06-02-2005, 11:55 AM
Hi everyone. Some of you may remember this, whilst others are new to it. I finally got my hands on my very first fanfic again through a very old reader of my fics. Her Screen name here is Princess Rinoa, and she's emailed me my fiction after having read that announcement. Thank You So Much Princess Rinoa.

I'm really glad I got it back. It's not great or anything, it's just that it's my first fanfic, and it has a lot of memories attached. When i re-read it I feel myself remembering things I thought I had forgotten, so it's got a lot of emotional value to me, even if it is inferior in many ways.

So on this note...I'm thinking of reposting it here as it is nowhere to be found in it's original home, ffwa. I think I might have deleted it at once occasion, thinking I won't ever write again, and once I think my brother deleted it from the archives when it was fully completed in 2002.

I'm sorry about that, but with that thought in mind, I want to post it in it's original state, without any changes, and then maybe later, when I have time, I can do a revamp on it. But that's all for now from me, thanks for reading.

P.S. I'll post multiple chapters, as they were quite short back then to make up for space.

Silent Sexy Seduction

Chapter 1

Brisk, cool, breezes swept over the lonesome fields that lay just outside Balamb
Garden... long shadows stretching over it, converting the normal colour of the field into a darker shade. Rinoa gazed up to Squall who stood beside her..."Squall...why are we here?"

Squall gazed down to the grass and didn't answer. Closing his eyes, his expression
changed, a small urge of hate vibrating in his hand as he clenched it... He looked up again, his eyes burning with an impulsive curiosity and solid determination. Rinoa watched him, not knowing what his behavior was indicating.

"Squall, tell me, what's wrong? Why did you take me here...it's getting dark.."
Squall gazed at her, his expression softening.

"Rinoa...I want to know your past...I want to know...what was between you and
Seifer...and I took you here to be alone with you..."

Rinoa's glance dropped and her reluctancy made Squall step up to her so close that, there may have been literally no space between them anymore. Squall slipped his arms around her gently and looked her in the eyes, his usually rare smile inhabiting his lips.

"You can tell me, Rinoa. You past won't change the present...I'll...I'll always...you
know what I mean..."

Rinoa's silence made him frown a little.


Squall closed his eyes, sighed and realized he was gripping her tightly and almost
hurting her. He blinked and let go of her.

Rubbing her arm gently Rinoa looked at him, expressionless as ever...

"Rinoa I'm sorr-" She was gone...

Back at Balamb Garden...
Irvine almost dropped his Rifle as Rinoa rushed past him. "Whoa!!" he grasped his Rifle tighter and gazed after her as she disappeared into the Dormitories. Selphie approached Irvine, holding two hot-dogs and followed his gaze.

"What's up. Irvy?"

She tilted her head, wondering. Irvine shrugged, "I don't know, not really. I think that was Rinoa who just ran past me."
He looked back to Selphie and took his hot-dog, flashing a dazzling smile at her.
Smiling back, Selphie bit into her hot-dog and sat herself down on the bench,
listening to the hushed tones of the water fountain behind her.

"Hmm hmm these hot-dogs sure taste great!" Selphie giggled. Irvine sat down and
leaned against the bench finishing his hot-dog off.

"Hmm yeah, I just love sitting here instead of that hot, stuffy Cafeteria." Irvine closed
his eyes, the hat tipped slightly covering his eyes as he relaxed himself a bit.
A gust of wind hurdled past Irvine and Selphie as Zell speeded past them into the
Cafeteria. A few odd moments later he returned looking as gloomy as he always did,
when the hot-dogs were sold out.

"Damn! I missed them at Lunch and now this! Jeez man! This SUCKS!"
Irvine chuckled, shaking his head. Zell sighed, winked with his hand, and went off to
the Dorms.

Irvine grinned at Selphie "Poor guy..." Selphie giggled wiping her mouth with a tissue.
Gazing down, hands in pockets, a solemn expression covering Squalls face like a mask, he walked by towards the Dorms...
Irvine looked at Selphie, seeming somewhat worried about Rinoa and Squall.

"Umm...uh...I would really want to know what is up with those two...hmm..." Selphie nodded and watched Squall disappear around the Training Center area...knowing he was headed towards the Dorms...
Chapter 2
Squall lay watching the ceiling, or at least pretending to, in his room, which was filled with utter silence and darkness... He lay awake, the images of Rinoa flashing back and forth, a few puzzling, mysterious reminiscent incidents returning to him...

