Chronos X
11-09-2018, 02:56 AM
Took the time to put these two sets together. Apologies, but I couldn't find the two tracks removed from the 2005 rerelease of Onkochishin Nendaiki Castlevania. Breakdown below:

01~13: Akumajo Onkochishin Nendaiki (WDCD-0037, 2011)
14~21: Moe Power: Onkochishin Nendaiki Castlevania (FHCA-0001, 2005). endaikiMoePowerOnkochishinNendaikiCastlevania2018

11-09-2018, 06:50 AM
many grateful thanks my friend

11-09-2018, 09:50 AM
Thanks a lot!

11-12-2018, 10:26 PM
Many thanks, Chronos X!!! +1 added :).

11-12-2018, 11:18 PM
Thanks for the albums. I've even seconded that request. Too bad for the missing tracks! Hopefully one day...

02-19-2019, 09:32 AM
Does anyone know where I can buy this legit? I'm in love with the album, and I'd feel bad not to pay the artist for his/her work.

03-19-2019, 05:38 AM
Update: I now own the CD and have ripped on in FLAC. Unobtanium has somehow been obtained. PM me for...well, you know what :)

Chronos X
05-29-2019, 12:37 AM
New links added.