Bahamut ZERO
02-13-2002, 07:35 PM
I debated about whether posting this or not, then I figured "sod it, if it gets ridiculed at least I've had a laugh reading it."


(Written in the style of a wrestling match, commentary by Good Old JR and Jerry "The King" Lawler.)
(**** Contains some spoilers for the plot of Final Fantasy VII. ****)

(Note:- Wrestling fans may be the only people who get some of the humour in this. If so, great. If not, read anyway if you're bored. Only wrote this because I was bored myself, anyways.)

SCENE:- Wrestlemania X-9, Event Square, Gold Saucer.

JR:- "Well, here we are, King. This is it. The match for the WWF Title. It's the Champion Sephiroth versus the challenger Cloud Strife. And boy, is a history between these two?"
KING:- "You're right there JR. I mean, these two just plain hate each other, and I can't wait for Sephiroth to rip Cloud to shreds with his bare hands!"
JR:- "Let's take a look back at the history between these two."

(Video package of Sephiroth, showing the moment of discovery to his heritage of the son of Jenova, the way that he has manipulated Cloud before to bring the Black materia to his side, and shows numerous stills in black and white of the Death of Aeris by his sword. Video package then switches to Cloud, detailing his earlier life in Nibelheim, then switching to his friendship with AVALANCHE and other members of the party, and his particularly close friendship with Aeris, with stills once more of her death. The last section of the video package sees the times when the two have clashed before, the handing over of the Black materia, the Temple of the Ancients, the City of the Ancients, before switching once more to the Death of Aeris and then closing out.)

JR:- "A lot of history, a lot of anger, a lot of hatred. Let's take this one up to the Fink."

RING ANNOUNCER (FINK):- "The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the World Wrestling Federation Championship, and will be NO DISQUALIFICATIONS!"

(The music for the number one reactor mission starts to play.)

FINK:- "Introducing first, the challenger! From Nibelheim, weighing in at 250 pounds. CLOUD STRIFE!"

(Cloud enters the ring through the crowd, and gets a resounding ovation. The Ultima Weapon is already drawn ready for battle. He crouches down in the ring, focusing on the battle and ignoring the cheers, watching the entrance to the ring through steely eyes.)

(Sephiroth's main theme starts to play.)

FINK:- "His opponent! From the North Crater, weighing in at 235 pounds. The World Wrestling Federation Champion, SEPHIROTH!"

(Sephiroth walks through the curtains to a chorus of boos. He ignores the crowd, his eyes locked on his opponent in the ring. He enters, and takes off the WWF title belt and shoves it into the referee. He glares at Cloud through narrow eyes as he takes off the top half of his robes.)

KING:- "Look at them JR! Sephiroth hasn't taken his eyes off of Cloud since he's entered the ring."
JR:- "Cloud hasn't backed down from Sephiroth, King. We all know what Sephiroth is capable of. He completely dismantled Rufus in under thirty seconds. He destroyed several units of SOLDIER in less than a minute. This man is a monster!"
KING:- "He even took apart Aeris, didn't he JR?"
JR:- "Come on King. Aeris was defenceless at the time."
KING:- "She shouldn't have got in Sephiroth's way then, should she?"

(The bells rings. Cloud and Sephiroth, un-armed at the moment, approach each other for a staredown.)

JR:- "Look at this folks! They're just waiting to explode!"
KING:- "This crowd is shaking the roof, JR! Look at them!"
JR:- "And here we go! Right hands from Cloud! Right hands from Sephiroth! Business is picking up!"

(Cloud gets the upper hand with the punches, Sephiroth slumps down in the corner as Cloud continues to pummel his face.)

JR:- "My God King! Can you see what Cloud is doing?"
KING:- (Wincing) "See it? I can feel it JR! Ouch!"
JR:- "The ref is defenceless here. It's no disqualification."
KING:- "Yeah, THAT was a smart move. It'll be lucky if this building's still standing after these two have finished with each other."

(Sephiroth stops Cloud onslaught with a quick Fire 3 spell that catapults Cloud across the ring into the opposite corner.)

