02-13-2002, 04:11 AM
I was chatting only tonight with some buds and we were disscussing FF8. Many of my buds just kept bashing the game and it made me EXTREMLY POed. :mad: I don't know why everyone has to bash the game in some sort of way. I think in my opinion FF8 is the most bashed FF ever.

02-13-2002, 08:47 AM
I agree. FF8 is the best FF and it is the most bashed FF. Of course, <I>that is just my opinion.</I> People can say whatever they like about FF8 or anything in general, it's their opinion. I just don't like it when they try to force their opinion on others.

<I>In my opinion..</I> FF8 is bashed because of it's hard to learn and master junctioning system, it's 'real' style and it's love story.

02-13-2002, 10:20 AM
FF8 is the most bashed, since it spoke to be bashed the most. It has some mega boring moments and the style is somewhat different (I like the style of FF8 though) but I dislike the boring parts of the game. sure every ff game has them, but ff8 had them a too much of them. That's why ppl started bashing FF8
I semi bash it from time to time. from boring part to another boring part.

02-13-2002, 10:51 AM
It's bashed so much because it was so linear. It vertially had no unexpected plot twists, that really made you shocked.
In my opinion, it wasn't the best FF game. But, seeing it is an FF game, it was still very fun to play.

02-13-2002, 11:06 AM
I find that Old-School FF players aren't feelin VIII. Perhaps its because they weren't expecting it to be so different from FFVII. I know that its dissed alot, but it is my favorite FF

02-13-2002, 12:35 PM
FF8 is the most bashed, and the most best :D

02-13-2002, 08:09 PM
Just like all of you I also thick that ff8 is the most bashed. I personally think it is a brilliant game but people still critisise it. I know people at school who have never even played an ff and think i'm an ass hole for doing so. People who bash things usually do it to take attention off them. for example on ff7 i knew someone that played ff7 said it was brilliant then they got stuck on cosmo canyon then all of a sudden they don't play it becase its a crap game. Back to the point the people who bash it proberbly got stuck and use the excues "its crap" to cover it up. People also say its nothing live ff7 but if it was people would say ooh its too simular.

02-13-2002, 08:57 PM
FF8 was bashed the most, probablt cause it had boring parts and many weird parts, and many non RPG players thought the game was stupid, although its only an opinion and I thought the game was great.

Bahamut ZERO
02-13-2002, 09:14 PM
The main reason why I think Final Fantasy VIII got bashed so much is because it followed Final Fantasy VII. People can argue as much as they want, but Final Fantasy VII was the game that set the new standards that all RPGs must now follow. Final Fantasy VII blew everything else away when it was first released, from the fantastic visuals to the stunning soundtrack and the immensely absorbing gameplay, and a storyline that demanded you play through the game twice in order to understand it.

This rose people's expendancy when Final Fantasy VIII came around. Everyone thought "Great, Final Fantasy VIII's gonna be like VII, amazing with the same sort of controls and everything! It's gonna be like ten times better than the previous one!"

Unfortunately, people hyped the game up too much and, although Final Fantasy VIII was very good, the common fan didn't like it, and the people you often see slagging off the game are the common fan. It's just so tricky to get all of the magic drawn ready for battle, to sort out the character's stats so they don't get murdered in battle. The casual fan just loses interest in battling to draw all of the magic.

The storyline itself wasn't too bad, although linear. I personally don't like the game too much because it's so easy to level up to 100 and to get all of the magic and limits sorted out before it's required. Still, I'm a minority view here.

02-13-2002, 10:56 PM
I agree its the most bashed ff ever. most of my friends that have played seem to say crap 'bout it cause of the plot. they say its all "mushy". I think its one of the gr8test RPG's ever made!

02-13-2002, 11:47 PM

02-13-2002, 11:51 PM
dont get me wrong, I like this game, in my opinion, it wasnt the best, but i know how to junction, i did all you could do; but the pocketstation, i aquired 100 magic for all characters, lvl 100, for all, and GF 100.. plus others.. I do like it but after doing it all, i havent played in about 4 months.

02-14-2002, 01:42 AM
FFVIII seems to be the most bashed, followed by FFV. It's ironic because people bash FFVIII because it's too easy and ignore the fact that the graphics are great, and bash FFV because the graphics are horrible and ignore the fact that the gameplay is great. I guess you always want what you can't have.

But both get bashed for their stories. FFV bashing, I can understand. The story was too simple, the only interesting character was Faris (despite what the Playstation translators did to her dialogue... RAGE), it was just all-around boring. FFVIII seems to get bashed for being unrealistic. While I technically understand this (oh wow, they just happened to all be from the same orphanage, the evil sorceress just happens to be their matron, they just happened to not already know all of this because they just happened to all have amnesia) in my opinion it's still an entertaining story. FFVI wasn't exactly realistic either (and how many people didn't realize Terra was a [don't want to say the spoiler] before any of the characters did?) and yet everyone (myself included) loves that story.

Nanaki XIII
02-14-2002, 05:26 AM
I love FF8, it is a masterpiece and it was never boring for me. But I will tell you why this game has been bashed. It isnt Final Fantasy.

Ok it is but it isnt. It has summons it has an airship it has a Cid. But it doesnt have weapons and armor you buy, it doesnt have moogles, it doesnt even have gil. I meand you earn a couple G's every once and a while so really there was no need to fight except for the other bashed move, draw magic. No Mp, are they crazy? I preferably liked the draw magic and the junctioning and GF and all of it, however it is evident a lot of the world does not. And it is the only reason to fight for you can beat a lot of the bosses at low levels if you junctioned magic properly, and you dont get gil for fighting.

Whoever said this game is linear doesnt know what hes talking about. Ive played this game more then anygame because there is so much stuff to do. Get the stuff to kill ultimate weapons and not to mention the many summons to find. Getting Eden sucked the life out of me.

Story is awesome, second or third best FF story ever, better than 7 in my opinion. But please, you drove a damn car. What were they thinking.

Change, change is the reason why this game has been bashed and if you are still reading this then I must be really interesting or you like to read other peoples opinion. Later!

02-14-2002, 02:46 PM
ff8 is the worst out of all of them, because it had a terable storyline, yes i like it, but if i put them in order ff8 would be in last place.


Green Arrow
02-14-2002, 03:08 PM
I personally think that FF8 was the best FF I have played and I have played 5-9. I think it was bashed the most coz of the junctioning system, which allowed ppl to beat everyone too easy when the system was full. Hitting ppl with damage of 9,999, deletes the reason to se magic, so if I am like most ppl I like to use magic, and with the ability to use that much damage magic becomes obsolete.
My main reason for liking FF8 was the realness they used. Not using comical players if you will like FF& and FF9 to an extent. But thats just my personal opinion, say what you will about FF8, I still liked it.

02-14-2002, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Nanaki XIII
Story is awesome, second or third best FF story ever, better than 7 in my opinion. But please, you drove a damn car. What were they thinking.

As opposed to FF7, where you rode a motorcycle while everyone else drove a car. Or FF5 and (at one point) FF6, where you drove a submarine.

02-15-2002, 12:18 PM
OK, Here's why FFVIII sucks, pasted from a website I won't name.(It's spam.) I wouldve compiled the same reasons myself, But I'm lazy so I'm pasting.

List of Reasons Final Fantasy VIII sucks:

The fact that the enemies level up as you do: It sounds like a good idea, no? It means that the gamer who spends all his time gaining levels can not simply dominate every creature on the map and must instead resort to strategy when fighting even the most common of creatures. A good idea in theory which turned into perhaps the worst aspect of the game. I admit, many other FF games where too easy because Squaresoft didn�t keep in mind the "hardcore" gamer; the one who levels up at least 10 times before reaching the first destination. That�s right, the gamer with no life. The one who had Rosa�s wall spell by the time they were in the Underground in FF4. And I admit, something needs to be done. BUT HAVING THE MONSTERS LEVEL UP IS NOT THAT SOMETHING. First of all, even when they DO level up, they are still ridiculously easy due to other aspects of the game that make your characters unbalanced. The limit breaks are so ridiculously powerful and easy to get there is no point in using any other attack, yet 1 limit break will finish off most enemies. If you get too weak or die, hell, just revive or restore will make you look like you were never even damaged and you can use these abilities as many times as you want. So any challenge added by the enemies leveling up is thus countered� but my main problem with the enemy leveling up is the fact that this takes away all purposes to even having levels. I mean, there is no noticeable difference between a level 7 character and a level 99, either in unjunctioned stats or in difficulty. In fact it is possible to get all the way to the third cd without gaining a SINGLE LEVEL. Some may argue that leveling up is tedious and this eliminates the need, well, why then do the characters level up at all? The last, and most significant problem with the enemies level system is the fact that this eliminates all variations of challenge. Instead of having some strong enemies and some weak enemies, they are ALL THE SAME. The difficulty does not change at all. The game is just as easy in the beginning as it is by the end.

The GF�s: See "Problems with the storyline" for more GF problems.

Am I the only person on earth who DOESN�T enjoy watching Ifrit throw fireballs at the enemy 20 or 30 times in a row? The GF�s are graphically spectacular the first two or three times, but after they get REALLY tedious, and with each animation taking close to a minute, it eats up a lot of time. Other Final Fantasy games had long, complex animations, but the longest Animation in FF7 )KOTR is still shorter then most of the animations in FF8. This problem is remedied somewhat by the "boost" function, but that gets even more tedious (mindless button mashing� fun). By the end of the game I wasn�t even using GF�s in battle anymore and was relying totally on limits.

A problem that many people have e-mailed me with was the obscurity of many of the GF locations. No-where in the game does it indicate that most GF�s need to be drawn from bosses. How is the gamer supposed to realize that? It was dumb luck for me; it became standard for me to draw magic off bosses and every once in a while I�d say "oh, look, another GF." But many players simply didn�t have the draw feature equipped so they could use abilities instead. Had the game indicated AT ANY POINT that bosses carry GF�s, the game would have been a lot more enjoyable for many of these poor souls.

The Weapon System: This was a remarkably STUPID idea. First of all most of the upgrades aren�t even worth it, since they increase the attack power by one or two points while the magic you already have junctioned to str makes it go up by a LOT more. But also� somehow the concept of uselessly searching for elusive parts lost its appeal after the first upgrade. If you�re like me, you don�t want to spend the whole game looking for parts; many of which you have no clue whatsoever of where to find them. For Squall at least the upgrades are worth it, since they augment his limit breaks. But his seemed the hardest to find of all.

