06-03-2005, 09:57 AM
I'm intending this to be medium sized as opposed to most of my work and still rated R for obvious reasons. I'm thinking of taking a dip into the gorgeous cowboy, Irvine Kinneas's past life, and to explore how he became what we all know and love him for. I hope you will like the fic as I will be taking my time to make sure it isn't rushed. Constructive Criticism and Comments are always welcome and much appreciated as always. Enjoy!





Prologue: A scene set in turmoil unravelled�

Great dark waves lashed viciously against barren and empty seashore, blanketed in the shadows of the sinister clouds above as gusts of wind howled by an abandoned lighthouse. It stood tall, wrapped in thick white and red stripes that seemed blurred and eroded by the extreme weather in this part of the world.

Not far from the lighthouse, an elevated, wide, white, structure peered out of the misty rain, almost appearing to be a marble palace in the distance. Barely visible through the haze there seemed to be a few people convened outside, while a long vehicle stood nearby ready to depart.

The strands of her long black hair flickered in her face gently as she crouched down and gave the child a warm farewell hug. She closed her eyes and felt his little arms around her neck, holding on even though she was about to let go. Sensing his hesitation to depart, she gazed into his eyes and smiled wryly. Her heart felt heavy too; worn by the memories of days spent together nursing him, making his meals and worrying over his health. Yet despite the pain, Matron dried Irvine�s tears gingerly with her thumbs and kissed his forehead.

�Irvine�You have to behave and be a good boy okay?�
She smiled, her eyes watering, but almost invisible in the misty rain.

�M-Matron�I promise I will always be a good boy.� Irvine released his grip and saw her rise to her feet again. Despite that, Irvine gazed back and observed his adoptive parents with doubt.
His step mother stood quite tall with a lilac dress wavering around her knees, a slender figure, fair skin and short blonde hair. The young boy noticed how the icy wind against his skin felt warmer than what he felt when their eyes met. She seemed to glare down frigidly at him; with all the expression and compassion of an arctic rock.

Glancing towards his adoptive father, clad in a formal brown suit and tie, he perceived a warm smile radiating from him. Irvine knew something was still not right as his friendly gesture soon disappeared, replaced by an empty stare. He discerned hostility and glanced at Matron with yearning eyes. Yet in lieu of his attempts, he knew he was going to leave the Orphanage for good. His try was to no avail.

�Mr and Mrs Kinneas, I am pleased that you�ve decided to adopt Irvine, I�m sure he�ll settle in fine after some time. You only need to pay attention to his health as sometimes he becomes seriously weak and ill because he won�t eat. You have to make sure he eats regularly. Otherwise, Irvine is a wonderful and well-behaved boy.� She beamed, stroking the young boy�s head lovingly.

�I�m sure he is, madam. Don�t worry about a thing; we�ll make sure he�s in good hands.� Mrs. Kinneas nodded, her short blonde hair wavering around her jaw in the gust. She glanced at her husband and smiled, �Won�t we dear?� upon which he grinned genuinely and added, �Of course, not to worry!�

�That�s marvellous!� Matron returned the grin and glanced at Irvine, �Don�t worry, Irvine, you�ll be fine. You�re going to meet your brothers and sisters soon, aren�t you excited?�

Empty howls of winds blew by and the boy didn�t respond with another word. He glared at them both, knowing they weren�t his friends in any way.
Sensing his discomfort, Matron bit her lower lip and wondered why he didn�t notice how nice these people really were.

Irvine felt an uneasy lump in his throat, his eyes watering from the fear of what he anticipated to be his worst nightmare; living with strangers that had masks over their faces.

The couple exchanged glances in innocence and wonderment as Matron crouched down and seemed to explain something to the defensive boy. After a while of whispering and talking between the two, Irvine slowly ambled towards them, head and shoulders slightly slumped, heart heavy.

She sighed, watching Irvine get into the big noble looking car, and could only hope he would be happy.

06-03-2005, 09:16 PM
Good use of pathos.

06-03-2005, 10:18 PM
Thanks...Dragon. here's more.


Chapter 1
�Irvine? Where the hell are you? Don�t you want your reward?!� Irvine made out his step brother�s harsh tone as he walked right past him. Irvine hid crouched behind a massive boulder on a cliff overlooking the sea. The waves thrashed against the shore underneath, glimmering and glittering in the light as if enchanted with fairy dust.

He sighed with relief as he caught a glimpse of his brother disappearing further down the dirt path. Irvine had already had enough of his elder brother's so-called "rewards" which were namely cruelties like eating bugs, drinking old milk or battling a beast without any weapons. He had had enough of the bullying.

In the vicinity, farmyards, small shops and huts stood against surrounding trees, bushes and other foliage. Irvine gazed up into the deep blue sky and noticed the sea of white fluffy elusive clouds drift along endlessly. They seemed to be a parade of supernatural white cotton candy fragments swimming against blue horizons. His green eyes sparkled in the noon sun and he clasped a hand over his forehead to dim the glare.

He raked a hand through his short ginger hair and rose to his feet, knowing that Jake would surely reach the outer borders of Winhill soon and return.
Irvine ambled slowly along the path; small particles of dry mud blew with the subtle wind as he glanced towards the ocean with amazement. It was one of the hottest days of June and Irvine loved the refreshing breeze on his bare torso. His brown trousers resembled that of a rodeo cowboy, and his black, pointy boots were quite worn.

His brother Jake had taken the main route towards the entrance gate of the small town, and wasn�t anticipating that Irvine was actually on the outer side path that ran along the seashore.

Many seagulls flew overhead, their wings spread, allowing the wind to cradle them gently in the crystal clear blue skies. The faint noises of their chattering could be heard in the distance while the atmosphere in Winhill was relatively serene.

