02-13-2002, 12:04 AM
Who was the best villan in here and who had the most power?

02-13-2002, 01:03 AM
The hardest 4 me wuz Sephiroth cuz his pale horse attack (or whatever it wuz called) really hit me hard.

02-13-2002, 01:26 AM
Id say Ultimecia myself. I had more trouble with her then Sephiroth or Kuja. I can't say for Kefka cause I never did completely finish the game and I am sure that first battle wasn't the last with him. I beat Sephiroth the second time I fought him (with not cheats or hint guides). As for Ultimecia I always died when Griever did that super attack cause he did more damage the I had hp. I finnally ended up *gasp* having to cheat to get past that part. I just didn't get into the sucking magic from fiends and useing it for stats.

02-13-2002, 09:09 AM
sephiroths my fav villian not only from the ff games but in every thing!!! eg movies,books, next door neighbor *ahem*. he is just so cooool. also, ultimecia was quite tough to fight against. (well that was before i figured put the easy was to beat her) well thats my to cents worth.

02-13-2002, 10:00 AM
Kefka !!! He's the best, he's true evil.. reaches his ultimate goal and his lines are just soo good :)
He's the most diabolik villian other then that, probaly Kuja.. since he has the same style and evilness outlook like Kefka :D

02-13-2002, 01:53 PM
Uh.. I'm not really fond of who vs. who threads, but I'm gonna have to say Kuja here :D
The reasons? Well.. like I've said a thousand times before.. He's kawaii, cuddly.. Like when you see him, you just wanna take him out of the game and hug him.. ^__^

I dunno who had the most power.. Seeing as the magic and battle system is kinda different in all of those games, you can't really compare them.

socks are kiff
02-13-2002, 03:11 PM
kefka for me was the best, because i actually got that "i saved the world" feeling when i killed him at the end and beat the game.

i never finished ff8 or ff9, so i can only compare sephiroth and kefka. sephi was tough, but i didn't really get the same feeling of accomplishment that i got from beating kefka.

kefka was purely evil. sephiroth had an admirable quality to him, and that made him less evil, IMHO.

02-13-2002, 04:09 PM
They are all pretty easy to beat, but my favorite is Kuja.

02-13-2002, 04:38 PM
my fave is Kuja, cause i like the music that comes on whenever he comes on, and Seph he is cool :D

02-13-2002, 04:44 PM
I would say Sephy, he has a cool long hair, also a long katana(Handsome too).

Bahamut ZERO
02-13-2002, 06:14 PM
I'm going to have to disregard Kefka from the start, as I haven't played Final Fantasy VI yet. (Hurry up and release it in the UK Square!!!) I don't rate Ultimecia too highly as a villain as her role in the game wasn't revealed until towards the end of Final Fantasy VIII.

**Minor Spoilers, followed by a major one.**

That leaves Sephiroth and Kuja. I like BOTH these guys. Both are misguided to their true identity. Both go insane after discovering the truth. Sephiroth is trying to destroy the world to become a God. Kuja is trying to destroy the Universe because it doesn't deserve to exist without him.

In the end, I'd have to go with Sephiroth. The reason that I go for Sephiroth is because he killed Aeris. Aeris had been one of my favourite characters, so Sephiroth going to this length to achieve his plan makes me hate him even more, and make him the better villain of the series.

02-13-2002, 07:41 PM
Sephiroth was the evilest villian but his fighting was'nt that great he was too easy, the same for Kuja, and for Kefka I don't know about because I live in Britain, but Ultimecia was the hardest final boss. But Sephiroth was the best villian.
But do you know where the name for his sword came from.


EDIT by Serienne: <font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">Editing so it fit on one screen length...

02-13-2002, 08:34 PM
Kefka was by far the best villan of em all, but Ultimeca had the most power, Kefka was a little weakling.

02-15-2002, 05:46 AM
i would have to say sephiroth he adds to the story well adn is very evil with thats what clouds rivels sould be right?

Divine Strike
02-15-2002, 05:36 PM
I haven't played FFVI, so kefka is out......Ultimacea had the most power, Sephiroth was just plain evil, Kuja had sweet moves such as Ultima and Flare Star.

I liked Kuja better than Sephiroh but Sephiroth was a better villain.

02-16-2002, 12:35 AM
Well quite honestly, Seymour proved to be the most troublesome for me. But if you want to choose between your selections, then i'd say ultimecia!

02-17-2002, 09:34 PM
Sephiroth is just the coolest villian in any game I have ever played. That big sword is just too cool. rated Sephiroth as the second coolest villian of all time.

