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01-26-2019, 05:23 PM
Basic info: I'm recording the music from KH3 using my capture card.

Don't ask for MP3, not yet. Only once I'm done.

01-26-2019, 05:25 PM
Why are they in wav? Isn't it better to use flac?

01-26-2019, 06:24 PM
They in wav for now, cuz this is how I record them. Once done, I can do FLAC too, alongside mp3. I already am taking more pauses in the gameplay than I would like to do steady updates. So uh... you'll have to wait.

---------- Post added at 10:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

I encountered a version of Vim & Vigor, dunno if new remix, but added it to the folder.

---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 AM ----------

Updated with one new PotC bgm. Back to playan.

01-26-2019, 06:35 PM
Oh hello hello. Thanks for the good work once again.

01-26-2019, 06:51 PM
Updated this with a new boss theme. I think it might be a remix, but then again not necessarily.
It's PotC BGM 4 btw. Back to the game for me.

01-26-2019, 06:59 PM
Hmmm doesn't sound like anything I recognize. Still a good track though so I'm not complaining (although it might actually be my least favorite yet)

01-26-2019, 07:22 PM
Updated this with a new boss theme. I think it might be a remix, but then again not necessarily.
It's PotC BGM 4 btw. Back to the game for me.

I just listened to the track and it's Squirming Evil from KH1 but unless my headphones are funky then it just KH1.5's version of the track being reused for III, the same may be true for Vim and Vigor since it's incredibly close to 2.5's version.

01-26-2019, 08:01 PM
Thank you! I will keep in mind to remove all such repeats from the final pack.
Okay, it took a bit but I added another song.
PotC BGM 5 I believe it's the Tortuga theme, since that's where I am.

01-26-2019, 08:38 PM
Sweet! Some decent recordings of the sountrack! This will keep us by until someone can snag the track files from the disc itself. Thank you!

I can also confirm that PotC BGM 4 is basically KH 1.5's version of Squirming Evil and Vim & Vigor is 2.5's version. Everything else so far is new or a new remix.

01-26-2019, 09:20 PM
New bgm added. New PotC song. A battle/boss theme i guess.. As usual everything is in the folder. Also, time to battle with some boats.

01-26-2019, 09:33 PM
Holy hell that's epic

01-26-2019, 10:09 PM
I'm at the Davy Jones fight now so I recorded the BGM from it.
As usual in the folder blah blah. Going to kick his ass now.

01-26-2019, 10:28 PM
Pleasant asskicking. Also this track reminds me of the normal boss music from Octopath Traveler for some reason.

01-26-2019, 10:33 PM
Btw. I'm taking a break for an hour or so before doing Big Hero 6. Afterwards I assume I will have to go to help two jobbers complete their mission of saving Aqua, if the cutscenes are anything to go by. Stay tunes.

And thank you. The asskicking was pleasant.

Natural Gropius
01-26-2019, 11:18 PM
I'm at the Davy Jones fight now so I recorded the BGM from it.
As usual in the folder blah blah. Going to kick his ass now.

This is the battle portal music.

01-26-2019, 11:47 PM
Sure, but it played at Davy Jones so I named it such. I haven't much of side content aside from exploring for chests. All of that imma gonna do once I'm done with japanese version and my english one physical arrives.
Time for Big Hero 6. It's a movie I've never seen so I'm skipping all cutscenes just in case. It will speed up recording of the music at least.
Big Hero 6 Battle theme is here. BH6 BGM 1.

---------- Post added at 04:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 PM ----------

Another battle theme. It's a remix but as usual it escapes me of which song. But I think it's a new remix, hope i'm not wrong tho'.

01-26-2019, 11:48 PM
That is a remix of the Encounter from Kingdom Hearts II.

Also, thanks!

01-26-2019, 11:55 PM
Good share while we wait for the official soundtrack, I appreciate your effort, thank you very much Kharaxel.

01-27-2019, 12:04 AM
I'm now after some battles at "hiro's garage". And so, new song.
BH6 BGM 3... and oh yeah, it is The Encounter. Thanks! I'll keep it in mind for the final pack.

01-27-2019, 01:06 AM
Two new BGMs encountered in Big Hero 6 added.
With numbers 4 and 5 obviously.

Marshall Lee
01-27-2019, 01:30 AM
Awesome upload! I've been waiting for the Secret Boss music to drop forever (Boss Battle KH3), just wish it were longer lol

EDIT: Recording these directly from the stream, you're doing the lord's work my man

01-27-2019, 03:55 AM
"You don't know what true loneliness is..."
Guess which theme I could finally record. I'm entering end game stuff it seems.
So one new song is in the folder. Check it out!

---------- Post added at 08:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ----------

Time to... enter the darkness.
One new song in the folder, starts with "V" and it's not Vim and Vigor.

---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ----------

Keyblade Graveyard added. That's all.

Natural Gropius
01-27-2019, 03:59 AM
"You don't know what true loneliness is..."
Guess which theme I could finally record. I'm entering end game stuff it seems.
So one new song is in the folder. Check it out!

---------- Post added at 08:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 PM ----------

Time to... enter the darkness.
One new song in the folder, starts with "V" and it's not Vim and Vigor.

---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:00 PM ----------

Keyblade Graveyard added. That's all.

I hope you can somehow get the soundtrack that plays when you fight Vanitas and Terranort.

01-27-2019, 04:38 AM
Another song added. Final World bgm.

And I most likely will be able to. Pause menu is our friend in this case.

---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------

End of the World remix, which is awesomely swell, added to the folder.

Natural Gropius
01-27-2019, 04:53 AM
The new End of the World is really good.

01-27-2019, 05:22 AM
Oh boy we're getting the good stuff

01-27-2019, 07:13 AM
Terranort & Vanitas boss theme has been added. Up until this, all boss themes were reuses.
I'm still playing btw. Hopefully I'll finish it today before sleep (since it's 7:12 AM here)

01-27-2019, 07:21 AM
Amazing work at this! I have to ask, does this have the Toy Box music yet? I'd love to get my hands on the battle theme.

Natural Gropius
01-27-2019, 07:28 AM
Terranort & Vanitas boss theme has been added. Up until this, all boss themes were reuses.
I'm still playing btw. Hopefully I'll finish it today before sleep (since it's 7:12 AM here)

Awesome. I thought you had fallen asleep or something. This soundtrack really was as great as I thought it was.

01-27-2019, 07:48 AM
I will do Toy Box and other worlds I missed once I'm through with the japanese version. Which should be SOON.
The folder has been updated with Saix boss theme. A very nice track, that.

01-27-2019, 07:55 AM
This has to be my favorite new boss track in the game. The part where Vector to the Heavens comes in is cathartic to the max. Absolutely stunning.

01-27-2019, 08:35 AM
The time has come for me to face triple Xehanorts and for you to listen to their boss theme.
Updated with an amazing song. I love it to bits.

---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 AM ----------

Scala ad Caelum added to folder.
Welp, time to face the final boss(es).

Marshall Lee
01-27-2019, 08:53 AM
Ooh that Ansem/YMX/Xemnas battle theme is amazing. I'm calling it "L'impeto Eminenza Dell'Oscurita" for now, at least until an official OST comes out.

01-27-2019, 10:17 AM
I finished the game and so... the final addition for now to the folder is three final boss songs.
Time for me to go to bed soon, I will start completing the few missing songs I am able to record sometime once I wake up... possibly.

01-27-2019, 11:50 AM
Per Playstation & Disney:

This game is a copyrighted work. The copyright is held by The Walt Disney Company and a collaboration of authors representing The Walt Disney Company. Additionally, the copyright of certain characters is held by Square Enix Co, Ltd.

You are free to stream the game in non-commercial contexts. However, using the streams of the game to primarily provide or listen to the music is prohibited even in such non-commercial contexts.

For more information on the terms of use related to streaming the game, please see the official Kingdom Hearts site.

This OST cannot be uploaded here, or to ANY OTHER SITE, in ANY way, shape, part OR FORM, per Their requests. This is a blanket ban.

01-27-2019, 12:25 PM
Blah blah blah. You CANNOT regulate music sharing. Period.

Just announce the official album. Interested parties will buy it.

01-28-2019, 01:33 PM
Per Playstation & Disney:

This OST cannot be uploaded here, or to ANY OTHER SITE, in ANY way, shape, part OR FORM, per Their requests. This is a blanket ban.
Oh, give us a break.

01-28-2019, 04:09 PM
Those are streaming regulations. They don't apply here since there's no streaming being done.

Leon Scott Kennedy
01-28-2019, 04:28 PM
Per Playstation & Disney:

This OST cannot be uploaded here, or to ANY OTHER SITE, in ANY way, shape, part OR FORM, per Their requests. This is a blanket ban.
Are you seriously trying to pull that shit on this kind of board? Do you think "we" give a fuck about any of that? In case you haven't noticed, "shriners" around here break such laws on a daily basis, multiple times, by illegally uploading copyrighted material.

If Disney/Square Enix/Whatever don't want their KH stuff to appear here, they'll get in touch with the Staff… Until then, have fun.