The Magic System: Draw, stock, junction and forget about it, seems to be the theme of the magic system. You don�t want to waste your rare magics by casting them when your stats seem to rely quite heavily on them. Yet you spent 45 minutes in a random battle to obtain said spell. So you have a choice. Either you spend most of the game in battles that can last more then an hour to draw the spells you want, or you can be ridiculously weak for the game. Oh yeah, and you cant rely on gaining levels to offset the disadvantage from not drawing said magic, since the enemy also gains levels. You could technically refine magics from items, but after testing this option I found myself spending just as much time finding these items as it took me to draw the magic in the first place.

The Music: Okay, the beginning opera was good. It is currently my favorite MP3 file. But, good god, does the music SUCK after that. Listening to the theme in garden for more then 2 minutes makes me want to quite royally puke. Many people have e-mailed me, saying the music is the best they�ve heard. I can�t really argue, because that is of personal preference, but the emotion I found conveyed by the soundtrack was all of the same emotion. There was no real "fast" chase music, only slow background noise that seemed to drift into the background like "Fisherman�s Horizon" or the Garden theme. The music doesn�t seem to shift moods that often, and the overall effect made me end up muting my TV and playing some "Tea Party" to compensate.

The time between locations: By this, I mean the time spent finding the white seed ship, for example. A lot of the game seems to consist of useless wandering around, especially in map locations, as identified in my next complaint�

The Map (as a whole): Why is so much of the map COMPLETELY USELESS??? I mean, seriously, you could wander for DAYS before you realize not only are you on the wrong continent, but there is NOTHING even on this continent. Maybe if there is no location that influences the storyline, it could at least have SOMETHING.

Character Names: You can name ALL the GF�s, you can name the main character, and you can name Rinoa. WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE PLAYER CHARACTERS??? Why can�t you name them? It�s one of those things you take for granted� This probably sounds petty, but I don�t care. This is one of those things that makes the game that much more personal. If you name your characters after your friends, for example, you are no longer watching "Zell" on the screen, but someone YOU know personally.

The side-quests: There are a few side questions in the game. They are at the end of disc 3. Something that MAY have been nice was some sort of indicator like "do everything you wanna do now, cause you�re about to lose a Lot of freedom." After time compression is achieved, side quests are GONE. But it�s not a real big loss because the side quests were generally obscure and useless anyway. There were no extra levels like the Sylph cave of Final Fantasy IV or the Frog Forest of Final Fantasy VII nor was there any scene that revealed anything terribly deep about any of the characters (such as the Shinra Mansion scene at the end of FF7). The game is linear. You are told to go here, do this, then do that with little opportunity for self-exploration. By the end of the game there was nothing left to do but beat the Sorceress, it seemed, and this was disappointing.

The Card Game: Next person to tell me this was a good idea gets led to behind the woodshed and beat. I spent more then 7 hours of game time playing cards, and I got MOST of the rare ones. Then I thought to myself. WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT? SO I have these cards, so what? I could try winning more, but as early as when you get the Ifrit card, the card game becomes too easy. And what do we do with these cards? We could refine them into items we don�t need� We could brag to our friends� That�s all I can think of. I would have liked it if you could save your card stats, and play cards with a friend, perhaps even trade. Oh, wait, you cant. Cards are one of those things I put on my list of things to do alone.

While it is true you can refine items and magic from the cards, the items only add an extra feature of unbalancing to the game. 100 mega-elixers sounds nice, but did anyone think "maybe that�ll make them a little TOO powerful?" It doesn�t matter, though, because the game is easy enough that you don�t need, or even end up using the items you refine much anyway.

The Storyline: It has it�s own page :)

And here that page is...

Things that are wrong with the storyline:
The Odin quest: Somewhere in the story the hero�s find themselves in a location with a count-down timer on it. In a time limit they must make it the end of a short labyrinth to fight Odin. After the battle Odin now joins your party. Odin�s life is short and uneventful. He occasionally runs out and kills enemies without saying a thing. His life, however, ends when Seifer kills him. His sword falls into the hand of Gilgamesh, and even more enigmatic character who is bad enough that you will wish for Odin back. But no, Odin is dead.

Now, this is an obvious part of the storyline. Odin has speaking lines; he is obviously a sentient creature (much like a GF). I suppose the reason for him helping you is explained along the lines of "you beat him, he respects you and joins you." But was it necessary to kill him? I mean, why did he die? I don�t know what that scene was SUPPOSED to mean but I can think of three possible ideas Squaresoft was trying to convey:

Odin has been with you for long enough that you are meant to feel attached to him, thus his death would make you hate Seifer all the more. But if this is true then Squaresoft fell well short of the mark because Odin, as a character, isn�t even TOUCHED upon in the story. Your character doesn�t even to seem to notice that he was CUT IN HALF.
They wanted to demonstrate that Seifer is a powerful character. But again, Squaresoft overemphasized this point� first of all, why Seifer? Why not Adel, or Ultimicia? Also, Seifer ISN�T that strong; in fact that may be the easiest boss fight in the game. Odin must have been REALLY weak
They wanted to introduce Gilgamesh, but they only wanted one randomly summoned GF to be available. This makes the most sense, but leads to the hardest to answer questions�
Who is Gilgamesh? Why had you never heard of him until this point? Why was he collecting swords? The way he is introduced just SCREAMS that there is more to the story, and I played to the end in hopes that he would be explained. Alas, he wasn�t�

The GF�s: Of all my complaints, I get the most e-mail because of this one. The basic problem sounds like this� the GF�s can talk (as indicated by Ifrit, Brothers and Bahamut), they can think (as indicated by talking), they have a physical form (some even attack you), so in effect they are living, breathing creatures. So why don�t they have a storyline? Why do they help you? They really have no gain in helping you, they aren�t paid, and your characters don�t offer them anything. From where do they come from? How does one become a GF? Why doesn�t everyone use GF�s? The only explanation given by the game was that no-one wanted to take the risk of losing memories but the game also said this was only a theory, and also that�s a big enough risk for your characters to accept, why not other people? Why doesn�t Galbania�s garden use GF�s when they are attacking Balnab garden? After all, only garden members use GF�s anyway, right? Actually, now that I think about it, how do Galbanian soldiers use magic if they AREN�T using GF�s?

Anyway, the best counter-argument that one could make is "no other Final Fantasy game fully explains their summon spells." But first of all, that doesn�t defend FF8, it only says FF8 is just as bad in that aspect. However, one also needs to remember that FF8 was the ONLY game so far in the series where the summon spells actually took an ACTIVE role in the story. For example, in FF7 they may not have explained the summons, but the didn�t even seem to notice that summons existed. The summons really didn�t impact the story at all; they were simply a more powerful then normal attack. But the fact that the effect the GF�s had on the characters was explained, it sounds like there OUGHT to be more of a story attached to them. In an ideal world each GF would have it�s OWN story, after all each is a sentient creature. However I would have been content for a general story that encompassed ALL GF�s. They have a visible impact on the world; it would be nice to know how they were created, where they come from, why are they so diverse, etc� In FFIV the only story summoned monsters get is the fact they all live in a monster village unless they are summoned. That�s a SIMPLE STORY, but it�s more of an explanation then Final fantasy VIII offers.

The Sorceress and Seifer: I�ve known Squaresoft to create villains to draw out the vilest of my emotions. I felt nothing but hate at Kefka for poisoning Doma castle, or destroying the world. I truly despised Sephiroth for burning Neibelheim, and all personal vendettas between him and the main character. But in Final Fantasy VIII I never once found myself caring about Ultimicia. Not once. She was mentioned once in passing reference, and you were sent to kill her. It was nothing personal; it was your job. She had one speaking line with a very annoying use the of the letter "k". As a main villain she had no character.

Sorceress Edea was a little better developed, but still no personal issues are truly involved. The link between the characters and Edea (the orphanage) was weak, and besides that there was nothing personal. You are told to kill Edea as your job. Nothing personal�

Then we have Seifer. A seemingly complex character that didn�t seem to stand up to the eye of scrutiny. He is an asshole, pure and simple, but that�s what he was designed to be. But some things seem important in establishing his character that goes unexplained. Why did he join Garden? Why did he persevere despite failing the exam more then once? If no one has any faith in him, why was he the group leader at the beginning? If Quistis is aware of the discontent between Squall and Seifer, why does she place them in the same group anyway? Later on, he becomes the sorceress�s knight. This seems significant, but he talks many times of it always being his dream� why is it his dream? What is his driving force? Does he want to be the SORCERESS�S knight, or just a knight in general? Also, what is the significance of the relationship of the relationship between him and Rinoa? It seems important, but the subject is touched upon once, when he is supposedly getting executed.

Lastly, am I the only one disappointed by the final dual between Squall and Seifer? I was waiting the whole game to kick the ass out of that little f***, but the fight is too easy, and ends when Gilgamesh appears anyway. The end was VERY anti-climactic; I waited much of the game for that dual, and was disappointed in the results.

The Laguna Dreams: This SEEMED like such a great idea; two parallel realities. But GOD it ended poorly. By the end I was wondering what the point was. It was a clever idea ruined when Squall met Laguna. They seemed so opposite that they could have introduced a concept such as the fact that they are the same people in different lives, or something. But no, you find out they have NOTHING in common. There is much debate that Laguna is Squall�s father, but that�s irrelevant, since no TRUE conclusion is reached through the game. This link, however, is vague and not touched upon in the sequences. It is interesting to find out about Laguna�s life, but by the way the game was set up, I was hoping for more of a link between them.

Ellone: At what point did she end up on Garden, at the beginning of the game? She never used GF�s, so she remembered the orphanage, why does she never mention it to Squall, Zell, Irvine, etc� I admit, you don�t simply say "do you remember the orphanage, but you would think she would remember a face or two, and strike up a conversation, and then notice that they don�t remember, and remind them�

Cid: Cid was an asshole. Why did none of the characters notice this? At the first sign of trouble he says, "Squall is in charge." Oh yeah, brave leader! What a dick� Yet the characters accept this as if it�s an everyday occurrence. He founded garden, and he�s gone, at the drop of a hat. Doesn�t anyone in the game find this unusual?

