11-27-2018, 08:48 AM
Hi !

I want to make a complete soundtrack, but I don't know how. Is it possible to have some advices ?

If possible, I want to rip the music without SFX, or in a minimum quantity. I think there is this possibility if we choose a specific chanel in the audio folder of the DVD.

Thanks in advance.

11-27-2018, 09:40 AM
It all depends on what the mix is - if the DVD is mono, there's no chance of getting a fully clean mix on your own - believe me, I've tried, and it's possible, but it's never anywhere near perfect - if it's stereo you might be able to get some slightly distorted but mostly clean instrumentals out of it, and if it's a 5.1 or 7.1 surround then that's your best bet as most of the music should be on it's own in the side channels, unless it had a really good soundmixer in which case the music will probably be covered in ambient sound effects and occasionally vocal remnants.

However, without wanting to come across as too blunt here, I might hesitantly suggest that if you're having to ask this sort of question, you're probably going to feel rather out of your depth unless you're prepared to study how this sort of thing works for at least a month or two beforehand. You might be better off getting someone else to do it on your behalf, or even better, seeing if someone has already done it.

Which film are you trying to isolate the music stem from, if I may ask? You didn't mention it in your post (it's a slightly important detail, lol).

11-27-2018, 05:35 PM
Thanks for your answer. I want to isolate the soundtrack of La petite Dorrit (French version, Dolby Digital 2.0). The music is composed by John Lunn and not available in any support...

11-29-2018, 10:35 AM
DVDAR is what I use.

11-29-2018, 02:24 PM
Thanks for the tips !

Prince Jay
11-29-2018, 03:22 PM
I think I made a blog about this......
“How To Make A Complete Score” - I know it’s not a score, but that could be of use as well!