Moderator speaking here, just to make a point.

01-28-2019, 04:42 PM
Why thank you, I didn't bother to reply to that message because I only had laughter to give. But glad this got addressed. If Square/The Mouse get in touch with staff or me (which is also a possibility) the link will get blasted and that's all.
But for now, do what you want (cuz a pirate is free).
Also, I'll be recording more music soon, currently am enjoying english version too... so uh. But I'm recording a playhthrough on proud so no stops for me.

01-28-2019, 04:50 PM
How do you get to beat the game so fast? Jeez it'd take me days even on Beginner Mode. Because I use the 4k TV and have limited hours. :P

Anyway as for the message, ignore it. First of all it's for STREAMING, as in, Youtube, Twitch.. second of all, it's against people making PROFIT of it but no one here is, so..

It's just a gamerip, jeez.

01-28-2019, 05:38 PM
@Kharaxel. Could you record Dearly Beloved? It is a thing of beauty and I wish to have it in high quality.

01-28-2019, 06:06 PM
@Myozaw From the title screen, yes? Sure, I can do it. I will be playing the english version again in an hour or so. Will do it and post it before I begin. Somehow it didn't occur to me to record it before. heh.
@PonyoBellanote Well I have a lot of time recently so I'm using it as much as I can. It took me about 30 something hours to beat the japanese version, but at the end I was kinda rushing through it.

01-28-2019, 06:18 PM
Keep up the good work Kharaxel, don't listen to trolls. I'll wait for the full soundtrack :D

01-28-2019, 11:26 PM
Great work on the soundtrack! That new version of The Encounter is godly.

Did you happen to hear the new version of Tension Rising in game by chance?

01-29-2019, 12:35 AM
Wonderful job on the rips so far! I'm loving San Fransokyo's battle theme and that remix of The Encounter!

Oh, and is there a chance you can get the various remixes (and one new track) from the summons and the Hand in Hand remix used for Attraction Flow attacks? If you can't I'll understand.

01-29-2019, 08:11 AM
I've added Dearly Beloved and the new version of Tension Rising from Corona. Enjoy.
And now I'm off to eat something and sleeeep. Good God this game is even more fun when you know what you are actually doing/selecting etc.

01-29-2019, 11:57 AM
Thanks so much for Dearly Beloved!

01-29-2019, 08:06 PM
Thank you for all of the hard work, and for sharing!

01-30-2019, 04:13 AM
dude thanks you are awesome

01-31-2019, 10:03 PM
this music is amazing including the dive into the heart theme which you called it "end of the world"

02-01-2019, 06:31 PM
I know people ripped it from the mobile game already, but I added one new song. It plays in Back Cover and in Scala ad Caelum when you first arrive there and before you trigger a cutscene.
I called it "The Foretellers"
Due to its usage in Back Cover.

02-01-2019, 09:04 PM
I know people ripped it from the mobile game already, but I added one new song. It plays in Back Cover and in Scala ad Caelum when you first arrive there and before you trigger a cutscene.
I called it "The Foretellers"
Due to its usage in Back Cover.

could you get the rock titan music?

02-01-2019, 09:39 PM
Once I start my level 1 run on proud I will. Of course I am also looking into ripping the music from game files. Shame I can't jailbreak my PS4 cuz then I would just dump the damned files myself if possible.

02-01-2019, 10:11 PM
I'm seriously baffled that there isn't a gamerip already out, considering how much hype the game and ost had behind them, but I guess it isn't as simple as that. Well, good luck anyway, and thanks for all the work till now.

02-02-2019, 04:00 AM
this music is amazing including the dive into the heart theme which you called it "end of the world"

It's not the dive to the heart theme, it's the End of the World theme from KH1 which is based on the former.

But for a real misnaming, the track you have only as "BH6 BGM2" is based on The Encounter from KH2. Also the one you have as "A Desire For All That Is Lost" is actually a completely new song.

02-02-2019, 04:44 AM
When is the OST coming out?

02-02-2019, 04:54 AM
How about that track in toybox when you first are in the gigas? thats pretty epic!!

02-03-2019, 02:03 AM
When is the OST coming out?

I'm wondering the same. Usually, Square Enix's big games get a huge digital and CD release. I'm thinking the one thing pushing this OST to get delayed is sorting the rights for the Disney stuff.

But we'll eventually get it, the burden is waiting. And hoping there's a good gamerip on the works since the fanbase is huge.

02-03-2019, 02:26 AM
Great work so far.

I was wondering can the new Organization 13 remix be ripped?

02-03-2019, 06:00 AM
fam can you please do Twilight Town? That shit made my soul feel warm

02-03-2019, 05:18 PM
I'm wondering the same. Usually, Square Enix's big games get a huge digital and CD release. I'm thinking the one thing pushing this OST to get delayed is sorting the rights for the Disney stuff.

But we'll eventually get it, the burden is waiting. And hoping there's a good gamerip on the works since the fanbase is huge.

Maybe is has to do something with the right issues. I received my copy, but did not play the game yet. Some reviews state that the music is mostly "based on their original movie's score". Are there any remixes or references of film music within the OST? Cany anybody confirm? Like "Mickey Mouse Club March", "Under the Sea" or "He's Pirate" from previous games?

The soundtrack release has always been about a month after the game's release, so I think it will be released at the end of February or at the beginning of March.

02-03-2019, 05:44 PM
Maybe is has to do something with the right issues. I received my copy, but did not play the game yet. Some reviews state that the music is mostly "based on their original movie's score". Are there any remixes or references of film music within the OST? Cany anybody confirm? Like "Mickey Mouse Club March", "Under the Sea" or "He's Pirate" from previous games?

The soundtrack release has always been about a month after the game's release, so I think it will be released at the end of February or at the beginning of March.

The BGM from ToyBox ( is clearly a reference to "You got a Friend in me" from Toy Story, but otherwise there is not much original Film Score left in KHIII ... PotC has no References of the Original Score as far as i heard.

I`m not quite finished with the Game yet, so i can`t say anything about the rest, but it seems that KHIII has more music composed specificly for this game, than Music based on the original scores.

02-04-2019, 01:55 AM
Great work so far.

I was wondering can the new Organization 13 remix be ripped?

Ripped? No. Recorded through a kinda dumb setup so that 5.1ch audio will be played without the center channels, leaving only voices and some sfx? yes.
I managed to finally accomplish this, who knew that old "receiver" that I have (which doubles as a radio) would help me do this.
I will not go into details, just know that the Organization XIII cutscene track is added to the folder. I'm gonna check out some cutscenes myself now to see how much sfx is in it and if you guys want these voiceless tracks, then I'll do it. IF not i'll keep them to myself while we wait for a gamerip or ost release. But for those who cannot wait and will tolerate sfx then uh, yeah.

02-04-2019, 03:30 AM
So I added a couple cutscene songs into the folder. Remember, can't do crap about the sfx, so either deal with it or not. Don't complain to me pl0x.
Anyhoo, each of them has a "_cutscenerecord" in its name for ease of finding. Each song is named after the cutscene it comes from, as per theater mode.

02-04-2019, 05:37 AM
Added secret ending cutscene music and... a V2 of Triple Xehanort battle theme, as a test. I recorded it differently and I think it sounds a bit clearer and with better quality. Depending on what you guys say I might actually rerecord all BGMs until a rip or OST arrives.

02-04-2019, 06:58 AM
The norts v2 recording definitely sounds a lot better, that's for sure

02-04-2019, 07:02 AM
Could you get a rip of the version of Key of Light that plays during the Union X scene where you mash the Triangle/Y button?

02-04-2019, 07:45 AM
The norts v2 recording definitely sounds a lot better, that's for sure

Oh, that's good then. So I will...

Could you get a rip of the version of Key of Light that plays during the Union X scene where you mash the Triangle/Y button?

... be doing a playthrough on beginner soon, instead of my level 1 run on proud. This is so I can record the music starting from the very beginning and quickly record new tracks currently missing as well as new versions of old ones with this setup. Stay tuned.

02-04-2019, 08:46 AM
Great work. It's surprising that none of the usual music rippers are doing this, but luckily we have you stepping in to fill the vacancy.

If you can, try to get the intros to the songs as well - even if that means a little bit of SFX since you can't exactly enter an area or boss fight paused. Alternately, do a microscopic fade-in at the start just so the songs don't start so abruptly, and a fade-out at the end.

02-04-2019, 10:08 AM
Oh, that's good then. So I will...

... be doing a playthrough on beginner soon, instead of my level 1 run on proud. This is so I can record the music starting from the very beginning and quickly record new tracks currently missing as well as new versions of old ones with this setup. Stay tuned.

Thanks so much. You did a great job BTW. :)

02-04-2019, 08:08 PM
Do you by chance have the boss theme that plays when fighting the end-boss of Toy Box and San Fransokyo? No idea what it's called but I love it so much, this one specifically -

02-05-2019, 04:09 AM
Couple of V2 songs added to the folder. Let me know what you thinkl.
And tomorrow (or should I say TODAY, since tomorrow already came for me) I'm going to try something and then begin my beginner playthrough recording literally everything possible that isn't a reuse.

