06-08-2005, 09:44 AM
Whats Your Favourite Rapper & Whats That Rapper`s Best Song That YOU Like??

Mine Is Proberly Eminem, I Just Like His Songs. :)

Alice Wonderbra
06-08-2005, 09:53 AM
ironically enough, the only rap or hip hop i like is by white people--eminem and the beastie boys. i prefer pre-d12 eminem though. dont have a fave song.

06-08-2005, 12:22 PM
Some of Eminem's lyrics make me laugh, not too fond of his music though. Guess you could say I like his comic stylings. Same thing goes for the Beastie Boys, except it's their videos that get a laugh out of me.

So far the only rap group I've heard and actually liked their music would be Outkast. Now if only my stupid cd player in my car would play their disks (I have them burned, my car's cd player does not like burnded disks).

Alice Wonderbra
06-08-2005, 10:14 PM
o man, i despise outkast. i liked them better before they got all poppish.

Doc Holidae
06-09-2005, 12:04 AM
my favorite is actually local group called YDC. my favorite member is a guy Lil Met(pronounced Meet). he can rap fast, slow, in between, and all of it sounds awesome. if i could post fiules here, i'd put a sample of some of their songs.

Alice Wonderbra
06-09-2005, 12:18 AM
i forgot i liked vanilla ice until rezo brought him up! ANOTHER WHITEY. O TEH NOES.

06-09-2005, 01:16 AM
Haha, Eminem's cool.

06-09-2005, 04:07 AM
Gotta be Mike Skinner or Dizzee Rascal.

06-09-2005, 06:13 AM
How can you forget MC Chris!

06-09-2005, 06:23 AM
Eminem. Yup. I just like his beat and humor and I can really hear what he has to say.

06-09-2005, 11:19 AM
all rap is rubbish apart from eminem (d12) and dr.dre

06-09-2005, 01:02 PM
For everyone who said eminem is cool, then, YOU ROCK TOO!!!! lol

06-09-2005, 10:46 PM
I really like Outkast. And Eminem is okay. Some of his songs are really addictive.

06-10-2005, 04:20 PM
Well actually I used to think early eminem, like before the slim shady lp was pretty good. like back then he had some very clever lyrics. And also back then he was very wild and would say just about anything and I liked that because most the time I was like "I can't believe someone is rapping about this!" but I would of never considered him one of my favorites. Especially now because all his songs are emo and all he talks about is fueds or his daughter. Needless to say the guy has lost his edge and is running out of shit to say!

Anyway I'm not really into hip hop as I used to be but my favorite group til this day is De la sol. Those guys are just of the hook. like anything they do is awesome. like that new gorillaz song. nice!

06-11-2005, 04:40 AM
Hmmm fav rapper of all time i love N.W.A,Easy-e fucken rocks RIP ,btnh are awesome, tupac RIP and eminem is alright

Doc Holidae
06-13-2005, 06:03 PM
Tupac RIP, haha. he's not dead and i can prove it.

eminem used to be on top. back then, his attitude was "i don't give a fuck. let em sue me. i'll come twice as mad and 4 times as crazy." now it's "i wonder what i can do before i get sued." his solo stuff isn't nearly as good as the stuff he does with the rest of D12 and G-Unit.

06-13-2005, 08:52 PM
lets see da proof.

anyway i like Eminem and Ludacris a lot. Some Nelly I like. And Atomosphere is one of my favorite rap groups. Snoop Dogg is prty funny, and I'm going to say Nate Dogg and Warren G, if only for Regulate 8-)

i can't stand 50 cent.

grn apple tree
06-14-2005, 12:51 AM
Well I like Korean rappers like 1 Tym and some other guys. The only english speaking rappers I like is probably Nelly, Snoop Dogg or Dr. Dre. Though I don't listen to them much any more. Used to like them about a year or 3 ago.

Edit: ... Shouldn't the title be "Whose your favorite rapper?" ... ?

06-14-2005, 01:17 AM
this just in, leeloo is a racist whore.

also i dont really like any specific rappers, unless it's like eminem or someone else with a very distinctive voice, i can't tell who's who. =o some of the songs are catchy though. i probably have more jay-z than anything though, i dont know how or why.

06-14-2005, 02:08 AM
I love The Streets. And when I'm in the right mood, I really like Public Enemy.

I liked some old outkast and DMX stuff back in the day, but it's been so long since I've listened to it, I'm not really sure how I feel about it.

Doc Holidae
06-14-2005, 09:51 PM
aight, check this out.

