02-14-2019, 06:16 AM
I know this isn't a typical "request for music" but I wasn't sure where else to put this. Hopefully someone can help!

I found a bunch of my old MIDI files on a backup drive, and there's one song I would like help with identifying. This song was sent to me about 20 years ago (seriously) and I may have known what it was at the time, but no longer. The MIDI channels only have their respective instruments in their names so there's nothing identifying there.

For some reason, I have a feeling it's from Castlevania, but that could be completely wrong. I looked up Castlevania music on YouTube and didn't find this. Maybe it's from an anime, though it would have to be at least 20 years old.


Please Note: That's not the original file that was sent to me, but an edit I made for some reason. Can't find the original.
The changes I can recall making are:
1. I added some extra drum beats in the intro
2. One of the five big, opening notes at about 0:15 was changed
3. I shifted the entire song's key down a little bit
4. I removed the first "verse" so it went straight to the "chorus" after the intro

Even with those changes, it's a very distinctive tune and should be recognizable. FFShrine don't let me down!

02-14-2019, 12:54 PM
Hmm, I'm not sure, it sounds nothing like Castlevania to me, instead it has more of a Yozo Koshiro/Streets of Rage late 80s feel to it.

Maybe it's not actually from anything and was simply someone's own composition with a MIDI sequencer? (it's still very good though!). :D

02-15-2019, 12:21 AM
Indeed, it's a great tune! I considered the possibility that it was original, but the reason I got it (all those years ago) was because pre-teen-amateur-programmer me was making a Javascript jukebox, and asked various players on an MMO to send me their favourite songs in MIDI, and the guy didn't mention it being an original song.

And you're right, upon further listening, it really doesn't sound like Castlevania music. Just had that idea stuck in my head. Thanks anyway!