KING:- "See what I mean, JR? These two will do anything... ANYTHING to win this title match."
JR:- "Sephiroth is the first to go to his supernatural powers. Cloud looks fairly stunned King."
KING:- "He's gonna be even more stunned in a minute, Sephiroth's charging up another one!"
JR:- "Bolt 3! Bolt 3! Bolt 3! Right between the eyes! RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES! And Cloud Strife is BUSTED RIGHT OPEN!!!"

(Cloud's face is a crimson mask as Sephiroth approaches. He goes for Ice 3 when Cloud finally counters with Ultima.)

JR:- "My God! Cloud pulled that one out of NO-WHERE! Did you see the look on Sephiroth's face, King?"
KING:- "That was incredible JR. That green wibbly spell always seems to have some effect when Cloud uses it on Sephiroth."
JR:- "Now Cloud has left the ring, and he's got the Ultima Weapon! By God, business is about to pick up! I wish you guys could be here to feel this sensation."

(Sephiroth spots the Ultima Weapon in Cloud's hands and quickly slides out of the ring and collects his Masamune Blade. He then slides back in and the two circle, swords ready.)

JR:- "The two are now both armed. Remember fans, this is no disqualification. And if I was referee Earl Hebnor, I'd be leaving the ring about now."
KING:- "If I was Earl Hebnor, I'd have left the Gold Saucer by now! I'm surprised the fans didn't run from that exchange of magic!"

(Sephiroth strikes first and the two begin to trade blows moving backwards and forwards across the ring, their swords ringing as the crowd begin to cheer Cloud on again.)

JR:- "My God, this is a slobberknocker, ladies and gentlemen! Cloud is giving his all, and yet Sephiroth just keeps on coming back! Is there no stopping this monster?"
KING:- "He is the son of Jenova, JR. There is no stopping him."
JR:- "Or so he claims King."

(Cloud finally scores a blow between Sephiroth's eyes and blood starts flowing.)

JR:- "By Gawd! Sephiroth IS BUSTED WIDE OPEN KING! Did you see that?"
KING:- "I saw that! Hey, ref, the guy's trying to kill him!"
JR:- "Is there no stopping this carnage? Is the WWF title really worth this?"
KING:- "This has gone beyond the WWF title JR. This is about pride and revenge."

(The two finally score identical blows on each other and both fall to the floor. The ref starts a slow, deliberate ten count.)

JR:- "A double count out here means that Sephiroth retains the WWF title. Cloud needs to get up in order to win this one."

(Finally, on the count of nine, it's Sephiroth who staggers to his feet. He finds his Masamune and turns to look down at Cloud's battered body and runs his thumb across his neck.)

JR:- "Uh-oh! Sephiroth's signalling for his finisher! He's signalling for Meteor!"
KING:- "If he hits this WE'RE ALL DONE FOR!"
JR:- (Looking down the entrance) "Wait a minute King! Look! Look who it is! It's Tifa Lockheart!"
KING:- "Puppies! I mean, yeah JR! It's Cloud's friend from home. But look at those puppies!"

(Tifa slides into the ring, and is in front of Cloud to stop Sephiroth from delivering Meteor. Sephiroth walks slowly up to her before grabbing her at the throat and launching her out of the ring through the Spanish Announce Table.)

JR:- "Oh my God! OH MY GOD! He's killed her! Sephiroth! That son of a bitch! She needs immediate medical attention! We need help out here! Someone quickly get a stretcher out here!"
KING:- "I'll go check JR."
JR:- "You stay right here and do your job!"
KING:- "But the puppies need someone to help them!"
JR:- "Someone other than you King."

(A stretcher between two chocobos is bought out and Tifa's broken body is placed onto it. Sephiroth watches her leave without emotion.)

JR:- "Wait! WAIT! Cloud is up! CLOUD IS UP! My God, where does this kid get his strength from? He looks PISSED, King."
KING:- "Sephiroth! Turn around!"

