunder King
61. Wrathion
62. The Emperor is Revealed
63. For the Alliance Pandaren
64. Corrupted Vale
65. Sha Vocaline
66. Sha Ambient
67. Sha Descendant
68. Sha Angry
69. Legendary
70. Mok-Rah
71. No Quarter
72. Overlord
73. Doomhammer
74. Good Mourning
75. Vale Healing

Download *COMING SOON* ("]Download *COMING SOON*[/URL]

Coming soon!


Coming soon!

Download *COMING SOON* ("")

Coming soon!

04-29-2019, 07:13 AM
Interesting way of organising things. I currently have them organised as expansions and then patches, which is nearly 30 separate albums. It's a bit to swallow, so it's nice to see an effort like this to keep them all maintained together.

I'd maybe recommend splitting individual albums into discs of expansion / patches, i.e. the album dedicated to MoP being disc 1. Mists of Pandaria, disc 2 Landfall, disc 3 Rise of the Thunder King, and so on. Regardless, rep added. Keep up the good work :)

04-29-2019, 08:01 AM
Seems like awesome work! Keep it up!

I for one appreciate that it's all bundled up into just expansions and order of appearance rather than separated into CD's and Patches since we already seen that before.

(Also, as a personal note i never get the CD thing anymore. Are people still burning these out and playing in a CD player? hehe I always just merge everything but that means i constantly need to recreate the track numbers.)

04-29-2019, 10:14 PM
Very nice work, waiting for more :)

In TBC soundtrack tracks 64 and 65 are identical with different titles ;)

05-01-2019, 01:00 PM
thank you very much my friend =) , I hope a version like its , thank you again **O**

05-04-2019, 02:23 PM
My BFA rip (8.0) - Download (https://mega.nz/#!QYZwVAjC!BNqbEJ8t4r2Uu8NLx4TMFJBD1euzmdShHX0zQEsqDyE)

