11-27-2018, 01:04 AM
So this is a work in progress as I'm renaming every file myself from the Ultimate Rip, I plan to work on doing every single song old and new remixed or not. I will seperate the files by series and work from there and...maybe pretty up the post a bit more as I work on it, right now however more focused on getting this done, it may end up being one set per day (And if I have the extra time that day, maybe 2 or more sets!) All files are titled, with their arranger tagged and noted if it's a remix, or an original track.

If anyone wants to make a nice little post format and send it to me to save me time from doing it myself (Because I suck at designing posts) That'd be great!

Note: This is not for people that already own 64-3DS/WII U's soundtrack, there is already a topic dedicated to only new Ultimate Remixes/Originals this is for people who want a full collection of all of smash's music that is in Ultimate, even the re-used and original tracks. Not only that I took it to a bit more care for the original tracks to list exactly what game they originate from. So if people wish to check out the soundtrack for that specificc game they'll know where the original track came from!

Side - Mario (

Side - Donkey Kong (

Side - Yoshi (

Side - Kirby (

Side - Zelda (

Side - Metroid (

Side - F-Zero (

Side - Starfox (

Side - Mother (

Side - Animal Crossing (

Side - Fire Emblem (

Side - Kid Icarus (

Side - Pokemon (

Side - Pikmiin (

Side - Warioware (

Side - Splatoon (

Side - Bayonetta (

Side - Sonic the Hedgehog (

Side - Mega Man (

Side - Namco (

Side - Street Fighter (

Side - Metal Gear Solid (

Side - Castlevania (

Side - Retro (

Side - Super Smash Bros 64 (

Side - Super Smash Bros Melee (

Side - Super Smash Bros Brawl (

Side - Super Smash Bros for 3DS / Wii U (

Side - Super Smash Bros Ultimate (

Side - Misc/Other Franchises (

Note: Typo on Lament of Innocence on Castlevania Series will reupload after all the sets are up.

11-27-2018, 01:59 AM
Cool, looking forward to mega man.

11-27-2018, 03:57 PM
Updated with Metroid, sorry it took longer than expected, was going through the whole "Misc" section to get that out the way first, but then came across a couple of songs I had no idea what they belong to, but will work on other series now that I got that big massive one out the way.

11-28-2018, 06:25 AM
Thanks for doing this. Even if I have the others elsewhere, I want a complete collection of everything from this game.

Typo on Lament of Innocence?

11-29-2018, 05:47 AM
Noted on the typo also major update on progress.

Today I uploaded Donkey Kong, but the reason why this took so long was since I had a lot of free time today, instead of working on relabeling the file names after tagging the songs I focused on labeling every song as their info is shown in Smash Ultimate.

All the files have now been tagged so the hard part is done. So expect much bigger lists in the upcoming days!

11-29-2018, 08:11 AM
Hey ! Will you up a file including the whole soundtrack or it will stay franchise by franchise?

11-30-2018, 01:49 AM
Umm I couuuld but it would end up being a 7gb file, when I'm done with the seperate uploads I'll see if I can find a place to upload it as one big soundtrack, otherwise it'll remain seperated.

I added a lot more franchises today, working on more hopefully should have the rest up tomorrow...or the day after

11-30-2018, 04:39 AM
This is pretty good so far!
Can I ask what order the tracks are in? Filename order? Sound Test order? Your own decision?

11-30-2018, 06:13 AM
This is pretty good so far!
Can I ask what order the tracks are in? Filename order? Sound Test order? Your own decision?

Uuuh iirc Filename order which is the order of their debut, all the brawl editions are first, followed by Wii U / 3DS and then all the Ultimate releases. Melee and 64 will have their own folders and thank you!

11-30-2018, 06:29 AM
Looking forward to the Pok�mon set!

11-30-2018, 07:03 AM
Uuuh iirc Filename order which is the order of their debut, all the brawl editions are first, followed by Wii U / 3DS and then all the Ultimate releases. Melee and 64 will have their own folders and thank you!

Thanks for the clarification!

11-30-2018, 05:45 PM
Looking forward to the Pok�mon set!

Added! In fact all the sets are now finished and uploaded1 I was thinking of doing jingles too and I may but it'll take a little bit of extra time.

12-01-2018, 03:29 AM
Added! In fact all the sets are now finished and uploaded1 I was thinking of doing jingles too and I may but it'll take a little bit of extra time.

Thanks a lot! I appreciate it.

12-01-2018, 05:41 AM
Thank you so much for doing this!

12-04-2018, 05:04 AM
Can I ask what the source of your files is?

I am noticing some audio glitches in the Animal Crossing songs, in multiple media players.
It's very noticeable in the KK songs, but there is also a slight glitch in one of the Title tracks and possibly others (I haven't listened too deeply yet).

I have the same thing in the MP3 conversion of the LOPUS files, found here:
Thread 227828

I don't know if you got your files from there as well, or if this is a common glitch in the conversion from the lopus files.

I am not sure how far this extends into other franchises on this game.

12-04-2018, 10:58 AM
Mute City (Melee) and Big Blue (Melee) are missing from the F-ZERO pack.

EDIT: I see these are in the Melee pack.

AJ the Shinigami
12-04-2018, 06:10 PM
Wait, so is this every song from Every Super Smash Bros. Game Ever?

12-04-2018, 07:47 PM
Wait, so is this every song from Every Super Smash Bros. Game Ever?

To add to this, will that include the original versions of the Melee songs and not the cut up versions used in Smash 4 and beyond?

12-05-2018, 07:52 PM
Thank you so much for this. Exactly what I was looking for!

12-13-2018, 02:02 AM
You sir, are a god among men! This was exactly what I was hoping to find. I thought the Final Fanstasy VII was missing, but I found it under other. Seriously, I (and the podcast I am a member of) can not thank you enough!

12-13-2018, 02:02 PM
To add to this, will that include the original versions of the Melee songs and not the cut up versions used in Smash 4 and beyond?

I believe they fixed it for Ultimate where they're now the full versions

Also for the animal crossing issue I definitely hear it myself, the sources are directly from the lopus files but I'll do what I can to replace them with better quality versions.

01-17-2019, 04:18 AM
This is like sittingoncloud's Smash soundtrack, but like, complete. Thanks!