(Cloud begins to power up Omnislash.)

JR:- "Here we go King! Here we go! If Cloud hits this, we'll have a new WWF Champion!"
KING:- "You're right JR! Sephiroth is history if this hits."
JR:- "Wait a minute! It's the Turks! Elena, Reno, Rude! They're beating on Cloud! Dammit King, Dammit! Why couldn't they leave this as one on one?"
KING:- "Tifa did come down to interfere aswell JR."
JR:- "And we all know what happened there, don't we? Dammit King."

(The Turks turn around to seek approval from Sephiroth. He responds by cutting Elena and Rude down with his sword. He turns to attack Reno, who ducks the attack and sticks him with the Electro - Mag Rod. Reno salutes the crowd, grabs hold of the other two Turks and leaves both Cloud and Sephiroth down in the ring.)

JR:- "By God! What else could happen in this match, King? What else could happen here tonight."
KING:- "WWF Wrestlemania X-9 is presented to you tonight by the Shinra Corporation here at the Gold Saucer. The Shinra Corporation. Cheap Mako for a better life."
JR:- "And Sephiroth is back up to his feet! He's powering up Meteor again!"

(The lights in the arena go out and the crowd starts buzzing once again.)

JR:- (In a quiet voice.) "Wait a minute, what's this?"
KING:- (In a quiet voice.) "The lights have gone out."
JR:- "This reminds me of The Undertaker's entrance..."
KING:- "You don't think, JR?"

(Aeris' theme starts to play.)

KING:- "I can hear the music JR, but I can't see the person. Where is she, JR?"

(The music keeps on playing, a single solitary light on the entrance. Finally, Aeris appears to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.)

KING:- "She can't be here! She can't be! Sephiroth, look out!"
JR:- "The last member of the Cetra is making her way to the ring, and we all know who she's after!"

(Aeris enters the ring and raises her staff. There's a sudden spark and the lights come back on around the arena. We see Sephiroth looking openly stunned as Cloud groggily tries to get to his feet in the opposite corner. Aeris steps through the ropes and looks to Sephiroth.)

JR:- "Look at her eyes King! The eyes say it all!"
KING:- "Well, it isn't everyday that someone jumps you from behind and stabs you in the back."
JR:- "Sephiroth looks like he's seen a ghost!"
KING:- "Ghost? JR! She's meant to be dead! Of course he's seeing a damn ghost!"

(Aeris walks up to Sephiroth, whose shoulders are rising up and down as he breathes in anger. He swings the Masamune at Aeris, but she ducks. Behind him, she slips her staff between his legs.)

JR:- "A low blow from Aeris! A LOW BLOW FROM AERIS!!! And Sephiroth has been de-railed!"
KING:- "Well, I don't care if you're the son of Jenova or Superman, that still hurts."
JR:- "Cloud is back on his head, he's powering it up! He's sizing up Sephiroth! Omnislash! Omnislash! OMNISLASH!!!!!!"

(Sephiroth is struck by Omnislash in its full fury. After the last blow, Sephiroth staggers backwards, the ropes barely holding him vertical. He limps forward, rising his sword to attack Cloud, before collapsing face first into the ring. Cloud falls to his knees, weak with fatigue.)

JR:- "Cover him Cloud! COVER HIM!!!"
KING:- "Aeris has damn fine puppies aswell!"

(Cloud crawls over towards Sephiroth, and rolls him over sluggishly. He drapes one arm over him, and the referee, still a little bemused over the events that have happened, falls down and counts the 1, 2, 3!)

FINK:- "The winner of this bout and NEW World Wrestling Federation Champion, Cloud Strife!"
JR:- "Alright! Well done Cloud! Well done!"
KING:- "That was one hell of a victory JR. And it was well earned. Look at Sephiroth. There's blood everywhere. The Spanish Announce Table's been completely destroyed. In the end, Cloud had more heart."

(Aeris enters the ring and the two hug to a huge ovation from the crowd.)