02-05-2019, 05:20 AM
If possible, try and get a good version of the union cross song that plays? it was really good, would love to hear one from you!
Your recordings are incredible, keep it up!

02-05-2019, 05:45 AM
All the V2 osts sound SIGNIFICANTLY better. Thank you very much for the effort

02-05-2019, 07:19 PM
All the V2 osts sound SIGNIFICANTLY better. Thank you very much for the effort

No no no! Compare Scala Ad Caelum V1 and V2. V2 has a ton of white noise, it sounds like garbage in comparison. Go back to whatever you did first.

02-05-2019, 07:42 PM
No no no! Compare Scala Ad Caelum V1 and V2. V2 has a ton of white noise, it sounds like garbage in comparison. Go back to whatever you did first.

I honestly can't hear any of that white noise outside the very first second, which is inevitable since he's trying to get the intros even if it means having a bit of sfx slip in.

02-05-2019, 09:29 PM
No no no! Compare Scala Ad Caelum V1 and V2. V2 has a ton of white noise, it sounds like garbage in comparison. Go back to whatever you did first.!Dm5iwALQ!4OvUX05QxNLa9SyO8BV558APArJUAoaOXHayjTZRDts
this is not the full song at the moment, but a sample of another change in how I record these. I believe this one shouldn't have noise, and it's going to be best quality overall.
Feel free to let me know if you think it's alright

I honestly can't hear any of that white noise outside the very first second, which is inevitable since he's trying to get the intros even if it means having a bit of sfx slip in.

Actually I'm willing to believe him that the sound might be kinda worse, though I appreciate you being so supportive too. Thank you!
Let me know what you think about the sample of Scala.

---------- Post added at 02:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ----------

Oh yeah, anybody would be intersted in me uploading somewhere recordings of cutscenes with surround sound? Cuz due to new capture card I can do so. 1080p and AC3 5.1 it would be. It's actual surround too. I'll be recording them all for myself, but once I'm done with music or/and we get the OST.

02-05-2019, 09:33 PM
The noise is gone in V3, sounds good to me!

To everyone: Be sure to use a high quality headset if you're going to give feedback on sound quality.

02-05-2019, 11:17 PM
How's recording the playthrough going today?

02-06-2019, 01:30 AM
I'm dying to get my hands on a gamerip, even if it's untagged! The wait is killing me...

02-06-2019, 02:36 AM
I wish this would hurry up and get an official release.

02-06-2019, 03:11 AM
How's recording the playthrough going today?

I've updated the first post with link to a new folder.
However as I was busy during the day, and rest of it was spent on solving couple of kinks with my new capture card, I only begun jest now.
So as of writing this post I only have one song from Herclus' world. But more are soon to follow, worry not. I'm putting in an all nighter.

---------- Post added at 08:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:46 PM ----------

Added two versions of Herc battle theme, one has a single piecie of "pop up" sfx removed, the other has it intact. Choose your poison.

02-06-2019, 03:52 AM
Thanks a lot dude. I know this is a lot of work but we really appreciate it.

Once again thanks!

02-06-2019, 04:59 AM
Added another two songs from Hercules' world. I'm getting ultra sleepy. I'll most likely go to sleep after this world is done, sorry. But I'll try to get back to this as soon as I can tho'.

---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

Another three Herc songs added, almost at the end of this world.

02-06-2019, 05:10 AM
[/COLOR]Oh yeah, anybody would be intersted in me uploading somewhere recordings of cutscenes with surround sound? Cuz due to new capture card I can do so. 1080p and AC3 5.1 it would be. It's actual surround too. I'll be recording them all for myself, but once I'm done with music or/and we get the OST.[/QUOTE]

I'm interested! Also I would like to get HQ video of the secret movie. Thank you for your hard work.

02-06-2019, 05:19 AM
I added one new song from Herc and am going to sleep. Will finish this world next waking moment cuz I'm barely holding out. So uh... stay tuned?

02-06-2019, 09:27 AM
Finally I can enjoy your rip now that I'm part of the 'finished the game' club. Can't wait to hear the rest, thanks a lot for sharing your work with us!

02-06-2019, 10:33 AM
So because it turns out I'll be ever so busy through the day, I decided to upload new recordings of boss themes starting on Anti-Aqua and ending on first Phase of Final Boss (because I can't be arsed to fight all the phases just so I can record right now).
Still, I hope you enjoy. More of Hercules and possibly even Twilight Town coming today still.

02-06-2019, 02:02 PM
Maybe you should do the opening themes as well? Especially the orchestral version in the title screen trailer.

Also the Rock Titan theme is "The Deep End" from KH1.

02-07-2019, 05:18 AM
Is there a chance for the underworld theme during the Hades cutscene?

02-07-2019, 06:39 AM
Is there a chance for the underworld theme during the Hades cutscene?
You mean the one during the Olympus intro, yes?There is a chance, but the catch is that it might contain some sfx (but no dialogue).

Maybe you should do the opening themes as well? Especially the orchestral version in the title screen trailer.

Also the Rock Titan theme is "The Deep End" from KH1.
I can do the orchestral version from that movie, but I see little point in doing the regular Face my Fears since the single is released.

02-07-2019, 07:48 AM
So the new folder got updated with orchestral version of the title screen opening and Hades' Ambitionb cutscene music. Enjoy.

02-07-2019, 09:52 AM
Thanks for all of your hard work! You're doing an amazing job while we await the announcement of the soundtrack. I keep checking back to your folder and this page, and the number of times you've updated with a new track is just wonderful.

I'm interested in which tracks are re-used from previous games, and which have been redone. In the past decade the quality of Kingdom Hearts music has increased to the point where there's less and less point redoing old tracks — especially when they often include recordings of real instruments. So for example most of the music in A Fragmentary Passage was taken directly from Birth by Sleep and the Remixes without being redone. And it seems to me that Demon Tide and perhaps the Dark World themes in Kingdom Hearts III are identical to their previous appearances.

But the easiest way to compare is to load up both tracks in an audio editor. Which is all to say, personally I'd love to see the re-used older tracks too — especially if you think there might be even a slight difference.

At the same time I'm totally with you in thinking that the new tracks have priority.

Anyway thanks again!

02-07-2019, 01:13 PM
Is there a chance for the underworld theme during the Hades cutscene?

Did you mean the variation of "What Lies Beneath" from the cutscene "Return of the Titans"? It sounds like there's a lot of SFX there, unfortunately.

02-07-2019, 03:01 PM
My only request is the End Credits orchestral suite.

02-07-2019, 03:26 PM
My only request is the End Credits orchestral suite.

If you really want it, I have some time so maybe I can go on my proud save and kick old man nort's ass, so I can get you this.
Or if you're willing to wait [a bit] I can do so after finishing my beginner playthrough. Feel free to choose, I don't mind either way.

Is there a chance for the underworld theme during the Hades cutscene?

Just in case, like @Yakiniku13 suggested, I uploaded the What Lies Beneath from the cutscene. In case that's the song yer talking about(most likely) It has some kinda intrusive SFX so bear that in mind. I personally can live with it, but not everybody is like me.

02-07-2019, 09:47 PM
This is random, but any chance to get a good version of the gummiphone ringtone?

02-08-2019, 04:53 AM
I apologize for not posting more music atm. Still got kinda busy, but I'll try to return to it tomorrow (technically today lel).

02-08-2019, 09:10 AM
Can you please do twilight town? No actual good recording exists of it yet

02-08-2019, 10:11 AM
Alrighty, give me like half n'hour from this post, k?

02-08-2019, 10:21 AM
Bless your kind soul

02-08-2019, 10:44 AM
how's the recording? If you can't get the gummiphone thing I totally get it, but man would I love a clean version of it

02-08-2019, 12:55 PM
You're awesome!

02-08-2019, 04:11 PM
Bless your kind soul

Good God, I'm so sorry! I fell asleep at my PC after recording Twilight Town and once I woke up I just moved to my bed for proper nap!
Anyhoo, KH3's Twilight Town is in the new folder, will grab the battle theme later plus....

how's the recording? If you can't get the gummiphone thing I totally get it, but man would I love a clean version of it

I'll be checking if I can get some of the ringtone at least clean in a bit. Stay tuned etc.

02-08-2019, 05:20 PM
If you really want it, I have some time so maybe I can go on my proud save and kick old man nort's ass, so I can get you this.
Or if you're willing to wait [a bit] I can do so after finishing my beginner playthrough. Feel free to choose, I don't mind either way.

Take your time, I'm in no hurry. I prefer organization and quality before hurry.

02-08-2019, 05:25 PM
Just wanted to take the opportunity to post a GIANT thankyou to you, Kharaxel. No requests. Just a thank you. You made me happy today!

02-08-2019, 09:10 PM
Lol dude it's fine. The fact that you are doing requests is enough of itself. Thanks you for this :)

02-09-2019, 02:19 AM
Wanted to say thanks, too. You're doing a big help to a lot of people who finished the game and wanna listen to those sweet tunes.