The way the other characters reacts to Squall and Rinoa being in love: Two scenes come to mind. When Balnab garden is being attacked by Galbania garden Rinoa is hanging off a cliff, while Squall is giving orders. Zell runs up to Squall and says, "go save her." Squall replies, "I gotta give orders", to which Zell says, "don�t be so heartless." HELLO! Squall is the LEADER, and as LEADER he has a certain responsibility to NOT risk lives, like he would if he left his station, to save ONE person, even if this person is important to him. Everyone bullies him into it. The second time everyone�s reaction shocks me is when Rinoa is floating space, quite dead. Squall says, "I gotta rescue her", and he tries to leave the escape pod. No one except the scientist tries to stop him. They had NO way of knowing she was alive, so far as they were concerned she was dead, but they didn�t bat an eye when Squall basically said "I�m going to go kill myself, since I have no way of getting back". The game said he has a minute worth of oxygen, he has no safety rope, etc. I hope that if I ever jump into the cold vacuum of space, one of my friends tries to stop me.

The whole orphanage/GF forgetting plot twist: When they are at the basketball net, and Irvine remembers they all went to the same orphanage. This was very stupid, for a number of reasons. First of all, it introduced the concept that they were fighting their Matron. Five minutes ago this wasn�t an issue, but suddenly it is. Why introduce this concept at all? What do we care; even if the characters suddenly care for her, the player of the game does not. It sounds like Squaresoft is trying to make the player CARE about this conflict, but this idea doesn�t change anything. Also the idea that they all came from the same orphanage, doesn�t that strike you as an AMAZING coincidence? The probability was amazing, yet none of the characters seemed to notice. They bring up the idea that they hadn�t remembered that rather important fact because of the GF making you forget idea. My, what a convenient excuse. They accept it rather quickly, don�t they�? This whole part of the game seems sketchy at best, not going into any detail. Furthermore the player really couldn�t care less. The plot twists of this part seem almost too convenient. This whole section could�ve used work�

I commend you if you read that whole thing. I realize some of this was metioned in other posts, and that the author misspells Galbabia, Balamb, and Rinoa. On the whole, I totally agree with this guy. FFVIII Really does suck, *In my opinion* of course.
If you can counter these arguments, please do.

02-15-2002, 03:06 PM
Ok don't even make me go into why FF7 sucked.

Besides those aren't facts. Everything is a matter of opinion. So I'm sure that most everyone doesn't agree with everytrhing you wrote.

I have also been to the website. You should have provided a link insead of wasting the forumm space you dumbass newbie.

socks are kiff
02-15-2002, 03:14 PM
you either like ff8 or you hate it. there is no middle ground. personally, i didn't like it all that much, and that was mainly because of gameplay issues. like the previous poster stated, you could spend an hour on a mundane battle to draw magic so your characters can be powerful enough to compete with the big bosses in the game. that was the main reason i never finished the game. i got tired of drawing magic from every new enemy. now i know some of you would say "you can used the GF refine ability" but that only refines mid and high level magic from previous magic. you still need to draw low-level magic from enemies, and trying to draw magic with zell or selphie is not an easy tasy when half the time they fail to draw or only draw 1 magic point. i just don't have the patience to do that every battle.

i never really got into the story either. that was the 2nd main reason i didn't finish the game. the in-game graphics were good and the cutscenes weren't bad in that aspect either, but i just never really got into the story. that's not a knock on the game at all. if anything it would be a knock on myself. ff8 is a love story, and that's made pretty obvious from the beginning. a tale of unrequited love (quistis for squall), love lost and then re-kindled (selphie and irvine), and of course the main love story between squall and rinoa. i've just never been a big fan of love stories, so that's on me, not the game.

the characters: i never really got into the characters either. i thought squall was a moody jerk and disliked him through most of the game. he had his cool moments but overall he was a punk with a chip on his shoulder. many times i would be screaming at the tv "dude, she wants you!" when rinoa or quistis would drop a hint to that effect. and he would just sit there and say "leave me alone" or the ever-classic "...." irvine the sniper was a wanna-be ladies' man and i hardly ever used him in combat. zell was alright i guess, though his "full speed ahead and bash them in the teeth" solution to everything got old. the female characters were a little better. selphie's always-hyper positive attitude got annoying sometimes. i'm not a very upbeat hyper person all the time, so perpetually happy people get on my nerves after a while. so again, that's on me, not the game. rinoa... well she's pretty and all, but tends to be a bit naive at times, though i think this is accentuated by squall's indifference to her throughout most of the game. quistis is the most tolerable, if only because i can relate to her most easily. her "i'm misunderstood" attitude makes it easy to relate to her, so in that respect she's the most tolerable character.

anyway, that's my synopsis of ff8. i didn't particularly enjoy it, but that's more of a knock on me than on the game. at some point i'll go back and try to replay it, and maybe i'll enjoy it the second time around.

Divine Strike
02-16-2002, 05:43 AM
I think it was the sudden change from semi-advanced to a super advanced world (i don't think we can build a giant floating School [the garden] in the present time that we live in)....... i think ff8 had an environment that was too advanced

i like the more Midieval look for a game....that is why i liked ix more than viii.

02-18-2002, 06:59 AM
Dumbass newbie? C'mon, dude. Why not just support your opinions with facts instead of resorting to childish name-calling? I didn't read any rules regarding "wasting" forum space...


02-18-2002, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Joeshie
I have also been to the website. You should have provided a link insead of wasting the forumm space you dumbass newbie.
Well, just because someone has a different opinion on FFVIII you start insulting him.

I agree with most of the FACTS there; FFVIII is the worst FF in my opinion, but I respect others'.

02-19-2002, 08:41 AM
4 words...

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest...

The difference is, FFMQ DESERVES to be bashed. Case closed o_O.

02-19-2002, 07:28 PM
it quite possibly is the most bashed game but for obvious reasons
i thought it was horrible(my opinion ofcourse)

02-19-2002, 07:51 PM
I don't care whether you loved it or hated it, ExS just stated perfectly why it's a FACT that FFVIII is not the worst FF:

Originally posted by ExS
4 words...

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest...

02-20-2002, 04:59 AM
I think FF8 is one of the best games I've ever played. The music is just great and the story is cool too. I think people just were a little freaked when they introduced the stocked magic and such and various other changes, but that's what happens, and just because it isn't like the rest in the series doesn't mean that it's bad, it's just different, so there ya go

02-20-2002, 02:36 PM
i have played, beaten and memerized every ff game, thats number 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, and tactics. 8 had absalutly no storyline what so ever, i still like the game, its an rpg, i love rpg's, plus im a huge ff fan, all the way from the begging to when i was 4 years old. but the graphics on 8 made the game say, "hay look at me, im looking good huu, i can make everything on this look like it kicks ass". big fat hairy deal. i am a triditional player, i like 1 better then 8. also, they made the enemys to damn weak, ur characters to damn powerful, and the stupid thing with the enemys leveling up with u is retarded.


02-26-2002, 12:56 PM
Yes, FF8 is the most bashed FF ever. I dont know why, it's a great game. Not as good as FF7 or 9, but still great.

Memory Angel
02-27-2002, 06:34 PM
My brother says he hates FFVIII. 'It's so pointless. All you do is chase around for Rinoa. Eugh.'
God! I tried to make him realise everything else about it, but he just has something against Rinoa.
Maybe he fancies her....but I guess it has a kinda emotional side of it that little people wouldn't understand...

02-27-2002, 09:58 PM
No storyline?
Dear god, you think some of the other FF's have a better storyline that 8?
Recall the silly little FF here your characters don't even have a personality, and no character developement. You just have "Black Mage" "White Mage" and other idiots.

Now THERE was no storyline.
I've played every FF up to 8 (No PS2); and 8 has an EXCELLENT storyline.

03-01-2002, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by TheTest
No storyline?
Dear god, you think some of the other FF's have a better storyline that 8?
Recall the silly little FF here your characters don't even have a personality, and no character developement. You just have "Black Mage" "White Mage" and other idiots.

Now THERE was no storyline.
I've played every FF up to 8 (No PS2); and 8 has an EXCELLENT storyline.

I totally agree with you. FF8 was more of a love story but its storyline was great.

03-02-2002, 02:22 AM
Rinoa: She's a Princess, she's supposed to be naive.

Squall: Squall isn't a bad kid, he's forced into some mercenary training camp, and its gotten to him the most. He's a deeply wounded soul, probably the most feeling of the group. He just shuts it out because he hurts so bad. Personally I think he makes plenty of sense, and I felt for him. He liked Rinoa, and Quistis was just his bud, as well as a teacher he had to perform for.

Selphie: She was a little bit silly. How can a mercenary be so damn up-beat.

Irvine: He's a shmuck, but its funny, and not so unrealistic.

Quistis: She's pained like Squall, that's probably why she digs him.

Zell: Bravado makes up for fear. Nothing wrong with this guy either.

I think the idea of a bunch of 18 year olds fighting hardened soldiers was a little bit odd.

I would have liked certain elements of the game to develop better.

I didn't like how limiting junctioning can be. Stat growth can be seriously hampered if you level too fast early on from magic-siphoning battles. I got Squall to super high levels, then discovered to my horror just how weak he became compared to what I could have done with him Statwise. Probably why the ending was so damn hard.

All in all though it was an okay story. I think that FF10 was better though. Its got Blitzball! But more importantly the story manages to be really depressing for a long way out. They're tackling a problem that everyone always seems to feel. I think FF8 could have done better if they had more time to develop their story, letting the characters do a few more mercenary operations first - then something bad happens that brings about the sorcererss. Ah well, I'm not going to say any more. Nuff said. I like squall and his gunblade.

03-02-2002, 11:31 AM
I agree with some of the points listed in - Why FF8 sucks.

But i love ff8 despite these issues, i love the graphics and end game mostly.

The reason it gets bashed is because of the new "systems"My friend and I loved ff7, we both got ff8, i got on with it and played it, and my friend said he hated it.

- There is no MP
- No magics level up, you just 'aquire' them (i thought you got fire3 spells etc too early)
- The magic names were different - Thundara etc
- People didnt like junctioning depth and the long boring scenes
- squalls attitude sucks
- No limit bar

etc things like that. But i think its a great game but not as good as ff7. (well the ending owns ff7's)

03-02-2002, 10:09 PM
Yeah. Sad as it is to admit, FF VIII is, I think, The biggest Bashed game. FF VIII is truely one great game, and why people hate it and bash it is beyond me!