JR:- "Aeris is back from the dead! And Cloud Strife is the new WWF Champion!"
KING:- "Hey Aeris, do you want a hug from me?"
JR:- "Will you stop?"
KING:- "Hey, maybe she'll hug you too JR!"

(The rest of the party enters the ring. Tifa manages to limp out aswell for the celebrations.)

JR:- "Folks, I've got tears in my eyes. Never before, in my 30 years of being in this business, have I witnessed a moment like this."
KING:- "You say that every year JR!"
JR:- "That's it from us folks. From JR and The King, we'll see you tomorrow night on Raw."

02-13-2002, 07:56 PM
that was good I would like to see more like that

socks are kiff
02-13-2002, 11:39 PM
that was absolutely CLASSIC, my man! you even got the jerry lawler commentary right. :D

PUPPIES!!!!! ;)

i want a REMATCH!!!!!!! :D

Bahamut ZERO
02-14-2002, 08:05 PM
Okay, this was an alternative ending I had planned, until I realised that it's pretty far fetched. I'll let you decide which one was better.

***Alternative Ending. The match is the same as above up until the Turks leave the ring.***

JR:- "By God! What else could happen in this match, King? What else could happen here tonight."
KING:- "WWF Wrestlemania X-9 is presented to you tonight by the Shinra Corporation here at the Gold Saucer. The Shinra Corporation. Cheap Mako for a better life."
JR:- "And Sephiroth is back up to his feet! He's powering up Meteor again!"

(The lights in the arena go out and the crowd starts buzzing once again.)

JR:- (In a quiet voice.) "Wait a minute, what's this?"
KING:- (In a quiet voice.) "The lights have gone out."
JR:- "This reminds me of The Undertaker's entrance..."
KING:- "You don't think, JR?"

(Aeris' theme starts to play.)

KING:- "I can hear the music JR, but I can't see the person. Where is she, JR?"

(The music keeps on playing, a single solitary light on the entrance. Finally, Aeris appears to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.)

KING:- "She can't be here! She can't be! Sephiroth, look out!"
JR:- "The last member of the Cetra is making her way to the ring, and we all know who she's after!"

(Aeris enters the ring and raises her staff. There's a sudden spark and the lights come back on around the arena. We see Sephiroth looking openly stunned as Cloud groggily tries to get to his feet in the opposite corner. Aeris steps through the ropes and looks to Sephiroth.)

JR:- "Look at her eyes King! The eyes say it all!"
KING:- "Well, it isn't everyday that someone jumps you from behind and stabs you in the back."
JR:- "Sephiroth looks like he's seen a ghost!"
KING:- "Ghost? JR! She's meant to be dead! Of course he's seeing a damn ghost!"
JR:- "Aeris is standing right in front of Sephiroth. Cloud Strife is back on his feet! His face is in shock, just as I am. How can Aeris be standing here King?"
KING:- "Why don't you go ask her JR?"

(Cloud approaches Aeris and she looks at him with a huge smile on her face. Sephiroth pushes Cloud back, and raises his sword to attack Aeris. Cloud leaps forward and pushes Sephiroth back into the corner. Sephiroth comes back out and the two are now both in front of Aeris. She swings with her staff and Sephiroth ducks, the staff hitting Cloud between the eyes.)

JR:- "Oh my God King! Aeris was aiming for Sephiroth, but she hit Cloud right between the eyes! And Cloud is down and out!"
KING:- "Sephiroth's now setting him up for Meteor. This is it JR!"

(Meteor suddenly appears above the Gold Saucer, and it shrinks down to the size of a normal person, before striking Cloud's prone body and almost crushing him. The count is academic.)

FINK:- "The winner of this bout, and STILL World Wrestling Federation Champion, Sephiroth!"

(Aeris crouches down next to Cloud, obviously concerned about costing him the match. Sephiroth stands just behind her and lifts up his Masamune just above Aeris' head.)