"Seifer..." he closed his eyes, sighing heavily, the inner curiosity killing him softly. Drifting slowly into sleep, his restless dreams were interrupted by a few, nearby footsteps.
Murmuring he rolled over and fell into a deeper sleep, ignoring the footsteps...


"Raziel...no...no..please...just don't..." Rinoa's weak, reluctant attempts to stop him were useless, somehow. His almost white-blondish hair, drifted slightly across his face with the wind, as his deep green eyes seemed to be piercing into her black ones.

"Don't worry..." he placed his hand on her cheek once again, and drew closer, pressing his lips gently over hers. Rinoa, as if it was instinct, slipped her arms around his neck, pressed him closer and returned his forbidden kisses.

Their kissing continued, while the cloud filled sky gave way for the stars and moon to wink and glimmer over them on the Balcony of the secret area.

A sharp intake of breath ripped the silence as Squall, immersed in anxious sweat, awoke with a jolt, panting and wheezing, his eyes wide as he sat there staring at the wall in disbelief...

Raising a hand to his forehead and sighing, he uttered Rinoa's name... "I hate these stupid nightmares..."

( But I have to put an end to it...once and for all...now or never...)

Jumping out of bed, slipping his normal clothes on and brushing his hair back a bit, he left his room...

Knocking firmly on her dorm room, he gazed at the door puzzled and anxious at why she wasn't answering...she usually does...when he knocks THIS hard.
Sighing he took a brisk walk around the Garden to find her.

"Hmm...where could she possibly be..." he frowned, his anxiety growing with every step, every glance...every love-filled heart beat


His heart skipped a beat, his eyes huge in horror...
Hopes on finding her disappeared, as his heart sunk at the sight of her blue robe lying in front of the Training Center.

( Paranoid. Paranoid. Paranoid. I'm just being Paranoid..maybe she...but why would she!? Why would she take it off before going into the Training Center???)

A lump in his throat formed, he couldn't explain why her robe was lying there, his mind raced with the most ludicrous ideas and solutions. He held his head and forced himself to stop thinking, taking a deep breath he calmed himself down.

(I hate it when I start thinking too much... I can't explain it...no point thinking about it...I have to go in and check...)

Gripping his Gunblade firmly, he walked in, picking her robe up as he went along...
Chapter 3
"RINOA!!!" Squall walked in slowly, glancing around, scrutinizing every detail that he could make out in the semi-lit Training Center. His eyes searched frantically, his heart racing with fear..."Rinoa...where are you..."

Rinoa glanced up to Raziel, her eyes filled with tears..."Raziel...this is wrong...I...I-"

he gazed at her with a fierce glint of want, which suddenly disappeared and seemed to be camouflaged as understanding and sorrow...

"I...understand....you're right." his soft voice whispered.

She turned around, her heart speeding in her throat as she heard her name being
called........and that....by Squall.

"Raziel! I have to get out of here before he sees me!" she looked at him, her eyes
gleaming with frenzy and tight gripped fear. Raziel seemed to be in a dream world, blinking as he snapped out of it, "Huh?".

Rinoa shook her head, as if you dismiss him, and hastily made her way out of the secret area, just wearing her black vest and shorts. Raziel stopped in his tracks as he heard Squall calling Rinoa and decided not to go after her...

Squall finally came to the entrance of the secret area, wondering if it was open, which it was evidently not, as the door was shut tightly. He turned on his heel and proceeded in the direction of the water that lay beyond...

Slipping her Dorm key out of her vest top, Rinoa rashly fiddled with the lock, clicking it open and stumbling inside. Closing the door behind her with a quivering hand, she leaned against it taking a few deep breaths of relief...

Squall searched a few more moments and returned to the Dorms.
Hearing someone approach the Dorms, Rinoa instantly switched off the light,
immediately plunging herself into utter darkness, the only thing she could hear was her heart throbbing in her ear...as loud and clear as ever......

Squall stepped towards her door, every step taken was an echo of her own heart beat, racing, speeding in her ears, as if all the sounds and conversations on earth had come to a standstill, her ears only receiving the firm vibrations of her pounding heart....

The footsteps stopped. She sucked in her breath, gasping with inner and utter shock. He stood, raising a hand, about to knock. With each knock, he blasted a sonic boom right through her, penetrating through her body, her sin stained soul...

Shivering, she lost all confidence, answering to the knock was a foreign action to her, speaking was a foreign language, thinking an impossible thing to accomplish...she stood there paralyzed, heavy guilt beating down on her, her soul... The knocking ended, he sighed and all signs of his presence disappeared... Sliding against the door,
down to the floor, she gave a long deep sigh...she regretted what she had done...


