04-04-2019, 01:54 PM
La Tale Online Soundtrack


LaTale is an MMORPG from 2006 that still exists today. This is technically not a gamerip, because the soundtrack is provided for free on the Korean La Tale website ( However, it might as well be a gamerip because the quality isn't amazing (mostly 192 kbps). The files provided on the Korean website were not properly tagged or titled, and just have numbered file names (1.mp3, 2.mp3, etc). I went through the painstaking process of tagging, naming, and titling each of the files based on the names provided on the website. They might not be entirely accurate, because I had to rely on Google translate to get English names. There were also a few tracks that are not on the website. I found them from other sources, and they are included at the end (tracks 245,246,247).

The early parts of the soundtrack were produced by soundTeMP (tracks 1-120 plus 245,246,247), who you might know from Ragnarok Online, TalesWeaver, Flyff, Pangya, etc. Later on in the game's life, someone named astroman took over the soundtrack. Eventually, another person who goes by "D.Z" took over the music production. Enjoy!

La Tale Online Soundtrack
Format: MP3
Bit Rate: Varied (128 kbps - 192 kbps)
Tracks: 247
Time: 8 hours 18 minutes
File Size: 617 MB


MEGA (!WrBDyACS!q3C9MJ4q9EjoKYEox1CF-PAlskNhrDAMdw63Qz9J-8A)

UPDATE: After uploading the original files I realized that there were several tracks missing from the "official" soundtrack on the Korean website. So I downloaded the entire La Tale Korean client and extracted the music to find the tracks that were missing. I found 18 "new" tracks that weren't on the website. While I was checking them all, I noticed that some of the in-game tracks were different from the website ones. Here are the ones that I included to replace the ones from the original upload:

"Pyramid Treasure": Replaced with a higher quality file, original was 128 kbps, new one is 192 kbps.
"Time Attack - Drive In": Replaced with a higher quality file, original was 128 kbps, new one is 192 kbps.
"East El Nore Plain - Imperial Army Camp": Original had a weird long pause at the end.
"Chunsik Land - Does The Boy Dream Of A Star": Original had overwhelming high-end (may be subjective).

18 new tracks + 4 replacements

MEGA (!KrhAwKbT!vMpqwrJhSLzIHt631r8IzpernlJkazEh3iisDyVPZm8)

04-05-2019, 08:36 PM
Thanks! More MMO soundtracks need to be preserved like this.

04-06-2019, 04:33 AM
Bumping to say I added some extra tracks that weren't included on the Korean website OST for some reason.

Thanks! More MMO soundtracks need to be preserved like this.

I agree! It's getting harder and harder to find these old MMO soundtracks. Especially with old download links expiring all the time.

07-04-2019, 02:15 PM
I love Ragnarok, and have played most of the free MMOs from the 2000s. I had heard of La Tale but never played it... what a bummer, this music is amazing. I honestly think it might be a better OST than RO. Been listening nonstop for the last two weeks or so now, haven't even made it halfway through the soundtrack yet.

Basically.. THANK YOU for sharing this. Best find of 2019 for me. Besides RO, are any of the other soundTeMP works this good?

07-04-2019, 10:35 PM
I love Ragnarok, and have played most of the free MMOs from the 2000s. I had heard of La Tale but never played it... what a bummer, this music is amazing. I honestly think it might be a better OST than RO. Been listening nonstop for the last two weeks or so now, haven't even made it halfway through the soundtrack yet.

Basically.. THANK YOU for sharing this. Best find of 2019 for me. Besides RO, are any of the other soundTeMP works this good?

I would have to agree, La Tale is one of my favorite soundTeMP soundtracks (and game soundtracks in general). The Ragnarok OST is amazing, but nostalgia plays a big part for me since I played it as a kid. I never played La Tale, but the soundtrack is amazing even without nostalgia.

As for other soundTeMP works similar to La Tale, there are a few. I absolutely love the Pangya soundtracks (Pangya (Thread 219067), Pangya Portable (, Super Swing Golf Season 1 ( and Season 2 (, Pangya Mobile (Thread 231250)). There's also TalesWeaver (Thread 168635), Seal Online (Thread 231934), Yogurting (https://downloads.*********.com/game-soundtracks/album/yogurting-original-soundtrack), and Flyff (!h5Y0VRaa!Ahh2pcJeW1pJevA659avJetjvjLtW86NxN8ZJjLg5P8).

There is tons of other great stuff from soundTeMP, or from individual members of soundTeMP. My soundTeMP folder is 36 GB, although it's not all exclusively from the group as they don't really work together anymore. The last soundtrack they did together was Tree of Savior I believe.

EDIT: The Yogurting link is censored apparently, just google "Yogurting OST"

07-05-2019, 02:31 PM
Thank you so much for the detailed reply. I got into some of these games via RageZone and setting up private servers (FlyFF in particular) but never heard of Pangya or Yogurting. Thanks for the those! If you ever feel bored enough, I'd love to see a screenshot of this 36gb folder. I really love soundTeMP but I never knew much about them outside of RO and Tree of Savior.

07-06-2019, 02:04 AM
Here () is a picture of the folder.

Here ( is a pastebin of the file list.

There's a lot of random stuff in there from obscure old Korean games. Most of the older stuff doesn't really resemble what you would expect from Ragnarok, La Tale etc. I've mostly focused on collecting ESTi's music, because he is my favorite part of soundTeMP. I've pretty much collected everything that's on his VGMdb page (, and plenty of music that's not even on it.

UPDATE: Here is V2 of the file list pastebin ( Mostly the same, but some albums have been replaced by flac versions. If anyone happens to find this post, PM me if there's anything you want me to upload.

07-06-2019, 03:15 AM
Here () is a picture of the folder.

Here ( is a pastebin of the file list.

There's a lot of random stuff in there from obscure old Korean games. Most of the older stuff doesn't really resemble what you would expect from Ragnarok, La Tale etc. I've mostly focused on collecting ESTi's music, because he is my favorite part of soundTeMP. I've pretty much collected everything that's on his VGMdb page (, and plenty of music that's not even on it.

Thank you so much AGAIN lol, now I have a good list of stuff to hunt for. I love collecting music, I have like 150GB of Falcom music but a lot of the free MMOs of the 2000s have really special OSTs for me - of course RO but also stuff like Gunbound, Atlantica, Lineage II, and others. I will be combing through your screenshot for new music which is always appreciated. If you're ever looking for anything Falcom or Final Fantasy related, I probably have it lol.

I also write a little music in my spare time, so I'm off to find out what kind of equipment these guys used during their soundTeMP days... I have a bunch of 90s Falcom sounding gear like a Roland SC-D70 but the soundTeMP stuff has a very particular sound to it which I'd love to emulate.

In an effort to not derail this thread, if you feel like chatting further feel free to PM your Discord name and I'll add ya. Thanks again for all of the information!