1. Tupac died Friday the 13th(that's suspicious, but not anything extraordinary)
2. How can someone get shot in a driveby in a city like Vegas and no one would see the driver, or at least get a liscense plate numer.
3. Why didn't Pac's bodyguards persue the attackers?
4. why wasn't anybody on the streets? especially after a big Heavyweight fight.
5. Tupac's lastest album at the time was "Makeveli", Machiaveli(pronounced the same) was an Italian philosopher who believed in faking ones detah to confuse enmies.
6. Machiaveli wrote two books in his life. The names of the disks from All Eyez On Me are the same.
7. How can it be that that if someone robbed a liquor store there would be a police chase, but if a major celebrity murdered, there's nothing?
8. Tupac was cremated the day after his death, since when does this happen?
9. There's no public knowledge of a balistics test in the murder case
10. How can Suge be riding in the same vehicle that shot 12 times and only get grazed by a bullet when Pac gets hit by 5 and dies?
11. Suge drove Pac to the hospital and had an actual convesation with him, how bad was he hit?
12. Also, there are conflicting stories stating that Quincy Jones' daughter was in the car, when she wasn't.
13. Pac had a 72 million dollar life insurance policy, why wasn't it cashed? i'll tell you why, no legal action can be taken for faking his death if it isn't cashed.
14. Pac's open memorial services in ATL and LA were cancelled. why?
15. The producer on the Makeveli album was named SIMON. Simon was the name of the apostle who helped Jesus carry the cross and was one of the first to witness him resurected. maybe Suge is this SIMON.
16. Why wouldn't Death Row put up a reward or something fro finding the killers?
17. Why has Pac's entourage been so uncooperative in solving his death?
18. There is said to be one witness that was willing to cooperate with the police, and the investigation team, but this witness was killed before she/he could say anything about the killers.

and now we move to The Seven Day Theory.

some of you know about it. it's a theory revoilving around the numerous occurances of the number 7 relating to his death

1. he was shot on the *7th* lived the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th. 12th, and died on the 13th, the seventh day. Pac's time of death was recorded as 4:03. 4+0+3=7
2. On track five on the Makaveli album the voice at the begining says "And if the Lord returns in the coming seven days, then we'll see ya next time."
3. The first video released off "R U Still Down" was "Wonder If Heaven Got A Ghetto". In this video, when 2Pac & another lady go into a hotel room, they very clearly show the hotel room number of 7 on the door.
4. In the movie, "Gang Related," Tupac and Belushi wait in room 7, and Tupac's badge number is 115; 1+1+5=7.
5. Tupac breaks the mirror with the bat in the, "Toss It Up," video which is seven years bad luck.

6. On the song, "White Man's World," if you listen very closely at the beggining, there is a voice in the background saying, " 7 years, 7 years, 7 years..."
7. At the end opf the song hail marry you can hear a voice calling
"he's alive 'he's alive. you can hear it when the song is playing 3 minutes and 22 seconds and 3+2+2is the magical number of 7.
8. The killers fired 12 shots at him. 5 of those shots hit him. 12-5=7.
9. Since Tupac "died" in 1996, there are rumours that say that this means, according to the 7-theory that he would return in 7 years, this would be in 2003.
10. this is the most important piece of evidence. in 2003, work began on his latest album, Loyal To The Game. in one of the tracks entitled "Loyal To The Game", at the end, Pac says "G-Unit in the muthafukin house." after this, he starts givin shout outs to G-Unit. also, in one of the songs he says "Get em Em" in a song featuring Eminem. how can he be working with these artists if they were after his time?

06-16-2005, 04:58 AM
I love The Streets. And when I'm in the right mood, I really like Public Enemy.

Also Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch hit up my playlist often. I have never liked Eminem, his voice is extremely annoying and his flow is wack, dogg.

06-16-2005, 01:16 PM
Del Tha Funky Homosapien. He's got a confidence and originality that a lot of rappers will never even approach. Listen to him. He's inspirational.

06-16-2005, 01:33 PM
he did the song "mr.bobalina"..right?

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
06-17-2005, 10:30 AM
Del Tha Funky Homosapien. He's got a confidence and originality that a lot of rappers will never even approach. Listen to him. He's inspirational.

Plus he worked with Dinosaur Jr. for a song, and it is a pretty cool song I must say.

Anyway, rap artists I enjoy mostly revolve around De La Soul, Public Enemy, basically rap that is anti-gangsta rap.

06-17-2005, 12:16 PM
Plus he worked with Dinosaur Jr. for a song, and it is a pretty cool song I must say.

Anyway, rap artists I enjoy mostly revolve around De La Soul, Public Enemy, basically rap that is anti-gangsta rap.
Missing Link is fucking awesome.
Minotaur gains my respect with every post.

06-18-2005, 05:30 AM
the dead ones are always the best rappers... well atleast in theory because they dont release any new "songs"..... DAMN YOU TUPAC DAMN YOU STAY DEAD FOR FUCKS SAKE your not favorite rap song has to be boys in the hood well the cover done by dynamite hack atleast because dynamite hack makes it so much better

06-18-2005, 08:01 PM
i dont really like rap music but if i had to pick a fave id probably go for eminem

06-23-2005, 04:49 PM
Eminem. I like Kim and Crazy in love

Atom Narmor
06-24-2005, 01:27 AM
Eminem exploits himself and the revelutionary message behind TRUE hip-hop. He can go down in a burning reckage for all I care, he's nothing but a sick distraction from what needs to be said in the game.(pissed) Anyway, if I had to choose a favorite rapper it would be Ghostface Killah at the moment; he speaks the real and he makes me laugh at times when shit is totaly FUUuuuuu.