A deep feeling of self-disgust formed in the pit of her stomach.

Salty tears of sadness trickled down her cheeks, as she burst into regretful, guilty tears...
Chapter 4
She smirked at him, not knowing what to say. He approached her, a heavenly, light feeling lingering in the air... The vision seemed blurred, a whitish glow around everything she set eyes on.

"Eyes this beautiful, a set of lips this luscious, a complexion like no other... I know, you really are at loss of words...but thats how I like you." he stepped closer, pressing a hand gently on her cheek, shadowing her face with his head that moved closer to hers, as his lips locked onto hers...

A knock on the door ripped Rinoa's dream in two.

Pushing the douvet off her legs gently, she jumped out of bed and opened the door.

"Rinoa..." his eyes seemed dewy, a glint of concern in his voice.
Rinoa's gaze dropped to the floor in guilt of her actions, which Squall was still oblivious to. Squall stepped closer, raising her chin with his hand, looking into her eyes, a deep, passionate flame burning endlessly in his normally cool, cold eyes.

Rinoa stared back, feeling her knees quiver and give way for her to drop down. Squall frowned in confusion, kneed down in front of her, holding her by either side of her arms "Rinoa...what's wrong..?"

"Uh.....Is this some sort of two-way proposal to each other or why are you both on the floor like that?" A familiarly bossy yet humorous voice boomed from Behind Squall. Rinoa, seeming relieved, from the tension between her and him, giggled, standing up again and brushing her shorts a bit.

Quistis smiled, her usually sunny, cheery smile, as Squall stood up.

"So, am I invited to the wedding?" Quistis beamed.

Squall and Rinoa both looked at each other and then to the floor... Qusitis frowned a little, wondering what had happened.

"Uh...I think I'll go. By the way Squall I just came back from that SeeD, Timber Maniacs mission. It wasn't very challenging, but the next chase in Timber is very serious. They want you to jump in, I know you can do it. Report to the Headmasters Office tomorrow."

flashing a quick smile, she turned on her heel and descended into the corridors beyond.

Rinoa gazed at Squall for a moment, before she strolled back into her room and closed the door.

"Rinoa...?" Squall stood before the door wondering what was wrong with her.


"You...you forgot your robe outside the training center..." Swiftly opening her door she stepped out, looking at him.

He handed her the robe, "Rinoa, can we talk please?"

Rinoa glanced up at him, slipping her robe on, "yeah, sure...".

Placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, gazing deeply into her eyes, he whispered something...

"I...know I don't say this very often...but...I...I...love you, and..I don't want to lose you, not matter what. Forget the thing about Seifer, I don't need to know your past, to know you. And I'll say it again, I love you, Rinoa... ( I sure have changed...)"

Growing tears twinkled in her eyes, her heart ripped in two, sensing his love, his desire towards her, it seemed to her, that she was loving an angel, an angel that could to no wrong, unlike herself. An acute pain of guilt shot through her, once-innocent, heart.

She clenched her eyes together, as she felt him embrace her, stroking her back lovingly. The Guilt, wearing down on her, like heavy, unbearable, pelting rain.

Sighing softly, she blocked the guilt out, she fought against the feeling, a few nice memories together with Squall floating back to mind...

Gaining her strength and confidence, she looked up to Squall, hugging him gently, her lips gently drawing closer to his, and with him noticing, he also lowered his head and kissed her shortly but sweetly.

"Did you come across T-rex in the training Center yet, Rinoa?" Squall smiled his rare smile.
Rinoa's heart stopped. She looked up at him wondering if he already knew about... Squall looked at her waiting for an answer

"Uh...I guess you haven't even heard of T-rex right?" Squall scratched uncertainly behind his head.
Rinoa smiled, knowing, that the subject matter stayed with "T-rex" and not with "what did you do there", she replied:
"Uh, not really..no" and giggled a bit.

Rinoa, for once in a long while, flashed him a big dazzling smile, as she gained more confidence, a boost of control, which made him smile more broadly too.
. o O ( hmmm I guess she came across something funny...? I dunno.. )

Glimpsing shortly out of her dorm window, he frowned concerned.. "Rinoa, it's noon already..."
Rinoa wondered what he was trying to say, a bewildered expression masking her face.
"The hot-dogs are sold out..." Squall smiled, his rare-timer joke, seeming to strike Rinoa terribly funny.

Rinoa burst into laughter, as she usually wouldn't expect him to say things like that.
Squall grinned, and strolled down the corridor with her, an arm gently over her shoulder...
Chapter 5
Zell ate as if he was on a hot-dog-eating-contest, and literally stuffed it all in. Raising an eyebrow in wonder and awe, Irvine shook his head and grinned.