Nanaki XIII
02-18-2002, 03:37 AM
The hardest choice me for is between Sephiroth or Kefka. Sephiroth is just plain cool. But you dont get much crazier than the famous psycho Kefka. Not even Norman Bates is up to Kefkas standards. But I must say Sephiroth thakes the gold for best villian ever just because of that famous sad scene.

the one
02-18-2002, 02:02 PM
kuja woz so easy as woz kefka.but Ultimecia woz definetly the hardest it took me so many tries to beat her.But the best villian and boss is sephiroth his attacks were hard but nothing compared to Ultimecia.

02-18-2002, 05:51 PM
Kefka, he was funny, evil, dirty. and He showed his face from the beggining and the laugh...ha.

02-20-2002, 01:15 AM
i cant spell the name but its from ffx its unalesca or whatever that thing is hard as hell!

02-20-2002, 01:30 AM
Sephiroth really didn't frighten me, I beat him on my first try, the guy is pretty cool, but he's not that cool. His real objective is pretty cloudy, but he's evil no doubt Ultimecia was tough and a bitch, but I whooped her good with Irvine's limit break and it was over quickly...she definitly wanted all SeeDs to die though. I thinkb y far that Kuja sucks most, he doesn't really strike me as a jerk, he just seems to me like some little kid who wants to play around and stuff. Kefka is the best villian, I think, because he's a psycho and he gradually grows to being a super psycho, he gains more and more power, but he still has trouble harnessing it so that makes it a little more realistic and a little cooler than the rest, he's not like this invincible freak guy, but he's still pretty's an easy fight in the snow field also his laugh is awesome and his evilness shows through, especially at the end of the floating continent Kefka should die and burn, but he's cool

"He was such an angry, angry young man"

02-23-2002, 12:26 PM
the only one that i didnt like was Ultimecia, which ironically was the only one i found hard to beat. the coolest one though would have to be Sephiroth, coz he had the best background (and one winged angel looked cool as hell).

02-23-2002, 07:38 PM
I like Ultimecia. She was good being evil and she was reasonably strong during battle.

02-24-2002, 08:25 AM
I've played FF7,8,9 but the final boss always make me down, since they're weaker than the quest's boss

02-28-2002, 11:50 AM
I'll have FF6 soon, but I dont have it yet so I dont know about Kefka. Out of Sephiroth, Ultimecia and Kuja, Seph was the best because he was the most evil, but the hardest one was Ultimecia.

02-28-2002, 04:27 PM
I like sephiroth the best because of the way he keeps appearing in clouds dreams and the way he drives cloud insane i thought that was a great part of the story. I also liked the reunion part were all the guys in black are being drawn to him, makes him seem like hes a God already. But if u had knights of round he was stupidly easy

I also liked the 1 on 1 showdown at the end between him and cloud

03-02-2002, 02:41 PM
I HAVE FINAL FANTASY VI NOW, and to say from my earlier post I still think that Sephiroth is eviler, though I have'nt completed FFVI I'm sure that the plot will develop more round Kefka (I hope),


the poisoning of Doma was pretty evil!!!

03-02-2002, 11:31 PM
I like Kefka the best, the laugh made him so great, just a cheap little MIDI laugh and a plan to rule the world, that's all that guy needed, plus Sephiroth's a dick who's in love with his mother, Kuja's a "pretty-boy" and Ultimecia is BARELEY in the game!!

"Ah how I yearn for the days when RPG villians antogonized you throughout the game":D

03-03-2002, 02:38 AM
Best Villain - Kefka. Why? He did not just crave power for his own self-want...but he killed people for the sheer FUN of it. This makes him more evil than any of the others.

03-03-2002, 03:07 PM
:eye: I can't beleive that any one who owns FFVI would choose any one but Kefka ....
Aren't we talking about difficulty, Evil, and deceit? Not who looks cooler, but Who is the better bad guy!
If you were,say,Terra or Locke you wouldn't take Kefka so lightly...

Imagine A Really,Really POWERFUL PHSYCO who is being treated like a god (and nearly is a god) with the ability to burn towns to the ground at his whim....
He kills for pleasure, not power...(unlike Sephiroth, he already IS a god.)And HE is Your ENEMY!!


He changed the face of the earth!!! I know that sephiroth would too (with meteor), but kefka's crazier, more evil, and much more developed in his plan!!!

Consider it,please.

03-05-2002, 04:38 AM
Hmmmm..... my decision is between Kefka and Sephiroth....Kefka had a better personality and made you laugh every time he did something evil..but Sephiroth inspired more hatred in me...I truly hated him and couldn't wait to rip his guts out in the final boss battle so I have to go with Sephiroth on this one.

Neo Xzhan
03-06-2002, 09:17 AM
My favorite is definetly Sephirtoh he has one of the coolest Summons the Super Nova and it hurts like hell so better get urselves good equiped he's commin' to get ya.