As he arrived near his home, Irvine gazed at the enormous mansion that towered above the other buildings; a pub to its left and his farm to the right. The mansion boasted an embellished oak wood structure painted a deep dark brown and a big double door entrance to welcome the important guests and visitors that usually frequented there.

The Pub to the left seemed to be an important feature of the town, said to have belonged to a certain lady called Rain who rescued a soldier from dying. A lot of rumours always flew around every now and again about her death, the child she bore before she died and the man, who all seemed to have gone their separate ways.

The house was in great condition, and Irvine always wondered why no one lived there anymore after that incident that was said to have happened around the time he was born. He had heard stories about the woman�s ghost reappearing in the rooms sometimes, which used to make him feel uneasy.

The farm that Irvine�s adoptive parents owned was also rather established, with a vast back yard space for crops and animals of all kinds. Irvine used to like stroking and spending a vast amount of time with the calves when he was younger and had many fond memories of them.

Having reached the age of 15, there was so much more to explore and be interested in than his farm. Just thinking over the past, he caught her signal.
Irvine hadn�t noticed he had stalled right at the entrance of the square, lost in a daydream, when a whistle sliced through his thoughts.

Blinking, Irvine looked around and caught a glimpse of her blonde locks as she stood between the Mansion and Pub, waving to him. Grinning with joy, Irvine ran over to her in a hurry.

Wheezing with breathlessness, Irvine trekked behind her as she led him into the lush and vast forest. She glanced over her shoulder to see if he was following, and he hastily caught up with her stride and felt himself growing slightly crimson cheeks.

She walked silently, without greeting or words towards an almost inconspicuous, covert destination, her green gaze fixed. Her long, shiny, blonde locks bounced gently with her stride while the wind seemed to flicker her pink cotton summer dress around her legs gently.

Irvine curiously observed her looks, even though he had seen her many times every day, and they had journeyed to several different locations in Winhill, her appearance still somehow mesmerized him every single time. He felt strange, knowing this may be the first time he had this kind of sensation, yet this very emotion only seemed to be a shadow of something he had felt before.

He felt his heartbeat echo in his ears, as though it had beaten in this pattern before, but for someone else. Irvine glanced back at their path, seeing rows upon rows of thick, long brown barks of wood blanketed by a sea of emerald leaves disappear from view as new ones replaced them.

As they strode along, Irvine searched his memories for a time when he felt this way and could not lay his finger on it. The memory of having felt love evaded him time and again and he sighed in bewilderment. Noticing this, the girl glanced at him and stopped in her tracks. She seemed to be a little taller than him and a year or two older.

Dumbfounded, Irvine stared at her wide-eyed and blinked, wondering what had happened.

�What�s wrong, Jade?� Irvine gulped, feeling flustered.

The girl smiled at him wryly, and then glanced around, �We�re here.�

He gazed around himself and noticed a small pond behind her, which seemed to sparkle slightly as thin wisps of sunlight filtered through the foliage. He smiled, finding their secret area enchanting. Jade made her way over to the pond, stripped her socks and shoes off and dipped her feet gingerly into the cooling water.

�Irvine, what are you daydreaming about, come on, the water�s great!� Jade beamed, her eyes crinkling at the sides as she grinned. The young cowboy stood there watching her enjoy herself. Feeling a little silly, he ran over and joined her. They sat at the bank of the pond, spraying each other and playing in the water childishly.

She giggled loudly thrashing her feet in the water and spraying him while he grinned, holding his arms and hands against his face in defence. Yet, given the right moment, he soon retaliated viciously with a swift swipe of a hand, sending a miniature wave towards her.

Drenched, Jade sat staring at him blank surprise. Her face flushed as she gazed over her soaked bosom. Her chest heaved as she took a deep breath about to speak, and Irvine couldn�t help noticing how transparent her wet dress had grown. He stared at her chest, gripped by what he saw, only to be slapped out of the trance by her. He held his aching cheek in bewilderment as his gaze returned up to her furious face.

Breathing heavily from the anger and agitation, her green eyes glared into his and a moment later she shook her head in disgust.

As Jade rose to leave, Irvine leapt up and grasped hold of her hand. She glanced back down at him, feeling his cool wet hand on her wrist and a strange sensation went through her as she saw droplets of gleaming water trickle down her wrist onto his hand. She froze in position, her heart beating rapidly against her wet chest.

�Don�t go�� Irvine�s hushed voice sounded in her ear and she realised he was standing right next to her. Time seemed to ooze slowly and her heartbeat grew louder and louder in her mind as his quivering fingers tapered experimentally, instinctively over her drenched dress, feeling her skin. Jade�s chest heaved as she felt a shortage of air and took a deep breath from the sensations he sent through her body.

Closing her eyes, she tilted her head as she noticed his hot breath pour over the side of her neck and melted as he planted several kisses on her skin. Irvine�s blood rushed to his cheeks and he impulsively continued caressing over her skin as he kissed, enjoying the sensation of her softness so near him.

Gently closing his eyes too, he felt himself wandering higher with his inquisitive fingers, exploring her tender but developed breasts under the wet cotton dress. Growing more agitated and aroused by this new experience, Jade whimpered with pleasure, only to gasp in realization a few moments thereafter.

Widely opening her eyes, she glanced back at Irvine, and noticed what they were doing and felt embarrassed about the whole situation. She promptly shook herself free and hastily ran as far away as she could from him.

Irvine stood frozen in his position, his countenance flushed and excited�

06-03-2005, 11:25 PM
gosh, squalls_lover... you really like making up stories with ff8 characters

btw, it looks good ^^