Selphie giggled, glanzing around the Cafeteria that seemed to be bustling and buzzing with activity.
A loud sound like an animal was suffocating interupted the usual chit-chat and conversations, as Zell, struggling and wriggling in his seat was choking on the hot-dogs he was eating.

"Heeeyyy Zell! Hang in there!" Selphie rushed to virtually clobber his back, and gasped in surprise as he stood up and started laughing.

"Heh-heh. Things like that don't happen all the time y'know. YOU FELL FOR IT! Heh-heh!" He grinned.
Irvine just rolled his eyes, smirking and turned his attention to the lovely, female passerbies...

Zell finished his hot-dogs off and stood up, stretching himself. "Boy, that sure was good!"

"Is this the second time after "That" incident that you layed your hands on hot-dogs, Zell?" Selphie grinned mischieviously. "Or why else are you stuffing it in as if it were the last day on earth?"

Immediately backing off, offended, Zell frowned at Selphie "Wha? What's up? You tryin' ta say I don't catch my Hot-dogs?" he actually asked the question, not meaning it rhetorical, like you would, if you understood the remark in the first place.

Selphie stood up, giggling cheerfully as she usually does, "OF COURSE!!!" she bobbed up and down waving her arms, giggling cheekily.

He let his shoulders drop, and sighed shaking his head "Awwww, man..."

"It's a JOKE!" she retorted, enthusiasticly.

Still stealing wishful glances at other girls, Irvine fell off his chair as Selphie's head coasted into view right in front of him blocking his sight, "Hey, what're you lookin' at?!" once again, she showed her jealous little side.

Swallowing, he chuckled, rising to his feet, he adjusted his hat and flashed her one of his Oh-ain't-you-looking-gorgeous-today smiles.

"Come on, Irvy-kinni-poo!!!" Selphie embraced one of his arms and huggled herself on his side, gazing up to him.

"Sure, Selphie, baby." he saluted Zell, winking and left off with Selphie.


"Yes, Headmaster, I will report back as soon as possible. I just need to find Squall. " Quistis saluted the regular SeeD way, turned around and entered the lift.

Noticing Irvine and Selphie head towards the entrance, to the main gates, Quistis raised her voice to catch their attention in time.

"Hey! Wait!" she came rushing before them, as they turned towards her.

"Hi, you two, have you seen Squall anywhere?" Quistis smiled wondering, somewhat curiously, where they were going.

Selphie smiled, shrugged "Nope, sowwy." and giggled.
Irvine shook his head "Nah, but the last time I did see Squall was...uhh..yeah, at lunch, but he left shortly..uhh-".

"It's ok, thanks, I'll find him." Quistis smiled and turned on her heel, and strolled off towards the Library, leaving them two to continue proceeding towards the gates, where outside the sun shimmered and beamed onto the ground.

A few white, airy, light feathers floated through the gates and into the Garden, by the sheer mischief of the breeze's whispery wind game�

06-02-2005, 11:17 PM

06-02-2005, 11:50 PM
what is this...? who the heck's raziel? why is rinoa cheating on squall? what is going on?

please tell me... :(

06-03-2005, 12:05 AM
oh god i'm horny

06-03-2005, 12:08 AM
oh dear

Bus Driver
06-03-2005, 12:23 AM

06-03-2005, 01:12 AM

06-03-2005, 02:08 AM
:GASP: That piece of fiction was thorougly entertaining.

06-03-2005, 09:29 AM
what is this...? who the heck's raziel? why is rinoa cheating on squall? what is going on?

please tell me... :(

Well the story is set after FF8, and Raziel is my own made up character in the fiction and this story gets really interesting in many ways. Don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

and....how am I supposed to answer someone who just writes "QUESTION MARK", sorry can't help you, please re-read and try to come to your own conclusion.

Sorry if this story is slightly strange in structure and paragraphing, I wrote this 3 years ago. If you want better grammar/etc then go read Fatal Temptations.


Chapter 6

A few ripples of sunlight shone through the window, where, fluttering, were the white airy curtains by the breezes' whispery touch.
The desk seemed clear and unused like always, with the case of the gunblade leaning against the it, the Griever's image staring proudly into the room.

Lying on the bed, resting his eyes, yet not his wearied mind, Squall drifted into thoughts, a suiting pensive mask of worry covering his face.

( ....Rinoa )

The warm, gentle beam of sunlight seemed to be blocked by something, a shadow casted inconspicuously, cooling the place which, a second ago, was warming up. Frowning, Squall opened his eyes, only to find beautiful big ones mirror his and stare directly back at him.