03-02-2002, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by Mannerboy~Sven

- There is no MP
- No magics level up, you just 'aquire' them (i thought you got fire3 spells etc too early)
- The magic names were different - Thundara etc
- People didnt like junctioning depth and the long boring scenes
- squalls attitude sucks
- No limit bar

First off, I think Square was doing things a bit differently which wasn't bad.

No MP - Well MP system is probably better than the draw, but I don't think its a big deal. It is still a great magic system. In someways FF8s magic system goes byond that of 7's. Giving every character a chance of using every spell, without having to master materia just so another character could use it.

Different Magic Names - Everyone I've talked to says the names are much more better than the numbers. The numbers are boring. :P

'Aquiring" magic - Well it depends on how you play the game. With the card game, yeah it is pretty easy gettig those high level magic spells. In my current file, everyone has Firaga, Blizagra, ect, and I'm still on the first disc. Yet if you were to not use the card game, the game would me much more challenging and fullfilling.

Long scenes - FF7 also had some long boring scenes as well, but those can be expected in every FF.

Junctioning - Stiill an excellent system for magic.

Squalls Attitude - He had a bad attitude to add to the storyline. It shows us how love can change even the most worst of attitudes.

Limit bar - Well the limit bar was good in FF7, but Aura. :D Man using aura blows he limit bar away.

Whew, I think thats it. ^_^;

03-23-2002, 06:53 PM
it is always bashed because of the junction system. I personally love it but most people prefer the materia ar job systems.

Memory Angel
03-24-2002, 02:40 AM
The junctioning system was a bit confusing at first - my friend got near to the end of the first disk without ever junctioning anything because he didn't know how to! Bless him!
But that's what makes FF so great - they're all different in as many ways as possible. I mean, they wouldn't be as appealing if all FF's had the same systems, or characters, or places? Would they?

03-24-2002, 03:46 AM
of course they wouldn't....the junctioning system is what makes FF8 my fave FF that and a main character i can relate with and Rinoa;)

03-24-2002, 05:04 AM
Here's what i believe:

FF8, the playstation sequel to FF7. Supposedly the only game of its time to surpass FF7, until it was released and people realised how lame it was. The only reason they did that was because of the greatness in FF7. They expected an even better sequel and didn't get it. The graphics had improved and the card game was introduced, but it lacked the great storyline and effort that Square put in for FF7. After that, people just kept finding more faults. Can you think of more than 2 faults in FF7 that really mattered? I can't, and neither can anyone else i reckon, but with FF8 i could name 10 off the top of my head, which i won't do in an FF8 forum but people know what they are. So, if FF8 had been released before FF7 (like FF8 was actually FF7) and had the same things in and FF7 was FF8 and had the same things, people would've prolly complained about materia instead of junction, and worse graphics, lame story and so forth. That's the only reason FF8 is like it is.

$quall Leonhart
03-24-2002, 05:32 AM
Originally posted by Squall2188
of course they wouldn't....the junctioning system is what makes FF8 my fave FF that and a main character i can relate with and Rinoa;)

I agree. Gotta luv that Rinoa character!

Why the fuck is so many bashing FFVIII? Its the best FF game in the whole FF serie!! I mean, the storyline waz great, the music ( damn that waz good music! gotta luv that Faya Wong chick), the movies(intro, the end etc.), the character were the best eva!GFs were pretty cool!!

I say, getcha ass over to your PS or PC and play FF8 again if you dont like the game... Or ill kick ya ass with my Lionhart:D

03-24-2002, 06:01 AM
People make fun of it but i enjoyed playing it... FF7 and FF8 in my opinion are the two best..

03-24-2002, 06:22 PM
Of corse thats my opinion. Given that it was my first final fantasy game it sure beat the hell out of Zelda and Mario. But I have to admit some of the parts were really difficult and some of it was tiresome, but I think it was all worth it to get a reward like those FMVs. The artwork was just amaizing, it looked very reall but still looked a little cartoonish just enough to look great and still know its animation. The normal run-around-with-the-joystick characters looked a little too polygon-ish but not quite as bad as FFVII where you had a block with legs and a face that was as painted on as Barbie's, but thats watching evolution of technology for ya.

03-24-2002, 07:47 PM
FFVIII is definetely a love story. I liked the game, but I didn't like the battle system(too time consuming). I didn't want to waste my time drawing magic. I was in a rush when I played ff8. I relied mostly on my GF's. Diablo was weak at the beginning but became one of my favorite near the end, with hp+80%, mug, etc. Anyway, everything was fine and I thought the game was easy... until I had to fight Adel. I never beat him since I didn't have good junctions. I tried getting out of the place to maybe train some more and draw better magic, but no, you can't get back.

Squall is the most stubborn main character in any ff's. Yes, he changes, but it sure took a long time. I still like him, just not as attached to him as I am to other ff characters.

Rinoa. I wish she could defend herself once in a while. I got tired of going after her. Heck, I'm stuck because she's captured by Adel. I wish she could be more like Tifa.

03-24-2002, 11:21 PM
its bashed because it is the odd one out of the series because it doesnt stick to the usual ff rule/config
i.e. the characters are not cartoony (big heads and hands like 7 and 9)
also the gaia theory plays no part in the story (like in 5,6 and 7 and the movie)

proBuM 8 8
03-25-2002, 12:18 AM
i liked ff8 cuz most of the characters, best storyline iv seen in a while and and...ah, i hafta agree that its bashed the most, every time i've heard it bein bashed, its compared to ff7, so i think it's a great game, it just came after a game that was a lil better

03-26-2002, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Unamerican
OK, Here's why FFVIII sucks, pasted from a website I won't name.(It's spam.) I wouldve compiled the same reasons myself, But I'm lazy so I'm pasting.

List of Reasons Final Fantasy VIII sucks:

The fact that the enemies level up as you do: It sounds like a good idea, no? It means that the gamer who spends all his time gaining levels can not simply dominate every creature on the map and must instead resort to strategy when fighting even the most common of creatures. A good idea in theory which turned into perhaps the worst aspect of the game. I admit, many other FF games where too easy because Squaresoft didn�t keep in mind the "hardcore" gamer; the one who levels up at least 10 times before reaching the first destination. That�s right, the gamer with no life. The one who had Rosa�s wall spell by the time they were in the Underground in FF4. And I admit, something needs to be done. BUT HAVING THE MONSTERS LEVEL UP IS NOT THAT SOMETHING. First of all, even when they DO level up, they are still ridiculously easy due to other aspects of the game that make your characters unbalanced. The limit breaks are so ridiculously powerful and easy to get there is no point in using any other attack, yet 1 limit break will finish off most enemies. If you get too weak or die, hell, just revive or restore will make you look like you were never even damaged and you can use these abilities as many times as you want. So any challenge added by the enemies leveling up is thus countered� but my main problem with the enemy leveling up is the fact that this takes away all purposes to even having levels. I mean, there is no noticeable difference between a level 7 character and a level 99, either in unjunctioned stats or in difficulty. In fact it is possible to get all the way to the third cd without gaining a SINGLE LEVEL. Some may argue that leveling up is tedious and this eliminates the need, well, why then do the characters level up at all? The last, and most significant problem with the enemies level system is the fact that this eliminates all variations of challenge. Instead of having some strong enemies and some weak enemies, they are ALL THE SAME. The difficulty does not change at all. The game is just as easy in the beginning as it is by the end.

The GF�s: See "Problems with the storyline" for more GF problems.

Am I the only person on earth who DOESN�T enjoy watching Ifrit throw fireballs at the enemy 20 or 30 times in a row? The GF�s are graphically spectacular the first two or three times, but after they get REALLY tedious, and with each animation taking close to a minute, it eats up a lot of time. Other Final Fantasy games had long, complex animations, but the longest Animation in FF7 )KOTR is still shorter then most of the animations in FF8. This problem is remedied somewhat by the "boost" function, but that gets even more tedious (mindless button mashing� fun). By the end of the game I wasn�t even using GF�s in battle anymore and was relying totally on limits.

A problem that many people have e-mailed me with was the obscurity of many of the GF locations. No-where in the game does it indicate that most GF�s need to be drawn from bosses. How is the gamer supposed to realize that? It was dumb luck for me; it became standard for me to draw magic off bosses and every once in a while I�d say "oh, look, another GF." But many players simply didn�t have the draw feature equipped so they could use abilities instead. Had the game indicated AT ANY POINT that bosses carry GF�s, the game would have been a lot more enjoyable for many of these poor souls.

The Weapon System: This was a remarkably STUPID idea. First of all most of the upgrades aren�t even worth it, since they increase the attack power by one or two points while the magic you already have junctioned to str makes it go up by a LOT more. But also� somehow the concept of uselessly searching for elusive parts lost its appeal after the first upgrade. If you�re like me, you don�t want to spend the whole game looking for parts; many of which you have no clue whatsoever of where to find them. For Squall at least the upgrades are worth it, since they augment his limit breaks. But his seemed the hardest to find of all.

The Magic System: Draw, stock, junction and forget about it, seems to be the theme of the magic system. You don�t want to waste your rare magics by casting them when your stats seem to rely quite heavily on them. Yet you spent 45 minutes in a random battle to obtain said spell. So you have a choice. Either you spend most of the game in battles that can last more then an hour to draw the spells you want, or you can be ridiculously weak for the game. Oh yeah, and you cant rely on gaining levels to offset the disadvantage from not drawing said magic, since the enemy also gains levels. You could technically refine magics from items, but after testing this option I found myself spending just as much time finding these items as it took me to draw the magic in the first place.

The Music: Okay, the beginning opera was good. It is currently my favorite MP3 file. But, good god, does the music SUCK after that. Listening to the theme in garden for more then 2 minutes makes me want to quite royally puke. Many people have e-mailed me, saying the music is the best they�ve heard. I can�t really argue, because that is of personal preference, but the emotion I found conveyed by the soundtrack was all of the same emotion. There was no real "fast" chase music, only slow background noise that seemed to drift into the background like "Fisherman�s Horizon" or the Garden theme. The music doesn�t seem to shift moods that often, and the overall effect made me end up muting my TV and playing some "Tea Party" to compensate.