JR:- "Don't you dare! DON'T YOU DARE you son of a bitch!"
KING:- "Cloud's out of it! He can't stop Sephiroth from finishing the job he started!"
JR:- "Aeris has turned around King. She's seen the blade, and she looks petrified."
KING:- "I can't let this happen to puppies! I've gotta go help JR!"
JR:- "You sit down King! He'd rip you to shreds!"

(Aeris slowly gets to her feet, and looks fearfully at Sephiroth as he holds the blade close to her chest. Finally Aeris' face breaks into a smile and Sephiroth lowers the sword to his side as the two embrace in the middle of the ring. Sephiroth bestows upon Aeris a kiss, and the ring is quickly filled with litter.)

JR:- "What the hell is this? WHAT THE HELL IS THIS???"
KING:- "Aeris and Sephiroth... Are ALLIED?"
JR:- "This doesn't make any sense! Aeris and Sephiroth are on the same page! Why? Why Aeris? Why? Why turn your back on the man who tried to save you from this, this monster!"
KING:- "She died, JR. And now she's in love with the man who killed her?"
JR:- "That doesn't make any sense King! I... I... I'm lost for words folks."
KING:- "Thank God for that!"

(Referees come down to scrape Cloud up from the mat and help him back to the ring. Sephiroth and Aeris continue their hugging and stuff until Cloud stops, looks at the Titantron and then turns around with a red materia orb in his hand.)

JR:- "Wait! What's Cloud going to do here?"
KING:- "He's got something in his hand. I don't know what it is..."
JR:- "There's a cloud gathering overhead. And there's a bright light coming down to the ring! MY GOD!!! It's Bahamut ZERO!!! And it's just fired a huge ray of energy at the ring!"
KING:- "Sephiroth, look out!!!"

(Bahamut ZERO strikes the ring and both Aeris and Sephiroth are knocked off of their feet. Cloud smirks and raises his hands as the crowd cheers, before he limps out the back.)

JR:- "Sephiroth may have won this battle, but by God! Cloud is still fighting the war!"
KING:- "Aeris? Are you alright? Do you need a massage?"
JR:- "Folks, good night, we'll see you tomorrow night on Raw."

Yeah, ok. Maybe the first one was better.

02-14-2002, 08:29 PM
that was funny do some more

socks are kiff
02-14-2002, 08:55 PM
actually, the 2nd ending is more like what would probably happen in a real wrestling match.

but they're both good.

you da man... err... dragon! :D

Bahamut ZERO
02-20-2002, 12:39 AM
Cheers steven and Shadow, for replying to this. It's what inspired me to try and write another match. I�m making these up as I go along, so the quality of what I�m writing is bound to start going downhill exponentially. Hopefully this one at least remains funny for a while, until I run out of Jim Ross � Jerry Lawler jokes.


This follows on from the alternative ending I presented in my last post in the thread. Aeris has allied herself with Sephiroth. The two are now in a relationship with evil plans being plotted.

SCENE:- Backlash, Pagoda, Wutai.

JR (in a solemn voice):- �Folks. We�re moments away from the main event tonight, that mixed tag match pitting the team of Cloud and Tifa against Sephiroth and Aeris, but first, King, I want to talk about that number one contenders match we�ve just had between Zidane and Kuja.�
KING (also in a solemn voice.):- �Right JR. We�ve just seen these two literally destroy each other, but Kuja got the win in the most violent way possible.�
JR:- �Let�s take a look at the replay folks.�

(Video plays. We see Zidane apparently close to beating Kuja when Kuja snaps and trances out.)

JR:- �We�ve seen this happen to Kuja a couple of times, and he gets a hell of a lot more vicious.�
KING:- �Right. It reminds me of Hulk Hogan �hulking up.� Kuja becomes a demon. And he tears Zidane to shreds.�
JR:- �Right here! He casts Ultima, and look at the effect on Zidane. He�s broken in half! I mean, I know that Kuja is going to go to any length to win the WWF Championship, and he now has that shot, but to almost kill your opponent with that spell is just abominable, and I hope someone stops Kuja.�
KING:- �Look at the ring ropes! They�re almost destroyed by the spell aswell. And Zidane�s scarred for life. He needed stretchering out.�
JR:- �In my thirty years in this business, I have never seen someone take so much punishment.�
KING:- �You say that about everyone JR!�
JR:- �As much as we�d like to dwell on this life-threatening event, we need to go on, and head into our main event. This is it King. The one we�ve been waiting for.�
KING:- �We all know what happened between Cloud and Sephiroth at Mania, this is Cloud�s shot at revenge. But first, WWF Backlash is presented to you tonight by the Wutai Pagoda here at Wutai. That�s the Wutai Pagoda. Keep get your ass whupped!�

