01-25-2019, 06:16 AM
After my HUGE Smash Ultimate project (which was both awesome and a complete headache), I wanted to do something a little different. This started out as a personal rip, as I wanted only one or two songs from the game, but I decided to just rip the whole thing and upload it as a sort of test of my new ripping methods. Maybe this will get me shunned for all eternity (lol), or maybe somebody out there will like this, but either way it really surprised me nobody had ripped this yet. Sure, a majority of the tracks are taken directly from other games in the franchise, but, to someone like me who really only played Burst and Deep Crimson, this served as a nice little "sampler" of the music the newer games have to offer. There are lots of really unique songs here as a result, and some really fun songs too. Have fun with this quick and easy little rip of mine!

Senran Kagura Reflexions: Original Soundtrack

Flac Level 8, MP3 V0 (Encoded with newest LAME), 16-bit, 48.000kHz, Apx 47 minutes, 26 tracks, songs play twice and have a then fade, fully tagged. Ripped and edited using my "Special Mix"


1 - Adagio For Shinobi ~ AkiHee Motoyama
2 - Gate to Wonders ~ AkiHee Motoyama
3 - Two Hearts Touching ~ AkiHee Motoyama
4 - Talking to Girls ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
5 - Re-energizing Technique ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
6 - Something Pleasant ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
7 - That⋅Feels⋅Good ~ Luna Umegaki
8 - Glorious Reflexology Complete! ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
9 - Love Therapist ~ Luna Umegaki
10 - Classmate -Reflexions Remix- ~ AkiHee Motoyama
11 - We're Still Girls -Reflexions Remix- ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
12 - Heart to Heart [Memory Audio] ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
13 - Hebijo Ninja Room [Memory Audio] ~ AkiHee Motoyama
14 - Each and Everyone's Past [Memory Audio] ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
15 - Shape of Bonds [Memory Audio] ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
16 - Things Ahead [Memory Audio] ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
17 - Silence of the Waves [Memory Audio] ~ AkiHee Motoyama
18 - A Nonchalant Feeling [Memory Audio] ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
19 - Always in Our Hearts [Memory Audio] ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
20 - Relief is Right Next Door [Memory Audio] ~ Takako Ochiai
21 - The Beach Soaking Up the Horizon [Memory Audio] ~ AkiHee Motoyama
22 - Talk About This ♥ and That [Memory Audio] ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
23 - Everyone's True Intentions [Memory Audio] ~ Mutsumi Ishimura
24 - Sounds of Lonely Waves [Memory Audio] ~ AkiHee Motoyama
25 - Heart Vessel [Memory Audio] ~ Luna Umegaki
26 - Marvelous Logo ~ Marvelous

*Please note that all of the songs that have "[Memory Audio]" in the name are directly from other games in the series. On the final files, the track name contains (in brackets) the name of the game it is originally from. All songs in this rip of mine were ripped straight from Reflexions, however, nothing was taken from an official soundtrack.

FLAC:!4qImlAoY!o4ER0B-U8YtFdlHxm_pVhy3c-DcHldTPe7dVK0G0aKA(Apx 336 MB)

MP3 V0:!hjAgQQRb!byoKtLLU7Qnpp6n5hpKcMPLy94SUV1AMDpLOvdDRdF4 (Apx 101 MB)

Password: kirbyhammer7

:D As always, play it loud, and enjoy the tunes! :D

01-25-2019, 08:42 AM
Could you at least give some kind of a hint as to what's the password supposed to be?

01-25-2019, 02:18 PM
Could you at least give some kind of a hint as to what's the password supposed to be?

Oh man I totally forgot to put that again. Sorry about that. It's "kirbyhammer7" (no quotes), and I updated the OP. Thanks for bringing this to my attention

EDIT: Added a tracklist, too!

01-25-2019, 02:28 PM
No problem, thanks for your work!

01-25-2019, 06:35 PM
Judging from the determination in Asuka's eyes and the sunset in the background, the OST will likely be more serious than the Metal Gear series is.

Clearly a game that deserves its mature rating.