Marshall Lee
02-09-2019, 06:47 AM
Hey Kharaxel have you noticed if Xion's theme (that plays after the first battle with Saix) is a new version or the same from the HD remix?

02-09-2019, 11:35 AM
Hope everything is going well! Thanks again for all of this. I can't get enough of the music my man. It's gorgeous, I really appreciate your work!

Sin Ansem
02-09-2019, 03:32 PM
A big thank you for making this happen.

By the way, if you're taking requests still, how about that Shrouding Dark Cloud remix that plays twice during the Toy Story world? Or rerecording the Frozen Golem boss fight?

02-10-2019, 12:09 AM
Wow the new folder's recordings sound WAY better, excellent work on getting this stuff!

My only real requests are the Toy Story battle theme and final boss "King of Toys" fight music, as well as all the Tangled and Big Hero 6 themes (regular, battle and boss) once you get round to those. Thank you so much for doing all this.

02-11-2019, 06:31 AM
Any new updates?

02-13-2019, 03:32 PM
Looks like OP has unfortunately fled the coop for now. Is there really no one else with sound capture equipment around for this highly anticipated game? I guess this place is dying down a bit.

02-13-2019, 06:11 PM
I'm busy currently, little time to even play. Sorry.

02-14-2019, 10:43 PM
i am trying to get the music from the dive into the heart sequence aka the tutorial portion of the game, the tricky part was the one where sora saw a ocean wave and runs towards it. what's annoying about it is the sound of water gets in the way of the music. so far, i only got like a few parts from that said music

02-18-2019, 02:05 PM
So, the new folder is the one with higher quality right?
Cause I noticed the old folder has V2 and V3 of some tracks, which are supposed to be quality updates.

I'm so bummed they still didn't release the OST. Eagerly waiting for it.

02-18-2019, 02:22 PM
This is a flag ship OST and guess they have been holding for Disney's approval.

02-18-2019, 05:04 PM
This is a flag ship OST and guess they have been holding for Disney's approval.
Also probably waiting before the spoiler track names won't be as big of a deal to the big fans.

02-19-2019, 03:44 PM
Also probably waiting before the spoiler track names won't be as big of a deal to the big fans.

It shouldn't be like this though. OST always come with spoilers and even they are often revealed before the game launch.

02-19-2019, 10:36 PM
It shouldn't be like this though. OST always come with spoilers and even they are often revealed before the game launch.

Maybe some troubles with songs from Disney to publish the soundtrack.
I really think the soundtrack won't be released at this point, they have recycled old famous tunes to remaster them, there is not so many new tracks compared to previous KH.

S.P.D. Gold Ranger
02-19-2019, 11:05 PM
To be fair, some games actually take a while to release their soundtracks. Look at Kirby Star Allies, for example. That soundtrack didn't come out until a couple days ago when the game's been out for almost a year. I'm pretty sure they waited until all of the DLC was out before putting the soundtrack together.

And besides, all of the other Kingdom Hearts games have gotten official soundtrack releases (except for x[chi], but I have a feeling those exclusive tracks will be on the III OST), so why would they NOT release a soundtrack for one of their most hype games EVER? I say just give them a little more time. After all, the game's not even a month old yet, and that's not even considering any potential future DLC they might be doing.

TLDR, I know we'll get the soundtrack eventually. The whole "remixing famous Disney tunes" has never stopped them before.

02-20-2019, 01:27 PM
To be fair, some games actually take a while to release their soundtracks. Look at Kirby Star Allies, for example. That soundtrack didn't come out until a couple days ago when the game's been out for almost a year. I'm pretty sure they waited until all of the DLC was out before putting the soundtrack together.

And besides, all of the other Kingdom Hearts games have gotten official soundtrack releases (except for x[chi], but I have a feeling those exclusive tracks will be on the III OST), so why would they NOT release a soundtrack for one of their most hype games EVER? I say just give them a little more time. After all, the game's not even a month old yet, and that's not even considering any potential future DLC they might be doing.

TLDR, I know we'll get the soundtrack eventually. The whole "remixing famous Disney tunes" has never stopped them before.

We are talking about Square Enix here. They love to sell their damn OSTs as fast as possible. So being so late is odd for them so I guess I will have Disney decision makers to blame.

02-20-2019, 03:23 PM
There's gonna be a new orchestra world tour, titled KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World of Tres to celebrate the release of Kingdom Hearts III. It will start on April 27, 2019. Maybe the release of the original soundtrack
and the concert CD will be around the same date. I wouldn't be surprised if the OST would come out in late April ...

S.P.D. Gold Ranger
02-20-2019, 06:58 PM
We are talking about Square Enix here. They love to sell their damn OSTs as fast as possible. So being so late is odd for them so I guess I will have Disney decision makers to blame.

Most of the Kingdom Hearts soundtracks have been released about a little over a month after the release of the game. The only exceptions, AFAIK, were 358/2 and Birth by Sleep, since that soundtrack released after the release of re:Coded and that had all three of those games, and the 1.5+2.5 OSTs to release them together (that I don't get, why didn't they release 1.5 first and then 2.5, THEN put them in a box set together?)

And there's also what Maxwill said about the next Orchestra World Tour, so maybe they'd do it there if they had to wait.

02-21-2019, 12:50 AM
So I'm getting back onto the beginner music recording playhthrough
Sorry for the wait, will be updating with new stuff as I play.
So, stay tuned... unless something goes wrong over here again, but I don't think so.

02-21-2019, 03:06 AM
Thanks so much for recording these, I'm glad you're taking time out of your play session to share with us.

Rockman 100
02-21-2019, 03:26 AM
Thanks awesome job.

02-21-2019, 05:23 AM
good to hear, thanks for keeping us updated :)

02-21-2019, 07:29 AM
Since power went out last night I've only managed to get one song so far.
The Titans boss theme from Hercules. It's in that new folder.

02-21-2019, 12:10 PM
Wonderful! Thanks to your hard work, I'm getting closer to assembling a playlist of all the major music from the game. Without your efforts the wait for the soundtrack release would be much harder to bear.

Thanks again!

02-22-2019, 05:31 AM
Kharaxel, pay attention to the long cutscene that plays at Yen Sid's tower after you beat Olympus. There is a version of Aqua's theme that plays while they are talking that is actually different than the original theme, it's so good! I have it recorded but can't get the damned voices out of it

02-22-2019, 05:03 PM
Most of the Kingdom Hearts soundtracks have been released about a little over a month after the release of the game. The only exceptions, AFAIK, were 358/2 and Birth by Sleep, since that soundtrack released after the release of re:Coded and that had all three of those games, and the 1.5+2.5 OSTs to release them together (that I don't get, why didn't they release 1.5 first and then 2.5, THEN put them in a box set together?)

And there's also what Maxwill said about the next Orchestra World Tour, so maybe they'd do it there if they had to wait.

They might also not want to release it till after the inevitable DLC comes out...but there's been Final Mix soundtracks for 1 and 2, so I imagine they'd release DLC music on an equivalent album.

I imagine it'll be like the Birth by Sleep soundtrack (with regards to Days and Re:Coded) and have the X/Union X/X Back Cover/0.2 A Fragmentary Passage tracks included, so it will probably be pretty big. Though I'm not sure they'll have all the variations on certain tracks (i.e. the difference between Toy Box and Corona's Tension Rising Remix, or the version of The Deep End that plays during the Rock Titan fight vs the version that plays during the Ansem SoD vs Aqua cutscene). I do hope at some point someone figures out how to rip the soundtrack from the game.

02-22-2019, 05:27 PM
Why do people keep saying 'inevitable DLC'? There's nothing in the game or even that I've seen in the media to suggest that the game will have DLC.

02-22-2019, 05:48 PM
I thought they teased DLC some time ago. Not a Season Pass-like thing, hopefully.

02-22-2019, 05:50 PM
Why do people keep saying 'inevitable DLC'? There's nothing in the game or even that I've seen in the media to suggest that the game will have DLC.
People are praying for a final mix version, or a critical mode difficulty that will give the game a much needed difficulty spike.

In today's day and age, they want everything, and given to them for free.

Also, since it's Square Enix, I'm sure they'll try and bait Nomura-san to add some DLC to the game. Not that I'm against the idea of some story episodes in the form of DLC.

02-22-2019, 06:06 PM
Why do people keep saying 'inevitable DLC'? There's nothing in the game or even that I've seen in the media to suggest that the game will have DLC.

02-22-2019, 10:15 PM
People have already found an unfinished critical mode in the game so there's definitely going to be some kind of dlc

02-22-2019, 11:58 PM
So it's not likely to be new worlds or anything, just things like finishing Critical Mode, maybe a few new Keyblades.

Marshall Lee
02-23-2019, 01:33 AM
Why do people keep saying 'inevitable DLC'? There's nothing in the game or even that I've seen in the media to suggest that the game will have DLC.

Because if this is anything like previous current-gen Squareenix games, they will continue to whore the product out long after its decayed carcass has been pecked clean by the vultures.

