05-24-2005, 02:06 AM
If anyone has played this at all please post, as I have no one to talk about it too :(

iconoclastic pastry
05-24-2005, 04:11 AM
I can honestly say that it is one of the worst RPGs i've ever played.


Chaos And Fist
05-24-2005, 04:21 AM
It was my first RPG... and I loved it! Can't go wrong with a mamoth explosion in an ending sequence. Doesn't hold a candle to my trusty FF7, though...

05-24-2005, 08:15 AM
I've played the game finished it, and all i can say that this game was among my favorite rpg! By the way, Rose was my favorite character she's the Black Dragoon here and she's the oldest.

05-24-2005, 08:44 AM
thats a cool rpg dart was cool kongol strange and the whole dad being over a thousand years old kinda kreepy

05-24-2005, 10:23 AM
I love the fact that they have the dragoons plus the old school sprite decals EVERYWHERE! By far one of the greatest RPG's. One of the classics.

iconoclastic pastry
05-24-2005, 10:56 PM
I like how i'm the only one voicing dissent.

Come on people.

The Ricky
05-24-2005, 11:53 PM
I played it 4 years ago, and have done everything I can to forget about this pile of shit known as Legend of Dragoon.

iconoclastic pastry
05-25-2005, 04:55 AM
Thank you.

Darth Revan
05-25-2005, 04:10 PM
I haven't played this game in years... which may be a good thing really. The battle system in it was terrible... even though something similar to it was used in the Shadow Hearts games (But it was a little better in them... the battle system that is.).

I actually did play Legend of Dragoon the other day... after five minutes I put it back in the cupboard and it'll probably never see the light of day again.

Hmm... just reminded myself of what I did with some of the figures from this game. Used them for target practice with a air rifle.

Except for... Shana I think her name was... the one with the bow. I like archery, hell it's one of my hobbies, so that's probably the reason I kept her.

All in all I do not like this game anymore... and I wonder why I even bought it to be honest.

05-27-2005, 12:46 AM
I just bought the new Shadow Hearts: Convenant yesterday. Havent had a chance to play it yet though thanks to uni assignment.

05-27-2005, 03:30 PM
Legend of Dragoon is a classic. The story may have moved a bit slow, but it had fun battles.

05-28-2005, 06:55 AM
I loved that game. I never beat it though because it was way to long and by that time the PS-2 came out.

Chaos And Fist
05-31-2005, 02:51 AM
Anyone who doesn't like LoD obviously has something against ginormous explosions and that's no one you want to know.

iconoclastic pastry
05-31-2005, 05:23 AM
The above post speaks volumes about the fanbase this game has.

05-31-2005, 09:38 PM
If anyone has played this at all please post, as I have no one to talk about it too :(
it was the best rpg i have played when i had my ps1 the strory is pretty well laid out and the dragon transformations are awsome!

Chaos And Fist
05-31-2005, 10:20 PM
The above post speaks volumes about the fanbase this game has.
Oh snap! A kick right to my balls that is...

The Ricky
06-01-2005, 12:58 PM
Anyone who doesn't like LoD obviously has something against ginormous explosions and that's no one you want to know.

I think of LoD as a giant explosion of shit splattering out of a New York Sewer Pipe.

06-02-2005, 07:43 PM

06-10-2005, 10:44 AM
All of you bashing LOD are crazy. It was one of the best rpgs I have ever played besides the FF series. It has good scenery, backrounds, music, story, battle system and characters. I found it highly entertaining. Great cutscenes as well. The battle system allows to use some skill with the timing of attacks instead of just clicking attack or some sort of magic. Excellent idea! Good replay value as well.

Tidus 66
06-10-2005, 01:27 PM
I played the demo and i loved it!!!!! but i never found it on shops :'( Damn you Portuguese game shops

06-12-2005, 10:40 AM
Yes i have played and completed it is was very good, secondary to squares creations themselves.

KODELKA sucked LOD was excelent

06-12-2005, 02:29 PM
LOD kicked ass. had a higher difficulty level as well. thats probably why so many people dont like it, because they couldn't handle it

Darth Revan
06-14-2005, 01:51 AM
Yes i have played and completed it is was very good, secondary to squares creations themselves.

KODELKA sucked LOD was excelent

The reason I don't like Legend of Dragoon is it was too simple for my tastes. The gameplay, battle system and story just didn't have the certain 'something' which hooked me. Also the things which are supposed to be dragons in the game... well, they looked like some kind of nightmarish crossbreeding of dragon and insect. And the dragoons themselves... I admit, I prefer the dragoon job class of the FF games.

Btw, Koudelka was bad, but it's two sequels Shadow Hearts and Shadow Hearts Covenant were pretty damn good.

LOD kicked ass. had a higher difficulty level as well. thats probably why so many people dont like it, because they couldn't handle it

True Legend of Dragoon did have a slightly higher difficulty level, but it was still rather easy to finish, provided you level up your characters to max levels that is.

06-14-2005, 01:35 PM
LOd is a good but average RPG to me. I liked the graphics it had at the time, and I thought some of the story was good. But like another poster said, the begining was pretty slow and the voice acting (especially during attacks like "Har-poon) were grating on my nerves.

I still hope this game gets a sequel though.

President Rufus
06-14-2005, 08:13 PM
I like that game and even my Grandma likes it!!! But its definately on my favirote list

Chaos And Fist
06-15-2005, 01:42 PM
All voice acting in games is bad. No one ever seems to put the right emphasis on what they're saying.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-16-2005, 05:28 PM
It did get a sequel, it sucked balls and no one ever bought it.

Also, Legend of Legaia was much better.

06-16-2005, 05:49 PM
I loved Legend of Legaia. ^o^