06-04-2005, 05:44 PM
Here is where you litrealy spill the beans on what type of fan your are. Casual, Obssesive??

Me first:

Firstly the very first FF i played was FF7. There will always be a special place in my heart for it. And with FF7, although i adore it, and know it inside out, i wouldn`t say i`m obbsesive. The sama goes for FF8 and FF9, although i love them i never say myself as obbsessed with them.

But FF7 was the first game i ever plyed where it felt like a movie, felt like an epic. Considering i was still playing streets of rage on the MegaDrive a day before, stroy wise, FF7 was a major jump.

But with FF7 finnaly aside and apart from FF 8 and FF9 i haven`t played much more. I played FF6 and i didn`t like it, i played a lot more recently FF10 but found it irriatating, and i didn`t even want to think about FFx-2.

And to add to that i`ve never played FF1 to 5, i`ve never even touched 70% of square-enixs games, and i`ve only rarely bought a "great" rpg. So overall although i truly love the FF series i can`t say that i`ve tasted much.
Also, i hate anime :)

Answer: Casual :)

Now, you.........

06-04-2005, 05:54 PM
Ok...I consider FF8 My fav because I played Kingdom Hearts as my first Square Enix game...First character I saw was Squall a.k.a Leon....So I sought out FF8 first...after I beat that game..then I got FF7....Now I'm into the FFX and X-2!

06-04-2005, 05:55 PM
Get rid of those huge pics.......

06-04-2005, 05:56 PM
Seriously. We have sig rules. One sig allowed. Max dimensions are 400x150. Max size is 50kb.

06-04-2005, 06:53 PM
Me probably obsessive. Well I made a site out of it, know the series back to front, etc. :) Maybe somewhere in between casual and obsessive.

06-04-2005, 07:22 PM
Seriously. We have sig rules. One sig allowed. Max dimensions are 400x150. Max size is 50kb. offense but ive tried but your wasting your time he doesnt listen!

edit : oh and i think im obbsesive...but is it such a bad thing?

06-04-2005, 10:44 PM
i think i'm obsessive... i think

The Ricky
06-04-2005, 10:47 PM
I'm the type of fan that plays them. And that's about all I do. Casual

the guy watching you
06-05-2005, 04:29 AM
I'm the type of fan that plays them. And that's about all I do. Casual

06-05-2005, 02:27 PM
I'm the type of fan that plays them. And that's about all I do. Casual

So you go as far as only buying the games?, no merchindise??
I honestly can`t imagine myself buying all the games merchindise, although i do onwed the laguna figure :)

06-05-2005, 04:10 PM
I'm the obssessed FF fan.

06-05-2005, 04:12 PM
I'm the obssessed FF fan.

But why?? Tell us about your obbsession......:)

06-08-2005, 05:58 PM
Im goddam obsessive. I dont even want to explain why. I just love em. If you wnat to tlak Final Fantasy PM me.


06-08-2005, 08:35 PM
I'm casual. I always am with games. My girlfriend calls them childish and stops me playing them. I wish i got a bit obsessive sometimes though or found a girl who was obsessed that would be cool.

the guy watching you
06-08-2005, 10:31 PM
...or found a girl who was obsessed that would be cool.

come over to my school

06-09-2005, 01:24 PM
Yea I would love to meet a girl who is obsessed with Final Fantasy as much as me... PM me...

06-09-2005, 03:04 PM
Just read my name. Which do you think I am?

06-09-2005, 04:09 PM
Just read my name. Which do you think I am?

A person who steals things?

06-09-2005, 08:46 PM
obsessive. and i know where to find w.materia on disc 4 of ff7, and i have beaten vengence on ffx in under 4 hours. obsessive, so obviosly obsessive.

06-12-2005, 08:29 PM
I am obbsessive and possesed! How could you people not know? Final Fantasy was like the door that opened to me when i was bored out of my fricken mind! My step-dad introduced me to them and I got addicted, and whats with you people wanting to find a girl who likes it either they do or they don'tand if they dont they can stay the heck away from me or they will learn to like it.
anyone who needs help e-mail me or if you just want to talk ok.

06-14-2005, 02:15 PM
obsessive. and i know where to find w.materia on disc 4 of ff7, and i have beaten vengence on ffx in under 4 hours. obsessive, so obviosly obsessive.
I will assume you are talking about FFVII for PC....

