05-27-2005, 02:40 PM
Alright saw when you beat the game you see that midgar was pretty much destroyed and abandoned. Hinting on what happened that you didnt see after beating the game. Here is what I think Happened To the Characters.

Nanaki- Of course we see Nanaki with his two young ones running with him upon a mountain to see midgar. So we assume he found a mate.

Cloud ad Tifa- Im thinking Cloud moved back to niblheim with Tifa and they married living in tifa or clouds old home.

Cait Sith- Well we can guess that Cait Sith was no more put to use as reeve probaly had no more use for him. Or maybe he made him his servant.

Cid- Probaly went back to Rocket Town to settle down with a wife (shella maybe) and work on his Highwind or maybe even build a better one.

Vincent- Went back to the niblhiem mansion but no to sleep this time but to live there. By helping cloud and the others, visiting Lucrecia and defeating Hojo and sephiroth as well as ending shrina for good he has probaly gotten over his past grievances. (Still a gloomy place to live in)

Yuffie- Assuming went back to Wutai to live her life as a materia collector and the remain with her father.

Barret- Went back to his old town with his daughter Marlene to restore its condition and start up mining again now that shinra is finished.

Whats your take on what happened to the characters? Think you got a better idea of what happened to them?

05-27-2005, 05:20 PM
why dont you just look into advent children? it tells you exactly what the characters do....cloud lives on his own, tifa owns a pub and looks after orphans, barrret is looking for a new energy sorce to replace mako, vincent is traveling the world looking for information about geostigma, yuffie is still obsessed with materia and is still looking for it, and i cant remember hwat cid is doing, and it doesnt tell you about red13 and cait sith because apparently there not in the film:S

05-27-2005, 05:45 PM
why dont you just look into advent children? it tells you exactly what the characters do....cloud lives on his own, tifa owns a pub and looks after orphans, barrret is looking for a new energy sorce to replace mako, vincent is traveling the world looking for information about geostigma, yuffie is still obsessed with materia and is still looking for it, and i cant remember hwat cid is doing, and it doesnt tell you about red13 and cait sith because apparently there not in the film:S

Red is in the movie but your right, no metion of cait sith.

05-27-2005, 05:58 PM
That poor dressmaker in Sector 6 never saw it coming. Thankfully, Square has been toying with giving him his own N-Gage title, Final Fantasy VII: Fury Crocheting. I think they should go ahead with it, since you know as well as I do that no number of titles or amount of saturation regarding the world of Final Fantasy VII can possibly be enough!

the guy watching you
05-27-2005, 06:35 PM
Red is in the movie but your right, no metion of cait sith.

they might not mention him really,but there are pics of cait sith riding red13's back,so cait will be in advent children...HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA

Master Nabeshin
05-27-2005, 07:28 PM
Cloud and Tifa had children. They were all obsessed with large swords. Yuffie was captured and held by Don Conero. Red XIII found another of his species and began the repopulation. Vincent continued to suffer until the sun burnt out. Cid made it to the moon, only to lock himself out of the lunar lander. Barret started a Child Day Care center. Aerith continued to be dead. Cait Sith was forgotten and died like Elvis did.
And then they died after long, (somewhat) happy, productive lives (except Yuffie).

05-28-2005, 12:43 PM
Err Ill have to look more into Advent Children. Interesting ideas so far though. Who has got more?

05-28-2005, 07:16 PM
these arnt ideas these are facts and there is nothing about red13 n cait sith even though i know in the movie....any sites with information on them would be very much welcomed

05-29-2005, 08:08 AM
Hey guess they are hard facts now due to advent children. But even so its fun to have your own opinions on what you think happened to them or you thought should of happened to them.

05-29-2005, 06:48 PM
true cant argue there...i used to think about it before AC but now i think that square made the right choices so i dont think about anymore.

Atom Narmor
06-02-2005, 09:29 PM
Cloud is infected with geostigma. Vincent tells him his body is overcompinsating to its unwelcomed visiter. He also wares an arm band or bangle to cover his illness; making him weaker and extremely volnerable to mako energy and enemy attacks. I don't believe Cloud uses magic anymore either, due to stigma so he dawns 2 swords to compensate and seems to have an inner power from his past infusion with mako. In the latest trailer u see him on his knees alot even in front of Vincent; so that's ample reason to think that he's on his last hero run.

He'll need that cursed bike Fafner and "AVALANCH" to merc the Sephiroth clones and Bahamat but in the end Tifa will carey his sword home in memorial. Sephiroth is in the trailer so I think he's probably re-incarnated some how(Vincent states that it's possible), so Cloud will probably die delivering the coup degrace joining Aeris in the life stream. In the latest FF game Vincent will probably solve the geostigma deal curing all the inhabitants and that's that.

