11-25-2018, 08:32 PM

I'm not sure where else to ask this but I've downloaded a file of the soundtrack from Life is Strange: Before the Storm but having not realized the file was password protected I got rid of the tab of the webpage where I got it from, I have already searched for the webpage in my history and downloads with no luck. The file is called 'lisbtsostedit2018.rar' (and it's 372 MB as the original rar file) and I'm pretty sure it either came from mega, if anyone knows where that file came from, who originally created it or what the password would be I would appreciate it if you'd tell me

11-25-2018, 08:50 PM
1. Google "Life is Strange: Before the Storm"
2. Click on "Settings," then "Advanced Search"
3. Add "forums.ffshrine.org" to "site or domain" so that you're only searching the Shrine
4. The results show we have threads with the soundtrack available here (Thread 223288) and here (Thread 223278) and here (Thread 218951) and here (Thread 223263) and here (Thread 219107)
5. Click on the download links in each thread. The second one takes you to the download page for the file "LISBTSOSTEDIT2018.rar." The OP also contains a password. I'm guessing that's where you got it from.

A note: Though not explicitly required, offering a "thank you" to each download thread you use helps the uploader and the community at large in a variety of ways. In this case, it also would have allowed you to immediately find which thread you downloaded the file from.

11-26-2018, 08:28 PM
Thanks for your help