Alan Goldsmith
03-06-2019, 04:23 PM
Hello to everyone, i don't know how to report this, so i'm making a thread, sorry for that. But this madness has to stop, enough is enough!!!

Yesterday i downloaded two of his "shares" and checked them (i always do that), and they are trancodes from mp3 192 kbs to flac!!!!!

This guy used to do that, but one thing is a trancode from mp3 192 kbs to 320 kbs, he is making fun of us and that makes me so angry!!!

This is nothing personal, i'm not against his comeback, what it makes me mad is that he is trying to fool everyone with all these fake loossless posts!!!

This is the source of his "shares"

03-06-2019, 05:44 PM
These are all original FLAC rips. I get them from Deezer with the appropriate app.

Whether Deezer upsamples material I have no way of knowing. But the software itself doesn't transcode

Get a life, man!

---------- Post added at 05:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 PM ----------

Okay, not that I care, but I took the effort and downloaded a tool that's considered reliable for detecting upsampled mp3, auCDtect Task Manager (see: and checked three random albums I uploaded. Audiochecker, another popular tool, just doesn't work (It even detects tracks from CDs I ripped with EAC from my own CDs as "upsampled", others - on the same rip - as "clean").

auCDtect Task Manager AFAIK works.

Here are the results, all three checked out:

Richard Harvey: Eichmann

Atli �rvarsson: Ploey

Dean Valentine: Viking

---------- Post added at 05:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 PM ----------

And, just for the fun of it, three more. All of which you accused me of taking from a page I didn't even know until you named it.

Cinema Classics (LSO)

Hans Lundgren: Operation Ragnarok

Christopher Wong: Loi B�o

03-06-2019, 08:10 PM
Don't worry about it, chesschallengervoice. Thank you very much for all your posts!

03-06-2019, 10:30 PM
Why does anyone give a flying fuck??? Just enjoy the music.

03-06-2019, 10:32 PM

03-07-2019, 09:52 AM
Another identity, vivoensanse? Holy shit !!! I've lost the count of how many you have.... XDDD

03-07-2019, 09:53 AM
No, not another identity. Just mine. ;)

03-08-2019, 03:02 PM
if good lossless, not caring if other names :D