Rinoa raised herself and grinned at him winking. "Hey, again."

( .... )

Sitting up on his bed, he gazed at her, wondering what she could possibly be grinning about, as the sun carefully selected streaks of his hair and highlighted them to make them appear shiny.
He leaned back against the wall and kept watching her, wondering worriedly, as she placed one of her knees on the bed and slowly crawled closer to him.

"....uuhh..." scanning her face, wondering frantically what she was up to, his heart raced with anxiety.

( What the...??? )

She edged closer to him, her face basically 5cm from his.
Looking around frantically for an excuse or something to talk about he noticed the birds outside.

"Uh.. aren't the birds...nice?" Squall pointed out the window.
Rinoa grinned, and giving him space to breathe again, as she went to close the window and draw the curtains, which plunged the room into a semi-grey darkness, looked back to him.

"Err...Rinoa?" his eyes grew wide, his cheeks burning red hot.
She smirked, not answering, yet moving closer again.
Drawing a finger to his lips, she shushed a bit, looking him in the eyes.

"Squall, I know you've just gotten used to...certain things, physically, but you have to get familiar with ...passion..love." he could hear her whisper, as she brushed her thumb and fingers gently over his cheek.

And once again, giving in to her dominant style, like back then at the dance, he closed his eyes and didn't hesitate anymore.

He sighed, somewhat unfamiliar to these kind of gestures, as she sat down facing him, on his thigh. Embracing him gently, she sighed, as he began stroking her back lovingly...

"Squall..." she began planting passionate kisses under his ear, at the end of his jaw. His eyes grew wide, he virtually stopped breathing, this new experience making him feel a bit uneasy.

(....what's...happening to me....? Why does this feel so strange...i don't understand...)

Rinoa glanced up at him, "Squall, what's wrong?".
Sighing, he dropped his gaze... "......I can't...compare with this"

She smiled, a quick flashback of something that sounded pretty much the same drifted into her mind again...

1 year ago...at the party..."...I can't dance"

Snapping back from the memories, she nodded, and just lied herself on the bed, arms under her head, relaxing.
Of course, she could force him to a dance, but this???

There seemed to be enough space for him to lie down, so he leaned down and lay next to her, watching the ceiling; his additional hobby next to thinking a lot.

A prickling sensation grew, like a foreign ailment, over his hand as he stroked her silk-like fingers with his own...
Her Hair fell to the other side, as she turned her head to glance at him, her eyes following his hand slowly as she noticed that he was holding her hand in his now.

With a sudden jolt, he quickly, yet gently pulled her close. His arms surrounding her, she could his heart knocking rapidly against her chest. Closing her eyes she layed her head under his chin, on his shoulder.

The leather jacket hung on the wall next to them, suddenly fell over Rinoas legs, as the door handle turned and Quistis walked. in.

She gaped in amazement, her eyes wide with disbelief as she saw the pair huggled tightly against each other on the bed. With her cheeks turning a crimson red, she blinked and looked away. "uhh..sorry to, *cough*, DISTURB, Squall, but Headmaster Cid's has a request for you." Quistis couldn't believe the fact that, Squall, the once-in-a-year-kisser, could have "Possibly" had sex with Rinoa already!

Squall grew more embarassed by the second ".....ok, Quistis...."
Rinoa just giggled and snuggled up to him, after Quistis left, closing the door firmly behind her.

Running her fingertips over his lips, Rinoa kept her eyes fixed on his...seeming as if she'd just sink into them any moment now.
Drawing closer to her face, he dared himself to gently run his tongue over her bottom lip, slowly advancing further down to her chin, until he began kissing her neck. Slipping his arms around her waist, stroking her back and behind gently, he felt her press closer...his feelings, emotions growing deeper, procuring more meaning...

"Squall." Rinoa just realized something.
Squall stopped showering her with kisses and gazed up to her "Yeah?".
Her hand pointed to the door, which was still unlocked.
She stumbled off of him and stood, waiting, holding her left arm, as usual when a bit thoughtful. She glanced at the jacket on the bed and hung it up again.
Smiling at her, he locked the door, and ambling back to her, whispered:

"I want to experience your love...".

Holding a hand in front of her wide-opened mouth, in awe, she wondered how he managed to say something like that...he really did change...love works miracles...not to mention personalities...

