Bus Driver
05-26-2005, 06:32 AM
Love is the one thing I can never hold onto, I've given away pieces of my heart over the years. But now at this time, knowing the true meaning of love, I wish that we had more time. The very memories we have bring a smile to my face and a tear to my eye at the same time. Having that one person who is willing to listen to your troubles. Holding her hand as we walked under the stars or holding her as the sun rose above the horizon made my heart whole again.

Love is a funny thing, always happening when you least expect it. I never would have guessed that we would ever become so close, our complicated lives already began to draw a line between us. Still we embraced each others friendship, almost as if we had discovered each other through chaos. In the midst of the chaos we found what we had been searching for.

I wish we never had to part, I kissed her hand and let the smile fade from my face as we departed down opposite roads. I told her I would wait, even through the increasing troubles driving us apart. Even through the lies, forgiveness was found. But now the situation is out of my hands and I wait patiently on the other end. I wait knowing that this love could end or continue at any given moment. For once in my life I will take the risk I once feared.

My emotions have been turned and twisted in every direction, all I want to feel now is the peace in my heart. I shall place my faith and trust in another, with no clue of the outcome. I'm tired, so very tired of fighting with love. Fighting to gain the acceptance of love and fighting to make the pain go away. I shall surrender myself to love and face the outcome regardless of what that outcome may be.

I told her, "all I care about is your happiness" , and for once I know truly mean it. Maybe this is end for us, but our memories will live on for an eternity. I know time will not stand still for us, but I will my keep my promise. I will hold on to any shred of hope that remains for us. In the end, life will carry on, and I will be here.

05-28-2005, 10:32 PM
So...what do you want us to do with this?