When I was a little child (10 years ago) i saw in magazines games like ff4 (ff2 in those days) or FF6 but i never played them. Some years later i was in a friend's house and he had ff7, i never played it before, and i couldn't even saw it!! I wanted to explore the FFuniverse, something was calling me.
The next year (2000) i had the luck of playing FFVIII, that day my life changed. When I arrived my home I started downloading those old games i couldn't never play (FF4, 5 and 6)
Inmediatly I bought a Playstation with final fantasy VIII, later (apart of many other games) FFVII and FFIX. Of course i aquired final fantasy I, II, and III, then I bought FF chroicles, anthologies and origins. Later appeared FFX, i remember to have been playing 12 hour continuous just playing final fantasy X.
Mi pc is filled of ff materia, MP3, images, movies (in fact just now i've finished downoading The Spring of ffX) and in mi classes in the institute y play FFIII cuz it is the only FFgame i could't finish. So that's why i consider myself an obsessive fanatic


Tidus 66
06-14-2005, 02:26 PM
I'm obsessed!!! First i played FF8, and i was blown away, altought some people don't like it i just adore it, then i played FF7 once again i was astonished!!! The last i played in my old ps1 (god i miss her) was FFIX didn't mark me like VIII or VII, but it was good and it still has a special location in my heart, then X, Yay it's one of my favorite games ever, i never get enough, X-2 not so good... But still i liked the good ending, and Kh, A little childish, but Cloud and Sephiroth, Squall, and Sora's arcanum, were great, i also played Tatics advanced, not to good but i like some aspects like old fashioned Jobs, now waiting for XII and KhII

06-14-2005, 02:27 PM
FFX wasn`t as amazing as the previous three. As far as all round great gameplay, FFIX.
But i`m still "casual".:)

Tidus 66
06-14-2005, 02:28 PM
Today i still play FF8 VII and X has it was the first time...I'm just an addict

President Rufus
06-14-2005, 07:12 PM
well my first was final fantasy 7 and most of all i would agree with Dirge


06-14-2005, 07:40 PM
well my first was final fantasy 7 and most of all i would agree with Dirge


But FFVII (after playing it again) has lost something about it.

President Rufus
06-14-2005, 07:44 PM
yep that to

06-14-2005, 08:45 PM
But FFVII (after playing it again) has lost something about it.

Yeah it did. But it was still fun

06-14-2005, 08:46 PM
Seemed very slowly though....:(

06-14-2005, 08:48 PM
Yeah it did.

Everyone has to admit it was Great the first time though

06-14-2005, 08:49 PM
Yeah it did.

Everyone has to admit it was Great the first time though

Wow, first time-greatest game ever.Still has a place in my heart.

06-14-2005, 08:55 PM
Same here really. Though i went through a period in my life when i lost that place

06-14-2005, 08:56 PM
Same here really. Though i went through a period in my life when i lost that place

Yeah, that`s probably FFVII overkill.Y`now too much FFVII.That happened to me too.

06-14-2005, 09:05 PM
Yeah. But i've now forgotten everything i know about it

06-14-2005, 09:34 PM




06-14-2005, 09:36 PM




But seriously...ahem....Duo?...stop.
(gets ready for a trashing)

Desert Wolf
06-14-2005, 09:56 PM
You could say im a bit obsessive.I remember me and my friend spent literally 2 days straight playing chocobo hot and cold in FF9!!!!Think we spent about 12 hours training up in FF7 once.Am I mad you say?NEVER!!!FF RULES!!!!!!!!

06-14-2005, 09:58 PM
We learned one thing from this thread folks.FF obsessives use a lot of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

matt damon
06-14-2005, 10:51 PM
i am so obbsessed!!!! lol, i love FF!! 8 was my first, and i was completely hooked. then came 7, which turned me off a little, because of the graphics(i had played 8 first, come on). then came X. AWESOME GAME!!!!!!X is my fav FF and will forever be my fav FF, even though VIII will always be special to me because it was my first. after X came X-2, which was awesome because it continued X's story, but, it could've been better...waaay better.then i played Kingdom Hearts which was waaaaaaaay better than i expected. after KH came IX, which i love. it's a good one. it's right up there with 8(a little below). now i am waiting for FFXII and KH2

06-16-2005, 09:05 AM
i would say i am a dedicated fan i love to keep up with the series and i also take interest inb collecting square games but i am no longer young and obsessive

06-16-2005, 02:31 PM
i would say i am a dedicated fan i love to keep up with the series and i also take interest inb collecting square games but i am no longer young and obsessive

Same as myself, but FFX was shit.