02-23-2019, 02:41 AM
Because if this is anything like previous current-gen Squareenix games, they will continue to whore the product out long after its decayed carcass has been pecked clean by the vultures.
And then promise twice as much for the fans but then immediately retract and fire the head producer cuz they're afraid of TOO much money *coughffxvcough*

02-23-2019, 02:47 AM
So it's not likely to be new worlds or anything, just things like finishing Critical Mode, maybe a few new Keyblades.
Especially the preorder keyblades. I want the playstation exclusive one and the Xbox one that were Amazon exclusive preorder bonuses.

As well as Oathkeeper and Oblivion.

So it's not likely to be new worlds or anything, just things like finishing Critical Mode, maybe a few new Keyblades.
New worlds are by far the most time consuming aspect of Kingdom Hearts. That will never happen. New bosses is much more realistic.

02-23-2019, 09:29 AM
Especially the preorder keyblades. I want the playstation exclusive one and the Xbox one that were Amazon exclusive preorder bonuses.

As well as Oathkeeper and Oblivion.

You know what? Was just thinking of Oathkeeper and Oblivion.

New worlds are by far the most time consuming aspect of Kingdom Hearts. That will never happen. New bosses is much more realistic.

Perhaps new side missions in existing worlds too (which wouldn't involve having to get the voice actors back to record new dialogue either).

02-23-2019, 12:42 PM
Hopefully the preorder Keyblades will be released in a bundle for everyone someday. I think they eventually re-released all preorder content for other games like FF15 and Lightning Returns.

02-23-2019, 07:54 PM
Where's the main folder

02-23-2019, 10:03 PM
Any more updates Kharaxel?

02-24-2019, 10:07 PM
Where's the main folder
... in the first post?

02-24-2019, 10:31 PM
Why do people keep saying 'inevitable DLC'? There's nothing in the game or even that I've seen in the media to suggest that the game will have DLC.

Because Nomura has gone on record saying that there will probably be one big DLC package and that'll be that. He also said that there might be smaller updates that will be free. Also, it's 2019, every game released nowadays has DLC and paid content in some form, Kingdom Hearts isn't going to be the outlier in that situation, in fact, if we were to call the "Final Mix" versions of each game to be DLC (since it adds new bosses, dungeons, keyblades and stuff that hints at the next game), then technically, Kingdom Hearts has been doing DLC since it's inception and that goes back to 2003.

02-25-2019, 02:04 AM
... in the first post?


02-26-2019, 12:29 AM
thanks for this!

02-27-2019, 07:47 PM
Okay, screw it. Since my free time is erratic recently and I can't even find enough time to play the game on beginner, I'll just sit down now, record as much as I can from my completed save and that should at least make up for the goddamn silence from me.
Also, if anybody can give me a list of what music plays in which battle portal that would be swell. Since some boss themes are reused apparently from the main story.
So yeah, stay tuned tonight and all that.
(I'll get to the missing songs I can't get this way once I can complete my playthrough on beginner. So yeah. Maybe the OST releases in mean time? Who knows.)

02-27-2019, 09:27 PM
Dearly Beloved
Keyblade Graveyard
Battle Theme 1 [I'm calling all battle portal songs like that as I have bad memory lel]
Anyhoo, these four are in the folder in the first post.
Soon there will be more. Stay tuuuned.

02-27-2019, 09:40 PM
Thanks for all the hard work!

02-27-2019, 10:13 PM
Dark Inferno Battle added to folder.

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

Battlegate 13 added to folder.
And now a one hour break and then back to it.

02-27-2019, 10:59 PM
Thank you so much Kharaxel for taking the time to offer these beauties

02-28-2019, 12:05 AM
These are great! Lemme know when you're able to get the gummiphone, I'm dying for it haha

02-28-2019, 12:50 AM
Meanwhile DLC for this game has been actually announced lol, the leaks were legit...

02-28-2019, 04:14 AM
^ DLC news was never leaked; Nomura confirmed it in an interview one time that there would be DLC. Also, KH has never not had DLC technically... Final Mixes were already examples of that, dating back to KH1.

Thanks for the updates! When you get the chance, can you please re-record the tracks from Kingdom of Corona? Thank you again!!

02-28-2019, 09:03 AM
Heh, and in an unexpected fashion, the DLC will include new story content too.

02-28-2019, 01:10 PM
^ DLC news was never leaked; Nomura confirmed it in an interview one time that there would be DLC. Also, KH has never not had DLC technically... Final Mixes were already examples of that, dating back to KH1.
I didn't say the news were leaked, you guys posted about datamining of a semi-complete Critical mode. Also i don't really like when certain words/acronyms are used when it's not necessary. Technically even "inserting coins" in arcade games is considered "microtransactions", or you could call "Yuri's Revenge" a DLC for Red Alert 2, but nobody seems to care, nor it should.

02-28-2019, 01:36 PM
... um, there's no 'technically' about it. Given the 'DL' in DLC stands for 'downloadable', Kingdom Hearts has never had DLC. The Final Mixes are much like the third version in a Generation of Pokemon: an enhanced re-release. You've always had to buy an all-new copy to get that content. Kingdom Hearts III will be the first game in the series where that doesn't have to happen.

02-28-2019, 03:35 PM
Nomura has already said they were technically dlc. They we're post game content that he wanted to have download to the game, but servers that did that didn't exist yet, so the only way he could do it is by re-releasing the game

02-28-2019, 05:31 PM
good work, could you do the gummi ship music? the the exploration on all the hubs and the combat would be great. They really did well with the gummi ship music this time

02-28-2019, 07:51 PM
Nomura has already said they were technically dlc. They we're post game content that he wanted to have download to the game, but servers that did that didn't exist yet, so the only way he could do it is by re-releasing the game

Like I said, there's no technicality in there: it's DLC if it's downloadable. The Final mix content was never downloadable. You can't want to do something that at the time was unheard of at the time: not only did servers not exist, but the PS2 did not natively have such a capability. Even if there were servers to distribute there would be no way for players to get that content without modifying their PS2s. I would read Nomura's statement as "if the technology existed at the time, then we would have done it as DLC instead of having to have an enhanced re-release of the whole game". It's not quite saying the same thing.

Harkinian's Dinner
02-28-2019, 10:07 PM
Hi, thanks for doing this as I've been looking everywhere for music downloads for KH3. Could you also record the Toy Story world music?

02-28-2019, 10:26 PM
Dearly Beloved
Keyblade Graveyard
Battle Theme 1 [I'm calling all battle portal songs like that as I have bad memory lel]
Anyhoo, these four are in the folder in the first post.
Soon there will be more. Stay tuuuned.


Seriously this was the one song I really wanted to get so thanks again!

03-01-2019, 09:57 AM
Thank you for this.

03-02-2019, 10:22 PM
Thanks for this! I created a quick cover for this! People are free to use it til an official / better one is made!

03-03-2019, 09:30 AM
Thanks for this! I created a quick cover for this! People are free to use it til an official / better one is made!

Looks amazing, really makes me want square enix to release the soundtrack

03-03-2019, 10:12 AM
Thank you for all your hard work.
KH III has some amazing tracks to show off.
And yeah. Wonder when they'll publish it.

03-04-2019, 11:00 AM
Ripped? No. Recorded through a kinda dumb setup so that 5.1ch audio will be played without the center channels, leaving only voices and some sfx? yes.
I managed to finally accomplish this, who knew that old "receiver" that I have (which doubles as a radio) would help me do this.
I will not go into details, just know that the Organization XIII cutscene track is added to the folder. I'm gonna check out some cutscenes myself now to see how much sfx is in it and if you guys want these voiceless tracks, then I'll do it. IF not i'll keep them to myself while we wait for a gamerip or ost release. But for those who cannot wait and will tolerate sfx then uh, yeah.

I'm actually interested the tracks with the cutscene audio without voices. So thanks for these! Is there anyway you can do that for more cutscenes like the Toy Story one, or some of the later cutscenes?

03-04-2019, 12:32 PM
Someone posted a list of new tracks over at Gamefaqs. Could be useful? Pasting it in here.

This list does not include cut scenes. Nor does it include new recordings of existing music. But it does include new arrangements.