The time between locations: By this, I mean the time spent finding the white seed ship, for example. A lot of the game seems to consist of useless wandering around, especially in map locations, as identified in my next complaint�

The Map (as a whole): Why is so much of the map COMPLETELY USELESS??? I mean, seriously, you could wander for DAYS before you realize not only are you on the wrong continent, but there is NOTHING even on this continent. Maybe if there is no location that influences the storyline, it could at least have SOMETHING.

Character Names: You can name ALL the GF�s, you can name the main character, and you can name Rinoa. WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE PLAYER CHARACTERS??? Why can�t you name them? It�s one of those things you take for granted� This probably sounds petty, but I don�t care. This is one of those things that makes the game that much more personal. If you name your characters after your friends, for example, you are no longer watching "Zell" on the screen, but someone YOU know personally.

The side-quests: There are a few side questions in the game. They are at the end of disc 3. Something that MAY have been nice was some sort of indicator like "do everything you wanna do now, cause you�re about to lose a Lot of freedom." After time compression is achieved, side quests are GONE. But it�s not a real big loss because the side quests were generally obscure and useless anyway. There were no extra levels like the Sylph cave of Final Fantasy IV or the Frog Forest of Final Fantasy VII nor was there any scene that revealed anything terribly deep about any of the characters (such as the Shinra Mansion scene at the end of FF7). The game is linear. You are told to go here, do this, then do that with little opportunity for self-exploration. By the end of the game there was nothing left to do but beat the Sorceress, it seemed, and this was disappointing.

The Card Game: Next person to tell me this was a good idea gets led to behind the woodshed and beat. I spent more then 7 hours of game time playing cards, and I got MOST of the rare ones. Then I thought to myself. WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT? SO I have these cards, so what? I could try winning more, but as early as when you get the Ifrit card, the card game becomes too easy. And what do we do with these cards? We could refine them into items we don�t need� We could brag to our friends� That�s all I can think of. I would have liked it if you could save your card stats, and play cards with a friend, perhaps even trade. Oh, wait, you cant. Cards are one of those things I put on my list of things to do alone.

While it is true you can refine items and magic from the cards, the items only add an extra feature of unbalancing to the game. 100 mega-elixers sounds nice, but did anyone think "maybe that�ll make them a little TOO powerful?" It doesn�t matter, though, because the game is easy enough that you don�t need, or even end up using the items you refine much anyway.

The Storyline: It has it�s own page :)

And here that page is...

Things that are wrong with the storyline:
The Odin quest: Somewhere in the story the hero�s find themselves in a location with a count-down timer on it. In a time limit they must make it the end of a short labyrinth to fight Odin. After the battle Odin now joins your party. Odin�s life is short and uneventful. He occasionally runs out and kills enemies without saying a thing. His life, however, ends when Seifer kills him. His sword falls into the hand of Gilgamesh, and even more enigmatic character who is bad enough that you will wish for Odin back. But no, Odin is dead.

Now, this is an obvious part of the storyline. Odin has speaking lines; he is obviously a sentient creature (much like a GF). I suppose the reason for him helping you is explained along the lines of "you beat him, he respects you and joins you." But was it necessary to kill him? I mean, why did he die? I don�t know what that scene was SUPPOSED to mean but I can think of three possible ideas Squaresoft was trying to convey:

Odin has been with you for long enough that you are meant to feel attached to him, thus his death would make you hate Seifer all the more. But if this is true then Squaresoft fell well short of the mark because Odin, as a character, isn�t even TOUCHED upon in the story. Your character doesn�t even to seem to notice that he was CUT IN HALF.
They wanted to demonstrate that Seifer is a powerful character. But again, Squaresoft overemphasized this point� first of all, why Seifer? Why not Adel, or Ultimicia? Also, Seifer ISN�T that strong; in fact that may be the easiest boss fight in the game. Odin must have been REALLY weak
They wanted to introduce Gilgamesh, but they only wanted one randomly summoned GF to be available. This makes the most sense, but leads to the hardest to answer questions�
Who is Gilgamesh? Why had you never heard of him until this point? Why was he collecting swords? The way he is introduced just SCREAMS that there is more to the story, and I played to the end in hopes that he would be explained. Alas, he wasn�t�

The GF�s: Of all my complaints, I get the most e-mail because of this one. The basic problem sounds like this� the GF�s can talk (as indicated by Ifrit, Brothers and Bahamut), they can think (as indicated by talking), they have a physical form (some even attack you), so in effect they are living, breathing creatures. So why don�t they have a storyline? Why do they help you? They really have no gain in helping you, they aren�t paid, and your characters don�t offer them anything. From where do they come from? How does one become a GF? Why doesn�t everyone use GF�s? The only explanation given by the game was that no-one wanted to take the risk of losing memories but the game also said this was only a theory, and also that�s a big enough risk for your characters to accept, why not other people? Why doesn�t Galbania�s garden use GF�s when they are attacking Balnab garden? After all, only garden members use GF�s anyway, right? Actually, now that I think about it, how do Galbanian soldiers use magic if they AREN�T using GF�s?

Anyway, the best counter-argument that one could make is "no other Final Fantasy game fully explains their summon spells." But first of all, that doesn�t defend FF8, it only says FF8 is just as bad in that aspect. However, one also needs to remember that FF8 was the ONLY game so far in the series where the summon spells actually took an ACTIVE role in the story. For example, in FF7 they may not have explained the summons, but the didn�t even seem to notice that summons existed. The summons really didn�t impact the story at all; they were simply a more powerful then normal attack. But the fact that the effect the GF�s had on the characters was explained, it sounds like there OUGHT to be more of a story attached to them. In an ideal world each GF would have it�s OWN story, after all each is a sentient creature. However I would have been content for a general story that encompassed ALL GF�s. They have a visible impact on the world; it would be nice to know how they were created, where they come from, why are they so diverse, etc� In FFIV the only story summoned monsters get is the fact they all live in a monster village unless they are summoned. That�s a SIMPLE STORY, but it�s more of an explanation then Final fantasy VIII offers.

The Sorceress and Seifer: I�ve known Squaresoft to create villains to draw out the vilest of my emotions. I felt nothing but hate at Kefka for poisoning Doma castle, or destroying the world. I truly despised Sephiroth for burning Neibelheim, and all personal vendettas between him and the main character. But in Final Fantasy VIII I never once found myself caring about Ultimicia. Not once. She was mentioned once in passing reference, and you were sent to kill her. It was nothing personal; it was your job. She had one speaking line with a very annoying use the of the letter "k". As a main villain she had no character.

Sorceress Edea was a little better developed, but still no personal issues are truly involved. The link between the characters and Edea (the orphanage) was weak, and besides that there was nothing personal. You are told to kill Edea as your job. Nothing personal�

Then we have Seifer. A seemingly complex character that didn�t seem to stand up to the eye of scrutiny. He is an asshole, pure and simple, but that�s what he was designed to be. But some things seem important in establishing his character that goes unexplained. Why did he join Garden? Why did he persevere despite failing the exam more then once? If no one has any faith in him, why was he the group leader at the beginning? If Quistis is aware of the discontent between Squall and Seifer, why does she place them in the same group anyway? Later on, he becomes the sorceress�s knight. This seems significant, but he talks many times of it always being his dream� why is it his dream? What is his driving force? Does he want to be the SORCERESS�S knight, or just a knight in general? Also, what is the significance of the relationship of the relationship between him and Rinoa? It seems important, but the subject is touched upon once, when he is supposedly getting executed.

Lastly, am I the only one disappointed by the final dual between Squall and Seifer? I was waiting the whole game to kick the ass out of that little f***, but the fight is too easy, and ends when Gilgamesh appears anyway. The end was VERY anti-climactic; I waited much of the game for that dual, and was disappointed in the results.

The Laguna Dreams: This SEEMED like such a great idea; two parallel realities. But GOD it ended poorly. By the end I was wondering what the point was. It was a clever idea ruined when Squall met Laguna. They seemed so opposite that they could have introduced a concept such as the fact that they are the same people in different lives, or something. But no, you find out they have NOTHING in common. There is much debate that Laguna is Squall�s father, but that�s irrelevant, since no TRUE conclusion is reached through the game. This link, however, is vague and not touched upon in the sequences. It is interesting to find out about Laguna�s life, but by the way the game was set up, I was hoping for more of a link between them.

Ellone: At what point did she end up on Garden, at the beginning of the game? She never used GF�s, so she remembered the orphanage, why does she never mention it to Squall, Zell, Irvine, etc� I admit, you don�t simply say "do you remember the orphanage, but you would think she would remember a face or two, and strike up a conversation, and then notice that they don�t remember, and remind them�

Cid: Cid was an asshole. Why did none of the characters notice this? At the first sign of trouble he says, "Squall is in charge." Oh yeah, brave leader! What a dick� Yet the characters accept this as if it�s an everyday occurrence. He founded garden, and he�s gone, at the drop of a hat. Doesn�t anyone in the game find this unusual?

The way the other characters reacts to Squall and Rinoa being in love: Two scenes come to mind. When Balnab garden is being attacked by Galbania garden Rinoa is hanging off a cliff, while Squall is giving orders. Zell runs up to Squall and says, "go save her." Squall replies, "I gotta give orders", to which Zell says, "don�t be so heartless." HELLO! Squall is the LEADER, and as LEADER he has a certain responsibility to NOT risk lives, like he would if he left his station, to save ONE person, even if this person is important to him. Everyone bullies him into it. The second time everyone�s reaction shocks me is when Rinoa is floating space, quite dead. Squall says, "I gotta rescue her", and he tries to leave the escape pod. No one except the scientist tries to stop him. They had NO way of knowing she was alive, so far as they were concerned she was dead, but they didn�t bat an eye when Squall basically said "I�m going to go kill myself, since I have no way of getting back". The game said he has a minute worth of oxygen, he has no safety rope, etc. I hope that if I ever jump into the cold vacuum of space, one of my friends tries to stop me.

