02-13-2002, 09:25 PM
Yes, it is Johnny, the mildly mannered childhood friend from backwaters Nibelheim, live and on the move.

What him as he stands in that wobbling head aching pose he enjoys so much. Or the moping fretting as he sits so majestically!

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

So, did anyone really pay much attention to the minor background characters much? Have any favorites?

02-13-2002, 09:40 PM
i dont know if this counts a backround character but i feel kinda sorry for aeris' mom

02-13-2002, 11:14 PM
I though the one lady in Midger slums was funny. "The other day I was looking up and I tripped on a rock, so I starte dlooking down all the time. Now when I looked up a meteor is falling! From now on I'm looking straight ahead!" Or the drunkies are funny. xD

Bahamut ZERO
02-14-2002, 01:05 AM
A little bit off topic, but I felt sorry for Zack's parents towards the end of the game when they didn't know what happened to their son. Why couldn't Cloud just tell them after he'd recovered his memory???

**Minor Spoiler?**

I quite liked the three pilots of the Highwind after your party had "borrowed" it from Shinra. Watching the pilot level up from a novice to a full fledged pilot was rather fun, and the scene before entering the northern crater when they all re-appeared made me realise just how deep the emotion that the party felt for each other went.

02-14-2002, 02:21 AM
Buggenhagen does he count ? If so then I like him because he can fly!. He always seems to be laughing ho hoo hooo, Even when theres a meteor on its way

02-14-2002, 02:23 AM
Would the Turks count as minor or major? Cuz they were kewl. So wuz Rufus.

Nanaki XIII
02-14-2002, 05:08 AM
Yeah why didnt Cloud tell Zacks parents. They are like moping over where their son is and he knew and just sat there. I was like, Cloud you jerk. But I still like Cloud.

02-14-2002, 07:20 AM
I liked Zack because he had a DOPE hair-do

02-14-2002, 09:33 AM
I kinda liked those pilots from the highwind as well. It was fun to see the main pilot reaching it's limit break xD
Also Palmer was alright .. although he isn't really minor (not even major but still) He was fun xD

02-14-2002, 11:17 AM
My favorite is Zack, he has a cool hair:D I like Mukki too, that bastard in the HoneyBee Inn. He's funny

02-14-2002, 01:03 PM
The white chocobo lady in Mideel. She's both annoying and hella funny at the same time with her crazy shopping frenzy!

02-14-2002, 03:22 PM
I thought the Johnny guy was pretty funny :D And I really like the Turks.. if they count as minor characters o_O

Anima Relic
02-14-2002, 06:08 PM
i gotta go with either Palmer or Dio. Both were really funny, but incredibly lame characters, heh.

02-14-2002, 06:19 PM
i thought that the dude who fight at cids house was realy funny... XD

i also though Don Corneo was hilarious XD my role model ;):D

Black Mage
02-17-2002, 08:50 PM
the man that was in the pipe was funny, saying ohh aaah aghhhh
but also Don Corneo i thought he was cool and i wanna be a turk!

02-17-2002, 09:29 PM
i thought palmer was a funny fat man
his mako gun owns

02-21-2002, 01:36 AM
I liked the Turks.... them and Scarlet...

...slapping Scarlet was way fun... :D

02-21-2002, 09:01 AM
The person that sticks out most to me is that chocobo lady that runs around real fast all the time and stuff. the one from mideel with the shop and the chocobo music in the backround.


02-23-2002, 12:44 PM
the highwind pilot, johnny, cant remember any other right now (argh !!! i havent played in 18 months, must .....play.....FF....7) :(

02-23-2002, 04:09 PM
I really liked that little chocobo guy in the first room of the game square...

02-23-2002, 07:43 PM
Mine is probably the sleeping old man in the cave. What a guy, this man gives you Aeris' last limitbreak.

02-23-2002, 07:53 PM
I thought the Turks were Major... I mean, they were in there a lot on the first disk.

But one of the Turks I did think was a minor character... and that was Elena.