New tracks introduced in Kingdom Hearts III

Dearly Beloved - Title Screen
Don�t Think Twice (Orchestra) - Opening Demo
Face My Fears - Opening Movie
[Thebes & Mount Olympus]
[Thebes & Mount Olympus Battle]
[The Titans Boss Battle]
[World Map]
[Starlight Way - Gummi Ship I]
[Gummi Ship Battle]
[Gummi Ship Boss Battle]
[Le Grand Bistro]
[Classic Kingdom]
[Toy Box]
[Toy Box Battle]
[Toy Box Boss Battle/Battlegate 1]
8-Bit Blast - Wreck-It Ralph Link
[Kingdom of Corona]
[Kingdom of Corona Battle 1]
[Kingdom of Corona 2]
[Kingdom of Corona Battle 2]
[Festival Dance]
[Mother Gothel Heartless Battle] - Mother Gothel Battle, Dark Inferno Battle
[Misty Stream - Gummi Ship II]
[Schwarzgeist Battle]
[Monstropolis Offices]
[Monstropolis Battle]
[Monstropolis Chasing Boo�s Door]
[Monstropolis Factory]
[Monstropolis Battle 2]
[Arendelle Battle]
[Labyrinth of Ice]
[Labyrinth of Ice Battle]
[Pooh Minigame Speed Up]
[The Caribbean Battle]
[The Caribbean]
[The Caribbean 2]
[Port Royal]
[Davy Jones Battle/Battlegates 3 & 13]
[Hiro�s Garage]
[San Fransokyo]
[San Fransokyo Battle]
[Tracer Route]
[The Eclipse - Gummi Ship III]
[Anti-Aqua Battle]
[Final World]
[Union Cross]
[The Other Promise & Vector to the Heavens]
[Oscurit� di Xehanort]
[Scala Ad Caelum]
[Final Boss 1] - The Vessels of Xehanort
[Final Boss 2] - Armoured Xehanort
[Final Boss 3] - Master Xehanort
Don�t Think Twice
[Flantasic Seven - Cherry] - Olympus Flan
[Flantasic Seven - Strawberry/Banana/Grape/Watermelon/Honeydew] - Toy Box, Monstropolis, Arendelle, The Caribbean & San Fransokyo Flans
[Flantasic Seven - Orange] - Kingdom of Corona Flan

03-04-2019, 07:15 PM
That list will be useful, Thank you for brining it here!

Marshall Lee
03-04-2019, 10:29 PM
If anyone's interested I made a "Scala ad Caelum Suite (" combining the Foreteller's Case + Scala ad Caelum & Vessels of Xehanort into one track as it plays in-game.

03-04-2019, 11:02 PM
I'm curious. What kind of capture card and what settings did you do to make it so it removes the voices?

03-05-2019, 02:18 AM
If anyone's interested I made a "Scala ad Caelum Suite (" combining the Foreteller's Case + Scala ad Caelum & Vessels of Xehanort into one track as it plays in-game.

Thank You very much. Just downloaded it right now. I'm looking forward to listening to it. C:

03-05-2019, 07:46 AM
OK, just the show some progress of the dive into the heart theme from the game, so here they are. Unfortunately, couldn't get part 3 because of the water sound effect

03-06-2019, 01:53 PM
Hmm, guize, maybe I won't have to beat the game all over again to record music that plays in specific moments.
The KH3 save editor got an update and we can edit "story data" as in, it's possible to edit what you have beat of the story and also warp to specific locations (which was possible in previous version)
I did some tests and it seems to be working JUUUUST fiiine.
Though for those interested in the save editor, please bear in mind that you need a decrypted save file (and it works with PS4 only) which can be currently only obtained with PS4 Save Wizard, and that's a 60 dollary doos.
If you guys want to try it yourselves (and if you're willing to take the plunge with Save Wizard) then here's a link to the editor.

I'm gonna experiment with it some more and see what I can come up with. Thanks for being patient with me.

03-06-2019, 05:03 PM
thank you for your work Kharaxel! If u have it, could u upload the Japanese version of Simple & Clean? I can't find it in decent quality (the version on Chain of Memories is low quality)

03-06-2019, 09:36 PM
Hmm, guize, maybe I won't have to beat the game all over again to record music that plays in specific moments.
The KH3 save editor got an update and we can edit "story data" as in, it's possible to edit what you have beat of the story and also warp to specific locations (which was possible in previous version)
I did some tests and it seems to be working JUUUUST fiiine.
Though for those interested in the save editor, please bear in mind that you need a decrypted save file (and it works with PS4 only) which can be currently only obtained with PS4 Save Wizard, and that's a 60 dollary doos.
If you guys want to try it yourselves (and if you're willing to take the plunge with Save Wizard) then here's a link to the editor.

I'm gonna experiment with it some more and see what I can come up with. Thanks for being patient with me.

i've heard about it and saw people use it. it's actually amazing. too bad its expensive as what the game costs

03-07-2019, 03:37 AM
Hey guys, some news. Tomorrow (meaning friday) this will arrive at the computer store over here:
I bought it and apparently it supports LPCM recording up to 7.1ch so uh... if everything goes well, we might get even better quality recordings.
In the meantime I'm getting the hang of the KH3 Save Editor so uh. I might want to rush through my Xbox One version of the game tho', since I dunno about PS4 and true 7.1ch LPCM. KH3 might be only doing 5.1ch, but it's worth a try.
You can expect at least SOMETHING on friday. If the results aren't an improvement I'll just stick with what we have and continue on with the current folder contents. Good news is also that I have more time now, so things should at least go ultra smooth.
Also, if someone has a 7.1 receiver or something and has KH3... can I get some info if you're getting true 7.1ch from the game? Be it on Xbawks or PS4. Doesn't matter. Thanks!

03-07-2019, 04:04 PM
Kharaxel, when you have a chance, could you grab the orchestral version of Hikari at the start of the Ending movie? There's minimal effects at the very start, but otherwise it's clean — and it seems like it's a new recording made specially for KHIII.

It would also be great to have the Union Cross cut scene, or even that cut scene as it segues into the gameplay scene. (It seems that the beginning of the song is included in the cut scene.)

In general, I'd love to see more cut scene recordings, as I'm not convinced we'll get all of these on the OST even when it gets released. So your work on this is really great.

03-07-2019, 07:22 PM
I need a second opinion from ya guize.

Tell me how's the quality on these two recordings and if there's any problems such as noise or whatever.
Final Boss 1 and Scala ad Caelum respectively. With the Final Boss 1 you can try comparing with the last recording from the current folder if it will help. THANKS!

03-07-2019, 07:22 PM
Kharaxel, when you have a chance, could you grab the orchestral version of Hikari at the start of the Ending movie? There's minimal effects at the very start, but otherwise it's clean — and it seems like it's a new recording made specially for KHIII.

... you are right! It is a new recording, with some changes to the orchestration!

03-07-2019, 07:25 PM
Oh and... I'll certainly be recording more of the cutscene music.

---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 PM ----------

I'll work on that Hikari orchestral in a bit, but I need opinions on the above two tracks' quality. If it's bad, then I'll just stick with the current method.

Harkinian's Dinner
03-07-2019, 11:20 PM
I don't think anyone really cares if the quality is "great" or "possibly a little better than great"... we really just want as many songs as possible as soon as possible. Please?

03-07-2019, 11:26 PM
Ah fuck it, since this new method is easier for me to do, and no one complained yet I'll just start recording en masse now using it. I'll start recording stuff I didn't do yet and afterwards I'll redo the already recorded songs for consistency's sake.
Since Olypmus is done for now, I'm moving onto Twilight Town stuffs, Corona and couple other worlds maybe if I don't get too sleepy tonight. Sorry for being such a goddamn moron.
Stay tuned.

Marshall Lee
03-08-2019, 12:32 AM
Are these being uploaded into the newer folder as well?

03-08-2019, 03:12 AM
Working Together
Kingdom of Corona 1
Kingdom of Corona Battle 1
Uploaded just now. And yes, we're using the current new folder still. No point in making another one, I'll just replace stuff later on.
I had to help my friend so uh, I only started about half'n'hour ago. But yeah, getting into it again. Stay tuuuned.

---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 PM ----------

Kingdom of Corona 2
Kingdom of Corona Battle 2
Both added to folder.
I don't want to screw around right now with that festival dance minigame so I'll record it later on.
Now moving onto Toy Story.

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------

Toy Box
Toy Box Battle

... have been added.
Moving onto Monsters Inc.

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 PM ----------

Three Monstropolis tracks added and I am going to sleep. My eyes are closing and I just... need Z's.
Will continue in a couple of hours. All the tracks exclusive to story from the worlds I'll grab with the help of save editor btw. Which got an update. I just have to NOT update my PS4 firmware at the moment.
Next up, Frozen.
Till next time.

Demonic Chaos
03-08-2019, 03:29 AM
Working Together
Kingdom of Corona 1
Kingdom of Corona Battle 1
Uploaded just now. And yes, we're using the current new folder still. No point in making another one, I'll just replace stuff later on.
I had to help my friend so uh, I only started about half'n'hour ago. But yeah, getting into it again. Stay tuuuned.

---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 PM ----------

Kingdom of Corona 2
Kingdom of Corona Battle 2
Both added to folder.
I don't want to screw around right now with that festival dance minigame so I'll record it later on.
Now moving onto Toy Story.

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------

Toy Box
Toy Box Battle

... have been added.
Moving onto Monsters Inc.

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 PM ----------

Three Monstropolis tracks added and I am going to sleep. My eyes are closing and I just... need Z's.
Will continue in a couple of hours. All the tracks exclusive to story from the worlds I'll grab with the help of save editor btw. Which got an update. I just have to NOT update my PS4 firmware at the moment.
Next up, Frozen.
Till next time.

good night sweet prince

Marshall Lee
03-08-2019, 03:52 AM
Working Together
Kingdom of Corona 1
Kingdom of Corona Battle 1
Uploaded just now. And yes, we're using the current new folder still. No point in making another one, I'll just replace stuff later on.
I had to help my friend so uh, I only started about half'n'hour ago. But yeah, getting into it again. Stay tuuuned.