03-09-2002, 04:55 AM
Supernova is actually pretty weak. To me at least Im at level 81 :p Use 2 Omnislashes or 1 KotR and hes dead. I just beat 8 today and Im on the 3rd disc in XI. Cant talk much about Kuja and nothing about Kefka because I havent played XI (btw does anyone know where I can get a copy af Anthology?) I never really HATED Sephiroth. I got pissed off about the Areis thing but all it really did was made me sad. Your real enemy is Jenova. Sephiroth was just manipulated and went insane.

03-09-2002, 07:58 AM
I'd say kefka..just because he's DA MAN!

nah, but him becoming a god after the end of the world has some weight to it..besides, he was the very first last boss I beat in the FF Series (or was it nintendo game?)..

03-09-2002, 01:41 PM
Kuja was cool, 'cause he made ppl suffer, killed them, and laughed! :D Sephiroth wasn't really bad, 'cause he was made to be like that. Ultimecia was one helluva wimp... Didn't like her at all...

03-09-2002, 05:26 PM
This is my Final Analysis:-

Kefka - His intentions were good, but he never really came close to being the supreme evil, the final battle was quite easy so that let him down a bit, he looked too much like a clown so you can't take him seriously.

Kuja - Did'nt have a clear plan, because first it was to make people insane or what ever, but then it changes and want's to destroy the world, and he looked like a pansy.

Sephiroth - Is very evil you might not of heard what he was saying but when you read his word he just had pure evil in him, you can tell quite clearly. The battle against him was'nt that hard which lets him down a bit. He is the evilest looking, the whole black cloke, and he had the best sword ever in an Final Fantasy game. He just came out as a very evil guy. Plus his intentions are very clear TO BECOME A GOD.

Ultimecia - The hardest last boss, but you don't know enough about her to hate her, yeah she may of controlled people but it's not something that makes you hate a person. She did have quite a clear intention, but you don't find out about it until near the end of the game.

So the best/evilest person has to be Sephiroth, he was just evil through and through.

03-11-2002, 07:14 PM
I'd have to go with Sephiroth. Bizarro Seph. was kinda easy but then came Safer Seph. He used Super Nova and then he used Pale Horse. Ouchie Wawwa! which brings me to:

Can Super Nova really do what it did in the game? And if it could, why didn't Sephiroth use it instead of Meteor?

03-11-2002, 07:53 PM
Well, difficulty wise, I'd have to go with none of them since they are all overly easy. But, as far as evilness, KEFKA! Once I finished the game I remeber thinking, Laugh at that you f***ing piece of s**t! he was the very essence of evil!

03-12-2002, 03:01 PM
I don't yet have FF10, but iv'e seen pictures of the villain, Seymour. I know you cant judge someone one from how they look, but from those pics I get the feeling that he is a pretty good villain.

03-12-2002, 05:59 PM
Kefka said the best stuff. Every word that came out of his mouth was pure evil, but a different sort of evil from sephiroth and Kuja. It was a "I'm Crazy and I should be shot out back of the barn" evil. He wasn't that strong himself, he was just able to control and manipulate others well.

As for Kuja he was a pansy. I beat him no problem. With out the power of others he was nothing.

Sephiroth was hell bent on becoming a god. He was evil, but in a "layed back, everything is going as planned" sort of way.
Plus the black cloak and Masamune made him way cooler/eviler/stronger looking.

So, I'd go with Sephiroth.

03-18-2002, 12:01 AM
Sephiroth, definitley. Mysterious, powerful...and a jerk :p

Kuja would come in second..he's just cool.

Divine Strike
03-18-2002, 12:28 AM
I like the Villains that are Crazy, Insane, and ones that don't know what to do with themselves.

03-23-2002, 11:53 AM

03-24-2002, 06:46 AM
Kefka was by far the more cynical and devious of the bunch , he actually wanted to dominate the world for himself hell he even had followers ( fanatics tower ) :D , and look at the guy lol he looked like an insane clown.

But as far as looks lol id say seph looked more like a lost soul and his reasons werent so sinister he was actually more or less trying to become mother earth LOL

Kuja had sex appeal i dunno i guess evil but not scary.

The hell with Ultemecia ( doesnt like ff8 ) Ultimecia is an undeveloped villian..e'nuff said.

03-24-2002, 11:47 PM
his sword and his long black coat with his white hair just make him look evil yet cool
and he destroys the solar system so he has lots of power

03-26-2002, 01:59 AM
I have to say Kefka: Insane psycho, pure evil and killing for fun, and his laugh!

I never really hated Sephiroth exept when he killed Aries...

Nanaki XIII
03-27-2002, 04:01 AM
Its always been between Kefka and Sephiroth. Kefka has always been a pure villian, but Sephiroth is way cool. If were talking about fav charcters out of them its Sephiroth, but favorite villian is Kefka.