The whole orphanage/GF forgetting plot twist: When they are at the basketball net, and Irvine remembers they all went to the same orphanage. This was very stupid, for a number of reasons. First of all, it introduced the concept that they were fighting their Matron. Five minutes ago this wasn�t an issue, but suddenly it is. Why introduce this concept at all? What do we care; even if the characters suddenly care for her, the player of the game does not. It sounds like Squaresoft is trying to make the player CARE about this conflict, but this idea doesn�t change anything. Also the idea that they all came from the same orphanage, doesn�t that strike you as an AMAZING coincidence? The probability was amazing, yet none of the characters seemed to notice. They bring up the idea that they hadn�t remembered that rather important fact because of the GF making you forget idea. My, what a convenient excuse. They accept it rather quickly, don�t they�? This whole part of the game seems sketchy at best, not going into any detail. Furthermore the player really couldn�t care less. The plot twists of this part seem almost too convenient. This whole section could�ve used work�

I commend you if you read that whole thing. I realize some of this was metioned in other posts, and that the author misspells Galbabia, Balamb, and Rinoa. On the whole, I totally agree with this guy. FFVIII Really does suck, *In my opinion* of course.
If you can counter these arguments, please do.
do u seriosly think anyone would bother waistin a good 6 hours of there life readin that?????

youve posted it in a ff8 forum (were people mainly come because they appreciate the game) they dont wanna hear how much you think the game sucks because they will totally disagree!!!
thats like giving a bible to a muslim and asking him to read it!!!
youd probably stand half a chance of someone bein sad 'nuff to read it if you posted it in a ff7 or ff9 forum!!
im not hatin on your opinion or out but that post's like a book!! at least make it appealin to the reader!!! and keep it short!!!

03-29-2002, 04:48 PM
It does get bashed quite a bit........

03-29-2002, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by Joeshie
I was chatting only tonight with some buds and we were disscussing FF8. Many of my buds just kept bashing the game and it made me EXTREMLY POed. :mad: I don't know why everyone has to bash the game in some sort of way. I think in my opinion FF8 is the most bashed FF ever.

<font color="4422BB"> it was a very good game, i agree. but it didnt live up to expectations and it was too different to other FFs. </font>

Angel Aeris
04-02-2002, 05:50 PM
I love that game! I love all its characters(especially Squall and Rinoa, they are so cute couble!) its storyline, its battle system. And I thought Seifer was sexy some how. And since it was my first Final Fantasy I had played, it has a special place in my heart :D

True, maybe its hated cause it was a little bit too similar to FFVII, and maybe Junction system is a little too complicated and hard to learn. I don't think I still have learned everything about that, even though I've owned the game over a year. And... perhaps the plot was a little disappointment after FFVII, even though I don't think so.

I just love it, no matter what everybody else say. :)

04-05-2002, 06:48 PM
I like FF7 alot more than i do 8! BUT!! that does'nt mean i'm going insult it! there seem to be people here who enjoy 8 alot and insulting it would piss alot people off so i got this to say:FF10 is a sequel to FF8 in my oppion,and it more than makes up for 8!:D

quistis lover(iverine)
04-06-2002, 10:24 PM
how can you like ff7 that's the worst rpg i've ever played in my life the graphics sucked and so did the magic 8 and 10 rule!

04-07-2002, 09:56 PM
ugh...your right about ff7's graphics..a few months ago i rebought FF7 and the graphics were the first thing i noticed...but thats just my oppion.i cant help but love FF7 because...well....i'll figure it out later! sorry buddy did'nt mean to offend you...FF8 is after all one my RPGS and i'll never stop likeing it...i just said i like ff7 better(dammit! i said it again!)wait a minute....i just looked at my last post and i did insult FF8...DOH!:(

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-08-2002, 08:30 PM
quote: Originally posted by Purikah

it was a very good game, i agree. but it didnt live up to expectations and it was too different to other FFs.

I totally agree, it was quite good I liked some parts of it, but it just did'nt have that FF feeling about it. This game is my fourth favorite FF game

My fav FF's:-

1)Final Fantasy VII
2)Final Fantasy IX
3)Final Fantasy VI
4)Final Fantasy VIII

04-30-2002, 12:10 PM
Call me boring but i actually prefer Bolt3 and the numbers to new names like thundara. It gives you a sence of achievement when you have gained the extra level and leveling up and AP personalises every save file that has ever existed. The amount of AP on a certain materia is unique to you wheras you just collect thundagas in ff8...

05-08-2002, 08:03 AM
hmmm, when i play any ff game, it's like a book, only you're more involved in the story (that's what makes it an rp)
-it deals with what could be a real life situation, and lots of times, life just sucks... or it could be awesome.
i think this story might have been bashed because they thought it was a sucky lifestyle.
-then again, most people look at the gameplay rather than the story line overall, so, i could be wrong by saying that they dislike the story (but i know i loved it... SQUARESOFT RULES!!!)
yeah, so maybe the game was too complicated for their inferior brains of mush. i, personally, believe that they CANNOT HANDLE THE ALL-POWERFUL GAME OF DOOM that happens to remain persistent with you and CONSTANTLY CHALLENGES YOUR SKILLS!!! anyone who tries to argue are simply some spoiled little brat that needs his/er mommy to beat the game for his/ her lazy @--. i think they were dropped on their heads to be saying stuff like that...
-just ask them, "DID YOU EVEN PLAY AND BEAT THE ENTIRE GAME AT ALL!?" -because when you find that they are speechless, then you know that they are chicken-wusses.
now, the game is unique... i love unique things.
it happens to give me a sense of (how should i say this) "unboredom?"
ahh, yes, there you have it...(not sure if "unboredom" is in the dictionary, but it's my word now, so back off)
oh and...
-FF8 happened to be a deep inspiration to me (though i don't think it's the best of its series)
i am on my way to go to a technical school that teaches game design (heh, can you believe that, aye?)
yeah, so...
-i'm going to be making some games (i have great ideas and talent) and i hope to heck that squaresoft will hire me -M E
if you look at the storyboard, you can see that it has a LOT to do with real life... if you play it over for a while (like reading a book over again) you'll discover hidden messages all over. FF is its own religion.
but to anyone who has successfully beaten the game and has fully understood it... -you're strong
...because you are the one with an (do i dare say it?)
yesss... -because an ignorant fool could only judge all the small things about a game and neglect to realize its true importance; TRUTH
but anyways, there's always something good and bad about everything, whether it's a game or a person.
and with that, it defeats the purpose of having a "perfect game"
-as long as everyone is entitled to their own opinions, there will never be peace over this issue and this thread is pointless...
but i say "COMPROMISE!!!"
who said that they couldn't stop the warring factions...
but yeah, everyone is born oblivious. and depending on which circumstances that they originated from is how they are effected in growth. many people become unique in theis proccess. when they do develop their personality, their perspective of right and wrong differ from person to person.
huaaahh, i'm tired...
-thank you, MUAH! **blows a kiss**
...have a nice day;)
**colapses to the floor?**
**does this hastilly?**
**falls asleep and dreams of_____...**
**wakes up for one moment**
-i hope you get the message...
**closes his eyes once more and continues sleeping**

05-14-2002, 12:26 AM
well it wasnt that bashed was it?

05-14-2002, 05:59 PM
Heya, people!!

I think I know why so many people bash FF8. It was so entirely different than all the others, that people weren't expecting it. It was a completely different feel of game and story than other ones. It was new, dramatically different, and the most realistic of all the Final Fantasy games to that point, I loved it. It has to be in the top 3 FF's: mine are 1. FF8 2.FF10 3. FF6

so, stop bashing club Begin!! WHOOHOO!!!


08-03-2002, 04:45 AM
It's a matter of opinion. I think FF8 was the best of the series, it was also the first one I played. Maybe my liking for the game has to do with being able to relate to Squall so well but so far it's the only game where I have gotten attached to the characters. I have to say of the 3 Final Fantasy games I've played, FF7 is actually at the bottom of the list because I havn't gotten attached to the plot at all yet...Of course I might have to play it a little longer to get into it, I like some of the ideas that are conveyed in the game as far as I've experienced it, but the main reason I havn't gotten that far in it is because I havn't gotten attached to it at all where as the opening FMV of FF8 got me attached to it before I could even control a character. I'll give those who bash it that the FF8 story writers could have done a better job on the sub plots, but FF8 has been the most inspirational game I've played, surprisingly it re-sparked my interest in story writing and game design.

As many have already said, a lot of people bash FF8 because of the unique battle system, which in my opinion is full of good ideas and only needs to be refined a bit. I think it allows for more stratagy in the game to be able to stock up on magic and then junction it. However it would have been nice to have some more "No GF allowed" battles earlier in the game so that when you get to Adel you're not a sitting duck because your GFs are the only thing you relied on. However, I guess Square's warning was the, "We shouldn't rely on GFs too much" when the characters were remenising about the Orphanage days.

Other than the little flaws that come with testing out a completely new RPG style, the only reason some people hated the game was because of the overtone of love. Well had they read the back of the box they would see the exact words on a bulleted list, "based on the theme of love" If you didn't want a mushy slow story you shouldn't have bought it. I argue againsed people who dislike the slow sequences full of dialog, I actually liked it, it was a change of pace from having the game be "Fight a battle, get gil, items and level up." It added more depth to the story. Also I note that a lot of people say Squall is an asshole. I don't understand that. Unless your saying, "Hey someone who has gone through psycological trauma in his life, is in pain, and is introverted out of fear of getting too close to anyway, yeah he's an asshole." Just because Rinoa and Quistis were after and he didn't do anything early in the game doesn't mean he's an asshole, in fact it's more the reverse; I think the real truth with people who think he's an asshole just dislike him because he's too deep and they can't relate with that, or maybe because they can't comprehend why he wouldn't suddenly say, "Oh look someone likes me, of course, regardless of the introverted character I'm suppose to me, why don't I just go and ask her out, and since this game is a love story, why not be even more fake and sweep her up in my arms right away. I mean come on, you (the people who dislike FF8 complain about the plot being too simple and too linear, yet you hate Squall who is obviously a complex character. I'd have to say the only character I didn't like was Irvine, at least at first when he just seemed like a simple womanizer. Anyway, I think the more emphasized personalities (like Selphie being hyper active) enhanced the story.

In my opinion, Final Fantasy VIII is only bashed a lot because the people who entered the series at Final Fantasy VII (or earler and liked it) are a different type of game player than the people who entered Final Fantasy VIII (and liked it). Each Final Fantasy game seems to have it's own personality, FF7 is more for traditional RPG lovers, FF8 is more for modern rpg lovers who probably only recently got into RPG games (like I).

