12-15-2018, 09:58 PM
Hi there everyone, how's it goin. First off I want to apologize for my absence on here. Its been rough time since the end of summer with one family tragedy after another. Mainly been working full time trying to help wherever I can so that my family can get past these emotional times. Hopefully by the new year things will start finally to recover and return to spending more time doing what I enjoy most again.

Anyway, I came across the files from the UbiSoft game based on the hit anime "Naruto: The Broken Bond" which is the sequel to the successful "Naruto: Rise of a Ninja" game. The music within the game contains cues that never release publicly by the show's original composer, Toshiro Masuda. Also newer cues composed by 'Fallout 3" composer Inon Zur that were made for the game itself. The only problem is that I found files within the game's iso but don't have anything in my computer that could either decode or rip them. There are 2 files each ending with the file format SRA and haven't had any luck in finding any additional info about it. If someone could help me with ripping the music along with naming them based on the moments from both the anime and game that would be freakin awesome. Just click on the picture for the link to them.


12-16-2018, 12:34 AM
thank u for sharing
how do u play them

12-16-2018, 01:11 AM
Don't know, figured it best to find the solution is posting them on here and see if someone can access and rip the music from the files in question.

12-20-2018, 01:22 PM