FINK:- �Ladies and gentlemen. The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is the mixed tag team match! In this contest, there will be no disqualifications!�

FINK:- �Introducing first, from the Northern Crater, the team of Aeris Gainsborough, and the World Wrestling Federation Champion, Sephiroth!�

(Sephiroth and Aeris come out to the ring. Aeris is garbed in a black dress, and her hair is streaked with silver matching Sephiroth�s hair colour. Both get resounding boos from the crowd.)

FINK:- �Their opponents, from Nibelheim, the team of Tifa Lockheart and Cloud Strife!�

(Out come the two heroes, and Aeris flees immediately as Tifa goes straight after her. Sephiroth and Cloud lock eyes. Sephiroth slowly removes the title belt and then draws his sword, and beckons Cloud to fight. Cloud responds.)

JR:- �Here we go! Sword swipe from Cloud! Sword swipe from Sephiroth! These two are so easily matched, King, it�s unbelievable!�
KING:- �How can you be watching Cloud and Sephiroth when Tifa�s running around outside the ring, JR? This is great! PUPPIES!�
JR:- �Control yourself man, it�s only the first minute of the match!�
KING:- �Sorry JR! It�s just an eyeful out here.�

JR:- �Aeris is now in the ring and, oh, look King. She�s hiding behind Sephiroth.�
KING:- �Listen to the crowd JR. They�re not too pleased with that. Tifa looks out of breath.�
JR:- �Sephiroth�s guiding Aeris to the corner. And Cloud is doing the same with Tifa. Obviously these two hosses want to go one on one with each other.�
KING:- �You know that could be taken the wrong way, don�t you JR?�

(Cloud and Sephiroth go back to their sword fighting, the two spending five minutes going to and from both sides of the ring, until Sephiroth scores a blow on Cloud�s head and sends him down.)

JR:- �Cloud is down King. And by the looks of it, Cloud is� Is he? Yes, he is! CLOUD IS BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!!�
KING:- �My, he must�ve struck a vein with that one. Look at the state of the mat.�
JR:- �My God King, that looks pretty bad.�
KING:- �Cloud can�t see through the blood.�
JR:- �And Sephiroth has made the tag to that jezebel Aeris.�
KING:- �Why do you call all of the hot women jezebels, JR?�
JR:- �Would you shut up and call the match?�

(While the pair are arguing, Cloud suddenly comes careering over the Announce table, with Sephiroth close behind. The two start pummelling each other and JR loses his headset.)

KING:- �JR! Are you okay?�

(Sephiroth drags Cloud over the announce table, which collapses comically due to the weight of the pair. The King tries his hardest not to crack up.)

KING:- �This is great! Hey, Tifa! Why don�t you come and tag me baby?�
JR:- �Can you hear me?�
KING:- �Oh. You�re back.�
JR:- �Hope you haven�t screwed this up too much.�

(Cloud is pounced on by Aeris, who begins to prod him in painful places with her staff.)

JR:- �That�s just OUT OF ORDER KING!�
KING:- �Ouch. I felt that last one. I�ll tell you where I hate being hit by a woman.�
JR:- �Where�s that?�
KING:- �My wallet.�
JR:- �Will you stop?�

(Cloud grabs Aeris by the ankle and pulls her off her feet. He then looks to Tifa.)

