Nanaki 13
06-02-2005, 07:17 PM
what the hell is this alexander summon? dont get fooled, im a master and have completed the game many times but i have never heard of this. anyone?

06-02-2005, 07:34 PM
Alexander: Might have been named either for the Russian czar of the 1800s or the Macedonian conqueror of the 4th century BC. Arcanus Dominus reminds us that Czar Alexander was a member of a group called the "Holy Alliance", which fits nicely. Alternatively, Alexander might be named after King Alexander Tycoon from FF5. DarkAlexander1 notes that the word itself is Greek for "defender of man". Angry Turnip further comments that the Alexander the Great theory is the most likely, as this Alexander is a mythological figure. Like King Arthur and Charlemagne, some imaginitive (and often downright bizarre) legends grew up around him.
Yet another theory from Masamune_Seraph: In the myth of the Trojan war, Aphrodite and Athena approached the kidnapper of Helen. His name was Paris (in Roman his name was Alexander). He had to choose whichever was more beautiful. Both promised him a gift and said it was a divine (holy) judgement. Athena promised him victory in the war and the power to rule the world, Aphrodite promised to be his bride. Naturally he chose Aphrodite. The trojans lost the war, and Paris went down in history as a fool because of his "Holy Judgement". The large castle refers to the fortifcation of the city of Troy. Alex Scott disagrees with this, though: "Alexander, as the list mentions, is a Greek name, so I don't understand why it would be changed from a Greek name when translated into Latin."


06-02-2005, 08:08 PM
Dirge dont be a cunt it was only 2 weeks ago you needed help with the same thing.

Nanaki it is explained in here.

06-02-2005, 08:11 PM
Dirge dont be a cunt it was only 2 weeks ago you needed help with the same thing.

Nanaki it is explained in here.

Jander/selphie, they want to know "what" it is, not how to get it.

If i was wrong im sorry, but don`t call me a cunt again for nothing!

Nanaki 13
06-02-2005, 08:16 PM
no, jander is right. i want to know how to get it. thanks jandder. u cool. dirge u foo!

06-02-2005, 08:20 PM
I apologise for trying to help.

06-02-2005, 08:25 PM
Hey Dirge sorry for calling ya a cunt but you should of guessed thats hwat he wanted. Not some run off about russian czars.

Hey Dirge sorry for calling ya a cunt but you should of guessed thats hwat he wanted. Not some run off about russian czars.

But Nanaki theres no reason to call him a fool either. He was responding to the question you posted.

Nanaki 13
06-02-2005, 08:26 PM

u should!

06-02-2005, 08:34 PM
Hey Dirge sorry for calling ya a cunt but you should of guessed thats hwat he wanted. Not some run off about russian czars.

Hey Dirge sorry for calling ya a cunt but you should of guessed thats hwat he wanted. Not some run off about russian czars.

But Nanaki theres no reason to call him a fool either. He was responding to the question you posted.

"Theres no need to call him a fool"???


Dirge dont be a cunt it was only 2 weeks ago you needed help with the same thing.

Nanaki it is explained in here.

Forget it.

06-02-2005, 08:43 PM
Noobs should learn to search the forum first b4 posting.

06-04-2005, 06:49 AM
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Holy shit! that's hillerious! Okay, I have to join in this dispute. Nanaki 13 is a f#cking Moron. You can't call yourself a Master when you're still in training you dick. Millions of people have finnished the fucking game! Do you realise it's rated 'G 8+'. Finnishing the game means nothing, unless you finnish the game without saving once, and under 48 hours! That's something to brag about. All you get for finnishing the game is the satisfaction of defeating Sephiroth, and an end to the tale. The final fights are piss. Defeating Ruby Weapon is not so hard as it is long for me, but IMO it was the most difficult battle of the game! You make yourself out to be a F#ckin R3TARD by saying you didn't get Alexander, but you' a Master! D!CK. Did you get all your stat.s to 255 with each character??? Not likely! Did you defeat Emerald and Ruby??? Doubt it! Did you EARN every Master Materia through Experience? No! Did you get each Character's Final Weapon and Limit Break??? Probably not. $hit, you probably didn't even breed a Gold Chocobo, and if you did, I bet you never even beat Joe! You may think yourself a Master for finnishing the game, but...YOU'RE F#CKING NOT!!! Unless of course you've done any of those things, even then, you're not a FFVII Master unless you've done all of those things and more!!!

Nanaki 13
06-04-2005, 10:00 PM
listen man! i didnt do nufin to u! i HAVE done alot of them things but you dont get it that u think u can go about calling poeple FUCK when u just sit at home sucking on yor muma's dick! u got problems! i just wanted to no bout alexander man! jees, WHAT DID I DO?!

06-05-2005, 02:00 AM
You called Dirge a fool when he was clearly joking.

06-05-2005, 04:11 PM
You called Dirge a fool when he was clearly joking.

Thanks for sticking up for me, but i was convinced he wanted to know "what" it was and not "how" to get it.....