Dark Mage626
06-17-2005, 03:09 AM
Obsessive they had there own special shelf once until it got to big and there wasn't enough room for other stuff.

Desert Wolf
06-17-2005, 09:18 PM
Same as myself, but FFX was shit.

Nah.FFX was great!!!Second fav next to FF7.

06-17-2005, 10:15 PM
I consider myself a collector really, I like the games ( I have most of them) and I like the music ( I have most of the OST's and remix albums) but I wouldn't say I'm obsessed to the point that I can't go a day with out playing FF

I used to be, but thats another story ;)

Dark Mage626
06-22-2005, 12:05 PM
Obsessive they had there own special shelf once until it got to big and there wasn't enough room for other stuff.
hehe i quote myself. Well the shelf for all my FF's are back and now all I have to do is move all the other stuff out off the way.

Desert Wolf
06-22-2005, 11:46 PM
hehe i quote myself. Well the shelf for all my FF's are back and now all I have to do is move all the other stuff out off the way. thats a fan.

06-23-2005, 01:40 PM
completly obsessive..
i played ff7 first and from then onwards ive loved the series ^_^

06-23-2005, 01:51 PM
Casual. I like them a lot but not so much that I'm obsessive.

06-23-2005, 02:37 PM
I own all final Fantasy games for the Ps1 and Ps2 except FF3. I haven't actually FINISHED any of them, except x-2...but that's because I bought I- VI all at the same time, and I've been to busy trying to finish VIII, VII and X ^^; I consider myself more obsessive than casual, mostly because of the fact that I own them all (except 3 and the one's on the PC), I've forced my sister into learning how to play the songs on her Piano so I can listen to them, and I have lots and lots of pictures on my computer. It's not as obsessive as some people, I know....but gawds, what could be better than an afternoon of FF?

06-23-2005, 02:48 PM
Casual. I like them a lot but not so much that I'm obsessive.

Same as myself to be honest.

I'm a guy
06-23-2005, 06:06 PM
I own all final Fantasy games for the Ps1 and Ps2 except FF3. I haven't actually FINISHED any of them, except x-2...but that's because I bought I- VI all at the same time, and I've been to busy trying to finish VIII, VII and X ^^; I consider myself more obsessive than casual, mostly because of the fact that I own them all (except 3 and the one's on the PC), I've forced my sister into learning how to play the songs on her Piano so I can listen to them, and I have lots and lots of pictures on my computer. It's not as obsessive as some people, I know....but gawds, what could be better than an afternoon of FF?
casual for me and me too i only beat FFX-2 soo far icant beat safer seph...dammit

06-23-2005, 06:09 PM
I only played and finished FF6,7,8,9 and 10.

06-23-2005, 11:06 PM
I own all original game discs for playstation one & Ps2, again with the exception of FFIII. (sorry PC version of FFXI)
I would say I am casual gamer of final fantasy but I am more obsessed about "square" (not square enix) My RPG days began with seikendensetu (secret of mana) then after many years when we got PAL releases of FFVII, I began the FFlegacy

EDIT: I have completed FF VII, VII, X, X-2

06-23-2005, 11:44 PM
The first FF I ever played was FFVII and it blew me away. To me it wasn't so much 'playing a computer game' as 'interacting with an ongoing story'. It's the first time I ever got completely intertwined in CG characters and actually felt emotions when things happened to them in the story.

I then moved on to FFVIII and wasn't disappointed (although it didn't touch FFVII)

Missed IX when it first came out due to education and career (Yes folks, you all know how playing FF games to four in the morning can mess with real life! Everyone's been in that - 'I'll play for one hour more' and then something else happens in the story - mode!)

X blew me away just like VII. Think it's cos of the PS2 capabilities.

I'm now proud to say that I both own and have completed EVERY FF (except V cos I can't get it on PS). I own every available soundtrack (in original form) and I'm obsessed....obsessed...OBSESSED!!!!! =)

Dark Mage626
06-24-2005, 12:25 PM
The first FF I ever played was FFVII and it blew me away. To me it wasn't so much 'playing a computer game' as 'interacting with an ongoing story'. It's the first time I ever got completely intertwined in CG characters and actually felt emotions when things happened to them in the story.

