10-14-2018, 04:53 AM
Harry Manfredini
Friday the 13th: The Game
2017/2018 (LaLaLand Records)

21 tracks, TRT: 1:43:00, VBR M4A


Fun fact: the game was developed here in my current city of Lexington, Ky.

Too bad about the lawsuits preventing any further development of new material for the game. I was just starting to get the hang of it but decided if that's as good as it's gonna get I'd much rather do something else. I stand by my initial opinion: the music works best within the confines of the game. LaLaLand Records did a good job putting this album together but I'm still very divided on the output on its own. It's not as enjoyable to listen to on its own as the first 6 scores but I can play it in the background while I'm doing random things and it not be too distracting.

I hope you enjoy!