01. Glenn Stafford, Neal Acree, Sam Cardon, David Arkenstone, Clint Bajakian, Derek Duke - Before the Storm
02. Glenn Stafford, Leo Kaliski - War of the Thorns (Alliance)
03. Clint Bajakian, Leo Kaliski - War of the Thorns (Horde)
04. Glenn Stafford, Sam Cardon - Windrunner
05. Glenn Stafford, Tracy W. Bush, Korry McMaster - The Burning Teldrassil
06. Neal Acree - Battle for Lordaeron (Alliance)
07. Neal Acree - Battle for Lordaeron (Horde)
08. Sam Cardon, Leo Kaliski - Boralus Intro
09. David Arkenstone - Tol Dagor
10. Glenn Stafford - Outlaw Harbor
11. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Kul Tiras Sky (Day)
12. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Kul Tiras Sky (Night)
13. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Kul Tiras Stone (Day)
14. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Kul Tiras Stone (Night)
15. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Kul Tiras Peaks (Day)
16. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Kul Tiras Peaks (Night)
17. David Arkenstone - Kultiran Tavern 1
18. David Arkenstone - Kultiran Tavern 1 (Jukebox)
19. David Arkenstone - Kultiran Tavern 2
20. David Arkenstone - Kultiran Tavern 2 (Jukebox)
21. David Arkenstone - Kultiran Tavern 3
22. Sam Cardon - Kultiran Parley
23. Sam Cardon - Kultiran Parley (Jukebox)
24. Sam Cardon - Kultiran Highseas
25. Sam Cardon - House Ashvane
26. David Arkenstone - Ashvane Company
27. Sam Cardon, Glenn Stafford, Leo Kaliski - Divebar
28. Glenn Stafford - Freehold
29. Glenn Stafford, Kory McMaster - Freehold Combat
30. Glenn Stafford - Drustvar (Day)
31. Glenn Stafford - Drustvar (Night)
32. Clint Bajakian - Crimson Forest
33. Clint Bajakian - Crimson Rise
34. Glenn Stafford - Barrowknoll Cemetery
35. Glenn Stafford - Glenbrook Woods
36. Clint Bajakian - House Waycrest
37. Glenn Stafford, Leo Kaliski - Waycrest Wedding
38. Glenn Stafford - Waycrest Manor 1
39. Glenn Stafford - Waycrest Manor 2
40. Glenn Stafford - Waycrest Manor (Boss Music)
41. Glenn Stafford - Outdoors
42. Glenn Stafford - Distant Organ
43. Glenn Stafford - Drust 1
44. Glenn Stafford - Drust 2
45. Glenn Stafford - Woods 1
46. Glenn Stafford - Woods 2
47. Derek Duke - Stormsong
48. Glenn Stafford - Siren Song
49. David Arkenstone - Quilboar
50. Neal Acree - K'thir
51. Neal Acree - Shrine of Storms 1
52. Neal Acree - Shrine of Storms 2
53. Sam Cardon - Dazar'alor Intro
54. Sam Cardon - Zuldazar 1
55. Sam Cardon - Zuldazar 2
56. David Arkenstone - Zuldazar Bazaar
57. Sam Cardon - Zandalari Lament
58. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Zuldazar Jungle
59. Sam Cardon - Loa Paku
60. Sam Cardon - Loa Shadra
61. Sam Cardon - Loa Akunda
62. Sam Cardon - Loa Bwonsamdi
63. Sam Cardon - Atal'Dazar
64. Neal Acree - Goblin Greed
65. Neal Acree - Bomb Area
66. Neal Acree - The Motherlode
67. Russell Brower, Peter McConnell - Goblin Disco 1 (Karazhan)
68. Sam Cardon, Russell Brower - Goblin Disco 2 (One Night in Karazhan)
69. Sam Cardon - City of Gold
70. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Nazmir Swamp
71. Sam Cardon - Vanquished
72. Clint Bajakian - Blood Magic
73. Sam Cardon - Blood Sacrifice
74. Cam Cardon, Kory McMaster - Voldun
75. Sam Cardon, Kory McMaster - The Tortollan
76. Neal Acree - Vulpera 1
77. Neal Acree - Vulpera 2
78. Glenn Stafford - Naga Incursion
79. Glenn Stafford - Sethrak 1
80. Glenn Stafford - Sethrak 2
81. Glenn Stafford, Kory McMaster - Heart of Sethraliss 1
82. Glenn Stafford, Kory McMaster - Heart of Sethraliss 2
83. Neal Acree - G'huun
84. Neal Acree - Void
85. Neal Acree - Point of Impact PvP
86. Glenn Stafford, Jason Hayes - Warfront Arathi (Alliance)
87. Clint Bajakian, Leo Kaliski - Warfront Arathi (Horde)
88. Glenn Stafford, Jason Hayes, Leo Kaliski - Alliance Victory
89. Glenn Stafford, Clint Bajakian, Leo Kaliski - Horde Victory
90. Glenn Stafford, Leo Kaliski - Adventure Islands
91. Glenn Stafford - Mystical Islands
92. Glenn Stafford - Mystical Islands (Victory)
93. Glenn Stafford - Winter Islands
94. Glenn Stafford - Winter Islands (Victory)
95. Leo Kaliski - Winter in Kul Tiras
96. Glenn Stafford - Dark Iron Dwarves
97. Clint Bajakian - Maghar
98. Glenn Stafford - SC ''Terran One'' (Organ Version)
99. Glenn Stafford - D2 ''Tristram'' (Organ Version)

100. Glenn Stafford - OW ''Overture'' (Organ Version)
101. Glenn Stafford - WoW ''A Call to Arms'' (Organ Version)
102. Glenn Stafford - HOTS ''The Battle Begins'' (Organ Version)
103. Glenn Stafford - WC2 ''Harpischord and Chorus'' (Organ Version)

05-07-2019, 12:44 AM
Very nice work, waiting for more :)

In TBC soundtrack tracks 64 and 65 are identical with different titles ;)

Sorry it's a bit late - I've been busy with school - but I've fixed it. Thanks for mentioning it!

Cataclysm is up!

05-07-2019, 02:49 AM
Sorry it's a bit late - I've been busy with school - but I've fixed it. Thanks for mentioning it!