Chapter 7

A smooth, tender kiss stroked along his first finger, Rinoa's eyelashes shielding her eyes, as her gaze was low.
He watched her, his fingers tingling with a distinct feeling, something he couldn't grasp, nor explain...something beyond his usual understanding - a wondrous new experience.
His emotions bubbled, new thoughts, feelings feeding into his mind...

Trying to cope with her affectionate actions, he, in return, and not to seem too much of a new-bie, caressed his other hand through her, beautiful, shiny hair.

Smiling she adjusted herself, trying to be more comfortable on his lap; edging closer, with her legs on either side, facing him.
He stretched his legs out, straightening his back that leaned against the wall...

Running a hand through his shiny brown hair, that lusciously fell over his face in streaks, she commenced tracing her tongue gently over his lips.
Squall closed his eyes and relished the moment, petting her back; drawing her closer.

Her light, tender licking, soon developed into a passionate, indulging, tongue kiss. Hot faced and out of breath, he gazed at her with his sharp, dark-blue, passionate eyes.
Leaning his head back against the wall to recover from the experience, he didn't notice the fact that she slipped her robe and vest off.

Squall raised his head again and caught a glimpse of her in her bra, as he quickly and shyly turned his vision towards the door.
His face grew hotter and he seemed to be perspiring...

Rinoa giggled, finding him cute and gently turned his face towards hers.

"You don't need to be shy, Squall." she laughed, her eyes twinkling as they narrowed.

His gaze dropped, he didn't know what to do.

( ...what now...? )

Smirking, she slid her hands under his white vest and wriggled it off his torso, revealing his bare, quite ironically smooth, yet firm skin. He watched her scratching his head and blushing nervously.

Rinoa's gaze glided over his slim waist, the rather unusual 4-pack, and his firm, flat chest. Tilting her head she studied his face for a moment, her thoughts blurred by her amazement and awe.

Their gazes met, locked and they reached for one another, grasping for a tight embrace; with soft sighs and humid sensations, they began caressing anothers body, searching, investigating, exploring every inch of skin, gliding their fingers, soft stroking movements, gentle touches, thirsty, prodigious kisses...

Opening his eyes again, panting and gasping for the cooler air around him, he realized, they had shifted in their brief frenzied burst of passion. He gazed up at Rinoa, smiled, his heart almost melting with warmth.

Fingering with his pillow he layed his head onto it to be more comfortable. Rinoa tilted her head, thinking shortly...

"You ready, Squall?" she blinked wondering.

Swallowing hard, he didn't know how to answer...
"...I don't know." his expression growing somewhat solemn again.

"Don't worry, It'll be fine...just, let it go, be free, express yourself..don't think about it too hard, it's not an exam...this is...what we mean to one another."

He nodded, smiling again. "Ok."

She watched his face, his body under hers, as she glided her hands over his face reasurringly.

Gazing deep into her eyes he felt a sharp glint of newly found confidence burning in his heart, he knew that he'd be able to manage...

He sensed her fingertips at his belt, undoing it, his breath quickened; his temperature rising slightly. Taking a deep breath he fingered her neckline gently, feeling her soft, smooth skin.

She slid backwards, sitting by his feet, and slowly pulled his trousers off his long, smooth, firm and slightly muscular legs.
Crawling back onto him, she fiddled with her shorts, her hands trembling with nervousness, yet the zeal in her heart propelled her to continue.
He watched her, his eyes set on her face, his heart beating with excitement and want. He looked to his side and saw a pile of their clothes, a rich, red colour creeping over his cheeks.

Brushing his hair from his face he watched her in awe as she played with the strips of black silk, that held her bra cups in place.

"Squall...I want you to..." she held her gaze with him, not looking away, yet a smile growing over her lips once again.

Nodding, he led his fingers over her belly, stroking up gently, between her breasts, onto her shoulders, where he slided them off her arms with his hands. She pressed herself onto him, lying directly on him, his hands fiddling with the back of her bra.

Opening it, he brushed it off, his face growing hotter by every stroke of his skin against hers. Collecting her hair in one piece, she shifted it over one shoulder, keeping it back.

Squall gazed at her, a small sensation working its way down from his stomach to the tips of his toes...his fingers tingling with nervousness...

Rinoa blushed, her skin growing hotter, as he began rubbing her back and bottom firmly. Sighing with delight, she kissed along his jaw, nibbling on his chin, as his strokes and caressing gestures turned more determined and passionate.

Smooth, hot, tender strokes, passionate, aroused sighs; soft moans and rapid perspiration, brief nervous trembles...an array of extreme, deep feelings, the five sensual senses set alight like a rainbow fireworks display.

Sniffing the air, a dazed, yet amazed face glanced up to Rinoa...

