11-24-2018, 04:19 PM
Yet another year is coming to an end soon, so it's about that time to find out what you thought was your 2018 game and soundtrack of the year. Once again, for it to qualify, it has to be a game played and heard in 2018 and not any other. This also goes for older titles that you never heard of until sometime in 2018 that were released before 2018.

Not a real whole lot for me this year compared to the climatic 2017 I had, but my Game of the Year went to Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists & The Mysterious Paintings. I don't remember the last time I had so much fun on an Atelier game compared to the Arland trilogy even though this game had no English VA's. The soundtrack was pretty good too but it doesn't quite compare to Runner3, which earned my Soundtrack of the Year in every respect. The game itself is quite challenging, even the seeming impossible levels, but the beat in each music keeps it entertaining all the way through. The retro variations are also well done.

So, how about you guys?

11-26-2018, 07:00 PM

11-27-2018, 06:41 PM

12-01-2018, 05:03 PM

12-03-2018, 12:27 AM

12-13-2018, 01:52 AM

12-26-2018, 04:27 PM

12-30-2018, 07:59 PM

01-01-2019, 07:05 AM
2019 is here! Hopefully some peeps finally come here before this goes under for the first time in history.

02-06-2019, 02:17 AM
It's actually hard to name a favourite of 2018. I spent an awful amount of time catching up on older titles or being enlightened by older soundtracks, so I'd just have to cherry-pick what comes from the top of my head.

I know JUDGE EYES: Shinigami no Yuigon (To be released as Judgment internationally) came around at the year's end with some very refreshing style from the Ryu ga Gotoku/Yakuza series it's loosely connected to.
Then much earlier, I was scrambling for what could be extracted from Hokuto ga Gotoku/Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise as that one's metal-infused music was a treat from Receive You ~North Star~ ( to a final boss theme that definitely lived up to such expectation (Though I think 'Twin Dragons' for Ryu ga Gotoku 0/Yakuza 0 is a tough peak to rise above). It's a plain shame it hasn't seen a soundtrack releases to date, which I dearly hope changes (Ryu ga Gotoku Kiwami 2/Yakuza Kiwami 2 could do with one too, as it's original tracks have some shining highlights)

Andrew Hulshult ( (Known for DOOM: IDFKA, Brutal DOOM 64, new-3D Realms game soundtracks) struck out with the heavy music for DUSK (, with him set to do so once more for AMID EVIL this year.

And while I haven't dived into the soundtrack past the main theme (I would like to give the game a whirl before spoiling my ears), GRIS came out swinging with a beautiful main theme, which got to be played live (, and it certainly gave me more than one good cry to listen to.

Speaking of tears, Tetris Effect was a pure shocker of a game that not only had verdicts speaking of how it may be one of the best iterations of this enduring game, but 'Connected (Yours Forever)' lovingly stuck in my head since first hearing it as part of Digital Foundry's DF Retro: Tetris! (, then the trailer ( that completely escaped my attention (Especially the End Credits version's richer lyrics that showcasing almost feels a spoiler for the game's potent audio-visual experience).

Otherwise, I was much loving what Jafet Meza has been drip-feeding from their work on Halo fan-game Installation 01's music, with in-progress or finished results that have been an absolute treat to the my Halo-music-loving ears:
Though an unused track (Hopefully temporarily) for Halo-mod SPV3 by Robbie 'Scias' Johnson surfaced in both variants from Jafet Meza, and it's become perhaps my favourite piece of unofficial Halo music to date, in what I can only describe as "A platformer water-level theme adapted for Halo, with guitars": Gravity (Ambient Version) ( & Gravity (Full Version), performed by Scias (

I do believe I missed out on Celeste's music, but that is definitely a game I want to make some special time for, so I can't pass any verdicts on it (Although it's continuing enthusiasm & releases speak very highly of it's resonance).
Meanwhile, I've been passed a glowing example ( for the music of Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom, but I also have yet to give this game my time (Particularly as it has yet to see release on PC, unless I make my ideal console choice anytime soon) and have to hope this one will get an official release in the near future.
And Sonic Mania Adventures kept giving me joy across the year with remixes starting to drip-feed with Big Arms (Remix by Tee Lopes & Jun Senoue) ( the first (I'm sincerely hoping some form of official release, physical and/or digital for the shorts, music and maybe even art assets is provided, as I both really want to show financial appreciation for the project & not depend on YouTube for it's existence).

Otherwise, 2019's got heavy hitters lined up throughout with Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown & Kingdom Hearts III just arrived with soundtrack releases I dearly hope not far behind (Resident New-vil 2 is something I've heard mixed results on, at least regarding it's in-game use), with Devil May Cry 5, DOOM: Eternal, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice ( and perhaps even The Last of Us: Part II among more I'm likely forgetting or yet-to-discover! (A PC port for Spyro: Reignited would certainly be welcome news, then we can at least dive in for the music ourselves should no official release come about).

02-06-2019, 06:48 PM
Nice, dood. I'm hoping for a official soundtrack release on Kingdom Hearts III also. It was very well done this time around.