JR:- �Look at Tifa King! She DESPERATELY wants the tag!2
KING (eyes popping out):- �She�s very enthusiastic about the tag, isn�t she! Keep on jumping Tifa! That�s it! My God, this is great!�
JR:- �And Cloud has tagged in Tifa!�
KING:- �Cat fight! Cat fight!!!�

(Tifa grabs Aeris by the hair and the two start to exchange slaps ala Tifa and Scarlet on disk 2.)

JR:- �My God! Can you HEAR THE POWER behind those slaps, King?�
KING:- �Hear it!? I can feel it. Ooh!�
JR:- �Double leg takedown by Tifa. The ladies are now wrestling on the mat.�
KING:- �Quick! Get a camera! I think Aeris isn�t wearing any knickers.�
JR:- �This is your field of expertise, isn�t it King?�
KING:- �I spent hours of painful research into Tifa�s stats JR.�
JR:- �I bet you did.�

(Aeris scores a back hand blow to Tifa�s head and tags in Sephiroth. He then begins to systematically destroy Tifa.)

JR:- �Sephiroth is a monster! How can he treat a woman like that?�
KING;- �She did try to stab him a few years back JR.�
JR:- �That was after he killed her father though King!�
KING:- �Come on Tifa! Use those puppies!�
JR;- �Cloud is pacing on the apron like a wild animal. He wants back in and he wants to rip Sephiroth limb from limb!�

(Sephiroth makes a mistake and Tifa hits a low blow.)

JR:- �Tifa, you have GOT TO MAKE THE TAG!!!�
KING;- �Look at Sephiroth�s face JR! He can�t believe it! The puppies bite back!�
JR:- �Tifa is SO CLOSE and yet SO FAR AWAY!!!�
KING:- �Sephiroth is crawling towards Aeris for the tag.�
JR:- �And there it is! CLOUD STRIFE IS IN THE RING!!!�

(Cloud cuts Sephiroth off and unloads with lefts and rights, not stopping until he�s rearranged Sephiroth�s nose and face. Aeris gets in the ring to help, but is cut up by Tifa and the two roll out of the ring.)

JR:- �The referee has lost complete control of this one!�
KING:- �I�ll go referee the women, JR.�
JR:- �You stay right here King.�
KING:- �Why do you always spoil my fun?�

(Cloud finally draws his sword and signals the end.)

JR:- �Here we go! Omnislash is coming!�
KING:- �Aeris is back in the ring JR! She�s charging up Holy!�
JR:- �My God! If that hits, Cloud is history!�
KING:- �Cloud�s spotted her JR. What�s that in this hand?�
JR:- �My God King! It�s� It�s the Knights of the Round!�
KING:- �I don�t believe it! It IS!�

(Thirteen armoured knights walk out from the back and surround the ring. Aeris looks around, weighs up her options and then does the vanishing act.)

KING:- �This is unfair JR! The Knights of the Round shouldn�t be here!�
JR:- �1! 2! 3! I don�t believe it! I DON�T BELIEVE IT!!!�

FINK:- �The winners of this bout, Tifa Lockheart and Cloud Strife!�
JR:- �The Knights of the Round came down when Cloud summoned them, but did nothing to interfere in the match! And when the going got tough, Aeris got going.�
KING:- �Sephiroth was abandoned by the love of his life. Where did she go, JR?�
JR:- �You reap what you sew King, and Sephiroth got exactly what he deserved!�
KING:- �Sephiroth�s still WWF Champion though JR.�
JR:- �He is, but for how much longer?�

(The Knights of the Round leave the ringside area and Cloud and Tifa celebrate Matt Hardy and Lita style. [They play tonsil hockey.])

JR:- �Folks, this has been a hell of an event. Never in my 35 years in this business have I seen such an emotional event.�
KING:- �For God�s sake JR. You�ve gained five years experience in the last thirty minutes.�
JR:- �This is JR, for the King, saying goodbye."

P.S. Did any of you guys see No Way Out Sunday?

02-20-2002, 12:43 AM
Those are awsome dude. Well done! I hope to see more of this funny work!:)

02-20-2002, 06:35 PM
well I missed no way out but these are great I hope you make more