"What's that smell...?" Squall continued nuzzling, kissing and tasting her neck...

"Huh? Oh..." Rinoa blushed, still stroking his back, shoulders and neck.

She was pretty reluctant to explain that, what he could sense drifting in the air was her love juices at work...

Squall's bulge, was by now, very evident, through all the extended foreplay. Rinoa gently raised her attention to it and let her fingers slide briefly over it, which made him wince.

The greyish room grew darker as time had sneaked past rapidly, its shadowy side letting the day turn into evening...

They watched each other, thinking the same thing...

A sharp intake of breath arose from the soft groans and moaning that filled the air, as he silently slid into her, her hand clenching his tightly as the growing sensation spread like wildfire over her hot, sweaty body. Squall clenched his teeth together, the stimulating feelings driving up and down his legs, his body hot, perspiring, still full of energy.

Clinging onto him, with hands holding onto his shoulders, she commenced the real intercourse, prodding her abdomen firmly up and down slowly. Picking up her actions, he followed them and mirrored her movements, yet firmer...

It developed to the point where they were actively, continously driving in and out, up and down, with each breath, with each heart-beat; with each sensual, tingling, prickling and thrusting push.

Quistis approached Squall's door to remind him of the request from Headmaster Cid, when she stopped in her tracks as she heard two, uncontrollably loud, sensual, relieved moans, thriving from within. A long, black, curled object plummeted to the floor, as Quistis stared at the door in shock, surprise and wonder.

"Ohhh...." she grinned sexily, bent down to retrieve her whip and disappeared into the corridor...

Soft silken fingers, brushed gently through his hair... Her gaze slowly dropped and her lids closed as she layed her head next to his on the pillow, still on him.
Squall carefully stroked her waist, sighing with relief, pleasure and this weird sense of awe and amazement from this beautiful, new experience that he was afraid of at first...

Squall nudged the blanket with his feet, trying to pull it closer to himself as he was beginning to feel cold, as the sweat began to cool. He could hear her soft gentle breathing, and realised she was nearly asleep from exhaustion.
Stroking her head lovingly, he pulled the blanket with his toes and moved over to reach for it, pulling it over her and himself.

Snuggling up to her he, himself, felt very tired and drowzy; gently drifting into a peaceful, dreamless sleep...

Chapter 8

A loud banging noise penetrated through the, peaceful, silent air...

Squall murmured something, blinking sleepily. Rinoa lay next to him, one of his arms around her. The knock remained persistent, a familiar voice, blurred by his drowziness was calling:

"Hey Squall!!! Open up, man!"

"....yeah...in a moment..." he murmured, still lying there half asleep. Getting up, he grabbed his pants and vest, hastily trying to pull it all on. Ambling sleepily to the door, he unlocked it and gazed into Zell's grinning face.

"What took ya?" Zell smirked, rubbing his right hand at the back of his shorts and raising it towards Squall

"Put it there, man!" he insisted, "We gotta another mission asigned to us! Ain't it great?!"
Squall blinked, still dozy, saw Zell's attempt to shake hands, and for once, felt generous enough to shake it.
His mouth dropped open, as he froze in that position, staring, wondering how Squall, for the first time ever, shook his hand.
Unexplainable. Mysterious.
Zell looked Squall up and down, scrutinising anything unusual.
"Uhh...well that's all I had ta tell ya, Squall. See ya!" Zell saluted, but before he could leave, he caught a glimpse of black hair on Squall's pillow...

Squall watched Zell, following his gaze...
"Squall, you never told me you had a wig?" Zell grinned, actually believing it WAS a wig. Bright Zell, as usual.
"Uhh..." Squall didn't know what to say to that...
Zell peeked over Squall's shoulder, trying to get a better look at it, but to no avail, as Squall just moved to block his vision.
"Hey man! Lemme see!" Zell protested.
"Uhh Zell I don't think-" Squall began...

"You don't think what Squall?" Rinoa yawned, sitting up, the blanket covering her body. She seemed to have missed the "wig" part, which Zell thought she'd heard.

Zell looked as if he was about to faint with embarassment. Squall raised his hand to his forehead, sighing, as usual.
"Uhh...I-I...I'm sorry guys! See ya" he made a quick get away and disappeared in a few seconds.

Rinoa burst into laughter, watching Squall scratch the back of his head in uncertainly.

Locking the door, he picked up her clothing as he approached her and handed them to her.
Sitting down on the bed, he seemed to be drifting into his own isolated world again...thinking endlessly...a pensive mood taking on his newly found attitude.