08-24-2002, 07:33 PM
indeed i agree with you squared its all in the persons opinion nothing more i am not a basher but nor do i love ff8 personally i liked it but people should realize there opinions are not facts it is true though that ff8 is bashed a lot and i would say it propably is but think about it too final fantasy 8 was about love and for the most part its teenage guys playing video games and most guys(in my experience) do not care for love at all that is propably why it is bashed

God of HellFIRE
08-24-2002, 09:13 PM
Here's my opinion:

I think FF7 and FF8 are two completetly differeny games and normally who LOVES FF7 doesn't like FF8 that much and who LOVES FF8 doesn't like FF7 that much too...

When some people bought FF7 maybe for just trying the game or because a friend told them that it was a good game(my case), these people were absolutely fascinated with the envolving story the game had and simply learned to LOVE THAT GAME, because FF7 was completely different from everything made to that moment...

I think the arrival of FF8 was very disapointing for all who played FF7 before because they were shocked with the kinda sucky story of FF8 (sorry to ff8 lovers), I liked ff8 but I think almost nobody can compare ff8 to tha almighty ff7...

There was a drastic change in the characters is the first place...
let's see:

Cloud (supposedly an Ex-SOLDIER , but then we know that he was just some shinra soldier...)

Aeris (some girl in the slums , but then we know that she's an ANCIENT)

Barret (leader of a "terrorist" group that fights Shinra)

Tifa (barkeeper of some bar in Sector 7 slums)

Red XIII (kind of a lion or something, last of his specie...)

Vincent (mysterious character that knows almost TOO MUCH about Sephiroth, jenova and hojo)

Yuffie (eheh... the usual thief in ff games, also a ninja)

Cid (pilot, and very stylish...)

Cait Sith (stuffed animal... HATE HIM)


Squall (SeeD member)

Quistis (SeeD instructor)

Rinoa (I don't remember very well but I think she's a SeeD member too)

Zell (SeeD member)

Irvine (SeeD member)

Selphie (SeeD member)

That sucks!! in FF7 the characters were from very different places and were very different from eachother!! in FF8 they're all from GARDENS and are all about the same age...


Materia system was one of that best magic systems of all games! I loved it..


Draw and junction system sucked!!!


Summons are also materia...


yeah the gfs were a cool thing in the game...


A SUPER COOL and mysterious final boss who was Cloud's friend but drove insane and wanted to rule earth


A witch that came from the future... blarghhh... is this some faerie tale for children to have witches or what??


Very involving story with every single character.. each one has a cool story that's different from each other


The only one's with some history are Squall and Rinoa... what about the other characters???

I guess I already wrote too much... I still had more to say but...
This post is already too long and boring to read so...


08-25-2002, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by God of HellFIRE

There was a drastic change in the characters is the first place...
let's see:

Cloud (supposedly an Ex-SOLDIER , but then we know that he was just some shinra soldier...)

Aeris (some girl in the slums , but then we know that she's an ANCIENT)

Barret (leader of a "terrorist" group that fights Shinra)

Tifa (barkeeper of some bar in Sector 7 slums)

Red XIII (kind of a lion or something, last of his specie...)

Vincent (mysterious character that knows almost TOO MUCH about Sephiroth, jenova and hojo)

Yuffie (eheh... the usual thief in ff games, also a ninja)

Cid (pilot, and very stylish...)

Cait Sith (stuffed animal... HATE HIM)


Squall (SeeD member)

Quistis (SeeD instructor)

Rinoa (I don't remember very well but I think she's a SeeD member too)

Zell (SeeD member)

Irvine (SeeD member)

Selphie (SeeD member)

That sucks!! in FF7 the characters were from very different places and were very different from eachother!! in FF8 they're all from GARDENS and are all about the same age...


Ok, well you think the characters in FF8 because you make them boring. The characters are the heart of a story and you have to think about how they all work together and you have to analyze them to see what makes them �them�. I can see you have a bias on the game. Just saying SeeD member you skipped the most important parts of the character. In stead of just saying seed member there was much more to there character than that. And actually the characters were probably closest to normal human nature than FF7 was.

Squall (Squall had to be the most complex character in the game, sure you may say "Well he's so boring with the stupid depression thing..." He's not really depressed he just hides himself away because he's afraid of getting attached and getting hurt like he was when Ellone left. But slowly through the game you see his personality and outlook change because he again becomes attached to people. Not to mention that there is another whole story about him being Laguna�s son. So in some way his personality blows the characters from ff7 out of the water because he probably has the most human character traits they weren't just slapped on with out justification. )

Quistis (She was a SeeD instructor until she was fired from her job and was demoted to SeeD. Also you can�t over look the fact that she was practically a genius and that�s how she became an instructor at such a young age.)

Rinoa (Rinoa wasn't a seed but instead she was revolutionary who was trying to liberate Timber and later on she becomes a sorceress.)

Zell (SeeD member but he also is comic relief and he's less annoying than cait sith and he doesn�t make you want to shoot him in the head! Isn�t that great?!)

Irvine (was a seed member but he was also a sniper for Galbadia.)

Selphie (was a transfer student from Trabia and later became a seed member but also had an unnamed job of taking revenge on the people who bombed her old Garden.)

FF8's main focus was not the just story line, but the character's place in it. Watching a character that has it all and is strong in everyway (like cloud) isn't fun, it leaves you unfulfilled. But when you see a character that has problems and needs resolution you kind of slowly melt into that character and you leave yourself craving for more. I�m not saying that Cloud was the type of character that didn�t have his problems but how many people can honestly say, with out being carried out in a straight jacket, that they were a clone?

FF8 and FF7 are two totally separate worlds, not just for a Final Fantasy fan but for people with different tastes. If you want something more down to earth and focus towards the lives of the characters, FF8 would be good, if you want something with action and a more Sci Fi setting, FF7 would be good.

I really didn�t like FF7 the story was interesting but I didn�t attach to the characters. It�s hard to discuss the two games because everyone has a bias and that kind of jumbles things up.

I could type a twenty page essay on the subject but I don�t think people want to read all of that so�why don�t we just end the age old fight and say, FFX kills them all. That was the first game that every made me and my friend cry, nothing can beat that.

God of HellFIRE
08-25-2002, 04:54 PM
Yeah I think this is an endless debate...

even thought the majority of people like FF7 best :p

I didn't say FF8 was a bad game, I like FF8 but I think it was a very linear game, too "real" to be a Final Fantasy...

08-25-2002, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by God of HellFIRE
Here's my opinion:

I think FF7 and FF8 are two completetly differeny games and normally who LOVES FF7 doesn't like FF8 that much and who LOVES FF8 doesn't like FF7 that much too...

When some people bought FF7 maybe for just trying the game or because a friend told them that it was a good game(my case), these people were absolutely fascinated with the envolving story the game had and simply learned to LOVE THAT GAME, because FF7 was completely different from everything made to that moment...

I think the arrival of FF8 was very disapointing for all who played FF7 before because they were shocked with the kinda sucky story of FF8 (sorry to ff8 lovers), I liked ff8 but I think almost nobody can compare ff8 to tha almighty ff7...

There was a drastic change in the characters is the first place...
let's see:

Cloud (supposedly an Ex-SOLDIER , but then we know that he was just some shinra soldier...)

Aeris (some girl in the slums , but then we know that she's an ANCIENT)

Barret (leader of a "terrorist" group that fights Shinra)

Tifa (barkeeper of some bar in Sector 7 slums)

Red XIII (kind of a lion or something, last of his specie...)

Vincent (mysterious character that knows almost TOO MUCH about Sephiroth, jenova and hojo)

Yuffie (eheh... the usual thief in ff games, also a ninja)

Cid (pilot, and very stylish...)

Cait Sith (stuffed animal... HATE HIM)


Squall (SeeD member)

Quistis (SeeD instructor)

Rinoa (I don't remember very well but I think she's a SeeD member too)

Zell (SeeD member)

Irvine (SeeD member)

Selphie (SeeD member)

That sucks!! in FF7 the characters were from very different places and were very different from eachother!! in FF8 they're all from GARDENS and are all about the same age...


Materia system was one of that best magic systems of all games! I loved it..


Draw and junction system sucked!!!


Summons are also materia...


yeah the gfs were a cool thing in the game...


A SUPER COOL and mysterious final boss who was Cloud's friend but drove insane and wanted to rule earth


A witch that came from the future... blarghhh... is this some faerie tale for children to have witches or what??


Very involving story with every single character.. each one has a cool story that's different from each other


The only one's with some history are Squall and Rinoa... what about the other characters???

I guess I already wrote too much... I still had more to say but...
This post is already too long and boring to read so...


Of course here comes another person who probably didnt finish FF8 to completely understand the story. In other words, another arrogant FF7 freak, like the majority of the bunch.

First off I would like to state that Cygnus's reply was right on and totally explained your lack of intellegence when it comes to characters.

However, I am here to refute the rest of your un-supported points of view.

First off, FF8 did have a evil villan and a good one at that. But you obviosly didnt finish the game to realize the full scale of her villany. She wasn't a villan just trying to take over the world, but all of time its self. Kinda a bit more evil than Sephiroth don't ya think? The villian is also quite mysterious just like Sephiroth. She takes over many ppl so you can never really know who the true culpirit is....However again you probably didn't finish the game to realize this.

Next, I must bow down to the materia system that FF7. A truely marvious system that is probably the best one. However, FF8 also had a great system as well. It gave the system more challenge and you actually had to think which combinations would be the best.

Next you stated that the only ones with history are Squall and Rinoa. That is total bull shit. ::Spoilers!!!!!!!!:: Later in the game, it states that all of the characters came from an orphanage when they were little. Then they separated and eventually meet again. Each coming from a different part of the world.

This concludes my ranting and raving at you. I'm sorry if I offended you (which I probably did) but I get really peeved when FF7 freaks go and bash FF8 with very little knowledge of the game (which you demonstrated).

God of HellFIRE
08-26-2002, 02:10 AM
You're wrong, ohhh you're so wrong!!
For your information I DID FINISH FF8 and I know all the story...


that part of the story you mentioned from the orphanage, I know that all the characters were from that orphanage and Edea was there too but...
Isn't that a sucky thing too? Let's think about it, they came all from the same place... that was my critic to FF8 in the first part!!
They're all to similar... I can't explain very well what I'm trying to say because I'm not english and there are certain words I don't know how to say in english...