---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 PM ----------

Kingdom of Corona 2
Kingdom of Corona Battle 2
Both added to folder.
I don't want to screw around right now with that festival dance minigame so I'll record it later on.
Now moving onto Toy Story.

---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:08 PM ----------

Toy Box
Toy Box Battle

... have been added.
Moving onto Monsters Inc.

---------- Post added at 08:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:31 PM ----------

Three Monstropolis tracks added and I am going to sleep. My eyes are closing and I just... need Z's.
Will continue in a couple of hours. All the tracks exclusive to story from the worlds I'll grab with the help of save editor btw. Which got an update. I just have to NOT update my PS4 firmware at the moment.
Next up, Frozen.
Till next time.

You're amazing! Just don't overdo it, your health & sanity comes first.

03-08-2019, 08:06 AM
FINALLY TOY BOX STUFF. I've been waiting for this, thanks a bunch! (this'll do until the official soundtrack comes out)
Also, I don't know if I'm just being picky here, but is there a way for the intro to not fade in? Personally, I'm not too fond of that kind of thing happening.
If it's not possible, than I totally understand. Thanks again!

03-08-2019, 09:11 AM
Well uh... I fade them in because the very beginnings usually contain sfx. Sometimes less, sometimes more. And often times I can't even get the full intro due to that, depends on the song and how it's played.
At first I just left them starting abruptly with first version recordings. If you prefer them with sfx (or rather, don't mind them) I can grab Toy Box, for example, without fade in. The thing I'm doing is: Once I appear in an area, I'm mashing pause menu button (start) as fast as possible to get into the menu and grab as much of the song without sfx as I can.

Anyhoo, I will be resuming recording in a couple of hours. It's morning over here and I need to do LIFE STUFF first.

03-08-2019, 09:31 AM
Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. It would've been cool if the game had a sound test or something. Then it would be so much easier.

03-08-2019, 10:02 AM
Ah fuck it, since this new method is easier for me to do, and no one complained yet I'll just start recording en masse now using it. I'll start recording stuff I didn't do yet and afterwards I'll redo the already recorded songs for consistency's sake.
Since Olypmus is done for now, I'm moving onto Twilight Town stuffs, Corona and couple other worlds maybe if I don't get too sleepy tonight. Sorry for being such a goddamn moron.
Stay tuned.

Why a moron? You're bringing us great stuff while you didn't even have to in the first place, there's nothing to apologize for. Take your time and thanks again for everything you've uploaded thus far. I'm listening to your recordings on a daily basis and it makes my day.

03-08-2019, 01:25 PM
Great stuff! Thanks!

03-08-2019, 02:05 PM
Question though, how does the 5.1 or the 7.1 surround sound look like? I mostly use audacity to look at the 6 or 8 audio channels

Harkinian's Dinner
03-08-2019, 03:02 PM
Well uh... I fade them in because the very beginnings usually contain sfx. Sometimes less, sometimes more. And often times I can't even get the full intro due to that, depends on the song and how it's played.
At first I just left them starting abruptly with first version recordings. If you prefer them with sfx (or rather, don't mind them) I can grab Toy Box, for example, without fade in. The thing I'm doing is: Once I appear in an area, I'm mashing pause menu button (start) as fast as possible to get into the menu and grab as much of the song without sfx as I can.

Anyhoo, I will be resuming recording in a couple of hours. It's morning over here and I need to do LIFE STUFF first.

Have you looked for any alternate ways to get full songs? Perhaps playing one of the Classic Kingdom minigames and then exiting would start the current world's song from the beginning without the need to pause since you're still in the gummiphone menu? This would only work for field themes though obviously.

03-08-2019, 03:19 PM
I could try that advice with classic kingdom actually. Thanks! I'll give it a try.

5.1ch and 7.1ch are 6 channel and 8 channel respectively.
But it seems I'm gonna be stuck with my good ol' 5.1ch and I'm currently pissed as hell. Don't worry though, I'm still gonna continue recording how I did last night. It doesn't change anything.

Thanks for the support people. Expect more tracks in a couple hours, possibly at similar time like yesterday. I am to record (and maybe even re-record later with full intro) every Disney world, sans the tracks exclusive to story moments. Those will come with save editing, to reiterate.
And now I need to go punch a wall. See ya.

Harkinian's Dinner
03-09-2019, 04:17 PM
Before doing cutscene songs, you could do the Gummi Ship ones, since there's a lot of good stuff there. Especially Schwartzgeist if you're able to reach it.

03-10-2019, 02:15 AM
I tested the Classic Kingdom idea, but unfortunately it doesn't work. The track just continues where it left off. :(

Meanwhile, I've been keeping an eye on YouTube ever since I finished the game. A lot of the music there is badly recorded, in low quality, starting and stopping abruptly in the middle of a loop. However one channel seems to be doing a rather good job:

For example, they just posted the Corona Marsh theme (aka Kingdom of Corona Field Theme 2), and somehow they managed to get it with the intro intact.

So there must be a way to do it.

03-10-2019, 03:59 AM
Another request, when you have the time: the new version of Shaded Truths, which plays in the following two cut scenes:

Toy Box - Not Buzz, Too! (Young Xehanort taking over Buzz)
Arendelle - The Ice Palace (Larxene appearing and blowing Sora and co off the mountain)

03-10-2019, 12:33 PM
Hmm, shame about the classis kingdom thing.
Also, new stuff coming in a couple hours. Stuff came up hence why I didn't record squat.
And yeah, I have a bit of time currently, so I'll experiment with the full intro recordings and also grab the Shaded Truths.

03-10-2019, 08:31 PM
Don't forget about the gummiphone!

03-10-2019, 09:35 PM
Dammit, I keep forgetting that gummiphone. Was supposed to be done ages ago. So sorry.

03-11-2019, 12:25 AM
there is "Thermosphere" from Einh�nder

03-11-2019, 06:25 AM
Anything new? :o

03-11-2019, 08:39 AM
There's Thirteenth Discretion when Marluxia confronts Sora.
A different version of The Deep End when Aqua fights with Ansem Seeker of Darkness
Another piece of music is around where Hercules frees Zeus

03-13-2019, 06:12 AM
I would have use for cutscene recordings of these scenes with the SFX and music without voices. If you are willing, can you get recordings of these cutscenes...?

Toy Box - Woody Saves Buzz from Xehanort
Monstropolis - Vanitas' confrontation
Interlude - where Ansem confronts Aqua
San Fransokyo - the cutscenes before and after the Dark Baymax fight
Interlude - Respite cutscenes
Cutscenes before, during and after the three Xehanorts fights
Xehanort's defeat

Harkinian's Dinner
03-13-2019, 11:41 AM
If anyone else has any half decent recording equipment it would be great if you can help out, as Kharaxel seems to be very busy. Or if you find any tracks elsewhere on the internet, you can post links in this thread.

03-13-2019, 03:53 PM
What kind of recording equipment do you have to get to make this happen anyway?

03-14-2019, 01:09 AM
A quick answer to the question about recording setup:
I use now (as far as music recording is concerned) a spdif/optical cable to my external sound card and grab the music that way (through lpcm 2.0 set on console). As for the 5.1ch sound, I use Hauppauge HD PVR 2 and my particular model's compatibility with recording 5.1ch audio through hdmi (only supports dolby though).
I will be returning to this tomorrow or even today, very sorry. Life is being a bitch, and admiteddly I had couple of chances to sit down and record these past few days but I just didn't want to because I was in such a shitty mood. Eh. Whatever.
I'll try to get these today, actually. Because the cutscenes are less of a pain to do compared to battle/stage music.

03-14-2019, 02:09 AM
Added to the current folder.
Gonna do these tonight at slower pace, since otherwise I'll just get bored and sleepy quick.

03-14-2019, 04:24 AM
You are doing God's work!
How do you manage to remove the voices from the cutscenes?

03-14-2019, 04:29 AM
My main requests are

-Gummiphone ringtone
-song that plays when Xehanorts and lights meet at the crossroads and Xehanort brings up the maze sections

03-14-2019, 08:35 AM
A quick answer to the question about recording setup:
I use now (as far as music recording is concerned) a spdif/optical cable to my external sound card and grab the music that way (through lpcm 2.0 set on console). As for the 5.1ch sound, I use Hauppauge HD PVR 2 and my particular model's compatibility with recording 5.1ch audio through hdmi (only supports dolby though).
I will be returning to this tomorrow or even today, very sorry. Life is being a bitch, and admiteddly I had couple of chances to sit down and record these past few days but I just didn't want to because I was in such a shitty mood. Eh. Whatever.
I'll try to get these today, actually. Because the cutscenes are less of a pain to do compared to battle/stage music.

You're a rock star, good sir. I appreciate you. Take your time, though. I know it's still time consuming.

03-14-2019, 10:17 AM
New Arendelle is wonderful! How did you manage to get the intro so well?