Rinoa slipped back into her clothes and sat down next to him, wondering what he was thinking about...

The soft, gentle breezes slowly glided over the empty fields; whirling around a couple of light, airy, white feathers, that soon floated, drifting continuously in the air, yet suddenly one was engulfed by a stranger's gloved hand and pressed tightly within...


The clouds above drifted endlessly in a sea of clear blue skies...
The shimmering sun let the water twinkle and glimmer as it disposed a white, bubbly foam with each ripple encountering the shore. A figure dressed in a loose, white shirt and black pants that resembled horse riding trousers, walked along the shore, his glove still clenching the feather...
He trekked along the shore, his big black boots
splashing in the water slightly as the ripples kissed the shoreline.
His whitish blonde hair flickering in his eyes, a small grumble vibrating from within him.

Turning around he commenced in a frantic and furied rage, kicking, splashing in the water and uttering curses under his breath. Regaining his composure he found himself a dry spot to sit down on... He noticed a few seagulls flying zealously against the strong, stubborn winds... A malicious smile spread over his lips as he grapsed for his ArrowGun. Attatching it to his right arm, he narrowed his eye, closing the other, as he prepared, aiming at a small, younger seagull which seemed to be drifting closer to him...

A sharp cry of pain hushed all the other seagulls, the silence growing thick and deep, a deep plunging sound heard, as the bird splashed into the water just before his feet...

The mask of hatred covering his face grew harder, his eyes beaming with rage and fury...

"...Rinoa..." he uttered silently under his breath, watching the red liquid oozing from the bird, spreading and lightening in the water...
Bending down, he washed the bird's flesh thoroughly with water, until no blood could be seen...
Placing the bird gently into a brown bag, he rose to his feet slinging it over one shoulder, some salty water trickling down onto the unbuttoned half of his bare, broad chest.

He Ambled back, sighing pensively as the winds swept past him, the illuminated, fresh, green grass crunching gently under his boots...

06-03-2005, 11:34 AM
Oh my god... Is this kind of thing actually allowed here?

You seriously need to have your gene pool drained, scrubbed, sanitized, filled in with cement, dug up, shot into space, crashed on Pluto, and blown up by a high-yield nuke.

06-03-2005, 01:10 PM
Oh my god... Is this kind of thing actually allowed here?

You seriously need to have your gene pool drained, scrubbed, sanitized, filled in with cement, dug up, shot into space, crashed on Pluto, and blown up by a high-yield nuke.

Like I said, if this is offensive, don't read. Plus, this isn't a lemon fic. It's an adventure fic with little bits of erotica slipped in, as it is appropriate to the storyline.

06-03-2005, 09:13 PM
At least it isn't garbage.

06-03-2005, 11:21 PM
At least it isn't garbage.

good point.

for a memory
06-22-2005, 02:22 PM
Hmmm... I don't know what to make of it. The character Raziel has popped up in another story. Writing with someone who once identified herself as Rinoa. And I can see elements of the story. You see she once belived she was with this guy who named himself Squall. And it makes sense that she might consider herself as cheating. She wasn't actually with the Squall guy but she is a bit wrong in the head.
Perhaps I am overly reading between the lines. It's just a coincidence. Anywhoo I like it.

07-29-2005, 06:13 PM
HOLY CRAP. Holy mother of Satan with a stick in her ass.

07-29-2005, 06:31 PM
Mmmmmmmmmm......... Raziel.

07-29-2005, 08:21 PM
Please God make a movie out of this.

07-30-2005, 08:46 PM
Dang...u sure can rite where do u find time...anywho...its ok!
could u summarize this looks ok...by the way,hguyu,newbie-like poster

The Ricky
07-31-2005, 12:15 AM
This story is making me hot!!!


07-31-2005, 08:12 AM
You people make me sick.


07-31-2005, 11:07 AM
just a little something i have heard, do not "rate" your fanfiction.... (I.E: MA15+,R,G ect)

The MPAA (motion picture association of america) has sued people over the unauthorised use of classifications as it was never passed by a classification board

just use a good disclaimer , which by the way you never included...those characters and story elements ARE actually reserved to squaresoft or square-enix so it would be a good idea to include that

just trying to help you cover your butt

08-08-2005, 04:45 AM
Hurry up and put the next part in!;)

08-08-2005, 01:22 PM
It's pointless to ask for more since the person that wrote this drivel hasn't been here in two months. I consider that quite a good thing, by the way.

08-08-2005, 10:58 PM
This thread is defunct but people like to touchatouchatoucha it anyway.

I cannot trust your necro hands :/