04-26-2019, 03:54 PM
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles My Life as a King / My Life as a Darklord


These soundtracks were ripped from the game using Dolphin emulator and Audacity. I tried to rip the music files directly, but due to the extreme file size limitations for WiiWare games, the music is stored as a sequence of samples rather than a rippable format. My Life as a King was very straightforward to record because there is a jukebox function in the game. Unfortunately, My Life as a Darklord has no such function, so I had to hunt down all the music in the game.

It's possible I missed some songs from Darklord (there are at least 4 that I know of). Each of the 3 stage themes has a "panic" variation that happens when you're about to die, but whenever it plays there is an annoying alarm sound that plays with it. I can't find any way to disable the alarm sound so I didn't bother recording them. There is also a song that plays at the end credits that from what I can tell is just a mashup of other songs in the game, but I can't be bothered to actually learn how to beat the game to record it.

I tried to let every song loop at least once, but it depends on the length of the song.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles My Life as a King
Format: FLAC/MP3 320 kbps
Tracks: 16
Time: 41 minutes
File Size: 215 MB / 94 MB


FLAC (!qV1BxI7S!WbuKbEdxZ4NPujdsS6E4OI7r2t1FcD5Se5kPNKUNZYc) - MP3 320 kbps (!Ld0FTQaK!r9D3z1u_uijZ1U0bWDrrzypX2RdtcBE65H-kINN-O70)

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles My Life as a Darklord
Format: FLAC/MP3 320 kbps
Tracks: 15
Time: 31 minutes
File Size: 183 MB / 72 MB


FLAC (!mB9VAIqC!OZEFLGj4PNBonS25eFFeTqZcj3EyrYFqg6qNPX7vSG0) - MP3 320 kbps (!zE0zTCCQ!Qbt0ONdLVsUcKCO41u8u2y2bMADQw-CxYa-7aVHwABo)

UPDATE: I was able to mod the sound effects out of the game so I could record the panic versions of the 3 stage themes:

My Life as a Darklord Stage Music Panic Versions


FLAC and MP3 (!HJl3wCxY!hQRFwUgJ6bZ25OlVSIzSJwTsxpH-ZzlDW9KncqMOGGE)

04-26-2019, 05:11 PM
Oh my gosh, thank you so much I've been trying desperately to hunt these down for ages now!

04-26-2019, 07:56 PM

04-26-2019, 09:51 PM
Finally able to get my hands on the Darklord OST! Thank you so much!

I rearranged the Darklord track order and renamed some of the tracks based on their names in the My Life as a King/My Life as a Darklord EP.!KNRXSQaK!6Qyvcoe1tbdb4UVI9dSeKXqpFppX94nZEb8qmWWTY9Q

(this is mp3, not FLAC)

04-27-2019, 08:02 AM
Well, I have some good news. I was able to hack the alarm sound effect out of the game, so I added the panic versions of each stage to the original post!

04-27-2019, 08:52 AM
Oh sweet! I commend you for not only doing this, but going back to add more to it ^^ Thanks a ton!

04-27-2019, 04:48 PM
Is it alright if I link to the forum concerning the music?

I am uploading videos for this soundtrack and would like to make sure people can find this since its hard to get...

04-27-2019, 05:28 PM
Is it alright if I link to the forum concerning the music?

I am uploading videos for this soundtrack and would like to make sure people can find this since its hard to get...

Sure, you can link to the forum, or do whatever you want with the files. It doesn't matter to me. :)