02-12-2002, 07:07 PM
Jan 10

and what will there be
when the world is blind
and man pure?
when wrethchedness
has destroyed itself...
when there is no more
absolute truth...
what will I toy with?
in what new liquor will
I drown myself with?
must I dive again into
your depths...
in your imaginings?
and will I ever have to
dream of the color of your hair again?

A noisy black sweeps
the grey of my mind
rippling into soft curves
that was your hips,
and the world oblivious
to your waves
I will toy with you...
wretchedness is absolute

I gasp...
your imaginings

When I look at you,
I would push u away
for reasons only i hold
because you are too much
and you are not good enough
as if I am good enough...
you hated him...
or so I imagine.
and yet you're in his arms
because mine are cold
and deaf, and mute and dumb.
when you are most elusive
and yet always by my side
to make me regret
and make me rejoice
that you have been a part of me...
and yet only a friend

Huh pips, wacha think. Sad ain't it, but the saddest thing is its true (sobs), lol

02-13-2002, 09:59 PM
aww.... a very well written poem.... :(

sad... but well written......