Nanaki 13
06-05-2005, 08:02 PM
hey, im sorry all of you. espiciely dirge. sorry, i didnt mean to get it all wrong.
apart from dark cloud! i didnt even say nufin or do nufin to u!
i neva even spoke to u before!

but hey sorry dirge.

06-05-2005, 08:03 PM
hey, im sorry all of you. espiciely dirge. sorry, i didnt mean to get it all wrong.
apart from dark cloud!

but hey sorry dirge.

Don`t worry bout it. :)

Tidus 66
06-05-2005, 09:27 PM
Alexander means the guardian of justice or something like that, well he is a holy summon so that makes sense doesn't it??

06-05-2005, 09:34 PM
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Holy shit! that's hillerious! Okay, I have to join in this dispute. Nanaki 13 is a f#cking Moron. You can't call yourself a Master when you're still in training you dick. Millions of people have finnished the fucking game! Do you realise it's rated 'G 8+'. Finnishing the game means nothing, unless you finnish the game without saving once, and under 48 hours! That's something to brag about. All you get for finnishing the game is the satisfaction of defeating Sephiroth, and an end to the tale. The final fights are piss. Defeating Ruby Weapon is not so hard as it is long for me, but IMO it was the most difficult battle of the game! You make yourself out to be a F#ckin R3TARD by saying you didn't get Alexander, but you' a Master! D!CK. Did you get all your stat.s to 255 with each character??? Not likely! Did you defeat Emerald and Ruby??? Doubt it! Did you EARN every Master Materia through Experience? No! Did you get each Character's Final Weapon and Limit Break??? Probably not. $hit, you probably didn't even breed a Gold Chocobo, and if you did, I bet you never even beat Joe! You may think yourself a Master for finnishing the game, but...YOU'RE F#CKING NOT!!! Unless of course you've done any of those things, even then, you're not a FFVII Master unless you've done all of those things and more!!!

Oh look, he's insulting someone else, why isn't he banned yet?

hey, im sorry all of you. espiciely dirge. sorry, i didnt mean to get it all wrong.
apart from dark cloud! i didnt even say nufin or do nufin to u!
i neva even spoke to u before!

but hey sorry dirge.

Don't worry, I got exactly the same from him about the FFX Summon Thread by PM. Just ignore it, and hopefully, he'll get banned

06-05-2005, 10:00 PM
I take it you got you got banned Ultimate? loool

06-06-2005, 04:15 AM

I insult people who PI$$ ME OFF!!! I even try to be NICE about it! I am a f#cking FF FANATIC! When someone says something that's wrong, it PISSES ME OFF!!! I have to correct them. Now I'm getting FLAMED for it!!!


What would you do if someone said Barret and Tifa were together in FF7?

You'd call them a D!CKHEAD!!!

What would you do if someons said RED XIII's dad was named Nanaki?

You'd say; "You're a f#ckin' dickhead!!!

I just state my opinions to let people know how I feel! I insult them because I'm angry!

What I should've wrote is; Nanaki 13, you didn't have Alexander, so you're not a master!

Sorry all, No more insults from me. I just won't respond anymore.

06-06-2005, 10:50 AM
Dark Cloud is right, Nanaki 13 did say he was a FF7 Master, meaning that he has done basically everything u can do in FF7, when he clearly states that he doesnt have Alexander, I myself can say that i am NOT a master, I find the final boss fight against Safer Sephiroth Terribly hard (evem though i have beaten him), can't even lay a scratch on Ruby weapon and havent gotten any of the master materia's, but as a FF Fanatic, Dark Cloud was a bit upset about Nanaki 13 saying he is a master when he is not, even though i think he overreacted a bit too much, but when someone says that they are something when they are not, you would get pissed off too, so don't say hypocritical shit by defending Nanaki 13 after he got....totally dissed by Dark Cloud, because u might say shit too other ppl when they say they are someone they are not.
summary of what i've been saying....EVERYONE (except Dark Cloud) IN THIS THREAD, IS A BLOODY HYPOCRIT, YOU WOULD HAVE DONE THE SAME THING.....

Hex Omega
06-06-2005, 11:37 AM
it is pretty stupid though,to claim your a master at FF7 just by beating it.its a piss easy game.Dark Cloud was right to hammer Nanaki 13 if you ask me

06-06-2005, 11:45 AM
Yes, but he's being hypocritical himself. He's getting flamed, yet he was the one who started the flaming. And in answer to your question Dragoncurry, no I'm just wondering when the fool named Dark_Cloud is.

Hex Omega
06-06-2005, 12:06 PM
well there are plenty of idiots on this forum

06-06-2005, 12:18 PM
Yes but by the look of Dark_Cloud is one of them..... I can't find anything anywhere of me saying that Anima is Seymour's Final Aeon in the thread he said it was in, but he's saying I'm not the UltimateFFFan, because I said it was? :S

06-06-2005, 04:35 PM
Guys, stop the bitch fight.......

06-06-2005, 08:05 PM
Well guys lets stop this.The thread was setup for discussions not for flaming.