Axel Alloy
05-29-2005, 10:35 PM
Just something I cooked up on DA and SA in my journal! xD (And no, I don't care if I spelled things wrong or my grammar is off, because I wrote it very fast. So... Don't even mention it!)

I met this person on DA (then found out she was on SA too.) who goes by the name of Cozmo Fairy... Anyway, we started to get on quite well.... Then we decided to start a Role Play! lol It was so off the cuff it was just unbelievable!

She RPed Herself (A raving fanfirl) and Freakazoid and I RPed Myself (Also a raving Fangirl...) and Dr Nagamiya Tenma from Astro Boy.

The RP has so far lasted a whole week and in that time we both ended up with the two guys, (Her with Freakazoid and Me with Tenma.) got pregnant, been shot with Dr Tenma's 'Pregnancy Accelerator gun' (TM) and had our kids LOL... In my DA and SA Journals I posted a news article about it hehehe... Here it is! ENJOY!!!


By Axel Alloy.


Dr Tenma and Freakazoid have become fathers.

In an interview with the new parents, Dr Tenma broke into tears at the prospect of being able to have a, as he put it; "Second chance!" After regaining his composure, Tenma then added: "I cannot believe how lucky I am. The hole in my heart has been filled with the arrival of Uran. I feel as if I have finally started to accept the loss of my dear Tobio... I am going to give as much love to Uran as humanly possible..."

Ursula was thrilled over the fact she is now a mother. "I wasn't expecting it. I mean, hoo boy, it came as quite a shock! One minute I'm a raving fangirl, next I'm a mother of this little miracle!" Cradling Edward in her arms, she laughed and pointed to Freakazoid and Tenma saying: "I must say though, it IS hard work. Especially having those two fighting all the time!" We asked her what they have been like since the birth and even before it. "Those two can't seem to hold a civil conversation! I don't THINK they dislike each other totally, but they are constantly arguing, haha. Before the birth... It was always a case of 'My kid is going to be cuter than yours', or... 'My kid will arrive first!' It does get quite tiring."

Rachel didn't really have much to say. Aside from little joyful squeaking sounds, she was totally pre-occupied with little Uran. We managed to get a few words out of her when the babies had to be changed, which was by the way, the Fathers job. "I am SOOOOOO happy!!! This is like, dream come true, or something!!! Uran is SO cute its unbelievable! And she is so so clever!" Tenma then butted in from the side saying 'Much more clever than Edward!'

When asked how he felt, Freakazoid grinned and flicked his hair around saying: "Oh yes, my little Edward is a miracle! He has my dashing smile, even if its a toothless one at the moment. He also has his mothers eyes! A perfect combination... A perfect child.", he then added, "Much cuter than Tenma's sprog!"

Tenma, upon hearing this remark, dived onto Freak and started pummling the living daylights out of him while the two Mothers (Nursing the babies) watched on with looks on their face as if to say: "Oh no, not again!"

The fathers soon quit their squabble when the children needed changing...

- by Axel Olivia Alloy.

05-30-2005, 02:03 AM