I then moved on to FFVIII and wasn't disappointed (although it didn't touch FFVII)

Missed IX when it first came out due to education and career (Yes folks, you all know how playing FF games to four in the morning can mess with real life! Everyone's been in that - 'I'll play for one hour more' and then something else happens in the story - mode!)

X blew me away just like VII. Think it's cos of the PS2 capabilities.

I'm now proud to say that I both own and have completed EVERY FF (except V cos I can't get it on PS). I own every available soundtrack (in original form) and I'm obsessed....obsessed...OBSESSED!!!!! =)
Wow you are obbsessed to own all of them plus ths soundtracks. Do you own any other things like Squalls necklace, action figures?

matt damon
06-24-2005, 09:48 PM
Missed IX when it first came out due to education and career (Yes folks, you all know how playing FF games to four in the morning can mess with real life! Everyone's been in that - 'I'll play for one hour more' and then something else happens in the story - mode!)

X blew me away just like VII. Think it's cos of the PS2 capabilities.

hahahahahahaha, i love that "play just one more hour" thing. whenever i do it, i find it so funny.

X blew you away because it's awesome!!! great story, great characters, great everything!!! although, there are some things that are bad, like Yuna's annoying stuttering(is that how you spell it?)

06-24-2005, 10:20 PM
I'd say Im pretty casual...I was obsessed where I'd play FFX for hours and never quit but yea...the obsession stopped =(

06-25-2005, 05:00 AM
The only time I was obsessed was when I played FFX. All the others just kept me interested. I find it hard to understand how you can be obsessed with FF7 if you played FFX first.

06-25-2005, 05:06 AM
I know a guy who's more obsessed with FFVII than me. His band has a song about FFVII and he also has a couple of FFVII tattoos. I love the series but don't think I could bring myself to get tattoos!

06-26-2005, 01:06 AM
I will say this with an example: I am listening final fantays II music, My wallpaper is of Final Fantasy IX, my phone wallpaper is the FFVII logo and my ringtone iS from FFX

06-27-2005, 07:28 AM
Im fairly obsessive, but I tend to go in cycles of being madly addicted and somewhat indifferent.
I started with VI, and that will always be my favorite. I see the series as having gradually degenerated since then, accumulating in the rubbish that is X-2.

06-27-2005, 08:40 AM
You don't really mean that you think that FFX is only slightly less rubbish that FFX-2? FFX was a master-piece.
PS. You from Perth?

Dark Mage626
06-27-2005, 09:07 AM
You don't really mean that you think that FFX is only slightly less rubbish that FFX-2? FFX was a master-piece.

FFX was good but and all but I wouldn't say masterpiece. VIII and IX were better. =) But then again that's only what I think so I guess I can't say what your saying is wrong.

07-05-2005, 08:20 PM
obsessive for me

07-06-2005, 01:54 PM
You don't really mean that you think that FFX is only slightly less rubbish that FFX-2? FFX was a master-piece.
PS. You from Perth?

The gaps are not equal, there is VI, then VII somewhat close behind. Then their is a fair gap until VII, IX and X right behind it, and then a massive gap until X-2.
X is much better, if still way over-rated.
And no, Im from Sydney ;).

07-15-2005, 03:48 AM
Although I am almost obsessed with the games, I CAN'T SEEM TO GET A COPY OF THEM!!! I have almost every walpaper out there, have all soundtracks, and have started to make a real version of Cloud's sword. But I don't know a whole lot about the games. Played FFIV until the wizard kills himself using Meteo, then needed the space on my PC, so I had to delete it. I guess mix my being a "Neo japanese whizz kid wannabe" and an extreem adict, and get the casual category.
If any of you know where I can get the games cheap, or atleast the full story of them, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL!!!
Edit: I'm also learning to weild Cloud's sword. And learning to use a Katana, a Wakizashi, and a Tanto. =)

07-15-2005, 05:14 AM
I only play the games and talk about them on this forum. I am just a casual.

07-15-2005, 03:14 PM
Im definitely obsessive... My first FF was X, and since that, I try to get them all... Now only FF 1 and 2 are missing in my collection... My wallpaper is from FFVII, and I've played and completed four times X... I will never bought things like figurines, or merchandise, cause I find it useless, but that's my point