06-08-2005, 05:23 AM
Well I'm playing ffx for the second time around, I only finised the game because of the story but I want to beat this game a 100%! How would I get all my cahracters a 99,999hp and 99,999damage? I need tips, advice, and everything ok! Thanks!

the guy watching you
06-08-2005, 05:58 AM
you need garment grids,uhh i think the end ,and something else..just check

06-08-2005, 06:31 AM
Garment Grids? This is FFX, not X-2.

It's rather difficult to help unless you be more specific. You could get the rest of the aeons, all the Celestial Weapons, complete the Omega Ruins, finish the Monster Arena and stat max. My first tip is to buy some capture weapons and try capturing anything and everything you come across.

06-08-2005, 08:29 AM
I agree with Jewels, really the only way to max out HP and Damage is to get the Celestial Weapons and Celestial Armour (Yes there is such a thing, it's the armour with Break HP and MP Limit on it, with four slots) and to capture anything, I suggest using Stonestrike (60x Petrify Grenades) or Deathstrike (60x Farplane Winds) on a capture weapon to make it easier. To get the Celestial Weapons read the sticky guide, for Celestial Armour, you need 60x Dark Matter for Break HP Limit, and 60x Three Stars for Break MP Limit. Apparently, you can also find the armours, rather than customising them yourself. I've only found Auron's with Break HP Limit though, the Masamure.

06-08-2005, 09:11 AM
Garments grids are for ffx-2 you dumdumb!

But I did get some decent weapon when defeating some dark aeons, like yojimbo I got an excalibur sowrd w/ break damage limit for Tidus and others armors with break hp limit, or Celestial weapons and armors are still the best choice to maximize a 99,999hp/damage?

Tidus 66
06-08-2005, 05:45 PM
Beat all dark aeons, complete the sphere grids being able to use Yuna as you would use Auron isn't that nice?? Comple the tunder plains thunder dodge, have all the overdrives, and overdrive modes, have all Aeons with all magics, and well ... Be a blitzball pro, one thing you could do is to catcha all monsters from monster arena and beat them all

06-08-2005, 08:09 PM
Well I'm playing ffx for the second time around, I only finised the game because of the story but I want to beat this game a 100%! How would I get all my cahracters a 99,999hp and 99,999damage? I need tips, advice, and everything ok! Thanks!
I have done that exept the 99,999 HP thing. And they are all right you need to be more specific. Tell us what you did so far.

the guy watching you
06-08-2005, 09:21 PM
sorry bout the garments grids...i always get X and X-2 mixed up

06-08-2005, 11:28 PM
I could post the entire guide for you, but that would take alot of space.

06-09-2005, 05:25 AM
Well I all I want is to was to have a 99,999hp/damage! But I'll tell you guys everything once I've reach inside Sin.

Thanks for the help!!!!!!!

06-09-2005, 11:03 AM
For consistent 99,999 damage get your Strength to 255 (get the spheres from Juggernaut in Monster Arena). HP should stay at 9999 unless you can actually be bothered to raise it. It's not worth raising it unless you like the looks.

06-09-2005, 01:58 PM
beating that 'vengance' thing after the dark aeons sub-quest should help a bit.

master zaon
06-12-2005, 07:36 AM
just turn around on the sphere grid and all will be on max stats.

strenght= use tidus,wakka and auron sphere grid.
magic = yuna and lulu sphere grid

06-19-2005, 10:36 AM
This is my first time playing ffx and i am having a bit of trouble can anyone help me!
I'm up to the boss: Lord Ochu.
I have kimahri on overdirve and yuna's summon on overdrive. Can anyone help me please.

Tidus 66
06-19-2005, 12:05 PM
Use lulu's fire, Yuna as a healer and Wakka or Tidus as a fighter, use also kimahri, when ochu falls asleep attack him right away if you have high Hp

lord braska
06-19-2005, 12:22 PM
can we fight this ochu after obtaining ifrit, if we can , it make it easy

Tidus 66
06-19-2005, 12:41 PM
Yes you can but it's more challeging beating it before that

06-19-2005, 11:28 PM
There's a great guide to maxing out stats right here (Thread 11098).

Closing this one!