Nanaki 13
06-02-2005, 10:18 PM
what is advent children anywhey? how do i see it? thanks. =)

06-02-2005, 10:25 PM
what is advent children anywhey? how do i see it? thanks. =)

you cant yet its not out yet...your one of the luky ones whos only just heard of it...unlike some who have known about it for 2 years...cof cof me cof cof...but anyways if you want to find out more go to




Atom Narmor
06-03-2005, 04:19 PM
Don't worry about it Red, to tell you the truth it would be better that you didn't see any footage yet. You'll go insane waiting like the rest of us. I've known about this flick also for about 2-3 years and actualy forgot about it, now that i'm back on the web it was only a matter of time before I bumped into the insanely great consept again. I found good long trailers for FF AC, but I don't know how to post sites like slash n nem. Help me help you!!

06-03-2005, 09:22 PM
Just get more info on or about advent children

06-04-2005, 05:15 AM
Im sorry people but in regards to what happens to the characters.....doesn't the final movie sequence come up with the subtitle or wtever saying...."500 years later" ?
Am i wrong? If i am...som1 wanna clear that up 4 me?

Atom Narmor
06-04-2005, 05:35 PM
doesn't the final movie sequence come up with the subtitle or wtever saying...."500 years later" ?
Am i wrong? If i am...som1 wanna clear that up 4 me?

if you mean the game/movie sequence, yes. They actualy do show you Midgar 500 years later in the game, but Advent Children takes place 2 years after the events in FF VII. This movie is more so a sequal and brings closure to it all.

06-04-2005, 06:58 PM
Cait Sith went on to make DOC with Vincent :-P

06-04-2005, 08:34 PM
Cait Sith went on to make DOC with Vincent :-P
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Nice ending!

06-04-2005, 08:35 PM
Cait Sith went on to make babies with Vincent :-P


06-04-2005, 08:39 PM
Cait Sith went on to make DOC with Vincent :-P

And it better have been worth it.

06-04-2005, 09:55 PM
why dont you just look into advent children? it tells you exactly what the characters do....cloud lives on his own, tifa owns a pub and looks after orphans, barrret is looking for a new energy sorce to replace mako, vincent is traveling the world looking for information about geostigma, yuffie is still obsessed with materia and is still looking for it, and i cant remember hwat cid is doing, and it doesnt tell you about red13 and cait sith because apparently there not in the film:S

Advent Children is sacrilege and I think it is much better to guess what they are doing.
Advent children is not a sequel to FF7, there will never truly be a sequel OK!

06-05-2005, 02:39 PM
Advent Children is sacrilege and I think it is much better to guess what they are doing.
Advent children is not a sequel to FF7, there will never truly be a sequel OK!

Are you serious?!
Who are you to say that AC is not a sequel?
It`s Square-Enix`s franchise and they can realy do what they want, plus
i happen to think FFAC looks great.

I understand that some people may not accept it but no matter what
anyone says, it`s a sequel.

06-05-2005, 05:32 PM
It is cry-worthy! It shouldn't be made and I will try not to accept any of these FF7 spin offs as real FF7 games!

06-05-2005, 05:34 PM
Wow. You're even pathetic for a fanboy.

06-05-2005, 06:06 PM
lol, I am not obsessive or anything but it just saddens me to see such shameless moneymaking on behalf of Square-Enix. They are ruining the whole FFVII thang.

06-05-2005, 06:08 PM
It's hard to ruin something that sucked in the first place.

06-05-2005, 06:46 PM
It's hard to ruin something that sucked in the first place.

prak i have a question...why do you think ff7 sucked?

06-05-2005, 06:52 PM
It's well-documented, but I'll recap.

One-dimensional characters, pitiful pacing, a villain that's less threatening than your average roll of toilet paper, awful scripting, even worse translation, bugs in the materia system, incomplete story...

Shall I go on?

06-05-2005, 07:01 PM
It's well-documented, but I'll recap.

One-dimensional characters, pitiful pacing, a villain that's less threatening than your average roll of toilet paper, awful scripting, even worse translation, bugs in the materia system, incomplete story...

Shall I go on?

I disagree with a lot of that, although i agree with some of it too.
I thought the charactes were great, apart from Cait sith, Yuffie and Aeris.
Also, although i didn`t find Sephiroth threatening i felt that he was very
myterious and at the end of the game when he is finnaly revealed, now
that was very threatening.

06-05-2005, 07:05 PM
Trust me. Don't disagree with Prak. The battle can go on forever... :)

06-05-2005, 07:10 PM
Trust me. Don't disagree with Prak. The battle can go on forever... :)

To each his own i suppose.

Nanaki 13
06-05-2005, 08:55 PM
hey, did jenova die or what anyway?
i mean you dont see a dead blob of gooy strucsure do you?

06-06-2005, 09:24 AM
Hahaha dam my thread is going a little bit off topic heh