Cataclysm is up!

Awesome, thanks :)

05-09-2019, 10:29 AM
Thank you for the work you're doing on this! It's great to have this all collected in one place, and I'm looking forward to seeing it completed ^^

06-15-2019, 04:49 AM
Any news on more updates, possibly?

06-15-2019, 08:04 PM
Very cool work, I will be keeping an eye out for future releases. I believe I'm missing music from 5.0 to 8.0 so I'm curious to see what you release.

Thanks for the hard work!

06-23-2019, 02:34 AM
Any news on more updates, possibly?

I've been super busy with school and graduation, but I do plan on working on this! I have the whole summer open finally, so I plan to start working today c:

06-23-2019, 07:36 PM
I've been super busy with school and graduation, but I do plan on working on this! I have the whole summer open finally, so I plan to start working today c:

Looking forward to updates :) Grats on open summer ;)

06-24-2019, 06:14 AM
This is nice i cant wait for the rest

07-06-2019, 04:53 AM
My rip "Rise of Azshara" (8.2) - Download (https://mega.nz/#!xFAE1SqI!NT8sBuCqXSxFx_C5cTRfTFxkPBjQG3MW0FnKQd7YL2s)

01. Glenn Stafford - Saving Baine
02. Peter McConnell, Leo Kaliski - Junker Gnomes
03. Peter McConnell, Leo Kaliski - Workshop
04. Leo Kaliski - Mechagon Arena
05. Glenn Stafford - Welcome to Nazjatar
06. Glenn Stafford - Nazjatar
07. David Arketnstone, Leo Kaliski - Nazjatar's Depths
08. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Zanj'ir Terrace
09. Glenn Stafford - Azshari Terrace
10. Glenn Stafford - Zin-Azshari
11. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - The Eternal Palace
12. David Arkenstone - Darkest Depths
13. David Arkenstone - The Queen's Court
14. David Arkenstone - Queen Azshara
15. Leo Kaliski, Glenn Staffod - Crestfall Islands
16. Leo Kaliski, Glenn Stafford - Snowblossom Islands
17. Derek Duke - Ode to Tinkertown (Rustbolt Jukebox)
18. Russell Brower - Mimiron's Brainstorm (Rustbolt Jukebox)
19. Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford - Depths of Ulduar (Rustbolt Jukebox)
20. Derek Duke - Gnomeregan Forever (Rustbolt Jukebox)
21. Derek Duke - Battle of Gnomeregan (Rustbolt Jukebox)
22. Derek Duke - Triumph of Gnomeregan (Rustbolt Jukebox)

07-06-2019, 06:00 AM
My rip "Rise of Azshara" (8.2) - Download (https://mega.nz/#!xFAE1SqI!NT8sBuCqXSxFx_C5cTRfTFxkPBjQG3MW0FnKQd7YL2s)

01. Glenn Stafford - Saving Baine
02. Peter McConnell, Leo Kaliski - Junker Gnomes
03. Peter McConnell, Leo Kaliski - Workshop
04. Leo Kaliski - Mechagon Arena
05. Glenn Stafford - Welcome to Nazjatar
06. Glenn Stafford - Nazjatar
07. David Arketnstone, Leo Kaliski - Nazjatar's Depths
08. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Zanj'ir Terrace
09. Glenn Stafford - Azshari Terrace
10. Glenn Stafford - Zin-Azshari
11. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - The Eternal Palace
12. David Arkenstone - Darkest Depths
13. David Arkenstone - The Queen's Court
14. David Arkenstone - Queen Azshara
15. Leo Kaliski, Glenn Staffod - Crestfall Islands
16. Leo Kaliski, Glenn Stafford - Snowblossom Islands
17. Derek Duke - Ode to Tinkertown (Rustbolt Jukebox)
18. Russell Brower - Mimiron's Brainstorm (Rustbolt Jukebox)
19. Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford - Depths of Ulduar (Rustbolt Jukebox)
20. Derek Duke - Gnomeregan Forever (Rustbolt Jukebox)
21. Derek Duke - Battle of Gnomeregan (Rustbolt Jukebox)
22. Derek Duke - Triumph of Gnomeregan (Rustbolt Jukebox)