I like the diversity of places from where the charactres in FF7 come from, and in FF8 they're all from the same places... They come all from the same orphanage(even Edea) and they're all from gardens...
Of course there are people who like this and people who don't like it but that's no reason for us to insult eachothers...

For me FF7 IS INDEED THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME!! that's a fact and I defend my favourite game as you defend yours...

I also liked to play FF8 and I lost several hours and several nights playing it but it's different... because I completed FF7 5 times and FF8 only once...
There are games that you just LOVE that's all...

In my previous post I only explained my point of view! could be right or wrong depending on who reads it...

08-26-2002, 05:36 PM
True they did come from the same place but they didn't grow up in the same place did they? No they didn't!!!!! They grew up in different places of the world.

Unfortuatly you didn't realize that the Gardens were in different places of the world. They weren't right next to each other. Tribia was in a cold climate and a northern spot. Balamb garden was more of a cool climate and Galbadia was in a more dry region. Now if you were dumb enoungh to realize this. Also, one thing is that they didn't come from different cultures. I realize this. They also came from the same orphanage. But this shows that they are bound to the same way of life and have something in common, except Rinoa. Which means that they have a closer bond of loyalty to each other. Much closer bond of loyalty than any of the characters from FF7.

Sorry about being so harsh on you about that. I shouldn't have done that and I will be more reasonable about ppls opinions.

08-26-2002, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by God of HellFIRE
You're wrong, ohhh you're so wrong!!
For your information I DID FINISH FF8 and I know all the story...


that part of the story you mentioned from the orphanage, I know that all the characters were from that orphanage and Edea was there too but...
Isn't that a sucky thing too? Let's think about it, they came all from the same place... that was my critic to FF8 in the first part!!
They're all to similar... I can't explain very well what I'm trying to say because I'm not english and there are certain words I don't know how to say in english...

I like the diversity of places from where the charactres in FF7 come from, and in FF8 they're all from the same places... They come all from the same orphanage(even Edea) and they're all from gardens...
Of course there are people who like this and people who don't like it but that's no reason for us to insult eachothers...

For me FF7 IS INDEED THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME!! that's a fact and I defend my favourite game as you defend yours...

I also liked to play FF8 and I lost several hours and several nights playing it but it's different... because I completed FF7 5 times and FF8 only once...
There are games that you just LOVE that's all...

In my previous post I only explained my point of view! could be right or wrong depending on who reads it...

Oh man, geesh. Just because at one point in each character's life they were together doesn't necessarily mean they're all the same. I'm sure they wern't born in the orphanage, afterall, the reason for them being there was because of the Sorceres war that killed a lot of people. It shows that people who have a similar/common past don't necessarily grow up to be duplicates. The orphanage element was added to increase the bond between the characters even more. Think about it, at one point they had to risk killing the very person who took care of them when they were kids, don't you think that adds more to the story? Later on, Squall is faced with the fact that he might have to kill Rinoa for the same reason they attacked Edea. As repeated by other FF8 fans here, FF8 has a greater focus on the character's plots, basically giving the story like 9 major plots. The fact that the element of time was added gives even more depth to the story, making you think more about who may be related to who.

I'd also like to further enforce the fact that FF8 tended to be more popular among romantics and deep people than other Final Fantasys'.

Hellfire, I didn't think that characters in a game could be too 'real' Isn't real better than fake?

God of HellFIRE
08-26-2002, 08:38 PM
not really...

Because this is supposed to be a fantasy (Final Fantasy) where the most unbelieving things happen and in FF8 the people are TOO real I see gardens as improved high schools where they also teach how to fight and things like that, the cities are too normal (futuristic of course but normal...)... do you know what I mean?

FF7 is a little different like Barret as a gun instead of an arm , RED XIII is kind of a lion , vincent is a living-dead , cait sith is a stuffed animal. The characters are different from what we're used to see... and even the places: Midgar is like the center of the world, North Corel is a city that was destroyed and is now just some acampment, Cosmo Canyon is a city built over a canyon... These things are why FF7 is really a fantasy!

I think reality is cooler when we go to games as RE because there the poiny i actually for you to "believe" that there are zombies(of course I'm exagerating) and get scared in the game...

that's what I meant when I said FF8 is too real... Of course FF8 is a fantasy because there are the magics , the gfs, and it's a story that was invented...

Ah another thing I was disapointed in FF8 , the roll of Laguna in the story... Well if Squall dreamed about him all the time then when the two met I thought there would be awesome revelations or that something really excitting was going to happen but...

Don't misunderstand me please all the FF8 lovers, I love the story of FF8 too and I think is very involving as well, I'm only saying that I liked FF7 best!
I'm just doing a kinda hard critic to FF8 because that's the point of the thread isn't it??

Joeshie man you're nervous!! calm down!!

08-26-2002, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by OnlySquared

Oh man, geesh. Just because at one point in each character's life they were together doesn't necessarily mean they're all the same. I'm sure they wern't born in the orphanage, afterall, the reason for them being there was because of the Sorceres war that killed a lot of people. It shows that people who have a similar/common past don't necessarily grow up to be duplicates. The orphanage element was added to increase the bond between the characters even more. Think about it, at one point they had to risk killing the very person who took care of them when they were kids, don't you think that adds more to the story? Later on, Squall is faced with the fact that he might have to kill Rinoa for the same reason they attacked Edea. As repeated by other FF8 fans here, FF8 has a greater focus on the character's plots, basically giving the story like 9 major plots. The fact that the element of time was added gives even more depth to the story, making you think more about who may be related to who.

I'd also like to further enforce the fact that FF8 tended to be more popular among romantics and deep people than other Final Fantasys'.

Hellfire, I didn't think that characters in a game could be too 'real' Isn't real better than fake?

Resident Evil sucks complete ass, there are too many games of that evil zombie attacks hero with gun type, and it get quiet boring...anyway

...Fantasy does not mean you have to have unicorns flying and then have a person turn into a lion with wings and be thrown into an alternate universe with all kinds of special effects.

Go look up the definition, my writer side is quiet sick of the limited view that fantasy means dragons with knights and castles, it's quiet annoying. Incase you havn't noticed, Square is trying to push people into realising that that is not what fantasy is about. What happens in FF8 can't happen in real life, and the plot and world is basically a dream world (although able to relate more to our real world), it is still a fantasy, you can't make a fantasy too real. It's better that a fantasy seems more realistic than having fake responses in characters. There's also nothing wrong with having people look like people instead of 3demensioned anime characters whose bodies look like flicted lego blocks.

You also are misinformed, it was Ellone who brought Squall (and friend's) conciousness into Laguna (and friend's) minds...Why should there be some huge revelation when they meet? If I met somebody who I kept getting sent inside of back in time (after finding out it was someone who was doing it to me) I really don't think some huge thing would necessarily happen, at least not with those personalities involved. Maybe you would suddenly say, "who the hell are you, blah blah blah" even though you already knew that Ellone sent you into Laguna's mind hoping you could change the past, or at least help her remember. Why would something exciting happen. The most I would have expected was a long emotional sequence that restated everything that was already said about that subplot.

Also in FF7, Cait Sith isn't a stuffed animal, the big thing at the bottom is really a robot and the guy on top is the actual character (who is alive, not a fluftoy). The akward character designs don't make a fantasy, neither does the fact that a town was built over a canyon make it a fantasy. All that matters is that if the world elements are seen in reality or not. Right now we do not see underground cities that have it's own daylight atmosphere, We do not see school's flying. We do not see school's that train people to fight sorceres (that are also not in reality). We do not see giant forces manifest themselves physically to deal a heap of dammage to our foes, we do not see gunblades that actually work, we do not see the monsters that are in FF8, we do not see magic, we do not have people who can send your conciousness into somebody elses, we do not have invisible cities with blue translucent roads and cars that hover, we do not see red spaceships with arms that can also fly around the world and land and takeoff from anywhere, and we rarely see people so closely bonded together as we did in FF8 (giving it a dreamy outlook on what could be possible). There are enough elements here to prove that FF8 earns the Fantasy genre just as much as FF7.

God of HellFIRE
08-26-2002, 10:39 PM
I think this is an unfair discussion because I'm portuguese and I don't talk english that well so I can't explain myself clearly and you guys are misunderstanding what I'm trying to say so I guess this discussion doesn't have a point!!

OF COURSE things that DO happen in FF8 DON'T happen in real world!! that's logic!! I don't have more words to describe what I'm trying to say and since you guys ARE NOT trying to understand me and think of me as a FF8 hater WHAT IS NOT TRUE I think I won't post more in this thread...

08-27-2002, 04:01 PM
Sorry, Hell fire, I get what your saying, I doubt you'll get around to reading this. But I think what you're saying is that Final fantasy 7 and 8 are two totaly different stories and you just happen to lilke 7 more because it just so happens to fit your "idea" of what fantasy should be. If we were all to say what our idea of fantasy was, we would all say something different. And you just think that 7, has more ideal fantasy qualities to meet your intrests. I hope I got it right.

08-27-2002, 09:22 PM
Also in FF7, Cait Sith isn't a stuffed animal, the big thing at the bottom is really a robot and the guy on top is the actual character (who is alive, not a fluftoy).
:::SPOILERS, if you haven't played all of FF don't read:::

Sorry, but I don't think this is right. The entire body is a toy, controlled by Reeve from Shinra headquarters. If not, why would he sacrifice the entire thing in the Temple of the Ancients and then another just comes along and replaces it. It's a toy.

08-31-2002, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042

:::SPOILERS, if you haven't played all of FF don't read:::

Sorry, but I don't think this is right. The entire body is a toy, controlled by Reeve from Shinra headquarters. If not, why would he sacrifice the entire thing in the Temple of the Ancients and then another just comes along and replaces it. It's a toy.

Yes, but it's not a stuffed animal. and I specifically remember reading somewhere that the black cat with the megaphone on top is who controls the thing on the bottom after he decides to join Cloud's group.

09-01-2002, 04:07 PM
I read that too. I think they say it in the little manual thingy on the cover that you get with the game.

09-01-2002, 06:04 PM
Hmmm, okay, I'll buy that. I guess that means then that Reeve managed to find another cat though, since the first definitely sacrificed himself for the planet. Anyways, enough of that, back on topic I guess.