Thanks! :)

03-14-2019, 11:25 AM
I'm just adding to the already extensive list of requests, but I've been dying to get the music from the cutscene The Guardians of Light Gather. Since the scene is mostly just talking, it should be a pretty clear recording.

03-15-2019, 02:30 PM
I'm just adding to the already extensive list of requests, but I've been dying to get the music from the cutscene The Guardians of Light Gather. Since the scene is mostly just talking, it should be a pretty clear recording.

Seconded! I'd love to have that one, too.

---------- Post added at 10:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ----------

It just occurred to me... Kharaxel, have you done the Ending theme itself yet? The only version I have seems to be one from YouTube. I'd love to have a high quality version of it.

Sorry to keep piling on the requests. There's no hurry.

03-18-2019, 07:05 AM
Hez, uh, sorry for the huge gap in uploads again. I've just sat down and am beginning to record stuff once more. Expect things SOOON.

03-18-2019, 08:55 AM
Take your time and enjoy the recording, Sir.

Very much thanks for your efforts :D

Demonic Chaos
03-18-2019, 11:50 AM
i'm looking forward to dark shrouding cloud.

03-19-2019, 02:15 AM
can't wait for the gummiphone :)

Harkinian's Dinner
03-19-2019, 02:31 AM
Hez, uh, sorry for the huge gap in uploads again. I've just sat down and am beginning to record stuff once more. Expect things SOOON.

You keep saying that and then not uploading anything. Don't get our hopes up for nothing, just say it if you aren't going to do it.

03-19-2019, 06:24 AM
You keep saying that and then not uploading anything. Don't get our hopes up for nothing, just say it if you aren't going to do it.

this, I think someone has a procrastination problem lmao

03-19-2019, 12:02 PM
I wish there was an option to -rep people here.

03-19-2019, 01:34 PM
I wish there was an option to -rep people here.

deal with it

03-19-2019, 02:49 PM
I actually
Hear me out here
I actually
(And I know this might be hard to understand)
Have to deal with bullshit on daily basis. I mean, sure, nobody cares I guess. But at least if you don't, then please don't post about it. It won't make it come sooner. I am literally juggling most of the time: My drunkass father, helping my mother, general errands and life. Each time I post that I'm recording and nothing comes of it (more or less) it means I basically got fucked out of my free time(usually because my daddy'o did something).
Though, I did record stuff but it wasn't as much as I hoped so I just held off on posting.
But hey:
Scala Ad Caelum (the actual one)
Final Boss 2 - Armored Xehanort

Triple Norts battle
Final Boss 1

In other news.
Regarding the Final Boss 2. While fucking around with save editor (I decided to prepare a save while recording Scala and rerecording final boss 1) in order to have me start out upon loading it on the second phase of Final Boss... I kinda botched it, and ended up in a black screen... with the second phases' music playing. So... I recorded it too (I was supposed to do it once I'm done with the worlds specific songs). If now I could figure out what exactly caused it, that would be swell. Because that means I could record more music this way, if possible. Though that's when I stopped recording, because I'm a lazy bum who had to go pick my dad up from the fucking police station. : >
Though in all seriousness: Maybe I should just forget about recording a lot of stuff and just record up to two songs in short bursts? Yeah. Might be something to consider.

03-19-2019, 02:55 PM
Just do it in your own pace. It's fine if things take awhile. When you get to them, you get to them. But appreciate the update though.

03-19-2019, 03:19 PM
Also, I think I know how to get that Black Screen with music only, well, more or less.
I just did it with third phase of final boss but:
I might have to record it in 5.1ch because there seems to be also some wind/ambience noise mixed in, as you can hear from this sample.
But yeah, gonna do a couple more experiments while I can.

Demonic Chaos
03-19-2019, 03:53 PM
You keep saying that and then not uploading anything. Don't get our hopes up for nothing, just say it if you aren't going to do it.

he's doing this for free u know? he doesn't have to.

03-19-2019, 04:06 PM
You keep saying that and then not uploading anything. Don't get our hopes up for nothing, just say it if you aren't going to do it.

Are you the one that got banned from saying similar things like this?

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 PM ----------

he's doing this for free u know? he doesn't have to.

And yeah. The people in this thread are funny. We were in treat because OP has dedicated a portion of his time for us to get the quality rips. He's not perfect like us and having an unfortunate life as well. And yet the good people here demanding him to act like he's working for them.

03-19-2019, 06:59 PM
Appreciate anything new from you. Don't understand the people talking shit really. The fact you're doing this at all is great.

Any word on the cutscene music requests?

03-19-2019, 08:03 PM
deal with it
Not sure if you're trolling or...

03-19-2019, 08:21 PM
Can we please not have this drama here?

03-19-2019, 08:31 PM
Don't look at me, i'm actually happy that we got rid of that troll. It was probably the second one since the opening of this thread, but the first one to get officially banned.

03-19-2019, 10:15 PM
i just register myself to say that, man, some people has really shitty way of thinking. i mean this guy is doing you a favour uploading this things and i can really relate on him because usually people expects things from me and i have to deal with a lot of stuffs at the same time, the least thing i wanna do is spend the last 1 or 2 hours i got to chill out making things for others.

if you think he has procrastination problems or whatever just dont wait for the thing to be uploaded, do it yourself, i think is way more lazy from you guys waiting that learn and do it yourself, if you cant wait i mean....

@kaharaxel keep up the good work man and dont let this guys get to you. you dont even have to explain things to anyone.

i give you my thanks for the audios!

03-19-2019, 10:30 PM
Oh, sorry, i thought the "procrastination" comment was directed at the banned troll, thanks for clarifying. So i guess i don't suck only at English (it's not my native language), but also at maths. :P

03-20-2019, 02:29 AM
Kharaxel, you're doing a great job at what you're doing. Don't let guys get to you. You do what you do best

03-20-2019, 03:39 AM
Thank you for the support, everyone! Means a lot!
In any case, there's currently no update from me BUT...
There's now a subfolder inside the current folder. You will find there recordings by mikerdfan1996.
I will be making my own versions of them for consistency's sake but it's a tremendous help because it means I can focus on recording other stuff, that is, if he plans to cover more of the worlds exclusive songs. Also, Gummiphone ringtone seems to be on the center channel which implies there's going to be voices on it. It's times like this I wish I had access to game's files... actually, that's all the time. : P

03-20-2019, 03:48 AM
Thank you for the support, everyone! Means a lot!
In any case, there's currently no update from me BUT...
There's now a subfolder inside the current folder. You will find there recordings by mikerdfan1996.
I will be making my own versions of them for consistency's sake but it's a tremendous help because it means I can focus on recording other stuff, that is, if he plans to cover more of the worlds exclusive songs. Also, Gummiphone ringtone seems to be on the center channel which implies there's going to be voices on it. It's times like this I wish I had access to game's files... actually, that's all the time. : P

Will do. What exclusive worlds are you talking about?

03-20-2019, 03:53 AM
I just meant the general music from the worlds, including all kinds of tracks that are exclusive to story mode (like you know, the Tension Rising from Corona that doesn't play anymore upon beating it). That kinda stuff.
I could focus on the cutscene music requests in the mean time. But for now if you could do just the general worlds music that's missing it would be swell. At your own pace of course.

03-20-2019, 04:11 AM
I just meant the general music from the worlds, including all kinds of tracks that are exclusive to story mode (like you know, the Tension Rising from Corona that doesn't play anymore upon beating it). That kinda stuff.
I could focus on the cutscene music requests in the mean time. But for now if you could do just the general worlds music that's missing it would be swell. At your own pace of course.

Oh OK. And from my soundcloud, I've already got some music from toy box and Twilight Town

03-20-2019, 04:23 AM
Thank you for the support, everyone! Means a lot!
In any case, there's currently no update from me BUT...
There's now a subfolder inside the current folder. You will find there recordings by mikerdfan1996.
I will be making my own versions of them for consistency's sake but it's a tremendous help because it means I can focus on recording other stuff, that is, if he plans to cover more of the worlds exclusive songs. Also, Gummiphone ringtone seems to be on the center channel which implies there's going to be voices on it. It's times like this I wish I had access to game's files... actually, that's all the time. : P

Honestly that's ok! If you can get one of the cutscenes where it rings for a decent amount of time before they speak, I can edit it apart. I'd love it!

Demonic Chaos
03-20-2019, 03:56 PM
Honestly that's ok! If you can get one of the cutscenes where it rings for a decent amount of time before they speak, I can edit it apart. I'd love it!

wouldnt the first time u hear it suffice? they do talk and make noises but it rings for awhile. just a suggestion i dont have the equipment for doing this.

03-21-2019, 02:13 PM
Looking for the MP3 original soundtrack

03-21-2019, 04:17 PM
Looking for the MP3 original soundtrack

not out yet, or even announced

03-21-2019, 07:18 PM
any news on the Gummi Ship music?

a lot of the ones fade in or have sfx at the start (i'm looking for the regular battle music)

03-23-2019, 01:12 AM
still having trouble trying to get part 2 of the dive in the heart music.
here's part 2 with SFX