Thanks a lot :)

07-14-2019, 01:50 AM
My rip "Rise of Azshara" (8.2) - Download (https://mega.nz/#!xFAE1SqI!NT8sBuCqXSxFx_C5cTRfTFxkPBjQG3MW0FnKQd7YL2s)

01. Glenn Stafford - Saving Baine
02. Peter McConnell, Leo Kaliski - Junker Gnomes
03. Peter McConnell, Leo Kaliski - Workshop
04. Leo Kaliski - Mechagon Arena
05. Glenn Stafford - Welcome to Nazjatar
06. Glenn Stafford - Nazjatar
07. David Arketnstone, Leo Kaliski - Nazjatar's Depths
08. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - Zanj'ir Terrace
09. Glenn Stafford - Azshari Terrace
10. Glenn Stafford - Zin-Azshari
11. David Arkenstone, Leo Kaliski - The Eternal Palace
12. David Arkenstone - Darkest Depths
13. David Arkenstone - The Queen's Court
14. David Arkenstone - Queen Azshara
15. Leo Kaliski, Glenn Staffod - Crestfall Islands
16. Leo Kaliski, Glenn Stafford - Snowblossom Islands
17. Derek Duke - Ode to Tinkertown (Rustbolt Jukebox)
18. Russell Brower - Mimiron's Brainstorm (Rustbolt Jukebox)
19. Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford - Depths of Ulduar (Rustbolt Jukebox)
20. Derek Duke - Gnomeregan Forever (Rustbolt Jukebox)
21. Derek Duke - Battle of Gnomeregan (Rustbolt Jukebox)
22. Derek Duke - Triumph of Gnomeregan (Rustbolt Jukebox)

If you don't mind me asking, how did you obtain the Nazjatar music? I'm looking in my files everywhere, yet cannot seem to find the music anywhere :/

07-14-2019, 03:55 AM
I'm in the process of completing my WoW collection so this is very helpful.

Looking forward to the Azeroth update.

07-14-2019, 05:52 AM
If you don't mind me asking, how did you obtain the Nazjatar music? I'm looking in my files everywhere, yet cannot seem to find the music anywhere :/

Unknown - folder

07-14-2019, 11:34 PM
Unknown - folder

I still can't seem to find the music - what program do you use?

07-17-2019, 05:20 PM
Just in case, do you have complete versions from after Cata? want to update my collection and move from having like 5 albums for each major patch to just one and you have done amazing job so far :)

08-07-2019, 06:58 AM
Finally finished Mists of Pandaria! It is currently up for download - I might take a break between doing that and Warlords to upload a few other rips I've done.

08-07-2019, 04:39 PM
Thanks for the update ... just fyi track #11 (Spirits) has a title tag of "Mix by audio-joiner.com" ;)

08-07-2019, 09:37 PM
Thanks for the update ... just fyi track #11 (Spirits) has a title tag of "Mix by audio-joiner.com" ;)

Thanks so much for pointing that out - I've fixed it. That's what I get for doing soundtracks at 12 at night!

08-07-2019, 10:14 PM
Thanks so much for pointing that out - I've fixed it. That's what I get for doing soundtracks at 12 at night!

Haha, given I am web developer, I can relate when doing coding or website upgrades at 1am lol

08-09-2019, 02:31 AM
I updated both Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria! Turns out one song in Cataclysm was misnamed, and I forgot a few songs for Pandaria :/

08-09-2019, 06:44 AM
Can you tell me which track in Cata was misnamed so I can just change title?

08-14-2019, 09:06 PM
Can you tell me which track in Cata was misnamed so I can just change title?

It was Darkwhisper Gorge c:

08-14-2019, 10:36 PM
Found it, thanks :)

08-16-2019, 05:53 AM
Can you tell when you will be able to provide BfA and WoD?

08-17-2019, 08:32 PM
Can you tell when you will be able to provide BfA and WoD?

I'm currently having some issues locating a couple songs. As soon as I work that out, I'll get started immediately!